We are simply anticipating a response, here…

Several years ago we predicted that soon great numbers of us would be empowered to use the multitasking “feature” of our awakening consciousness. We stated that it would be commonplace for us, in the middle of a conversation with our peers or family members, to pause and receive incoming information from our Higher Self. We would then resume our conversation and possibly incorporate the material we received from our Higher Self into our narrative. If this is the case with you, Dear Blog Reader, please take just a few seconds to pause in our reading, and open up to messages from your Higher Self. We are simply anticipating a response, here. Do not try to figure it out. Just relax and be open to what you are experiencing.

Please allow me to make my point here about being receptive to your higher centers, while referring to an incident that occurred in Dorian’s backyard. The experience of attempting to free the deer from her back yard may serve as an example of how NOT to interact with Mother Nature of All That Is.

White Tailed Deer Fawn in Meadow

Dorian panicked when she saw a trapped deer run into the deer fance several times in our back yard. She feared that the animal would possibly kill itself in the panic of attempting to escape. Dorian spontaneously called out in anger, further frightening the deer and sending it into a panic of escape.

Let us imagine a different intervention, then, for this example. Suppose that Dorian had projected Loving Understanding at the animal, assuring his solidarity with the animal kingdom and with all of Nature. If he/she were to have assumed a placid neutral demeanor and coaxed the animal toward the opened gate by which it had entered, the deer may have not panicked so dramatically and scaled the fence to escape.

As it was, the deer escaped uninjured. It could have been much worse, however, with Dorian experiencing a tragedy in which she participated. Now here, the proof is in the pudding, to coin a phrase. In the heat of the moment, when anger is making itself known, when frustration, fear and anxiety threaten to overwhelm your Reality Creation, that is precisely when you intervene with your thoughts of composure, Loving Understanding, Courage, and so on.

Here you already know how to create anger and act upon it. She is an expert, Dorian, as are many of us in physical reality. The trick is to GO BEYOND the old ways of thinking, emoting, and behaving. Indeed, the idea is, after having taken responsibility for the creation of the reality, to do the opposite with regards to thinking, emoting, behaving. It all occurs in the moment, Dear Blog Reader. In the heat of the moment is when we learn these valuable Lessons.

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