Category Archives: Emotions


The Annunaki may be thoughts of as the Gestalt of Consciousness that had the most influences on the Earth races with regards to the emotion of greed. This group is certainly not, strictly speaking, a Mystery Civilization, however the influence of these negative beings has been quite pronounced on all of Earth’s civilizations.

They are the inspiration for the negative gods within the religions of humanity, for example. There have been gods and goddesses representing the human virtues. These are in large part inspired by Beings of Light, Angels, and what have you. The gods and goddesses of darkness, of revenge, of hate and fear are always created from the idea constructs, images, and emotional content generated by the Annunaki energy gestalt.


Are we enslaved by the Annunaki? There is an author who says we were enslaved from the beginning. Is the Annunaki at it again?

Negative Entities

Certainly these beings exist within their own dimension of experiencing. These are the Negative Entities we speak of in our Blog work. This particular expression within physical reality, the Annunaki, was thought of as extraterrestrial in origin – “from another planet,” as we say – and indeed this was their genesis originally. Yet we well know that ALL OF US, all of the Earth beings, have come from other systems originally.

Our Earth is quite young compared to other planets and other environments that hold upon them the living organisms. These Negative entities, the Annunaki, are quite ancient.

Now this collective was not completely embodied within physical reality as we think of it. Their consciousness did not seek out complete expression within human form. The main expression was one of concerted influence upon the mental functioning of the residents of Earth in order to control “productivity.”

Over the generations, then, we have the influence of this Negative Entity exerting control over humanity through the Negative Emotions. The negative Entities, remember, thrive on the emotional states of fear, anger, anxiety, greed, ruthlessness. These negative Idea constructs – composed of Consciousness Units, again I remind – coalesce on the subtle levels where they act as blueprints for the fabrication of negative Reality Constructs.


There is much talk in our media about getting in touch with past lives. Dear Blog Reader, we are already in touch with our past lives. They inform each and every moment of our current existence. These past lives include lives lived within what we are calling the Mystery Civilizations, as well as other of our Simultaneous Existences that are ongoing throughout our past, Our present, and our future.

Not only are we asking you to accept this data as true within our Personal Reality, we are also suggesting to you that we may, with just minimal effort on our part, explore OUR contribution to some or all of the Mystery Civilizations. For it is our contention that we have spent several lifetimes within these unknown worlds. It was there that we learned firsthand the secrets of the universe. We learned, for example, that we do indeed create our own reality: that we have the creative energies of the Logos at our disposal, in other words.

Through these other lives, we are again-and-again reacquainted with our own power, in that we are always born with the amnesia that prevents us from remembering our other lives. Then, as we live the life of a seeker of knowledge, let us say, we “remember” these Lessons learned in our Simultaneous Existences. You may be in a familiar place here and now as you read these words. You may be remembering this Ancient Wisdom once again in this timeframe. If this is so for you, I suggest you take it with a grain of slat, as we say. From my perspective, this is merely another opportunity for us to seek out the mysteries of our existence and share our findings with others: humbly, you see, with Courage and Loving Understanding.


As do all of our exercises and experiments in this new Blog material, The Healing Regimen begins with the Ritual of Sanctuary. This act of protection and Sanctuary I suggest you perform in the morning as you rise for the day and at regular intervals throughout your waking day.

In the beginning I would also suggest that you use your Intention and perseverance to cut your affiliations – your metaphysical, psychic connections – to any Gestalts of Consciousness that feed to you negative information, such as symptom- creation strategies, dire predictions, negative prognosis information etc. The “voices” of these Energy Forms are the energetic supports onto which you fasten the body of your created reality. So it is very important for you, on your Healing Quest, to heed the voices of ONLY those Energy Bodies that may assist you in bringing balance to your physical, mental and spiritual being. These benign and beneficial energies are easy to recognize. As you attempt to find these “voices,” you may notice that your emotional state is transformed as you “tune-in” to the Loving energies.



