Tag Archives: Reformers

in ordinary life, we end up with sexual caricatures in practical existence.

We do not understand what true womanhood or true manhood is. We are forced instead to concentrate upon a shallow kind of diversity. As a result, the reflection of sexual schism taints all of our activities, but most of all it limits our psychological reality. For the younger generation now the reality is that from a young age they are being taught sexual expression through porn from sites like XXX sex videos.


Since we value sexual performance in the most limited of terms, and use that largely as a focus of identity, then both our old and young also find themselves outside of our organizational frameworks. The young are more freewheeling in their thoughts before they accept sexual roles, and the old are more freewheeling in theirs because they have discarded their sexual roles. I did not say that old or young had no sexual expression– but that both groups did not identify their identities with their sexual roles. There are of course exceptions. If man or the woman is taught that identity is a matter of sexual performance, however, and that that performance must cease at a certain age, then the sense of identity is dependent upon such performance, then they will begin to perform as quickly as possible. They will squeeze their identity into sexual clothes, and the society will suffer because the great creative thrusts of growing intellect and intuitions will be divided at puberty, precisely when they are needed.


Ideally, the adult male or female would rejoice in sexual expression and find an overall orientation, but would also bask in a greater psychological and psychic identity that experienced and expressed all of the great human capabilities of mind and heart, which splash over any artificial divisions.

We see in nature only what we want to see.

We provide ourselves with a pattern or model of nature that conforms with our beliefs.


Love and devotion are largely seen as female characteristics. Societies and organizations of church and state are seen as male. It is not so much that the male and the female be considered equal as it is that the male and female elements in each person should be released and expressed. Immediately, many of us may be annoyed or alarmed, thinking that of course I mean sexual expression. Of course, sexual expression can come in a lot of ways – self (with toys like a thrusting dildo or vibrators) and with another human. That is a portion of such expression. But I am speaking of releasing within each individual the great human characteristics and abilities that are often denied expression because they are assigned to the opposite sex.


In our present framework, because of the male-female specialization– the male orientation, the implication that the ego is male while the psyche is female– we force upon ourselves great divisions in which operationally the intellect seems separate from the Intuitions, and we set up a situation in which opposites seem to apply where there are none. When we think of a scientist, the majority of us will think of a male, an intellectual, an “objective” thinker who takes great pains not to be emotional, or to identify with the subject being examined or studied.


There seems to be a division between science and religion, for even organized religion has an intuitive basis. The male scientist is often ashamed of using his intuitions, for not only do they appear to be unscientific, but female as well. It is what others will think about his masculinity that such a man is concerned with. It be “illogical” is a scientific “crime” — not so much because it is an unscientific attribute, but because it is considered a feminine one. Science has followed the male orientation and become its epitome. Up until the present, science has consistently tried to do without the so-called feminine qualities. It has divorced knowledge from emotion, understanding from identification, and stressed sexuality over personhood.


To an extent, some people in the sciences manage to behind the so-called female and male characteristics. When they do so, seeming oppositions and male contradictions disappear. To whatever degree, more than their contemporaries, they do not allow sexual roles to blind them psychologically. Therefore they are more apt to combine reason and emotion, intuition and intellect, and in so doing invent theories that reconcile previous contradictions. They unify, expand, and create, rather than diversify.


Einstein was such a person in the sciences. While he was tainted to some extent by conventional sexual beliefs, he still felt his own personhood in such a way that he gladly took advantage of characteristics considered feminine. As a youngster particularly, he rebelled against male-oriented learning and orientation. This rebellion was was psychological — that is, he maintained an acceptable male orientation in terms of sexual activity, but he would not restrain his mind and soul with such nonsense. The world felt the result of his great intuitive abilities, and of his devotion.

Because of the world situation, and the overall male orientation of science, the result of his work were largely put to the uses of manipulation and control.


Generally, reason and intellect are then considered male qualities, and the frameworks for civilization, science, and an organized world. The intuitions and the impulses are considered erratic, untrustworthy, feminine, and the impulses are be controlled. The world exists because of spontaneous order. Civilization began because of the impulse of people to be together. It grew spontaneously and came into order. We only see the outside of many processes because our objectified viewpoint does not allow us the identification that would show us more. It seems to us then that all systems sometime break down — become less orderly or fall into chaos.


