The creation of a structure begins with the drawing-up of a blueprint, illustrating the placement of the materials that will compose the structure. Our Reality construction of Healing begins with the creation of a Blueprint listing the Techniques, Rituals and Suggestions that we will use to create our Positive Reality. The Blueprint for the Reality Construction of healed bodily states is a “living” document, in that it will change from day to day as you gain information about yourself from your experimentation.

Initially it is necessary to create a potent statement of affirmation that you will build to create the Blueprint for The Healing Regimen. The statement should be only a few well-selected words that do indeed epitomize for you the project at hand. It should be a deeply personal and symbolic statement, to the fact that you are identifying as best you can current life issue in emotional terms. It’s extraordinary the lengths we go to for a ‘labor of love’. We happily make sacrifices, suffer hardships and turn away from temptations. We do everything within our power to prove ourselves to be worthy. We put ourselves through hell and high water because we feel such depths of emotion. Yet, we rarely go to such efforts for our own benefit. Is that because we don’t love ourselves enough? Ask yourself what you’d do to help someone who deserved the best. Everything in our created reality is founded in emotion, the emotion of Love. Our health issues are created as we are diverted from Love. With this in mind, we may create our affirmative statement in positive terms, expressing our simple desires with regards to the healing of body, mind and spirit.

An example may be in order here. Suppose a theoretical subject is experiencing the painful symptoms of a degenerative disease of the musculature of their body. Further, let us say that this subject has experienced a traumatic loss in their recent past. Perhaps a loved -one, such as the father or mother or other family member, has made their Transition in an abrupt manner, through a fast-acting illness that took them within a few weeks, or perhaps through an accident of some sort. Now these traumatic losses are always a surprise to the ego/intellect of those who are left behind. However, as we know, Souls choose the time of their departures as well as the circumstances, so the Souls of the departed know that they are merely keeping their appointments in this way.

Yet even though our theoretical subject also knows on a Soul level that their loved-one has simply transferred their energy to the Home Dimension, they are experiencing a Lesson here. The ego/intellect is shocked, outraged, set into a tailspin, so to speak. The grief and other emotions that are triggered by the sudden death serve to take this subject into their Underworld, where they will experience instructional vignettes that illustrate the true nature of the event in a context of the Soul Family. If the subject may literally bring to a halt their Soul’s progression. This cessation of spiritual growth and fulfillment may result in the outward manifestation of this stasis – the atrophy of the musculature of the body.

As you may have noticed, the symptoms and illnesses that humans create within their bodies are often quite literal responses to the perceived traumatic episodes in their lives. But please understand, what one person may perceive as traumatic, another may perceive as business-as-usual. These are deeply personal issues, the creation of imbalances, and should always be addressed as such, taking into account the context of personality, life-style, experiences and all of the other myriad elements that compose the existence of the human.

Now with this in mind, that your health issues are emotionally-based and that some perceived as you know them, write out a few sentences describing the people basis for your malady and what it might look like it if you were relieved of this malady. Remember, you may always return to this statement to add or subtract material.

For example, if our theoretical subject were to write out a Foundational Statement, might read as the following:
Do you see how this statement frames the healing Regimen in term of a journey? Each of you will use your own metaphors and symbols in creating the Foundational Statement.
Write it now.