I trust you have found something of value in our little Blogs. Certainly we have not explored the subject definitively. However, the complete expression of All That Is can be sensed inwardly as a Holographic Insert. Therefore, I now place this Idea Construct within these words. You may access this message at any time. Use your intent to guide your Inner Senses to the precise location within your mental environment. This construct has ecstatic emotion attached to it. This emotion will intensify as you approach it. You will know you have made contact when your emotional state becomes transformed to the positive. This is awakening, Dear Blog Reader. Good Luck with your studies.


Hypothesis: By embodying the opposite of the inflated ego/intellect humility is achieved.


We have spoken in our Blogs on the value of a concept we call “the humble god or goddess.” The basis here is Love with a capital L. This Love is pervasive: for oneself, for others, also. Love predominates in all of our interactions.

Yet in this description lies an inherent dichotomy, for the humble human is also charismatic. The lover of humanity is a beacon to others. It is quite attractive this humility of spirit. To manifest both charisma and humility is the mark of the self-realized, the enlightened, the awakened ones.

No polarizing means embodying the opposite of the identified emotional state. You intentionally live the opposite of, for example, the egotistical state. The opposite might be described as a state of humility. Thus, you would visualize yourself as the humble one, and all that it might entail. Imagine how that would feel. Imagine your specific behaviors as the humble one and then embody them. Act them out in your waking reality.

During this experiment it may dawn on you that you are also polarizing your state of humility. The opposite of a state of humble awareness you might call charisma. In this way, you are holding together the poles of human emotion. Within the two extremes there exists a broad field of emotional experiencing for the awakening human.

FINDINGS: Please document your Findings.


Finally we are experiencing the visionary perspective…

We are awakening at this time. As we sharpen our Inner Senses and remember what we are calling the Ancient Wisdom, it may begin to occur that we are becoming quite powerful indeed. As we gain control over our Reality Creation energies, and we become a conscious co-creator with All That Is, the ego/intellect naturally becomes elevated at times, such that we may begin to feel superior to those around us. This emotional state we might call egotistical.

The following experiment is simply a focused application of our very basic technique of transforming the negative emotions into their divine opposites. Here we are assuming that some progress has been made in our visionary experiencing. We are getting brief glimpses of what we may call the Divine. This success may have come after many, many attempts to break through this veil that separates us from our greater consciousness expression. Naturally we would feel satisfaction. Finally we are seeing the value in these arcane practices. At last we are introduced to our guidance. Finally we are experiencing the visionary perspective, at least, perhaps, for a few moments in our waking day.

Now we have stated that after the preliminary steps are taken by the student, there is a momentum that is achieved, such that your results multiply in rapid fashion. What is occurring for you here is the natural habitual creation of the visionary state. Though your ritual practices of these techniques, you have made the visionary state habitual, so that you need only practice your techniques briefly before you encounter substantial results. You are mastering the work.

There is the accompanying element of ecstasy in these studies that keeps you moving forward. Indeed, you are induced to continue with your contact and communications with the Divine until a final enlightening episode that is charged with ecstatic emotions occurs.

Yet, what occurs when you are finished with your experiments for the day and you are at your job, or out in the field in your mundane existences? There may be a tendency to become quite “full of yourself” as the ego/intellect takes credit for these positive rewards. Within all spiritual practices the shrewd discerning student may identify those practitioners that have successfully achieved a spiritual awakening, yet have lost their gratitude and humility along the way. To avoid this pitfall on the path of awakening, we offer the following experiment.


The churches and the religious will become more democratic…

We have systematically over the generations given away our creative powers to those in perceived authority. Of these authorities the religious authority is perhaps the most powerful. It is not uncommon, for example, on our Sunday observance, for millions of humans to engaging in the obedience to religious authority. See what occurs in our communities in the Christian nations during our religious holidays. Whole peoples are seen enacting rituals of the holidays, celebrating the life of The Christ.

Now we’re here does the authority lie? Primarily, as the intermediary between humanity and the Divine, it is with the priest first, and then the members of the church hierarchy. The officials are entrusted with the powers of creation given by the practitioners.

