Category Archives: Energy


HYPOTHESIS: Your essential identity is visible in the auric display

Now all of us have the capacity to sense this Auric Display. It is sensed with the Inner Sense of sight, with the eyes open or closed, within a light Trance State.

Here you will be asking the question, “What am I really presenting to potential mates as my Essential Identity? You will be assessing your Essential Identity via the Auric Display and determining the precise quality and expression of your energy through your Emotional Body. This will allow you a benchmark for comparison with future assessments after remedial measures are instituted.

This is how you make progress in these practices. It is where the magic of these techniques is used to greatest advantage. By noting how a particular state of consciousness feels to you, in comparison to another, you get a sense of what is needed to progress further toward your goal.

The success lies in the difference between the two assessments. What is lacking that should be there is put into the mix for future experiments. It could be an image, a feeling, a memory that makes the difference here. These Findings are valuable, in that, they represent your personalized “triggers” that work for you in this project. They trigger the manifestation process for you personally.

If you think in terms of creating supernatural acts, as indeed, that is what you are doing in these experiments, these Findings represent the “magic words, gestures, emotions” that combine to facilitate the creation of the supernatural event.


Now just as we have done in all of our experimentation… Relax. Breath deeply. Focus on your inner world for just a few moments, with the Intention of observing the Auric Display. This is the exact same procedure we have described to you in the past blogs with regards to viewing the Emotional Body. So simply carry your Intention with you into this Trance State for a few minutes please.

There may be resistance here, and this is quite normal. You are “looking for” those aspects of your character that you broadcast through your Auric Display, including those aspects that prevent you from meeting you ideal mate, your Soul Mate. Your ego/intellect may be reluctant to show you this authentic self. Persevere, then, for a few more minutes until you encounter the images and sensations we are describing.

You may witness a reliving of events from your past in which you experienced rejection or possibly triumph in the pursuit of Love relationships. There may come to you brief flashes of these events, giving you a taste, the essence you might say, of the events themselves. You may see lights of various colors that evoke emotional content. This is a common experience. Simply move forward with your investigation with the knowledge that you will remember this material even though it may contain some uncomfortable images and emotions.

When you feel you have received as much information as you need in this experiment, return to surface awareness, bringing with you this information on your Essential Identity.

FINDINGS Document your Findings as best you can.


You have your personalized images, thoughts, and emotions on what constitutes the Soul Mate. We have previously determined what are your “true” personality aspects. You have taken a self-assessment and noted those parts of your personality that assist you and those that do not assist you in the attainment of Love. You are now intentionally empowering an Essential Identity that will contain within it, all of the Attributes that you will use to be recognized by your complementary partner.

Now you are being quite honest here, Dear Blog Reader. You are not hiding from your Issues, nor are you attempting to explain them to yourself in rational terms. You are not making excuses. Here you are using your powerful imagination to imagine a Soul Mate relationship.

Let me explain… As you visualize and empower the image of the Soul Mate you wish yourself to be, you also empower and are able to recognize the Soul Mate you desire. This is the Resonance Phenomenon in action, once again, as we have described to you previously. What is created intentionally and with power on the inner world is manifest in the outer world through Resonance– the electromagnetic assemblage of Conscious Units into Reality Constructs through thoughtful emotional creativity.

In this Trance State you not only envision your improved personality aspects – while, for example, picturing yourself as embodying your new alluring Loving attributes – but you also dramatize with emotion the attainment of the desired relationship in physical reality.

You would thus visualize what your Soul Mate looks like, insofar as physical appearance goes: body type, hair color, eye color, facial features, and so on.

What is the temperament of the desired partner?

What are the occupation and past-time activities of this human? I am certain you can come up with more relevant criteria to fill in the picture here.

Do you see how this unique perspective – the sensing of the Auric Display – may assist you in identifying Soul Mates and Soul Family members? This is the psychic mechanism for the phenomenon you know as “love at first sight.” It is a glimpse through the ego/intellect by the Soul Self. The perception is captured without censoring by the personality. Often prophetic material is presented to the mind’s eye, as in visions of a happy union years in the future when you are mated, perhaps having children, living successfully, and so on.

With this in mind, let us try some experimentation…


Let me clarify this for you. You know that everything that can exist is created NOW, in the eternal moment that holds all. Yet you exist within the confines of a linear time construct that depends on these laws of cause and effect , and others. If it helps you, please think of this Resonance as a process THAT INCLUDES what we call the attractive principle, the principle stated in our so-called Law of Attraction. It exists within the activity of the Consciousness Units. The Consciousness Units are active multi-dimensionally, past, present, and future, in our terms. They express themselves as different Reality Constructs in different dimensions of time. As these units of energy come together through an affinity of shared attributes, THE OPPOSITES ARE ALSO PULLED TOGETHER, expressing what you might call the “glue” of consciousness: that which gives thought form.

