Now: it is well known by researchers that the Christian principles, imagery, and so on, were borrowed from preceding spiritual practices, including, if course, the GA religion. Obviously, the founding priests heavily elaborated on the original Christian ethics established by the Energy Body known as Christ. Before, I have reminded that the fundamental tenet of The Christ was all-important Love concept. That was it. It was a simple pronouncement; that with Love of self, of our colleagues in the world, a successful life could be experienced.

Now the priests ignored the original statements of The Christ and other founding energies, of the importance of the “multiple lives” concept. They rejected this foundational principle in favor of an “everlasting life” that the devotee was to experience upon their transition after having lived “a life without sin,” or at least a life that included atonement for sins committed.

The creative priests did not have to look far for the patriarchal elements to add to their model christian practice. The warring tribes that were inculcated into the GA culture brought with them several different pantheons based on vengeful patriarchal gods. These warring tribes were on missions from their territories to conquer the people and to obtain land. They were on the offensive, then, while GA, for the most part, merely attempted to defend herself against encroachment by the aggressive warrior tribes.

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