Category Archives: Unknown


Dear Blog Reader, you are ONE with all of humanity. Therefore, take care of one another. This is our best hope for continued survive as a species. There is a positive trend that I would like to note for you, in regard, as I have been witnessing it for several years as we promote our Blog work. Our internet,AI, and our various Social Media represent the exteriorization of the Telepathic Network we speak of in our Blogs.

This is to be expected, as the “interior” of consciousness expresses itself in the “exterior” as All That Is during The Shift in consciousness. The Social Media networks are proliferating as humans of like-mind and Spirit connect and make plans for the future. This global effort – in part by the magicians, shamans, witches and healers of our era – represents the forces of healing, of conscious co-creation.

I am delights to see the efforts of the lightworkers and others combining forces in the millions to heal the planet and humanity. These movements are having positive effects on our world. The strategies for healing extolled in these varied groups hold the promise for the continuation of our species on Earth.



The Westerner

These ideas that I bring to the table here are Westernized for your understanding. I have spoken, at least in our generation, primarily through English-speaking channels. This is because it is the Westerner who must now be convinced of the value of these spiritual ideas. The westerner, in the broad sense, is what is wrong with the Earth at this time.

If we were to look at humanity as the extended Soul Family of the peoples of Earth, you could very well make a case for this group of humans – Westerners in the industrialized nations – as creating the conditions for the utter downfall and demise of the entire Soul Family.

We are all connected one to each other. The behaviors, ideas, and images enacted and entertained by each of us are shared on some level by all of us. So please imagine what occurs when a belligerent nation of Reality Creators – one that wishes to bully other nations, wage war against them and take their resources – does so with impunity within our current timeframe. Let me say that, particularly when this warlike nation maintains a nuclear arsenal and threatens to use it against other nations, the stakes are very much higher here, of course, than if we were speaking of tribal nations waging battles with spears and other elementary weapons.


It is true: change the past and the present will take care of itself. We are not being flippant here. We have suggested before in this that through true forgiveness of yourself and others for the perceived mistakes of the past, you are actually changing those past realities. The molecular composition of the Reality Constructs is altered. The emotional charge is altered. The historical experience is altered, Dear Blog Reader.

With this fresh in your mind, we will move to this very powerful experiment. Your Imagined Death entails a visualization of what you might experience on your deathbed, directly before the transition to the Home Dimension. Your visualization will, of course, be different than others might create. The idea is to visualize the Death Scene to see what Lessons may have been avoided that are now in plain view with the imminent Death experience upon you. Please consider, then, this Death Scene as occurring in your very current reality: at the age you are now, in the home in which you now live, with the people around you who are in your life currently.

EXPERIMENT – Your Imagined Death

HYPOTHESIS: By imagining your death you remove the fear of death and bring your Issues into focus.


Now simply relax, as usual, as you rest comfortably in a quiet room where you can remain undisturbed for 15 minutes. Breathe deeply. Close your eyes and imagine that you are on a beach somewhere or in another location that you have visited where you experienced complete calm and relaxation.

This is your imagination at work here and you have complete control over the activities in this experiment. You are, in fact, observing yourself from a vantage point near the ceiling of the room you are in. Imagine the particulars of your deathbed scene.

Feel the comfort of the sheets and blankets around you. Look at the room and notice the color of the walls, any pictures on the walls, any details you would care to notice about the room.

Now you allow memories to come to your consciousness, memories of painful events from your past. These memories you forgive and heal in the moment of remembering: Courageously, you see. Reenactments of experiences from your past when your were abused, neglected, unloved, or you were abusive to others may arise. In the moment of memory, forgive yourself and others immediately and the let that material fade away.

Courageous Forgiveness is your motto here as you imagine yourself surrounded by the people who have hurt you and those you have hurt in your life. One by one you look them in the eye, and with your boundless compassion you forgive them and yourself simultaneously. It’s exhilarating to be free of all that dead weight. You may feel like laughing out loud you are so completely cleansed of the trauma of the past. When you feel it is time to come out of Trance, slowly come up to surface awareness.