This occurs in somewhat the opposite manner as when centrifugal forces separate out the constituents of a liquid substance with matter dissolved within it. Bioelectric forces, meaning, the energies that animate ALL substances, in league with natural cosmic magnetic forces, all at the same time, remember, in this spontaneous process, in a sense, “push and pull” the Consciousness Units into the desired form of consciousness manifestation: consciousness in action, evolutionary consciousness expressing itself in all ways, in all forms, at all times. There is a Holographic Insert attached to this message, if you would care to look for it in your mental environment. Please note my use of the word desired as a pun.


Because my new Blogs are essentially research manuals for the awakening human, we will once again approach our subject in a systematic way. Now… we are learning in this life how to use energy to create what we desire. Given this fact, can we see how our desire for a meeting a human who meets our particular requirements for relationship automatically sets into motion the manifestation of that desired outcome?

It is a subconscious process, one that goes on largely unnoticed. Do we then agree that it is important to be as clear and conscious as we can about what we want to create?


We resonate our world into being according to what we believe is possible. We are Spirit in Flesh. Our ideas and emotions congeal into Reality Constructs. This is Resonance in action.

And further, as a way to illustrate the Resonance construct: if we cultivate a belief in Angels – as many of my Blog Readers do, I am finding – we go a long way towards co-creating with our greater consciousness, the reality of Angels. If we believe that we will die at a certain age, we will possibly resonate that event into actuality.

Beliefs are the determinant values within all Reality Creation by human beings. They are the most powerful constructs in our system. Through the power of our beliefs – the assemblages of images, emotions, concepts, circular thoughts – the electromagnetic phenomenon we refer to as Resonance gains focus and sustaining energy.

We create our reality through the templates of our beliefs. Therefore, know your own mind, own your vision of the beloved Soul Mate. Then don’t be surprised by your creation; it is an exact representation of your true ongoing mental activities.


Now there is an ideal in these matters. These are the basics regarding this theory of mine, and I shall elaborate for a bit, if I may… Remember, Dear Blog Reader, that anything that can occur within our system does indeed occur. ALL probable manifestations are explored by consciousness in terms of Value Fulfillment. All values are fulfilled in all cases.

With this in mind, the Soul Mate could be considered the ideal for the human relationship. As such it exists latently within the pre-manifestation domains: that ethic realm that contains the blueprints for all conceived reality. This ideal stands as an example of what YOU the human individual may co-create with All That Is with regards to the human Love relationship.


Now, do you see how this example relates to our discussion of the development of the Negative other and the fear of The Other? The sense of protection and possibly suspicion that we inherited from our ancestors serves to inform this current existence of ours. We are making distinctions as to the dangers this human might present to us currently.

My point here is this: be safe, Dear Blog Reader. Do not leave yourself open to harm of any type in these practices. In fact, if you are attending to the exercises and experiments, you will by now have developed your Intuition to the point where you will be quite adept at “guessing” possible motivations and ethics of those you meet. You will also be able to “guess” at probable outcomes should you decide to carry your contacts further, as in relationships of various types.


With this in mind explore a simple experiment on which we will be asked to briefly experience our existence without the amnesia that “protects” us. Keep in mind, please, that this secret information about our identity and our experiences has the potential to heal us on many levels of understanding. It is, in fact, our ego/intellect – the persona – that is being protected with this protective shield.

Moving beyond this shield is a simple matter of embodying our two tried-and-true states of consciousness manifestation: Loving Understanding and Courage. This is painful and difficult material to apprehend. Therefore, Courage is necessary in the beginning. As the secret material is revealed. Self-Forgiveness becomes quite useful as an ongoing state of consciousness: Loving Understanding, you see.


HYPOTHESIS – We can wake-up from the amnesia

We exist in a camouflage reality. This means that the true nature of our existence is hidden from us. Now Imagining what it might be like to view our world with full-disclosure, in a sense, of all that we know and have known in all of our lives.


Assume a comfortable position and relax you body. Breathe deeply and enter your Trance State. Because you are a student of your own experience and you are learning the facts on your own life, it is now possible for you to step further into the Unknown Reality of your own deep psyche.

