We may think of our Consecutive Positive Assessments technique as a counter to the suggestions of our subconscious mind to recreate less-than-satisfactory relationships. Now in all of our regimens and systems we offer this simple moment-to-moment perception of the positive as the key to creating improved realities.

We literally find the good within each moment of perception. In this project… suppose you yourself attracted to a fellow human that you are quite certain would not be good for you, would indeed, be quite bad for you personally. Intuitively we feel it would be a bad match. The attraction is strong, however, out of nowhere, subconscious. You are in a sense, being “invited,” perhaps by a Soul Family member from a Past Life, to ignore your best interests in the matter, and again re-create a negative relationship.

If we are attending to the creation of the positive out of the negative, however, with our CPA technique, it becomes quite easy to not succumb to this negative Pull let us say, gives way to the positive creation modality. The more instances in which we successfully resist the pull to the negative and continue on our positive trajectory, the easier it becomes to resist.

Eventually it becomes habitual, as we master this art of living. Put another way… the Common Trance of subconscious reaction surrenders to the Uncommon Trance of conscious co-creation with the divine. I am certain you can see this. It becomes obvious when we experience it.