We apply this belief to physical systems and psychological ones. In terms of sex, we insist upon a picture that shows us a growth into a sexual identification into “sexual disorder.” It does not occur to us that the original premise or focus, the identification of identity with sexual nature, is “unnatural.” It is us, then, who form the entire framework from which our judgement is made. In many cases the person is truer to his or her own identity in childhood or old age, when greater individual freedom is allowed, and sexual roles are more flexible.


Any deep exploration of the self will lead into areas that will confound conventional beliefs about sexuality. We will discover an identity, a psychological and psychic identity, that is in our terms male and female, one in which those abilities of each sex are magnified, released, and expressed. They may not be so released in normal life, but we will meet the greater dimensions of our own reality, and at least in the dream state catch a glimpse of the self that transcends a one-sex orientation.

Such an encounter with the psyche is often met by great artists or writers, or by mystics. This kind of realization is necessary if we are to ever transcend the framework of seeming opposites in which our world is involved.


The overly specific sexual orientation, then, reflects a basic division in consciousness. It not only separates a man from his own intuitions and emotions to some extent, or a woman from her own intellect, but it effectively provides a civilization in which mind and heart, fact and revelation, appear completely divorced. To some degree each person is at war with the psyche, for all of an individual’s human characteristics must be denied unless they fit in with those considered normal to the sexuall identity.

Love Is A Biological Necessity

A force operating to one degree or another in all biological life. Without love there is no physical commitments to life — no psychic hold.


Love exists whether or not it is sexually expressed, though it is natural for love to seek expression. Love implies loyalty. It implies commitment. This applies to lesbian and homosexual relationships as well as to heterosexual ones. Even when love seems to fade and people get divorced, most divorcees look on sites like Divorced SIngles to find a new love for their life because they still want to find their soulmate. In our society, however, identity is so related to sexual stereotypes that few people know themselves well enough to understand the nature of love, and to make any such commitments.


A transitory period is currently taking place, in which women seem to seek the promiscuous sexual freedom more generally granted men, this is being done in many different ways over the world, for instance, check out lesbian adult videos and how they can express sensual and sexual desires. It is believed that males are naturally promiscuous, aroused by sexual stimuli almost completely divorced from any complementary “deeper” response. The male, then, is thought to want sex whether or not he has any love response to the woman in question — or sometimes to desire her precisely because he doesn’t love her. This would explain why men love visiting websites like Live chat – because they provide arousal and sexual satisfaction without the “deeper” response. In such cases, sex becomes not an expression of love, but an expression of derision or scorn.


So women, accepting these ideas often, seek for a situation in which they too can feel to express their sexual desires openly, whether or not any love is involved. Yet loyalty is love’s partner, and the primates display such evidence in varying degrees. The male in particular has been taught to separate love and sex, so that a schizophrenic condition results that tears apart his psyche — in operational terms–as he lives his life.

The expression of sexuality is considered male, while the expression of love is not considered manly. To some extent or another, then, the male feels forced to divide the expression of his love from the expression of his sexuality. It would be disastrous for women to follow the same course.


This division has led to our major wars. This does not mean that men were alone responsible for wars. It does mean that the male so divorced himself from the common fountain of love and sex that the repressed energy came forth in these aggressive acts of cultural rape and death, instead of birth.


When we look at the animal kingdom, we suppose that the male chooses blindly, led by “dumb’ instinct, so that in overall terms one female will do as well as any other. When we discover that a certain chemical or scent will attract a certain male insect, for example, we take it for granted that, that element is alone responsible for drawing the male to the female. We take it for granted, in other words, that individual differences do not apply in such cases so remote from our own reality.


We simply are not able to understand the nature of such consciousnesses, and so we interpret their behavior according to our beliefs. This would be sad enough if we did not often use such distorted data to further define the nature of male and female behavior.


In so distorting our ideas of sex, we further limit the great capacities of human loyalty, which is always connected with live and love’s expression. Lesbian and homosexual relationships then are at best tenuous, overwrought with confused emotions, very seldom able to maintain a stability that allows for individual growth. Heterosexual relationships also break down, for identity of each partner becomes based upon sexual roles that may or may not apply to the individuals involved.


Since we feel that sex is the only proper method of love’s expression, and yet also believe sex and love are divided, we are in a quandary. These sexual beliefs are also far more important in national relationships than we realize, for we attempt to take what we think of as a masculine stance as a nation. So, for example, does, Russia. India takes a feminine stance — in terms of our beliefs, now.