FINDINGS – Document your Findings immediately.


It is a fact of life that many of us postpone addressing our Issues until the moment of our Death. Often it is too late then, of course, and so we may be required to return to physical life to learn the avoided Lessons. Here we will help you avoid that possibility.

We will have more to say about Death in our forthcoming Blog on the Transition and the Afterlife. Now, however, we offer you an experiment in experiencing your own eventual Death imaginatively. This will not be morbid in the least, but a cathartic and indeed healing exercise for you.

The ongoing awareness of Death brings with it an ongoing awareness of what it is you need to do in each moment. The question, “What would you do now if you knew you were to die tonight?” enters here. What would you do, Dear Blog Reader? In our material in this Blog and others, we suggest that Loving Understanding and Courage are what you may do to best help create a positive reality for yourself and others.

Specifically here, if your Death is imminent, you would be in a perfect position to practice forgiveness: forgiving all perceived wrongs throughout your life. This is a two-way street here, then: forgiving others and yourself. Loving Understanding becomes complete forgiveness, powered by the relentless Courage that comes with this perspective


To have an ongoing awareness of Death is a healthy thing…

Taking The Lead

In previous exercises we have identified tendencies to be afraid of the Other. The exercises in this Blog will heal those fears within all Simultaneous Lives. But first you may take the lead in matters of Soul Family healing, Dear Blog Reader. You see, in a sense, your mission with your Soul Family as an Awakening One, would be to encourage Lessons to be learned by all Soul Family members before the Death of the physical body. To have an ongoing awareness of Death is a healthy thing, in this context of study and experimentation.

An appreciation of Death and your ultimate demise, is also a celebration of your transcendence of Death. After Death, as you know, you transition to the Home Dimension, and then beyond into your multiple and varied Reinacanational Existences. With this in mind, to entertain Death as your companion, in a sense, in your waking existence, also motivates you to do your transformative practices, address your Issues without delay, learn your Lessons, and so on. Knowing that your time is limited in each incarnation, provides a focus and an intensification of perception and thus manifestation.


The realization, here, is that Love is all that is required in all circumstances. The fear of Death fades into the background when you realize this basic truth of our existence. Now it is easy to say this when you are experiencing it. When you are in Love, in a romantic way, let us say, it is easy to see the truth in this statement. It is easy to agree that Love makes the world go around, as they say. Yet what is required here, I believe, for the awakening student, is the recognition that Loving Understanding, for ourselves and our Earthly colleagues, is all that is required, despite whether we are in a romantic Loving relationship or not.

Certainly, the Soul Mate relationship is important to the developing human at this time in our evolution. However, your “embrace,” you might say, of everyone you meet with this Loving Understanding and Courage we have discussed here, is what is needed at this time to break the barrier, to tip the scale, to initiate the healing of humanity and the planet.

As you do engage in these Loving activities, Death takes a less prominent role in your Reincarnational Dramas. Fear of death is replaced by a Loving anticipation on your journey. From this perspective, Death is only difficult for the living, those who are left behind. For the Soul, however, it is the ultimate accomplishment: a celebration of the continuity of Loving consciousness


For example: as you focus on the Entity, through reading and conducting the experiments in our Blogs, you ally with this vast collection of Souls. You are nourished as the Entity is nourished, you see. What began as an affinity of ideas and feelings becomes a true collaboration. It is the same principle at work in spiritual literature of all types. You are inspired, moved, transformed by the ideas in the text. We have spoken of this before.

Now this intense identification with the famous deceased, can be quite productive and life-enriching if the time is taken to truly study and honor these lives. The information is out there in the Collective Consciousness for you to examine at any time. Anyone with the proper preparation and motivation can access and explore this material. And as I said, the more you research with respect and Love these Gestalts of Consciousness of the transitioned humans, the more your consciousness becomes a part of the greater Gestalt we call the Entity.


