Now as a tidbit of intriguing data, to comment further on some of the other aspects of Atlantean culture we hinted at in previous sessions.

The manufacture of “spun” crystalline material that had the properties of creating, storing and transmitting energy was perfected by Atlantean scientists. Common materials from Earth were subjected to electromagnetic forces to facilitate the crystallization of these minerals into implements of various sizes and intensities. The catalyst in this manufacturing process was an element as yet undiscovered by our modern researchers. It is an unknown element that exists extra-dimensionally. When the Fourth-Dimensional Shift is completed, our scientists using their Inner Senses, will discover this element within the common sand and soil of our planet.

These crystals were grown to lengths of one or two inches to great heights of 50 and one hundred feet. The large crystals were often ten or more feet in diameter. They were a dark ashen color, almost black, with the threads of the crystal composition visible within.

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