HYPOTHESIS: Beliefs that support disease may adapt to support healing.

Every thought you entertain within your mental sphere seeks to create itself within the physical or other dimensions, according to the templates of your beliefs about what is possible. Your thoughts of creating a healed physical body, therefore, create your potentially healed body within Dimensional-Realms that exist in probability, just as your thoughts of disease and symptoms create your malady. As you continue to focus in your Ritual fashion upon the creation of manifestation templates with “energy” in the form of Consciousness Units. This ongoing energetic support serves to move the potential reality from the probable Dimensional-Realms into the physical Third Dimensions. As you witness your co-creation of healing, your beliefs will adapt to these astounding new perceptions. The probability of healing becomes possible and finally inevitable. Your beliefs may change from skeptical to ardently supportive in this process.

Knowing this, what do you suppose the healer “sees” when they first look upon the healing or balancing that is taking place within their own system? Now this can be rather tricky to describe and to comprehend. In this case, the healer would INTEND to observe a healing transformation within the biological system. As you know, all of physical reality is a product of consciousness. In the case of the healing of the body, mind or spirit it is precisely the same. Here, your attitude is very important. Your conscious Intent is the most important element in this proceeding. So that when you observe your emerging reality, let us say upon first awakening from sleep, your conscious Intent is that you are very naturally and easily co-creating your emerging reality according to the Blueprint of healing you have decided upon in this project.

As you matter the co-creation of your Personal Reality Field, and you bring conscious awareness to the task a hand, the essentially magical act of healing becomes internalized. Beyond a particular point, you need not even think about it, for it has become automatic. Your beliefs will adapt and you will become more certain of your skills in the creation of the healing moment. You are redefining the templates of creation by making the creation of the healing moment habitual.

Now… identify and list beliefs you feel may be contributing to the creation and perpetuation of the malady. This material may take the form of a narrative or simply a list of short declarative statements. When you feel you have something to work with in this experiment, consider the divine opposites of these statements or a positive counter to the narrative. Write them down next to each other.


You are in your protected state. Using your Inner Senses, relax with your written material and occasionally read out loud or to your self the statements and their divine counterparts. Here your intent many be in support emotionally of the Malady-producing statement of beliefs. So you are making a declaration here that you are changing your beliefs. You are withdrawing the emotional charge, form the one, and you are empowering with your emotional energy the other – the health-creating and sustaining statements or beliefs. The positive suggestion of healthful support will become internalized allowing you to release the malady-creating beliefs. As this occurs you may find that your symptoms change to reflect the changing beliefs.

Disease and symptoms serve very specific purposes, you see. They are the direct reflection of interior processes. They are the physical expression of nonphysical concepts and images.

FINDINGS – Note your beliefs and their adaptations over time.

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