Now GA did not exist as a pure matriarchy for the extent of its reign upon the European continent. The country was forced to defend their extensive borders from infiltration by warring tribes of various types and nationalities. This is the way it was, in fact. However, let me take a brief side road here in my explanation. I will ask you to conceive of what you know of human history, what you have read in books, learned in school and observed in your dramatic representations, as a highly subjective and romanticized portrayal of what actually occurred. You may know that the history of the world is the history of the victors. It is the winning tribe, country, civilization that “live to tell the tale,” so to speak. Typically, the historian has a cultural bias. They have created their “truthful” depictions according to their own perceptions within their individual Personal Reality Fields, you see. This is the way it has always been done. And so our written histories are lacking in truth, always.

Tp put it another way here: our history books and portrayals will NEVER be able to give us a comprehensive view of even one second of historical experiencing by an individual, much less a country or people. This is because, please remember, everything that has a probability of happening, does indeed happen. And so if we were to document the history if even one second of the world, to be comprehensive we would have to document the multitude of probable experiences, thoughts, images and emotions entertained by this single human. This is a fine point, to be sure, yet I trust I have given you some perspective here in our analysis.

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