Category Archives: Emotions


If I may, I would enjoy, providing for you an example of intellectualization as it pertains to a group we refer to as the naysayers. Members of this group of humans may be found within any collective, large or small. Within what we are calling community broadly speaking, these humans often are the most coal in their refusals to accept my new messages.

Now we have a sense of humor about these naysayers, for we know the truth here. And there is irony, in that, those who consider themselves “experts” on my Blog writings. Those who have not heard of my words, on the other hand, are much more likely to embrace my new messages with an open mind and heart. Perhaps they are not looking to authorities to tell them what to believe.

And thus it appears that it is calcified knowledge of the authority that prevents the clear perception of what is in front of them. However, we could also be speaking about any other authority that refutes what you might call “anecdotal” information from the common citizen.

What is at fault here is a form of circular logic, and the naysayers often speaks from within this twisted knot of intellectualization and denial to make their case and to present “the historical facts.” In essence they are saying, “My personal perceptions are the only reality here. What I believe and what the other authorities believe is what everyone must believe.”

The intellect proves the beliefs of the authority. Stability in the Reality Creation agenda of the individual is achieved in this way. If they feel as though they have proved their case adequately, there is then no need to expand the belief system to include the new data. The calcification of knowledge continues. The avoidance of Lessons is perfected.


The negative emotions are the creators of states of consciousness and thus personal realities…

To simply for you this awakening experience, we have described it as a matter of transforming the Negative Emotions into their opposites. We will now add to this with an example. Now the negative emotions are the creators of states of consciousness and thus personal realities. These emotions run the course from fairly harmless, such as mild irritation, shall we say, to murderous anger at the other pole of this comparison.

We are speaking of Anger here. However, with the emotion of Fear, we could also place it is scale, perhaps beginning with a subtle anxiety in the financial realms, as the negative media continually remind us of the treacherous state of the world through our television or radio. So we are a wee bit anxious on this side of our theoretical pole, but if we were to exist on the opposite end here, we would be experiencing aghast dread and fear for our existence, possibly. We may fill in the “reasons” for this ruinous state of affairs.

Let us then examine where your Intention of Will resides within this matrix of emotional experiencing. We have said before that if we are experiencing extreme anger or fear in any particular moment, we are no longer “in control” of your consciousness. We have relinquished control of our Reality Creation powers to the Negative Emotions. We are assisting in the re-creation, moment-to-moment, of these emotions through this shirking of responsibility.

As you, Dear Blog Reader, lay the blame for your negative states of consciousness on the doorstep of your neighbor, friends, family, or colleagues, not only do you dis-empower yourself, but you help to empower the negative spheres of influence, what we have called the Negative entities in these pages.


An awakening of your personal consciousness to All That Is is possible for you in any chosen moment in your waking reality. It becomes a matter of intentionally perceiving your world through the auspices, you might say, of the Divine. If you have mediated, if you have prayed, if you have experimented with your conscious Intent, you have already used your perceptions in this divine way I am describing.

Have you noticed while engaged in these common practices, that the moment of perception gains a fullness, an energized complexity? If you have noticed this pleasant “pressing in” of the energies upon your consciousness, you may also be adept at “tuning” this state to meet your requirements. The depth of your mediation may be increased or decreased, in other words. The profoundness of your trance may be increased or decreased, simply by using your Intent.

We refer to these empowered moments of Intent as Moment Points. They are essentially gateways to a broader perception of your world and your place in it. You are a researcher of your experience in your waking reality. Each moment holds the potential for revealing to you the answers to any questions you might have. It is up to you to focus on the business at hand – your awakening – and delve deeply within the moment. Briefly: it is your Moment Point if you say it is. Own your current moment therefore, and awaken to your greater reality.



This is our concept for discussion at this time. Now there exists a barrier to understanding for some of you that prevents your intellect from accepting the fantastic premise that you cooperate with All That Is in the literal creation of our physical world. This barrier is one of the last to fall as you approach your wakening. Let me set the stage, If I may…

You are in nature, in a forest, writing in your journal, and you are approached by a deer. You are motionless and quiet as the deer comes closer and closer to you, so close in fact that you could reach out and touch it. As you quietly contemplate this miracle of nature, a pair of quail walk onto the scene. They too are oblivious of you as they stroll past, again, within arm’s reach.

Then, as if to further impress you, Dear Blog Reader, the birds in the trees fly quickly past you to perch on nearby branches and to feed directly next to you. You are still here. You are quiet. You are ONE with nature. This is the perfect state for experiencing the Divine. The ego/intellect is off to the side, out of the way of your perception, as the Soul Self observers/creates your Personal Reality.

Ah, but then you make an abrupt motion with your hand to write down what you are experiencing. The ego/intellect has taken charge. The animals disperse in alarm. The fragile moment of appreciation has passed.

Now moments later the animals have again taken their places within nature, in that timeless moment beyond ego, beyond the intellect, beyond the rational mind. However, as you take your notes in your journal you are merely a reporter commenting on the preceding events. Your ego/intellect has taken you out of the moment. Whereas the “dumb” animals as you call them, for they lack your rationality, continue their precisely focused existences in the moment – the divine moment of creation.


