Category Archives: Gestalt


Let us first present for our Blog Readers a summary of what has gone before in our descriptions of the divine matriarchy.

This collective was first a matriarchal expression within human society. What we would in modern times call the “feminine” aspects of consciousness predominated in all social structures. Women took on the dominant leadership roles, for example, within families on the small level, as well as within the political organizations on the larger on the larger level, you might say. We have stated before that there was no competition in GA, as you might conceive of this concept currently. There was no “battle of sexes,” as we moderns refer to it. Cooperation was key, here, and ALL personal aspirations were sublimated towards the success of relationships within all the spheres.

The men were predominately builders and practitioners of various trades. Women took on leaderships roles in all relationships, modeled after the mothering role of mother-to-child. For this reason, the society in a business and personal sense was suffused with tenderness and an all pervasive sense of Loving Understanding.

Now the females modeled this unconditional Loving Understanding for the others. In a sense, you could say that when others saw the power, the grace, the extreme utility of this Love in action, they felt entirely justified in sublimating their own desires for the common good, the greatest good of all.

These are primarily dark-complected humans we are describing. If you may think of the current Romanian peoples, you may get a feel for the physical appearance of the GA peoples: Black curly hair, for the most part. Dark colored eyes. Stocky builds generally for men and women. Defined musculature. Indo-European characteristics.


The Atlantean were well versed in the manifestation process. They realized that they could individually use their creative mental apparatus to manifest desired objects, including breakfast. The average human was quite capable of materializing the breakfast with very little physical effort on their part. The cooperative network of Consciousness Units that comprise breakfast were facilitated into their existence within physical reality by human consciousness. To an observer from our timeframe, this would appear as miraculous, magical and so on. Yet wait a few years and we will witness this phenomenon in our perceived future incarnations on Earth.

In our progressed future on Earth, it will be commonplace to materialize our thoughts instantaneously, just as the average Atlantean. Mass consciousness, in this instance, the collective consciousness of the Mystery Civilization of Atlantis, co-exists with the mass consciousness of our present and future timeframes and the mass consciousness manifestations that exist within these timeframes.

There are bleed throughs on all levels here. These occur in the moment, the spacious moment that connects all realities, all timeframes, you see. This is as much as I can tell about the recreation of past civilizations in our perceived present and future timeframes. There is more information on this matter to be obtained on the subtle levels using our Inner Senses. I direct you therefore to our meditations for further investigations.


Here we will speak briefly on a typical day within the Mystery Civilization.

Atlantis as a collective was in many ways further advanced than our present modern societies in the USA, Europe and elsewhere. Dorian is struggling here with her description. Let me simplify… Within the spacious moment, i.e., the eternal moment of the enlightened human, ALL civilizations exist. Simultaneous time is our baseline for experiencing all of our lives.

So for example Dorian, you are typing into your computer my messages, now, in your current existence as my collaborator. You are also, within this moment, utilizing communication technologies quite similar to our Internet and other computer services, within the life you lived and indeed I lived, within the Atlantean civilization. I repeat, there is a similarity of Reality Construction within ALL of your existences. You are typing into your computer NOW. In our Atlantean life, you are using a device we have mentioned before, that is powered by crystal technologies, to record your literal thought energies into a method for tuning-in to the subtle energies of thought, and recording this information stream. Typing into a computer was not necessary there, you see. The transcription of thought into manuscript was instantaneous with the use if these devices.

Now not only do your activities in physical reality reveal similarities on all levels of consciousness manifestation. In this Atlantean life, you Dorian are also a scribe for the non-physical beings. This is, in a sense, a “career path” for you over your many incarnations.

The correspondence are apparent to the nth degree. Anywhere you would care to look within your other life, you would notice the correspondences to your current life you are living within your current timeframe.

Now to continue, you are using your crystal device in Atlantean, even as you attend to other activities and obligations there. You Dorian currently are contemplating what to have for breakfast. You are hungry and you are visualizing possible combinations of foods to prepare, while you type into your computer. In this life, you are engaged in a similar visualization. However in this Simultaneous Life in Atlantis, the process is simplified also. The preparation of the desired foods in the preferred was is accomplished automatically, you might say.


The connections to whales and dolphins that have been dramatized in our consensus reality manifestations of the Atlantis “mythology,” were and are quite real connections. In our stories of Atlantis, particularly those told by our New Agers, the whales and dolphins are thought of as the present time-frame incarnations of the Atlantis people. In some way, the story goes, Atlantis was destroyed, but the people of Atlantis “live on” in the bodies of these sea creatures.

