Tag Archives: Civilization

flesh and blood creatures’, interior aspects of perception have physical counterparts.

But material awareness and bodily response to it would be impossible were it not for these internal web-works. I am saying that all exterior events, including our own bodies with their insides, all objects, all physical materialization, are the outside structure of inside ones that are composed of interior sound and invisible light, interwoven in electro-magnetic patterns.


Beneath temporal perception, then each object and event exists in these terms, in patterns that interact with each other. On a physical level we seem to be separated from everything it seems to be and it is an assumption that we usually take for granted.

There are few verbal equivalents for some explanations.

Naive Realism.

The philosophical concept could be considered any time, since proponents believe that it’s unconsciously involved in practically all of our daily activities. Simply put, naive realism teaches that our visual and bodily senses several to us an external world as it really is–that we “see” actual physical objects, for instance.  Disbelievers say that neurological evidence contradicts this theory; that from the neurological standpoint the events in our lives and within our bodies depend upon interpretation by the brain, that we can know nothing directly, but only experience transmitted through–and so “colored” by–the central nervous system. The perceptual time lag, caused by the limited speed of light, is also involved in objections to naive realism, or some mind-brain idea very much like it, is habitually used whether we’re considering evolution within a time-oriented camouflage universe, painting a picture, or running a house hold. And after many centuries, the debate over the relationship between mind and brain continues, if first the existence of the mind is even agreed upon!


We actually create the typical camouflage patterns of our own universe in the same manner that we form a pattern with our breath in a glass pane. I do not necessarily mean that we are the creators of the universe. I am merely saying that we are the creators of the physical world as we know it–and here in, lies a vast tale.

the precognitive abilities of a species

Biologists don’t see any evidence of it in their work. In evolutionary theory, such attributes violate not only the operation of chance mutation and the struggle for existence, but our ideas of consecutive time [which is associated with “naive realism”–the belief that things really as we perceive them to be]. Not that scientifically the concept of a far more flexible time–even a backward flow of time–is all that new. In atomic physics, for example, no special meaning or place is given to any particular moment, and fundamentally the past and future all but merge in the interactions of elementary particles–thus  at least approaching simultaneous time. At that level there’s change, or value fulfillment, but no evolution. To my way of thinking, if there’s value fulfillment there’s consciousness, expressed through Conscious Units, or units of consciousness.


But to some degree many scientists outside physics regard such esoteric particle relationships as being of theoretical interest mainly within that discipline; the concepts aren’t seen as posing any threat to biology, zoology, or geology, for instance, nor do they tinker with naive realism. The biological sciences can cling to mechanistic theories of evolution by employing the conservative physics of cause and effect to support their conclusions while being aware, perhaps, of tenets of particle physics. Such “casual analysis” then proves itself over and over again. I’ve read the theory of evolution is used to prove the theory of evolution.


I find it very interesting, then, to consider that the theory of evolution is a creature of our coarser world of “physical” construction. Our ordinary, chosen sensual perceptions move us forward, within “the time system that the species adopted.” The moment point encompasses the seeming paradox through which consecutive time can be allowed expression within simultaneous time.

the experiments with man-animals didn’t work out

But the ghost memories of those probabilities still linger in our biological structure. The growth of ego-consciousness by itself set up both challenges and limitations. For many centuries there was no clear-cut differentiation between various aspects of man and animal, there were innumerable species of man-in-the-making in our terms.

Evolution does not exist as we think of it, in any kind of one-line ape-to-man sequence. No other species developed in that manner, either. Instead, there are parallel developments. Our time perception shows us but one slice of the whole cake, for instance.


In thinking in terms of consecutive time, however, evolution does not march from the past into the future. Instead, precognitively the species is aware of those changes it wants to make, and from the “future” it alters the “present” state of the chromosomes and genes to bring about in the probable future the specific changes it desires. Both above and below our usual conscious focus, then, time is experienced in an entirely different fashion and is constantly manipulated, as we physically manipulate matter. If you’re wanting more information on how the human brain perceives time and the passage of time, take a look into and read the latest on slowing-down time perception, and how to slow time down to enjoy those moments that matter most to you.

Charles Darwin spent the last years, proving his theory of evolution, yet it had no real validity

It has a validity within very limited perspectives only; for consciousness does, indeed, evolve form. Form does not evolve consciousness. It is according to when we come into the picture, and what we choose to observe. Consciousness did not come from atoms and molecules scattered by chance through the universe.