One small Note: a male with growths of any kind — kidney stones or ulcers, for example — has tendencies he considers feminine, and therefore “dependent,” of which he is ashamed. There is nothing to be ashamed of though when it comes to kidney stones, instead you should seek medical help as quickly as possible. You could check out something like this advanced urology to give you a better understanding of what to do next. However, with regards to the tendencies that he feels are feminine – in a mock biological ceremony, he gives birth to the extent that he produces within his body material that was not there before. In ulcers the stomach becomes the womb — blooded, giving birth to sores — his interpretation of a male’s “grotesque” attempt to express feminine characteristics.

Heterosexual love is one important expression of bisexuality, and sexually represents the reproductive abilities

Hetersexuality, however, rests upon the bisexual basis, and without man’s/woman’s Bi-sexual nature, the larger frameworks of the family– the clan, tribe, government, civilization– would be impossible.

Basically, then, man’s/woman’s inherent bisexuality provides the basis for the cooperation that makes physical survival, and any kind of cultural interaction, possible. If the “battle of the sexes” were as prevalent as supposed, and as natural and ferocious, then there literally would be no cooperation between males and females for any purpose. There would be constant state of battle against each other. If that was the case, it would be hard enough to procreate for survival reasons, nevermind humans have sexual intimacy for entertainment and pleasure like you’d see on a website like X-Tube or a similar adult porn site.


In the natural biological flow of a person’s life, there are periods of varying intensities, in which love and its expression fluctuates, and tends toward different courses. There are also individual variations that are of great importance. These natural rhythms are seldom observed, however. Tendencies toward lesbianism or homosexuality in children are quite natural. They are so feared, however, that often just-as-natural leanings toward heterosexuality are blocked. Instead, the young person is stereotyped.

Individual inclinations toward creativity often emerge in a strong fashion in adolescence. If those drives in either sex do not conform in expression to those expected of the male or female, then such young persons become confused. The creative expression seems to be in direct contradiction to the sexual standards expected.


I am not saying that lesbianism and homosexuality are merely stages leading to heterosexaulity. I am saying that lesbianism, homosexuality, and heteroseuxlaity are valid expressions of man’s/woman’s bisexual nature.

Love and sexuality are not necessarily the same thing. The physical act of sex that you can see on sites like X-Tube is merely love in the physical form. Sex is love’s expression, but it is only one of love’s expressions. Sometimes it is quite “natural” to express love in another way. Because of the connotations of the word “sex,” however, it may seem to some of us that I am advocating a promiscuous sexual relationship with “no holes barred”, which many Porno Babes would be involved in, but as everyone does – they of course will have time for intimate and loving sexual acts.


Instead, I am saying that deeper bonds of biological and spiritual love lie at the basis of all personal and cultural relationships, a love that transcends our ideas of sexuality. Heterosexual love, as it is understood at least, gives us a family of parents and children–an important unit, about which other groups form. If only stereotyped ideas of female-male relationships operated, however, there would be no bond or stimulus great enough to forge one family to another. The antagonism between males would be too great. Competition between females would be too serve. Wars would wipe out struggling tribes before any traditions were formed.

In the social world as in the microscopic one, cooperation is paramount. Only a basic bisexuality could give the species the leeway necessary, and prevent stereotyped behavior of a kind that would hamper creativity and social commerce. That basic sexual nature allows us the fulfillment of individual abilities, so that the species does not fall into extinction. Man’s/woman’s recognition of his/her bisexual nature is, therefore, a must in his/her future.


There are, obvious differences between the sexes. They are insignificant, and appear large only because we concentrate so upon them. The great human qualities of love, strength, compassion, intellect and imagination do not belong to one sex or the other.

Only an understanding of this inherent bisexual nature will release those qualities in each individual, regardless of sex. Many women are comfortable with their bisexuality which is why they are invariably more than happy to invite a Escort to join them occasionally to spice things up in the bedroom with their husbands. Those same abilities are natural characteristics of people in each race, of course, yet we have consistently made the same kind of distinctions in racial terms as we have in sexual ones, so that certain races appear as feminine or masculine to us. We project our sexual beliefs outward upon the nations, then, and often the terminology of the nations and of wars is the same as that used to describe sex.