Let me explain how this particular relationship of man-to-animal first began and endures. In societies that predated Atlantis and most of the Mystery civilizations we are covering in these Blogs, the divisions between human and animal consciousness were not as clearly defined as those separations devised by modern man. The human consciousness was a great deal more fluid than currently. Modern man, the scientists among us, would describe this relationship of man to animal as imganial, created out of a need to hold some influence over the beasts of the Earth, so that they may better track these animals and take them for food. This symbiotic relationship between man and his prey and does exist for us in our collective awareness. In our tribal cultures it is given that the animals hunted to sustain life for the tribe are reciprocally aware of this “divine” relationshipî

The Atlantean were oriented outward into the surrounding seas and oceans. They were explorers and navigators of the world around them and developed fleets of sturdy vessels that they used to carry goods to trade with others in their and even much farther away, as in many hundreds of miles out to sea. These seagoing explorers and traders of Atlantis, having a certain “instinct” we might say, for ocean travel and an ingrained appreciation for the animals that live in the sea, developed communications with the sea animals, including the whales and dolphins, but also with other species, to assist them in navigating the waters, leading them to food sources for the voyages and to take back to their cities and a host of other practical purposes. This is really the Telepathic network at work here: the network of communication used by consciousness in the creation of realities.

If you can now refer to our discussions of consciousness evolution as more resembling a holographic continuum than a linear progression, you may perhaps see what I am driving at here.

The animal and the human are connected. In this case, the human and dolphin and whale are all on the same continuum throughout time, throughout space as we know it. We could say that a “fragment” of human consciousness of the Atlantean explorers exists within the collective consciousness of the dolphin and the whale. This was true then. This is true now. This is true in our perceived future. Our modern day admirers of the dolphins and whales as “teachers” within non-physical reality are remembering these linkages from their perceived past. Currently these essential relationships exist for us and may be used as gateways to greater understanding of our world and the world of the animal.


Now as a tidbit of intriguing data, to comment further on some of the other aspects of Atlantean culture we hinted at in previous sessions.

The manufacture of “spun” crystalline material that had the properties of creating, storing and transmitting energy was perfected by Atlantean scientists. Common materials from Earth were subjected to electromagnetic forces to facilitate the crystallization of these minerals into implements of various sizes and intensities. The catalyst in this manufacturing process was an element as yet undiscovered by our modern researchers. It is an unknown element that exists extra-dimensionally. When the Fourth-Dimensional Shift is completed, our scientists using their Inner Senses, will discover this element within the common sand and soil of our planet.

These crystals were grown to lengths of one or two inches to great heights of 50 and one hundred feet. The large crystals were often ten or more feet in diameter. They were a dark ashen color, almost black, with the threads of the crystal composition visible within.


We have spoken in our Blog Series about the similarities in Lessons faced by the Atlantean and by the moderm developed nations. The use of Power; the manifestation of Spirit, spirituality within the culture; the ethical use of technology.

Our modern civilization and our mystery civilization of Atlantis are engaged in the learning of similar Lessons, for both collectives of humans are of the same Entity of consciousness. In this way, we and the other members of our nation, as well as others in their developed nations on our Earth at this time, have the opportunity to indeed LEARN all these valuable Lessons, to the degree that the cataclysmic effects of our negative thoughts do not result in a global thermonuclear war – as I have warned about in our new Blog writings – or a tragic FALL of the Atlantean empire through earth changes – calamities brought on by these same negative thoughts within our “past” incarnations.

It all happens at once. Each change of thought, emotion, and behavior toward the positive manifestation is reflected in ALL of our reincarnational existences, including those within the Mystery Civilizations. As you can see, I am being rather vague. I am not allowed to interfere with the learning of our primary Lessons. We will either learn our Lessons individually and as a group or we will not. We decide.


The past is just as fluid as the future. Anything can happen in the past just as anything can happen in the future, in our terms. It is easier for us to accept the future is more open to change than our past, for we are hypnotized by our consensus reality. However, if we would step out for just a moment, of our obsessively-created consensus reality, as I suggested, we would naturally begin to create independently.

Now to relate this to matters of Atlantis and its “fall.” Our civilization, the American empire shall we say, exists, grows, survives simultaneously with the “preceding” empire occupied by our Native American tribes, as well as countless physical and probable manifestations of civilizations that occurred and are to occur on our world. All manifestations of these civilizations exist at once. The past, the present, and the future civilizations exist now, in this moment.