In terms of the simultaneous nature of time and existence, know that the theory of evolution is as beautiful a tale as the theory of Biblical creation. Both are quite handy, and both are methods of telling stories, and both might seem to agree within their own systems, and yet, in larger respects they cannot be realities.


Within us, concepts and actions are one. We recognize this, but our mental lives are often built around concepts that , until recently, have been considered very modern and very ‘in,” such as the idea of evolution. In actuality, life bursts apart in all directions as consciousness does. There is no one steady stream of progress.

But why are the “expert dreamers” not more progressive?” We realize that our own progress as a civilization will, in our terms, come to a halt unless we advance in other directions. This is what our civilization is learning that we cannot rape our planet, that life did not begin as some isolated [substance] that in the great probabilities of existences met another [similar substance], and another, and then another, until a orgy, neither does consciousness exist as simple organisms separated by vast distances, but as a complicated gestalt.


The Unknown remains nebulous because it is consciously UNREALIZED

Exercise our own intuitive and mental capacities from a different viewpoint.


The unknown will become known to the extent that we form new questions, and forget the old frameworks in which answers and myth were automatically given in response. If the unknown is discovered, then many old questions will be seen as relatively meaningless, formed not after any intimate encounter with basic issues, but in response to old dogmas.

We are the unknown, to the extent that we do not recognize, realize, or experience the many facets of our own being. As always, I say that the answers lie within oneself, not in the exterior world.


Clues may indeed be found in the exterior world, however, because the exterior conditions mirror so perfectly our inner, individual and mass experience.

Do not look for neat answers or tidy solutions, for when we do our explanations and theories will always be too small. There is always an unknown reality to some extent, for the miracle of our being works outside of the kind of explanations that we so often seem to require.


Our ready answers end up limiting our own experience, because we try to fit our subjective behavior into the cramped boot of preconceived ideas. Our experience creates new questions in the same way that a painter creates new paintings.

Answers pertaining to Atlantis, the Bermuda Triangle,UFO’s, and many other such questions. Those matters certainly seem pertinent in the framework of our experience and beliefs. We already have a great variety of explanations offered. Writers in many fields have produced books about such topics. By far the greater questions, however, are those pertaining to the unknown reality of the psyche, and those that relate to the kind of being who perceives in one way or another an Atlantis, A Bermuda Triangle, a UFO– for in greater terms, until we ask deeper questions about ourselves, these other experiences will remain mysterious. We cannot understand perceived events unless we understand who perceives them. We must learn more about the slant of our own consciousness before we are in a position to ask truly pertinent questions about the reality that we perceive.

Atlantis: ideas about the age of the earth are erroneous

There were intelligent human beings far earlier than is supposed; and because we assume a one-line kind of progression from an apelike creature to man, we ignore any evidence that shows to the contrary. There were highly developed human beings with elaborate civilizations, existing simultaneously with what we might call animal kingdoms–that is, more or less organized primeval animal tribes, possessing their own kind of ‘primitive’cultures.

Those animal kingdoms, some of them, utilized tools. Their senses were extremely acute, and their ‘cultures’ dealt with a kind of transmission of knowledge that made a highly complicated vocabulary unnecessary.


Those species did not vie for domination of the earth, but simply shared the same general environment with the more sophisticated groupings beyond their own perimeters. There were many highly technical human cultures, but in our terms not on a global scale. The legend of Atlantis is actually based upon several such civilizations. No particular civilization is the basis, however. Apart from that, the legend as picked up, so to speak, by Plato was a precognition of the future probability, an image of an inner civilization of the mind actually projected outward into the future, where it would be used as a blueprint–the lost grandeur, as in other terms, Eden became the lost garden of paradise.

Some archaeological discoveries about the past are not discovered in our present because they do not exist yet. Now such concepts are difficult to explain, but in certain terms, the ruins of Atlantis have not been found because they have not been placed in past yet, from the future.


The future is probable. However, in our terms there are ruins of the civilizations that served as the ‘concrete’ basis for the one Atlantean legend. Those civilizations were scattered. the so-called ruins would not be found in any one place as expected. There are some beneath the Aegean Sea, and some beneath an offshoot of the Atlantic, and some beneath the Arctic, for the world had a different shape.

In far greater terms, time is simultaneous, so those civilizations exist along with our own. Our methods of dating the age of the earth are very misleading.


In our terms, from our present we ‘plant’ images, tales, legends, ‘at any given time.’ That seem to come from the past, but are actually like ghost images from the future, for us to follow or disregard as we choose.