We speak, for example, of domination and submission, of the master and the slave, of the rape of nation– terms used in war and sex alike.


Male and female are each members of the human race– or species– so these divisions were made in the species itself, by itself. They are the result of distinctions arising, as the species experimented with its line of consciousness, and brought into being the appearance of separation between itself and the rest of the natural world.

Our beliefs about sex and our experience with it, makes us consider it in a limiting light

The psyche’s own knowledge, or course, is far more expansive. Alterations of consciousness, or attempts on the part of the individual to explore the inner self, may then easily display glimpses of a kind of sexuality that can appear to be deviant or unnatural.

Even when social scientists or biologists explore human sexuality, they do so from the framework of sexuality as it appears in our world. There are quite natural sexual variations, even involving reproduction, that are not now apparent in human behavior in any culture. Be it with people looking for sex or for more direct relations, these variations appear in our world on only fairly microscopic levels, or in the behavior of other species than our own.


When racial conditions require it, it is quite possible for an individual to both father and mother a child. In such cases, what you would call complete spontaneous sexual reverse or transformation would occur. Such processes are quite possible at microscopic levels, and inherent in the cellular structure. Even in our world, currently speaking, some individuals known as women could father their own children.

Some individuals known as men could give birth to a child fathered by the same person — could. The abilities are there.


The male-female, female orientation is not nearly as separate as it appears to be in our present experience. It is not nearly as tied to psychological characteristics as we suppose. Nor is it inherently focused in the particular age period in which it now shows itself. Puberty arrives, so to speak, but the time of its arrival varies according to the needs of the species, its conditions and beliefs. We are an individual for life. We operate as a reproducing individual, generally speaking, for only a portions of the time.

During that period, many elements come into play and are meant to make the process attractive to the individuals involved, and to their tribes, societies, or civilizations. A relatively strong “Sexual” identification is important under those circumstances — but an over-identification with them, before or afterward, can lead to stereotyped behavior, in which the greater needs and abilities of the individual are not allowed fulfillment.


All of this becomes very complicated because of our value judgements, which oftentimes seem to lack, all natural common sense. We cannot separate biology from our own belief systems. The interplay is too vital. If each act of intercourse were meant to produce a child, we would have overrun the planet before we began. Sexual activity is therefore also meant as enjoyment, as an expression of pure exuberance. The sexual experience is found to be a right of passage, and attribute it to health. It is healthy to explore our sexual needs, both personally and with others. Personal sexual exploration is seen as empowering to some, a way of becoming enlightened within the self. The use of sexual toys and fantasies is seen as a healthy way of experiencing sex with the use of sex toys and sex-machines becoming popular. A woman will often feel her most sexually active in the midst of the menstrual period, precisely when conception is least apt to occur. All kinds of taboos against sexual relations have been applied here, particularly in so-called native cultures. In those cultures, such taboos make good sense. Such peoples,building up the human stock, intuitively knew that the population would be increased if relations were restricted to periods when conception was most likely to occur. The blood was an obvious sign that the woman at her period was relatively “barren.” Her abundance was gone. It seemed to their minds that she was indeed “cursed” during that time.

Ego-consciousness — which has its own unique rewards. That psychological orientation will,lead the species to another, equally unique kind of consciousness.


When the process began, however, the deep power of nature had to be “controlled” so that the growing consciousness could see itself as apart from this natural source. Yet children, so necessary to the species, continued to spring from women’s wombs. Therefore the natural was most flagrant, observable, and undeniable. For that reason the species– and not the male alone — placed so many taboos about female behavior and sexuality. In “subduing” it’s own female elements, the species tried to gain some psychological distance from the great natural source from which it was, for its own reasons, trying to emerge.

In the world of our present experience, sexual differences are less apparent as we reach old age. Some women display what we think of as masculine characteristics, growing hair about their faces, speaking with heavier voices, or becoming angular; while some men speak with lighter, gentler tomes than ever before, and their faces grow smoother, and the contours of their bodies soften.


Before there is the same kind of seeming ambiguity. We stress the importance of sexual identification, for it seems to you that a young child must know that it will grow up to be a man or woman, in the most precise of terms– toeing the line in the least particular.

The slightest deviation is looked upon with dismay, so that personal identity and worth are completely tied into identification with femaleness or maleness. Completely different characteristics, abilities, and performances are expected from those in each category. A male who does not feel himself fully male, therefore, does not trust his identity as a person. A woman doubtful of her complete femininity in the same manner does not trust the integrity of her personhood.