With a recognition that you are prepared to accept more truthful information on the nature of your reality, let that courageous expectation guide you further into relaxation, dreaming, longing for contact with your deep self.

This is that aspect of your consciousness that knows of all your activities in all of your Simultaneous Lives. It is that central focus of consciousness that knows what will occur in any given day. It is that part of you that sees your world as you open your eyes from sleep, directly before your ego/intellect takes charge.

Now you are drifting, drifting, and gradually you are getting a feeling for this part of you. This part of you exists in a pure state, free from limitations of any kind. Free from the censorship and judgements of your ego/intellect, free from negative emotions. If you feel a sense of losing control, of descending into chaos, gently direct the unfolding of your sensations with your Loving perception.

You are guided by Love here and you are quite Courageous in your investigations. Feeling your way through this inner landscape, watch for dramatizations of various types that attempt to catch your attention. Note any sounds, visuals, or other sensations for documenting later.



The Soul Families, then, are the assemblies of Souls in human bodies keeping appointments in physical reality to learn their Lessons together. The Lessons are those attributes of consciousness we refer to as human virtues, and of course, their opposites, as well as the emotional and behavioral experiencing in between. Please note that this accounts for the whole of human existence.

Remember Dear Blog Reader, that Value Fulfillment requires the essential and fundamental learning of the Lesson to whatever degree we have agreed to experience it before coming into physical form. Our Soul Self observes these activities generally, and certainly notes where Lessons are learned or avoided.

In this way, a broad spectrum of life Lessons is experienced by the Simultaneous Lives for the Soul Self, for the Entity, and for All That Is.


Hypothesis: By anticipating the positive future we create it.

Anticipation occurs in the spacious moment. In past Blogs I have defined for you the Moment Point and the Point of Power. These are terms that describe the current full moment in your present co-creation activities. Simply, it is your Moment Point if you say it is, Dear Blog Reader. You are bringing your Intention and power to bear on the manifestation phenomenon in the present moment.

Perform your Ritual of Sanctuary

Relax and attain your Trance State. You might experiment with achieving this through linking the Divine state of consciousness to sitting down in your comfortable chair or wherever you hold your meditations.

Now… you are in your Moment Point. Your Point of Power exists Now as your portal to affecting your future IN A POSITIVE WAY. Imagine before you all the positive realities you have related while working with this material. The ecstasy just below the surface of consciousness supports you. The contact with the Divine may be experienced as a tingling sensation between your physical eyes. All of your Guides and Helpers, known and unknown, surround you and support you. Bring all of your Inner Senses into this exercise to enliven it and strengthen the manifestation. Stay with it for a few minutes. Return to surface awareness.

FINDINGS – Document your experiences.

EXERCISE – Consolidate your findings.

While working with the many techniques and experiments provided for you in this Blog, you have no doubt had differing outcomes of success. You are an individual with individual educational needs. Hopefully you are taking what serves you best and incorporating it into your Reality Creation agendas.

In this final exercise we are asking you to make a list of those techniques and experiments that have helped you the most in the creation of positive realities and in the learning of lessons. Please take a few minutes to go over your notes and Findings and assemble the material that “speaks to you” most strongly and authentically here. This should be a pleasant and easy exercise. The material that did not work quite well enough for you may be saved for another day. For now, simple make your list of five to possibly ten relevant Findings and particularly successful outcomes of the techniques and experiments we have offered in these Blogs.


As we change our reality to reflect our awakening Soul, those around us are most probably becoming accustomed to our transformation. This gradual process of transformation from the unaware – the status quo – to the enlightened – The Vanguard – may not be noticed by those in our group for what it is, a revolutionary adaptation of our human consciousness. Those in our group will not be startled, therefore, by the changes in our personality.

As an explorer within these groups of humans, we may use our Inner Senses to determine how we may best interact with any one of our associates. By speaking to the Energy Personality of the human in front of us, we may assess where that person is, within this context of the awakening of the Soul Self.

I should say that it is our Higher Self, our Energy Personality, that it is doing the assessing here. We are using our Inner Senses that are the perceptive powers of our Soul Self to determine the stage of evolutionary progression of the Soul of any particular human within our group. Now we have always had these powers of perception available to us. Yet only now are we able to use them responsibly.

This technique is simple enough. When we are not sure of the motives of the human in front of us, to get a clearer picture of where they stand – ethically, on the subjects that truly matter to us – we simply assess them via their Energy Personality. If we are not allowed entry, do not press the matter. If we are allowed in, simply ask what are the ethical standards for this human. This skill, as are all the others, is sharpened with use.