However, perhaps the explorer in focusing on the famous contacts forgets about the contacts with less-famous personalities. These would be the numerous lives lived as slaves, factory workers, tribal peoples, and so on. The majority of lives lived are not exceptional, by any means. The majority are normal, average, human lives, lived to varying degrees of Value Fulfillment for the further education of the Entity, the Soul Self, and All That Is.

But where is the romance in that? And so the glamour-seeking aspect of the human consciousness seeks out those experiences of Soul that have this high dramatic impact. This may indeed have positive results, as we shall explain in the next Blog.



You may be familiar with a phenomenon that occurs for the individual explorer within this Past Life experimentation. We call it Celebrity Effect, in that, it is almost mandatory for the Scientist of Consciousness to uncover Past Lives lived as various well-known personalities. Thus you have the discoveries that you have lived lives as famous leaders from our perceived past, movie stars who have made the Transition, and so on. Often this ages into the Unknown Reality. The reasons for this may become obvious to you as I explain this phenomenon from my perspective.

Often this celebrity effect exerts its influence in the first few voyages…


Hypothesis: You may identify members of your Interdimensional Soul Family in the moment point


It is best to have some experience in working in the field before you attempt this experiment. These moments of high-emotionality, of joy and anger, are in themselves Moment Points for the explorer of consciousness. High emotionality is a form of Trance State, and so you only need to focus a bit on your objectives here, when you are within one of these experiences.

As you let go and relax into the feelings here, allow the emotions themselves to guide you to the other lives: the target lives you wish to study. Imagine that you are tuning-in on these theoretical existences with your thoughts, with your Intentions. You will know you have made contact when you sense an other-worldly element to your sensings in the moment of the experimentation.

You may feel somewhat disoriented as your travel interdimensionally to other existences. This is multitasking here, as you participate in the high-emotionality of the current lifetime experience, while simultaneously using your Inner Senses to peer into other lives in other timeframes.

You might ask yourself what are the Lessons being learned in the other existences. You might ask for the particulars of the Soul Family member you are encountering in this representation of the Soul Family member with whom you are currently interacting? Ask for as much corroborating data as you can to enable verification later.

The material may come as a bleedthrough – a brief multisensory experience. If this is the case, you will have full memories of this when you come to surface awareness.

What you are illuminating here in this experiment are your Soul Family Past Life and Future Life Issues. These are the Lessons you have worked on in other lives with these people.

When you feel the experiment is complete, return to surface awareness at your own pace.

FINDINGS – Document your Findings on the chart below. In the next blog you will combine these Findings with the material gathered earlier in the Blog Series.




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We are multidimensional beings in a physical body. During our waking times we are constantly peeking into our other lives. This is how we come to an agreement about what to do here in our current existence. Then, paradoxically, the moment we make our reality, we forget how we came to that place of divine creativity.

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We refer to these separate time segments or time frames in which we have our individual existences as dimensions. Our current existences takes place in the Third Dimension, as we know. Our past existences had occurred and ARE occuring in what we might call the Past Dimensions. The same can be said of our future existences: they are playing out in Future Dimensions.

You might remember that in my theory we hypothesize multiple existences that are lived by the Soul Self within this current timeframe in which we live. So there is indeed another human or humans, quite related to you via the Soul Self, living out their lives as your contemporaries.

As I have stated before, there are similarities in the experiences and behavior of ALL of our Simultaneous Lives. To be sure, these similarities are not obvious at first glance. In other words, the outwards manifestation, the physical countenance, for example, is entirely different in each instance of our existence.

We ARE living our other lives within vastly differing body types, of differing temperaments, and so on. Yet within the psyches of all of these representations of our singular Soul Self, note the similarities. These are similarities in thought, imagery, emotional content, and so on.

In this section of our Blog Series, we will show you how to use these attributes that you share with your other lives, as a method for honing-in on these lives while in Trance State. Because you are learning how to take this Trance State with you into your waking reality, you will also be able to do your research into your other existences outside of your home: “in the field,” as we say.