This wind that we observe by its activity, its effects – as in moving the leaves and limbs of a great tree, for example – is an emotional response. Let me explain: You already know that everything in your world is conscious, as All That IS – of which you and your Personal Reality Field are composed – presents itself. All That Is – evolutionary consciousness – may be considered, then, in its totality as a sensing, emoting being. Each Consciousness Unit is also an emotional, sensing being unto itself.

We could compare the emotional life of, let us say, a bird, to that of a rock, or any other Reality Construct within your system, including the emoting human. If we were to do so we would find that EVERYTHING experiences emotion, the same basic emotion, in quite similar ways. This foundational emotion expressed by all within our world, we could call the Loving creative thrust of All That Is.

Again, we are presenting this material in fairly mechanical terms. I repeat: You are not a machine! Yet this metaphor of the student “pushing” the Reality Construct from the potential into the actual with their Intent, may once again assist us in our explanations.

Everything is composed of consciousness and everything is a reality creator. Each reality Construct expresses itself in the medium of divine energy some of us call God – The Spirit. The thrust is Love with a capital L. The energy for creation is Love.

The wind has been called “the breath of God.” You could also call it the “wake” of Spirit, as in the turbulence created by a vessel or airplane. The wind is the reciprocal emotional expression of the natural world. It is a response to the Loving creation of realities out of Consciousness Units.

Now this Love with a capital L is not evident until the moment of creation. When that moment occurs and All that Is expresses itself as whatever varied construct, Love becomes evident. You can see it.



Now, my wife Dorian here is just this moment observing the behavior of birds feeding from her sunflower seeds that she replenishes each morning. In a quite delightful fashion, the creatures swoop in to take what they need and fly out to eat their meal. There is great cooperation here, even when the larger doves squawk in defense of “their” food source. Even the dove, then, allows the smaller birds to take food.

As Dorian observed this activity, it occurred to her that there was a direct correlation, somehow, between the precise activities of the birds and her own mental activity. She sensed that the cooperative effort included her personal thought and images.

Let me elaborate… your Personal Reality Field is a cooperative effort or presentation involving the manifestation energies and agendas of each and every Consciousness Unit composing each and every bird, rock, tree, or human existing within this field of awareness. This synchronicity of creation, you see, is evident down to the detail.


As The Shift unfolds in the coming years, our system will witness many more “opportunities” for negative manifestation. Thus, we may well see an acceleration in the manifestation of Earth Changes, such as natural disasters. There also exists at this time the potential for the creation of the Positive Manifestation in our reality. It seems as though it could go either way here, with the collective manifestation on our Earth. This is precisely why it is now more important than ever to attend to our positive thought-creation in our waking reality and also in our meditation practices.

In the final experiment for The Blog Trilogy, we will take a page from the practices of the New Agers on our Internet in the Social Media collectives.

EXPERIMENT – Heal the Earth and Humanity

Hypothesis: Through ritual meditation with people around the world the positive manifestation is strengthened.

This is a very simple experiment that you may conduct as part of your regular meditation practice or as a special adjunct to your practice. You may wish to conduct this meditation at a special time of day or on a particular day of the week, to keep in synch with the millions of other humans who are observing similar practices around the Earth. Your input into the collective stream of manifestation energy in these Ritual observances helps to empower and direct this flow of energy. Your individual contribution is felt in a very specific way within the collective manifestation of the ideal, the focus of the meditation, in this case, the healing of Earth and humanity. Through these energy transfers from the individual to the collective, you are directly influencing the Entity Mother Earth and the human species.


Conduct the experiment for 10 to 15 minutes at same time of day each week, perhaps on a Sunday at Noon or on another day of relaxation.

As in our other experiments… achieve your relaxed and focused Trance State as you usually do. By now you will have discovered ways to regulate the depth of your Trance, so that you may quickly achieve the desired state of consciousness.

Your focus here is on the collective of humanity as you exist on our Earth. You have many challenges facing you as a human in this era. Our Earth is under stress from development, from abuse. Your task is to embody a state of Loving peacefulness. This is an appreciation for all that is good in your human life and in your world. You are appreciating the good and you are potentiating that good with your Intent. Feed your positive Loving images, feelings, and sensations toward the healing of yourself, humanity and your world. Imagine all of humanity rising up in peaceful Loving cooperation for the highest good for everyone. See our Mother Earth returning to her natural state of peace and Loving Light. See the cessation of the tragic Earth Changes. Feel the healing vibration of Loving Understanding as it permeates all consciousness. Direct this thought-form to your fellow human beings and into the Earth herself. Slowly return to surface awareness.

FINDINGS – Document your Findings.


It is true: change the past and the present will take care of itself. We are not being flippant here. We have suggested before in this that through true forgiveness of yourself and others for the perceived mistakes of the past, you are actually changing those past realities. The molecular composition of the Reality Constructs is altered. The emotional charge is altered. The historical experience is altered, Dear Blog Reader.