‘Atlantis and Garden of Eden’ are the same in that regard.

When we think that perhaps our species came from another planetary system, in time terms, then of course we are til dealing with old concepts. In our usual terms of thinking, the earth does not exist at all– not if we are considering it as a chunk of matter occupying a certain position in a physical cosmos. It is really futile to question whether the universe came from a big boom, or is constantly expanding, as an idea or a dream does. I am not saying the universe does not exist–only that it does not exist in the way that it seems to us


All That Is creates its reality as it goes along. Each world has its own impetus, yet all are ultimately connected. The true dimensions of a divine creativity would be unendurable for any one consciousness of whatever import and so that splendor is infinitely dimensionalized worlds spiraling outward with each’moment’ of a cosmic breath; with the separation of worlds a necessity, and with individual and mass comprehension always growing at such a rate that All That Is multiplies itself at microseconds building both pasts and futures and other time scales we do not recognize. Each is a reality in itself, with its own potential as, and with no individual consciousness, however minute, ever lost.


In that kind of framework, Atlantis exists both in our past and future, a probable world that some of us will choose from a model placed in the past of our future- partially based upon fact, in our terms, but within its greatest validity lying in its possibilities.

Other Civilizations have gone our route

We call this our universe and our reality cause we form it. Within us also is the knowledge of other great experiments we are involved with. Some civilizations have failed, but the inhabitants of some earths have succeeded very well.

As we think of it, our future is not set. We can follow any road we choose, but–until we realize that as individuals we each form our own personal life, and have a part in the mass creation of reality–there is much learning ahead for us. This is a lesson we are meant to fully understand within physical reality.


We are meant to judge physical reality. We are meant to realize that it is a materialization of our thoughts and feelings and images, the the inner self forms that world. In our terms, we cannot be allowed to go into other dimensions until we have learned the great power of our thoughts and subjective feelings. So even when we think we destroy, we destroy nothing. And when we think we kill, we kill nothing. When we imagine that we can annihilate a reality, we can only assault it as we know it. The reality itself will continue to exist.

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Because we cannot follow a thought, we wonder where it has gone; has it fallen off some invisible cliff in our mind? But because we can no longer hold that thought in consciousness does not mean it no longer exists, that it does not have a reality of its own, for it does indeed. And if a world escapes us–if we cannot follow it and think is has been destroyed–then the same thing applies to the world as to the thought. It continues to live.