A lesbian or homosexual is on very shifting psychological ground, because the same interests and abilities that they feel most personally theirs are precisely those that mark them as sexual eccentrics.


These are simple enough examples, but the man who possesses interests considered feminine by our culture, who naturally wants to enter fields of interest considered womanly, experience drastic conflicts between his sense of personhood and identity– and his sexuality as it is culturally defined. The same, of course, applies to women.

Because of our exaggerated focus, we therefore become relatively blind to other aspects of “sexuality.” First of all, sexuality per se does not necessarily lead to intercourse. It can lead to acts that do not produce children. What we think of as lesbian or homosexual activity is quite natural sexual expression, biologically and psychologically, whether it be using a wide range of dildos or be without any other devices involved. In more “ideal” environments such activity would flourish to some extent, particularly before and after prime reproductive years.


For those literal-minded , this does mean that such activity would predominate at such times. It does mean that not all sexual activity that can be seen on websites such as XXX Tube is meant to end in childbirth– which is a biological impossibility, and would represent planetary catastrophe. So the species is blessed, with many avenues for sexual expression. The strong focus that now predominates does inhibit the formation of certain kinds of friendships that would not necessarily at all result in seuxal activity.

Lesbiansim and homosexuality, as they are currently experienced, also represent exaggerated versions of natural inclinations, even as our epxeirenced version of hetersexuality is exaggerated.

ESP: Is more developed or consciously available in some individuals than in others.

But so is a “gift” for music, or baseball or whatever. I find it difficult to believe that many millions of people must wait for a handful of their “superior” peers–philosophers, scientists, psychologists, parapsychologists–to tell them it’s all right to believe in at least a few of the inner abilities that each of us possesses, to whatever degree. Obviously, numerous individuals simply refuse to wait for the official light or recognition to shine forth.


That wait could be a very long one. Who is to help initiate meaningful changes in our psychological and social orders? Surely many people feel the necessity to turn aside from the selected dogmas of our time. Our world present definitions of personality are so limited as the conventional meaning implied by the term ESP.


Science is “objective” enough in its own terms of serial time and measurement, as it claims to be, but that eventually it must choose to look inward as thoroughly as it does outward. To me, much of the turmoil in the world results from our steadfast refusal to accept a major portion of our natural heritage. We project our inner knowledge “outward” in distorted fashion; thus on a global scale we thrash about with our problems of war, overpopulation, and dwindling natural resources, to name but a few.


Each of us chose such a course at this time — but now, I think, a time of imperative change is necessary if we are to continue our progress as a species. A new blending of inner and outer consciousness’s — a new, more meaningful coalition of intellectual and intuitive abilities — will be the latest step in the process of “consciousness knowing itself”.


There are bound to be significant clues as to the nature of the human animal: creative clues that can’t help but enlighten us in many — and sometimes unexpected–ways.


Consciousness is more than encompassing enough to embrace all that we are, and everything that each of us can even remotely conceive of doing or being. Try as we might, we’ll not exhaust or annihilate consciousness: Whatever we accomplish as people will still leave room for — indeed, demand — further ramifications and development. And in the interim we can always look at nature with its innocent, spontaneous order to sustain us. We can at least observe, and enjoy, the behavior of other species with whom we share the world.

Reincarnational, counterparts, and probable selves, and families of consciousness, suggest the human personality.

Also hints of the invisible psychological thickness that fills out the physical event of the self in time.


Following an intuitive and inner organization rather than a linear one, would arouse the creative revelatory characteristics of the psyche. The psyche’s deep resources evolve into timeless material. Like being reckless in the pursuit of the ideal.


No one, whether that individual is a psychic, a mystic, a writer, a poet, or even if he/she combines all of those qualities, can encompass all of the incredible differences within the human species. It’s up to the multidimensional, multitudinous, over for billion multinational individuals on this planet to follow their own intuitions and seek answers in their personal ways.


We have much to learn about our inner and outer worlds that once an attempt is made to discuss those large issues, a host of questions arise.

Expand OR CUT DOWN the function of any family group, by deciding how precise oneself would be.

If one family deals with the nature of healing, then we can slice it down to the healing of a toe…an ear…an eye.