With this fresh in your mind, we will move to this very powerful experiment. Your Imagined Death entails a visualization of what you might experience on your deathbed, directly before the transition to the Home Dimension. Your visualization will, of course, be different than others might create. The idea is to visualize the Death Scene to see what Lessons may have been avoided that are now in plain view with the imminent Death experience upon you. Please consider, then, this Death Scene as occurring in your very current reality: at the age you are now, in the home in which you now live, with the people around you who are in your life currently.

EXPERIMENT – Your Imagined Death

HYPOTHESIS: By imagining your death you remove the fear of death and bring your Issues into focus.


Now simply relax, as usual, as you rest comfortably in a quiet room where you can remain undisturbed for 15 minutes. Breathe deeply. Close your eyes and imagine that you are on a beach somewhere or in another location that you have visited where you experienced complete calm and relaxation.

This is your imagination at work here and you have complete control over the activities in this experiment. You are, in fact, observing yourself from a vantage point near the ceiling of the room you are in. Imagine the particulars of your deathbed scene.

Feel the comfort of the sheets and blankets around you. Look at the room and notice the color of the walls, any pictures on the walls, any details you would care to notice about the room.

Now you allow memories to come to your consciousness, memories of painful events from your past. These memories you forgive and heal in the moment of remembering: Courageously, you see. Reenactments of experiences from your past when your were abused, neglected, unloved, or you were abusive to others may arise. In the moment of memory, forgive yourself and others immediately and the let that material fade away.

Courageous Forgiveness is your motto here as you imagine yourself surrounded by the people who have hurt you and those you have hurt in your life. One by one you look them in the eye, and with your boundless compassion you forgive them and yourself simultaneously. It’s exhilarating to be free of all that dead weight. You may feel like laughing out loud you are so completely cleansed of the trauma of the past. When you feel it is time to come out of Trance, slowly come up to surface awareness.

FINDINGS – Document your Findings immediately.


It is a fact of life that many of us postpone addressing our Issues until the moment of our Death. Often it is too late then, of course, and so we may be required to return to physical life to learn the avoided Lessons. Here we will help you avoid that possibility.

We will have more to say about Death in our forthcoming Blog on the Transition and the Afterlife. Now, however, we offer you an experiment in experiencing your own eventual Death imaginatively. This will not be morbid in the least, but a cathartic and indeed healing exercise for you.

The ongoing awareness of Death brings with it an ongoing awareness of what it is you need to do in each moment. The question, “What would you do now if you knew you were to die tonight?” enters here. What would you do, Dear Blog Reader? In our material in this Blog and others, we suggest that Loving Understanding and Courage are what you may do to best help create a positive reality for yourself and others.

Specifically here, if your Death is imminent, you would be in a perfect position to practice forgiveness: forgiving all perceived wrongs throughout your life. This is a two-way street here, then: forgiving others and yourself. Loving Understanding becomes complete forgiveness, powered by the relentless Courage that comes with this perspective


To have an ongoing awareness of Death is a healthy thing…

Taking The Lead

In previous exercises we have identified tendencies to be afraid of the Other. The exercises in this Blog will heal those fears within all Simultaneous Lives. But first you may take the lead in matters of Soul Family healing, Dear Blog Reader. You see, in a sense, your mission with your Soul Family as an Awakening One, would be to encourage Lessons to be learned by all Soul Family members before the Death of the physical body. To have an ongoing awareness of Death is a healthy thing, in this context of study and experimentation.

An appreciation of Death and your ultimate demise, is also a celebration of your transcendence of Death. After Death, as you know, you transition to the Home Dimension, and then beyond into your multiple and varied Reinacanational Existences. With this in mind, to entertain Death as your companion, in a sense, in your waking existence, also motivates you to do your transformative practices, address your Issues without delay, learn your Lessons, and so on. Knowing that your time is limited in each incarnation, provides a focus and an intensification of perception and thus manifestation.


The realization, here, is that Love is all that is required in all circumstances. The fear of Death fades into the background when you realize this basic truth of our existence. Now it is easy to say this when you are experiencing it. When you are in Love, in a romantic way, let us say, it is easy to see the truth in this statement. It is easy to agree that Love makes the world go around, as they say. Yet what is required here, I believe, for the awakening student, is the recognition that Loving Understanding, for ourselves and our Earthly colleagues, is all that is required, despite whether we are in a romantic Loving relationship or not.

Certainly, the Soul Mate relationship is important to the developing human at this time in our evolution. However, your “embrace,” you might say, of everyone you meet with this Loving Understanding and Courage we have discussed here, is what is needed at this time to break the barrier, to tip the scale, to initiate the healing of humanity and the planet.

As you do engage in these Loving activities, Death takes a less prominent role in your Reincarnational Dramas. Fear of death is replaced by a Loving anticipation on your journey. From this perspective, Death is only difficult for the living, those who are left behind. For the Soul, however, it is the ultimate accomplishment: a celebration of the continuity of Loving consciousness