Walking down the street, we expect the trees to stay in their places, and not transform themselves into buildings. All of these assumptions are taken for granted in our physical journeys. We may find different customs and languages, yet even these will be accepted in the vast, overall, basic assumptions within whose boundaries physical life occurs. We are most certainly traveling through the private and mass psyche when we so much as walk down the street. The physical world seems objective and outside of oneself, however. The idea of such outsideness is one of the assumptions upon which we build that existence. Interior traveling is no more subjective, than a journey from New York to San Francisco. We are used to projecting all destinations outside of oneself. The idea of varied inward destinations, involving motion through time and space, therefore appears strange.
    Generally speaking, we have explored the physical planet enough so that we have a good idea of what to expect as we travel from country to country.
    Before a trip, we can produce travel folders that outline the attractions and characteristics of a certain locale. We are not traveling blind folded,therefore, and while any given journey may be new to us, we are not really a pioneer: The land has been mapped and there are few basic surprises.
    The inner lands have not been as well explored. To say the least, they lie in virgin territory as far as our conscious mind is concerned. Others have journeyed to some of these interior locales, but since they were indeed explorers they had to learn as they went along. Some, returning, provided guidebooks or travel folders, telling us what could be expected. We make our own reality. If we were from a foreign land and asked one person to give us a description for reality. The person might say “New York City is a frightful place in which crime is rampant, gangs roam the streets, murders and rapes are the norm, and people are not only impolite but ready to attack us at a moment’s notice. There are no trees. The air is polluted, and we can expect only violence. ” If we asked someone else, this individual might say instead: “New York City has the finest of museums, open-air concerts in some of the parks, fine sculpture, theater, and probably the greatest collection of books outside the Vatican. It has a good overall climate, a great mixture of cultures. In it, millions of people go their way daily in freedom. ” Both people would be speaking of their private beliefs, and would be colored by the individual focus from which each of them viewed that City.
    One person might be able to give us the city’s precise location in terms of latitude and longitude. The other might have no such knowledge, and say instead: “I take a plane at such-an-such a place, at such-and-such a time, giving New York City as my destination, and if I take the proper plane I always arrive there.
    Explorers traveling into inner reality, do not have the same kind of landmarks to begin with. Many have been so excited with their discoveries that they wrote guidebooks long before they even began to explore the inner landscape They did not understand that they found what they wanted to find, or that the seemingly objective phenomena originated in the reflections of the psyche.
   We may, for example, have read books numbering the “inner realms,” and telling us what we can expect to encounter in each. Many of these speak of lords or gods of the realm, or of demons. In a strange way these books do provide a service, for at certain levels we will find our own ideas materialized: and if we believe in demons then in those terms we will encounter them. The authors, however, suppose that the devils have a reality outside of our belief in them, and such is not the case. The demons simply represent a state of our own mind that is seemingly out there, objectified. Therefore, whatever methods the authors used to triumph over these demons is often given as proof not only of the demons’ reality but of each method’s effectiveness.
    Now if we read such books we may often program our activity along those lines, in the same way that a visitor to New York City might program experience of the city in terms of what he of she had been told existed there.
    That kind of structuring also does a disservice, however, for it prevents us from coming in contact with our own original concepts. there is no reason, for example, to encounter any demons or devils in any trance or out-of-body condition. In such cases our own hallucinations blind us to the environment within which they are projected. All of its dimensions are faithfully and instantly produced as experience when we learn to take our “normally alert” conscious mind with us; and when we are free of such limiting ideas, then at those levels we can glimpse the inner powers of our own psyche, and watch the interplay of beliefs and symbols as they are manifested before our eyes. Until we learn to do this we will most certainly have difficulty, for we will not be able to tell the difference between our projections and what is happening in the inner environment.
    Any exploration of inner reality must necessarily involve a journey through the psyche, and these effects can be thought of as atmospheric conditions, natural, at a certain stage, through which we pass as we continue.
    Our world, is the result of a certain focus of consciousness, without which that world cannot be perceived. The range of consciousness involved is obviously physically oriented, yet within it there are great varieties of consciousness, each experiencing that seemingly objective world from a private perspective. The physical environment is real in different terms to an animal, a fish, a man, or a rock, for example, and different portions of those forms. This is highly important.
    If an inhabitant from another reality outside of our own physical system entirely were to visit it, and if “his” or “her” intelligence was roughly of the same degree as our own, he or she would still have to learn to focus his or her consciousness into the same way that we do, more or less, in order to perceive our world. He or she would have to alter his or her native focus and turn it in a direction that was foreign to him or her. In this way he or she could “pick up our station.” There would be distortions, because even though he or she managed such manipulations he or she might not have the same kind of native physical structure as our own, or course, through which to receive and interpret those data his altered consciousness perceived.
    Our visitor would then be forced to translate that information as best he or she could through his or her own native structure, if it were to make any sense to his or her consciousness in its usual orientation. All realities are the result of certain unique focuses taken by consciousness. In those terms, there is no outside. The effect of objectivity are caused as the psyche projects its experience into inner dimensions that it has itself created
    Within, those frameworks are ever expanding, so that in our terms at least it seems that greater and greater distances are involved. Travel to any other land of physical reality must then involve alterations of consciousness.
   While all of our thoughts and feelings are “somewhat” materialized, only some of them become physical in our terms. They are then accepted as physical reality. They provide the basis for the physical events, objects, and phenomena upon which we all agree. Therefore our world has a stability that works well enough for daily concerns. At that point we are tuned in precisely on our “home station.” We ignore the ghost symbols or voices, the probable actions that also occur, but that are muffled in the clear tones of our accepted reality. When we begin to travel away from that home station, we become more aware of the other frequencies that are buried within it. We move through other frequencies, but to do this we must alter our own consciousness. The probable realities connected with our own system are like the suburbs, say, surrounding a main city. If for simplicity’s sake we think of other realities as different cities, then after we leave our own we would pass through the suburbs, then into he country, then after a time into other suburbs until we reached another metro-city. Each metropolis would represent a conglomeration of consciousnesses operating within an overall general frequency of clearest focus, a high point of psychic communication and exquisite focus in the given kind of reality unless we are tunes in to those particular frequencies, however, we could not pick up that reality. We might instead perceive the equivalent of jumbled sound or meaningless static, or jigsaw images. We might simply realize that some kind of activity was there, nut without being able to pinpoint it.