The categories [healing, teaching, or whatever] are general descriptions of the families of consciousness. We can split them up also and make further distinctions, if we choose. we can cut those divisions down. They merely represent interpretations that we can understand in our reality. In the most mundane of terms, some families are travelers, and some prefer to stay at home. Characteristics of consciousness as it is embarked in physical form. These groups are not set up as divisions, but to understand that consciousness is diversified — that usually each of us falls, because we want to, into a certain family. And there we acquire friends, alliances, and counterparts.


Besides the physical relationships that each of us know, therefore, we have other brothers and sisters, mothers and others, on a psychic level; and to that degree, we are not alone. If we do not like the families that we have, we have others to choose from.


Families fall generally into certain groups. In greater terms we can “cut the pie” however we want to, but we will still share an emotional and psychic feeling of belonging with the family of which we are part.


Each of us may often come together, forming a counterpart relationship when it suits our purposes.

thinking that our encounters with others are caused by chance…

Except for those we purposely bring about through choice, such as marriage partners. Yet, second thoughts make us question old assumptions; Granted the existence of counterparts to begin with, certainly their common goals, though differently expressed, would bring them together when possible. The same would apply to any group. So beneath such gatherings there would be hidden dynamics, psychological activities that could explain the behavior of crowds, political parties, and so forth.


An individual reactions to a given idea or event can vary tremendously, form the most withdrawn behavior to the most explosive.

“SHIT” and “SOUL”

We apply the term in a derogatory manner to ourselves, and think: “I am full of shit.” And where does the great spectacular reality, the physical reality of our earth, spring from? Why is shit not considered sacred and blessed and glorious? We think of shit, unfortunately, as the antithesis of good; and when we play around it or with it, we think we are being childish at the best, and wicked at the worst.


A child sits, perhaps three years old, with his finger stuck up his ass, feeling the shit that warmly runs down, and that child knows that shit is good. Then, give him credit!


We think that the soul is a white wall nothing written upon it, and so our idea of sacrilege is to shit upon it, not realizing that the shit and the soul are one, and that the biological is spiritual; and that flowers grow from the shit of the earth. And in a true communion, all things of this life return to the earth, and are consumed and rise up again in a new life that is never destroyed or annihilated, though always changing form.


So, when we shrink from such words or such meanings, why do we shrink? Because we do not trust the biology of our being or the integrity of our soul in flesh. We are people. We are made of the stuff of the earth, and the dust from the stars has formed into the shit that lies in piles — warm piles that come from the beasts and the creatures of the earth. And the shit fertilizes the flowers and the ground, and is a part of it.


This does not mean that we should use such a word to make other people uncomfortable.


Our soul and our flesh are wedded together. One is not “better” than the other: Both are good. Both are, and we are both. The heritage of the earth, in our terms, is ancient and yet ever new, and when we write, we write with our intelligence and our wit. Yet if it were not that we shit once or twice a day, we would not be writing anything.


Yet when we laugh, we laugh because we still think the word is beneath us, and we are being sneaky or smart-alecky–or we think I am–by speaking so freely.


When We say “soul,” we do not snicker.

Why isn’t the whole world reverberating with fantastic ideas?

How many people? Very few would take this amount of their camouflage time to deal with it. A peculiar set of abilities and interests is required for like this to be even partially successful, or accepted by the personalities involved. For many it would be difficult to maintain discipline and balance, while allowing for the necessary freedoms that are involved. That is, this is a controlled experiment, allowing oneself certain freedoms of control in some instance and not in others. This is no easy trick.


The slow accumulated body of knowledge has been taken into various religious and doctrines that have grown up about it until it is almost unrecognizable. Bits of it appear here and there, scattered, distorted, and misleading. It comes naked, and everyone must put clothing on it. This means it usually ends up as either nonsense armored dogma.


Knowledge needs personalities who are not fanatics along any line–including scientific fanatics who would object as forcibly to the reincarantional data as religious fanatics would object to some of the other material.


All religions are distortive. For that matter, much of our science is distortive. Both arrive at approximations, at best, of reality. Religion has been the cause of much prejudice and cruelty, but the bombs over Head are not caused by the Catholic Saint, Teresa showering down any roses. Science is apt to turn into another religion, if it has not done so already. The distortions in science and religion have been truly disastrous. Any fanaticism is vicious, one-sided, and limiting, causing an alarming shrinkage of focus that is explosive and dangerous.