Tag Archives: Reformers

When we communicate with the gracious ease with which those primitive people communicated, then we can call ourselves civilized.

As a member of the human species do we indeed see ourselves as supreme flower of history so far, yet when we can know what is going on clearly and concisely on the other side of the city, and communicate it also, then we will be as primitive and as civilized as some of those primitive people.


Esoteric history has nothing to do with the people.


The experience of the guru who sits in opulence, bejeweled and be-gowned, has nothing to do with the migrant worker who works in the field and whose belly is empty. And so it has been through the centuries.


In our terms, our histories were not written by people who worked the earth. They were created by the priests and the elite, who made up their own histories to suit their purposes–to hold down the masses. Those histories never spoke of the vast, massive emotions and needs of the human beings involved, who listened, because their hearts and survival depended upon their doing so, to the voices that speak within the earth that your instruments even now cannot perceive. Those histories did not tell of the human beings who had to know what insects would crawl of fly from one end of a continent to another, so that they could be captured and roasted and eaten. They did not speak of the human beings who had to know what migrations of animals would roam through their land–and when and where, and at what phase of the moon–lest they starve.


And so those people lifted up their minds and hearts and heard the voices of the earth speak to them, as they still do. The elite did not hear those voices. They wrote histories in which in their own memories they annihilated races of people with emotions as strong as real as theirs. The elite leave us records and methods, telling us of kings and queens, of gurus and prophets and gods, in whose eyes the masses of the people vanished. They learned techniques, but the techniques did not bring them magic, did not allow them to really hear and understand the voice of one leaf.


So forget all of the histories, and listen to our own thoughts, which are today alive and vital as those of any man/woman ever born, in whatever time. Forget the dusty old records and feel our reality in the movement as we are. In that moment can we hear the insects sweeping across the continents and the voices of the leaves speak, and feel their echoes in our blood– and that blood lives, beyond the time. It throbs beyond destiny, even as the masses of those people live beyond the beliefs of those gurus.


The vitality of our present being, and the authenticity of oneself.


The most sophisticated and the most primitive,with combination of the English words, in our terms, are understood by the proud intellect that rises above the shoulders so securely. Yet the sounds upon which those words ride are far more sophisticated than the language of which we are all so proud. For they are indeed the sounds of insects through the centuries, of stars swirling through the universe, of the blood pound through our veins.


Not to bow down before gurus and histories. More has to do with the mass beliefs that people chose at various times, and the different roads that were taken in our reality. Any road taken in our reality should–but does not–tell us one thing: By the very fact that we have chosen a particular road, we can be sure that other roads, entirely different, have been taken..

We move into new areas of the self all of the time

The species is now entering such a phase, a period in which it will come more into its own. Mankind will be entering its own new house, then–but the physical changes will be the results of interior ones and alterations in main lines of probabilities.

Christian theology sees the end of the world in certain terms with a grand God coming to reward the good and to punish the wicked. That system of belief allows for no other probability. Some see the end of the world coming as a greater disaster, or envision man finally ruining the planet. Others see periods of peace and advance–and each probability will happen “somewhere.” However, many, or their offspring will be involved in a new dimension of self-hood in which consciousness is fully explored and the potentials of the soul uncovered, at least to some extent.


Human capabilities will be seen as what they are, and a great new period of development will occur, in which all concepts of self-hood and reality will be literally seen as “primitive superstition.” The species will actually move into a new kind of self-hood.

Theories of probabilities will be seen as practical, workable, psychological facts, giving leeway and freedom to the individual, who will no longer feel at the mercy of external events–but will realize instead that he or she is their initiator.


Now, we squeeze the great fruit of our self-hood into a tiny uneasy pulp, unaware of the sweetness of its juices or the variety of its seasons. We look at the outsides of ourselves, as if a peach were aware only of its skin. In the reality I foresee, people will become familiar with far greater aspects of themselves, and bring these into actualization. They will be in touch with their own decisions as they make them.

If they become ill, they will do so knowing they choose the condition in order to emphasize certain areas of development, or to minimize mothers. They will be aware of their options, consciously. The great strength and resiliency of the body will be much better understood; not because medical science makes spectacular discoveries–though it will–but because the mind’s alliance with the body will be seen more clearly.


In this probability of which I speak, the species will begin to encounter the great challenge inherent in fulfilling the vast untouched potential of the human body and mind. In that probable reality, to which each of us belong to some extent, each persona will recognize his or her inherent power of action and decision, and feel an individual sense of belonging with the physical world that springs up in response to individual desire and belief.


The Borledim family deals primarily with parenthood.

