An example: You have begun your project in earnest and you are out in our community. You are keeping a positive thought regarding the Soul Mate encounter. Then suppose that a human – one that meets the Soul Mate criteria – look at you and smiles, or even openly flirts with you. Your issues may tempt you into ascribing these effects to coincidence or other factors: factors other than your Soul Mate Project practices.

The idea here is to not succumb to disbelief on your powers. Indeed, as you suspend disbelief in the moment of recognition of the positive effects. You are, in so doing, “making the dream real.” You are creating a positive future for yourself.


This technique ties in nicely with the previous Blog on the CPA exercise. By consciously diverting our attention to the Divine – our ongoing co-creation with All That Is of our Soul Mate encounter – we gain skill of successfully handling negative emotions, ideas, images, and so on.

In this technique, when we are being assaulted by the negative, and we are threatened by these forces, we distract our attention to the work at hand: the contact with the Divine. We have said before that we are already quite comfortable with this technique. The average human is usually skilled at diverting themselves – distracting their attention – from the Issues and Lessons of their existence, and to something else: to some shiny objects to buy, to an entertainment of some sort, to a more pleasant thought or image.

Here is where we can utilize this innate skill to your advantage. Dear Blog Reader, when your Lessons and Issues present themselves, focus on them, glean the information required to move forward in your evolution. And when we are tempted to succumb to the pull of negative Reality Creation, distract oneself to the Divine. Just by thinking it, we can begin to accomplish it.


We may think of our Consecutive Positive Assessments technique as a counter to the suggestions of our subconscious mind to recreate less-than-satisfactory relationships. Now in all of our regimens and systems we offer this simple moment-to-moment perception of the positive as the key to creating improved realities.

We literally find the good within each moment of perception. In this project… suppose you yourself attracted to a fellow human that you are quite certain would not be good for you, would indeed, be quite bad for you personally. Intuitively we feel it would be a bad match. The attraction is strong, however, out of nowhere, subconscious. You are in a sense, being “invited,” perhaps by a Soul Family member from a Past Life, to ignore your best interests in the matter, and again re-create a negative relationship.

If we are attending to the creation of the positive out of the negative, however, with our CPA technique, it becomes quite easy to not succumb to this negative Pull let us say, gives way to the positive creation modality. The more instances in which we successfully resist the pull to the negative and continue on our positive trajectory, the easier it becomes to resist.

Eventually it becomes habitual, as we master this art of living. Put another way… the Common Trance of subconscious reaction surrenders to the Uncommon Trance of conscious co-creation with the divine. I am certain you can see this. It becomes obvious when we experience it.


Let me refresh your memory concerning the Emotional Body. This electromagnetic construct is, in fact, the intersection of all of your Reality Creation energies from all of your Simultaneous Lives. It is visible to the Inner Senses in your Ritual assessments of yourself and others. The Auric Display we call it also, in that, these signatures of energy can be read within the human aura as it is understood in our spiritual literature.

Our Issues are evident within these energy structures. As we focus on them, they may indeed animate, enlarge, and begin to tell us a story. This would be the story of our life that we have perhaps been reluctant to see: the flip-side to our existence that contains the truth about our private life.

Dear Blog Reader, as you assess where you are in your development, an honest image of yourself begins to come into view. This assessment will have perceived assets and deficits within its makeup. The perceived deficits – this is your judgement call – shall be duly noted and a plan shall be undertaken to transform the personality in these areas, if that is appropriate.

This approach we call “interjecting new personality aspects into the Essential Identity.” You will be “trying on” these aspects to attempt a sort of “mix-and-match.” It is an attempt to embody a truer more integrated and empowered Essential Identity.


This broadcast of our attributes both identifies us to potential Soul Mates and they to us…

Now this is the way it usually works in human relationships: we meet in the Common Trance and subconsciously conspire to engage in a relationship to Learn Lessons. Often we are learning the same Lesson over-and-over. In our system we are describing now, however, we are co-creating consciously in the endeavor. We are not making the same mistakes over-and-over. We are learning our Lessons consciously. Do you see the difference? We are waking up together with the creation of these Soul Mate relationships. We are awakening to our mutual divinity.


I trust I am not overemphasizing these states of consciousness as I continually speak of their utmost importance in these practices. Loving Understanding and Courage are the primary tools we will utilize in this quest for the beloved mate.

Initially we will assess our own consciousness in a Courageously Loving fashion, perhaps practicing self-forgiveness along the way. Secondly we will go out into the world on a Courageous and Loving quest for our intimate partner, or as I said, we will identify our current partner as a potential Soul Mate.