Now we have spoken elsewhere of the necessity in this time of awakening, to think these power exchanges that the individual has with the intermediaries of the Divine. As this occurs, and many of us begin to take back power from religious figures, the churches and the religions will become more democratic. They will become humanized. The rituals will be transformed into more truthful demonstrations of the manifestation process.


We are centered within All That Is…

All That Is represents in physical reality, the collective mentalities and energies of all forms on Earth and including the very Earth itself. We have stated before that there is no beginning nor any ending to our Universe. There is only the present moment of creation in which All creates All That Is.

We live under a necessary assumption of linear time and cause-and-effect, and so we take it for granted that everything has a beginning and ending. This assumption, however, when brought to an attempted understanding of spiritual concerns, can lead to mis-perceptions and confusion. We encourage the Blog Reader to momentarily abandon these preconceived notions and root assumptions as we attempt to further illustrate the truth of the matter. For when we can, even for the moment, release our hold on physical reality, and experience the timeless moment of the Now, we automatically gain a more truthful perspective of our reality.

When we let go, when we go with the flow of creation in the moment, we are centered within All That Is and we are participating as a co-creator with the Loving force. As many of us at the same moment in linear time, for example, conduct this experiment, we as a collective of researchers create a subgroup from all of humanity, whose focus in those moments is the recreation of Love with a capital L.

As we, perhaps at the same time each day conduct our investigations, a tendency is created within the greater collective of which our subgroup is a part, to defer to the positive Loving manifestation, rather than the mundane or the negative manifestations. This is the resonance phenomenon in action, if we care to identify it. This process of Loving our Earth through this multitude of subgroups composed of visionaries, will be the critical factor in The Shift we are experiencing.

The “strength in numbers” phenomenon is demonstrated here as well. The Positive Manifestation is reaching the tipping point of inevitability, you see. I sense that you are receiving the messages I am attempting to convey.


It is often only on the deathbed that the disbeliever finds how very wrong they were…

In our Blog Thought Reality we gave the reader a review of this current material. In that Discussion we spoke of the “folly” of believing in the death of God. Some can sense this thoughtform that was entertained by great numbers of you. You in the West were looking for something more, something less religious, something more easily grasped, I suppose.

The irony in this statement – God is Dead – is that it is often only on the deathbed that the disbeliever finds how very wrong they were. The ego/intellect dissolves abruptly during the Transition revealing only the Soul’s perspective. This perspective sees no duality with relation to the Divine. The Soul knows that it IS eternal, it is NOT separate, it IS both a part of and the complete whole of All That Is.

It is unfortunate that many, perhaps out of fear of being perceived as “weak” or perhaps “mentally challenged,” do not go on that inner journey. To these humans it is a surprise that they ARE God, they ARE eternal, they are NOT dying, but merely transforming their energy into something else.


We are now experiencing bleed-throughs to our other existences…

We are visionary. The vision we will perceive is wholly dependent upon our personal experiences, our thoughts, the images we have within our consciousness at any one time. It is a very personal thing, then, this vision. It is in truth an intimate portrayal of our momentary spiritual awakening.

We have said that the vision is often quite brief: a fraction of a second, usually. However, because these events exist outside of time for the most part, we may return to these visionary experiences and witness them in their full sustained glory. You do this in the Trance state or the meditative state, of course, in a ritual fashion. Using our Intent we revisit the visionary glimpse and we focus upon the various aspects of the event.

For example: suppose you are going about your business in your waking existence, and you quite suddenly have a powerful, yet brief epiphany, as we call it. Let us say that previously you were perplexed about the actions and hurtful behaviors of a loved-one. Now suppose that this loved-one “acted out of character,” and was intentionally cruel to you. You have been wondering why for many days or weeks. Then it occurs to you: because you are a researcher of your personal reality, and because you are now experiencing bleed-throughs to your other existences, you are finding correlations between the Issues and Lessons of your current existences and those Lessons you are learning in other existences, in your perceived past, let us say.

Now this will seem outrageous to those of us who are not doing the work in these Blogs of mine. Please bear with me…