These people are natural “earth parents.” that is they have the capacity to produce children who from a certain standpoint possess certain excellent characteristics. The children have brilliant minds, healthy bodies, and strong clear emotions.

While many people are working in specific areas, developing the intellect, for example, or the emotions of the body, these parents and their children produce offspring in which a fine balance is maintained.  No one aspect of ind or body is developed at the expense of another aspect.


The personalities possess a keen resiliency of both body and mind, and serve as a strong earth stock. It goes without saying that members of one family often marry into other families. Of course the same thing happens here. When this occurs new stability in inserted for this particular family acts as a source-stock, providing physical and mental strength. Physically speaking, these people often have many children, and usually the offspring do well in whatever area of life is chosen. Biologically speaking, they possess certain qualities that nullify “negative” codes in the genes. They are usually very healthy people, and marriage into this group can automatically end generations of so-called inherited weaknesses. ri,fm

These people (the Borledim) believe, then, in the natural goodness of sex, the body, and the family unit–however those attributes are understood in the physical society to which they belong. As a rule they possess an enchanting spontaneity, however, and all of their creative abilities go into the family group and the production of children. These are not rigid parents, though, blindly following conventions, but people who see family life as a fine living creative art, and children as masterpieces in flesh and blood. Far from devouring their offspring by an excess of overprotective care, they joyfully send their children out into the world, knowing that in their terms the masterpieces must complete themselves, and that they have helped with the underpainting.


The Borledim are the stock that so far has always seen to it that our species continues despite catastrophes, and they are more or less equally distributed about the planet and in all nationalities. They are most like Sumari. They will usually seek fairly stable political situations in which to bear their children, as the Sumari will to produce art. They demand a certain amount of freedom for their children, however, and while they are not political activists, like the Sumari their ideas often spring to prominence before large social changes, and help initiate them. The one big difference is that the Sumari deal primarily with creativity and the arts, an often subordinate family life, while family thinks of offspring in the terms of living art; everything else is subordinated to that “ideal.”


The Sumari of ten provide a cultural, spiritual, or artistic heritage for the species. This Borledim family provides a well-balanced earth stock–a heritage in terms of individuals. These people are kind, humorous, playful, filled with a lively compassion, but too wise for the “perverted” kind of compassion that breeds on other individuals weaknesses.

An Artist expects his paintings to be good–or, at least he or she should. These people expect their children to be well-balanced, healthy, spiritually keen, and so they are. We will find members of the Borledim family in almost any occupation, but the main consideration will be on the physical family unit.


These parents do not sacrifice themselves for the sake of their children. They understand too well the burden that is placed upon such offspring. Instead, the parents retain their own clear sense of identity and their individual characteristics, serving as clear examples to the children of loving, independent adults.

The Zuli family is involved mainly with the fulfillment of bodily activity.

These are the  athletes. In whatever field, they devote themselves to perfecting the capacities of the body, which in others usually lie latent.


To some extent they serve as physical models. The vitality of creaturehood is demonstrated through the beauty, speed, elegance,and performance of the body itself. To some extent these people are perfectionists, and in their activities there are always hints of “super” achievement, as if even physically the species tries to go beyond itself. The members of this family actually serve to point out the unrealized capacity of the flesh–even as, for example, great Sumari artists might give clues as to the artistic abilities inherent, but not used, in the species as a whole. The members of this group deal, then, in performance. They are physical doers. They are also lovers of beauty as it is corporeally expressed.


Members of this (Zuli) family can often serve as models for the artist or the writer, but generally speaking they themselves transmit their energy through physical “arts” and performance. In our terms only, and historically speaking, they often appeared at the beginings of civilizations, where direct physical bodily manipulation within the environment was of supreme importance. Then, normal physical reactions were simply faster then they are now, even while normal body relaxation was deeper and more complete.

The Vold Family are primarily reformers.

They have excellent precognitive abilities, which of course means that at least unconsciously they understand the motion of probabilities. They can work in any field. In our terms it is as if they perceive the future motion or direction of an idea, a concept, or a structure. They then work with all of their minds to  bring the probability into physical reality.


In conventional terms they may appear to be great activists and revolutionaries, or they may seem to be impractical dreamers. They will be possessed by an idea of change and alteration, and will feel, at least, driven or compelled to make the idea a reality. They perform a very creative service as a rule, for social and political organizations can often become stagnant, and no longr serve the purposes of the large masses of people involved. Members of this (Vold) family may also initiate religious revolutions, of course. As a rule, however, they have one purpose in mind: to change the status quo in whatever the area of primary interest.


It is already easy to see how the purpose of various families can intermesh, complement each other, and also conflict. Yet all in all, almost, they operate as systems of creative checks and balances.