Let me add that questions of locals and sites of ancient civilizations need not have a bearing on these discussions. For not only is time simply a convenience for us in 3D Reality, but space is also. Again, we decide as a collective of human creators, where, when, and how we will create our individual lives, in what timeframes, and in what groupings or civilizations. We decide as a collective where our civilization of Atlantis will develop and has developed as well as the particulars of every aspect of the society.


Now: it is well known by researchers that the Christian principles, imagery, and so on, were borrowed from preceding spiritual practices, including, if course, the GA religion. Obviously, the founding priests heavily elaborated on the original Christian ethics established by the Energy Body known as Christ. Before, I have reminded that the fundamental tenet of The Christ was all-important Love concept. That was it. It was a simple pronouncement; that with Love of self, of our colleagues in the world, a successful life could be experienced.

Now the priests ignored the original statements of The Christ and other founding energies, of the importance of the “multiple lives” concept. They rejected this foundational principle in favor of an “everlasting life” that the devotee was to experience upon their transition after having lived “a life without sin,” or at least a life that included atonement for sins committed.

The creative priests did not have to look far for the patriarchal elements to add to their model christian practice. The warring tribes that were inculcated into the GA culture brought with them several different pantheons based on vengeful patriarchal gods. These warring tribes were on missions from their territories to conquer the people and to obtain land. They were on the offensive, then, while GA, for the most part, merely attempted to defend herself against encroachment by the aggressive warrior tribes.


Now I would ask you Dorian, what would be the “result” of your directing an intense stream of emotional energy – of Love let us say – at this Atlantean life? Would you have an effect on the personality living this life? Let us assume for the moment that, yes you would have a subtle effect upon this life. Within the Gestalt of Consciousness that you participate in with all of your Reincarnational Existences, your thoughts may be intercepted by your Atlantean self. Then, also subtly perhaps, you might notice a change in behavior in this other life. Perhaps this other life is now musing upon the concept of Loving Understanding. Let us state here that, prior to the reception of this Loving thought complex, your Atlantean self was experiencing anger, perhaps hatred. Do you see how your etheric message from the future may assist a past existence in achieving a more positive state of consciousness?

Given this explanation, do you see how our current behaviors pave the way for altered realities within all of our Reincarnational Existences? cumulatively, you might say that our current behaviors have such an influence on the “future,” in our terms, manifestation of the Atlantean Civilization, that we could very well assist in redirecting the civilization from its catastrophic trajectory of development.

Now you change the past from the current moment. We do this naturally, subconsciously. We create BOTH past and future from within this spacious moment. Do you see how collectively, if the millions of us experiencing this current time-frame as well as the Atlantean existences, were to change our attitudes “all at once,” that the mythological outcomes of Atlantis might become positive rather than negative historically. If this were to occur, we might see a wholesale alteration in the depiction of this “myth” in our books and other media. As a collective, we would be recreating a more positive manifestation of Atlantean Civilization, just as we perhaps may be influencing our current civilization in positive ways.


Question: Regarding your explanation of Atlantis as being as much in our future as our past. Do you mean that it is largely a state of consciousness rather than , a particular place and time, in linear terms? – Dorian


Yes Marlo. We have discussed Atlantis. Let me explain. From the perspective of your greater multidimensional being. Dorian EVERYTHING is ultimately a state of consciousness. All Reality Constructs that compose our individual and collective realities are composed of Consciousness Units that are essentially thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions etc. “solidified,” in a sense, to create our world. So certainly, all of our created reality is a state of consciousness, a state of shared telepathic reality.

You cooperate with the Consciousness Units that compose not only your physical body but also do you cooperate with the Consciousness Units that compose the “stuff” that composes all that is NOT you. Do you see? The Telepathic Network is the fertile ground upon which we plant our seeds into their respective constructs.

Also let me say, that as a multidimensional being, one who lives many lives simultaneously, including some lives within the Mystery Civilizations, you are now in this moment contributing in very noticeable ways to the lives you are living everywhere. This is a delicate point I think. Let me go further.

Can you forget for just a moment here your infatuation with linear time and our camouflage reality? If you are able to do this, you will see the truth. You are Dorian, for example, a human living a life within the Mystery Civilization you know as Atlantis. You may prove this to yourself by using your Inner Senses to tune-in to this other life. Let us say that you have done so and you are now getting glimpses – bleed throughs – into this Simultaneous Life in Atlantis. You are experiencing the bleedthrough through the spacious moment – your current Moment Point.