The two attributes of consciousness also come in handy as we develop our relationship and live lives together. Thus, Courageous Intimacy: our term for the strategy used by partners who are awakening together.


These are the powerful manifesting tools that we create from our imagination to use for specific purposes in our investigative work. We are already familiar with the Radio Dial that we used in earlier Blogs to tune-in on the non-physical beings and other phenomena that exists at particular wavelengths of energy.

You may already have created your Etheric Vehicle that you use to travel anywhere in space and time. The more we use these tools, the more data we collect, the more effective the tools become as aids to manifestation. Be creative, therefore, in the creation of your personalized Metaphorical Tools.


This system for manifestation is similar to others in our Blogs. We present Techniques, Experiments, and Rituals for us to implement in our waking reality. Systematically, ritually, Loving observing these practices, leads to an eventual irresistible tendency to CONTINUE to carry out the practrices.

The system becomes habitual. Positive effects are anticipated and when they are manifest we are empowered. We master the practices through practice, practice, practice. This is the power of the Rituals of Healing.


Let me go on a bit here, to further explain how this works. Our bodies emits energy in the form of electromagnetic emanations. We have referred to this as the Auric Field or Corona in our blogs. This Auric Corona exhibits all of our personality characteristics and these characteristics may be “read” by interested observers via the Inner senses.

In fact, through Resonance the human exhibiting our preferred Soul Mate attributes recognizes us or tunes-in on us in physical reality. The Auric Fields in physical reality. However, because our signal through our Auric Field requests specific personality characteristics in a potential mate, our Auric Field will resonate with the Auric Field of the desired Soul Mate. When our potential Soul Mate is in our vicinity we may experience effects: synchronicities, deja vu experiences, swoons of ecstasy, and so on.


We resonate our world into being according to what we believe is possible. We are Spirit in Flesh. Our ideas and emotions congeal into Reality Constructs. This is Resonance in action.

And further, as a way to illustrate the Resonance construct: if we cultivate a belief in Angels – as many of my Blog Readers do, I am finding – we go a long way towards co-creating with our greater consciousness, the reality of Angels. If we believe that we will die at a certain age, we will possibly resonate that event into actuality.

Beliefs are the determinant values within all Reality Creation by human beings. They are the most powerful constructs in our system. Through the power of our beliefs – the assemblages of images, emotions, concepts, circular thoughts – the electromagnetic phenomenon we refer to as Resonance gains focus and sustaining energy.

We create our reality through the templates of our beliefs. Therefore, know your own mind, own your vision of the beloved Soul Mate. Then don’t be surprised by your creation; it is an exact representation of your true ongoing mental activities.


Soul Mates are co-created, rather than “found” or “attracted.” You co-create with ALL That Is AND your potential Soul Mate, the context for experiencing one another. When the meeting occurs, it has the underpinnings of the Divine supporting it. The co-creation of your Soul Mate can be described as an awakening experience, then: collaborations with ALL That Is.

Now let me ask the obvious question that arises here:

Can I co-create the Soul Mate relationship from a current relationship, one that may have problems of one kind or another.

The answer is a resounding YES! Indeed, you may have entered into such a relationship – one with problems – for the specific purpose of working out your Issues together, and thus attaining the fulfillment of particular values. You may already be experiencing a Soul Mate relationship yet you are not fully aware of it now.

Let me digress… this idea of asking for what you want in relationship is complicated, again, by your Lessons: the subconscious materialization of your Personal Reality. This is why we suggest you adopt the conscious co-creator perspective. It allows you more leverage in the moment, in that, you may experience a form of objectivity with regards to your unconscious projections onto others.

So yes, please do the exercises with this in mind and see if you are already connected with your Soul Mate. Then should you discover that you are, you may use this material to deepen your relationship.


Now this is an example of what the Blog is all about: changing consciously our behavior, thinking, imagining. We exist within the Moment Point as we assemble our identity from the various expressions of creaturehood within ALL of our countless Reincarnational Existences. At any one time, we will be drawing from some of our lives that ARE of a negative expression, on whole, let us say. This is often a hard fact of life to admit for the budding psychonaut.

We are all experiencing negative existences, abusive relationships, violent acts, somewhere in other timeframes. Now our strategy that we suggest, as we well know, is to immediately divert our attention to the positive when we are experiencing bleed throughs to the negative existences.

The attention is diverted to the Divine, always. As we consistently do this, our many lives improve, for we have a direct influence on these lives in our current experienced moment.