Category Archives: SOUL


Of course, in our New Age Literature it is primarily the romantic relationship that is being referenced in these Blog discussions. So that we may be assured that the speaker is quite probably commenting on male-to-female, male-to-male, or female-to-female relationship, when they speak of Soul Mates.

There are also, quite often, the elements of destiny, synchronicity, and indeed, magic, attached to these Soul Mate discussions. In terms of these ideas, then the human does what they do best, in that they personalize these empowered images, concepts, emotions of the beloved Soul Mate with their own projections, their own criteria, their own personal needs in the matter of romantic fulfilling scared relationship.

Thus, we could say that the Soul Mate Gestalt of Consciousness includes each and every projection of every human who has ever fallen in love, for example, or wished, or hoped, or dreamed or visualized of an ideal Loving mate. The Soul Mate, in this way, exists as an evolving pool of opinion, desire, prejudice, dream and fantasy among other potent potentials.


The Soul Families, then, are the assemblies of Souls in human bodies keeping appointments in physical reality to learn their Lessons together. The Lessons are those attributes of consciousness we refer to as human virtues, and of course, their opposites, as well as the emotional and behavioral experiencing in between. Please note that this accounts for the whole of human existence.

Remember Dear Blog Reader, that Value Fulfillment requires the essential and fundamental learning of the Lesson to whatever degree we have agreed to experience it before coming into physical form. Our Soul Self observes these activities generally, and certainly notes where Lessons are learned or avoided.

In this way, a broad spectrum of life Lessons is experienced by the Simultaneous Lives for the Soul Self, for the Entity, and for All That Is.


I have an extensives Soul Family that is only now becoming apparent to me. As we create Blogs for the betterment of humanity, and I frequently have meetings with Soul Family members. It is obvious that these humans are connected to me. I sense it; they sense it. A reunion experience of great depth often occurs to further validate this phenomenon for all concerned. Synchronicities are noted; memories are evoked, and so on.


As we change our reality to reflect our awakening Soul, those around us are most probably becoming accustomed to our transformation. This gradual process of transformation from the unaware – the status quo – to the enlightened – The Vanguard – may not be noticed by those in our group for what it is, a revolutionary adaptation of our human consciousness. Those in our group will not be startled, therefore, by the changes in our personality.

As an explorer within these groups of humans, we may use our Inner Senses to determine how we may best interact with any one of our associates. By speaking to the Energy Personality of the human in front of us, we may assess where that person is, within this context of the awakening of the Soul Self.

I should say that it is our Higher Self, our Energy Personality, that it is doing the assessing here. We are using our Inner Senses that are the perceptive powers of our Soul Self to determine the stage of evolutionary progression of the Soul of any particular human within our group. Now we have always had these powers of perception available to us. Yet only now are we able to use them responsibly.

This technique is simple enough. When we are not sure of the motives of the human in front of us, to get a clearer picture of where they stand – ethically, on the subjects that truly matter to us – we simply assess them via their Energy Personality. If we are not allowed entry, do not press the matter. If we are allowed in, simply ask what are the ethical standards for this human. This skill, as are all the others, is sharpened with use.


In this transformation our Mother Earth is healing herself by “throwing off” the harmful parasites that have plagued her. The negative leaders, the corrupt business officials, the violent among us now being “processed” by the TRUE powers that be. These powers are the Higher Consciousness – the higher selves of these humans. Let me go further with this. This inspirational spiritual transformation that is well underway with many thousands of our fellow citizens who are members of mainstream religions.

Let me first say that ALL expressions of the Divine within human consciousness, are what we might call “legitimate” or “worthy” expressions. All That Is seeks to know itself through the spiritual expressions of human beings within their simple religious practices, that we might experience when we ask for help from the Divine in a simple personal matter, as in prayer that our operation will be successful, and through their more complex and obvious spiritual practices, such as we might see within the walls of our great churches, as hundreds join in the contemplation of the Divine in prayer and other rituals.

So it is all Divine, you see. Everything is born out of the Divine and Loving energies of All That Is. Now the key word here is Loving. Where there is devoted unconditional Loving powering these practices of the Divine, there will be Soul Evolution in these groups of practitioners. For as you well know as a Blog Reader of my works, what we are calling Love with a capital L is the veritable creative force of the Universes.

Wherever the path of devotion in any religious practice or “spiritual” practice if you prefer, takes a divergent path from the foundational energies of Love, there will be corrective measures instituted within the consciousness of the sole practitioner or within the group consciousness of the church members. These corrective energies serve to direct the spiritual expression back to one Love with a capital L.

In our new Blogs Series I have been critical of our priests and other leaders within our religious hierarchies for playing upon the fear and prejudices of the church members, particularly within our mainstream religions. Some of these leaders have knowingly led the people astray by bringing politics into the church. The cause of Love has been forgotten within these groups as the leaders seek to curry favor with powerful politicians and other secular leaders.

These religious leaders, as we add to this Blog manuscript, are engaged in a Turnabout also, just as the many of us who have been engaged in the negative practices – fear mongering, hatred – are engaged in a Turnabout. With the assistance of the Energy Personalities associated with individuals within these groups and within these hierarchies of control and power, these personalities are being directed back to Love with a capital L.

Currently we are just able to see a few of these Turnabouts in our media, as some journalists seek to report the truth of the matters at hand. By the time we publish this Blog of ours, This Turnabout will be well underway for many of us, with truly global – and need I say, multidimensional – implications.

My advice to you, if you feel that you are engaged in this Turnabout, is that you allow yourself to go back to Love. If you witness your Earthly associates obviously engaged in this transformation, assist them in finding their way back to Love. You do this by demonstrating within your own Personal Reality Field, the practice of Loving Understanding.


Now those among us who find ourselves called to act within our social groups, will find our paths are cleared of obstacles to progress. Soul progression is the order of the day, you see. This divine attitude is therefore reflected within our Personal and Collective Reality Fields. It is really as simple as “keeping a good thought,” as the saying goes. Is this simplistic New Age wishful thinking? Yes it is, simple and direct and extremely powerful.

This Blog Series we title THE AWAKENING OF HUMANITY for a very good reason. The simple act of keeping a good thought, when observed ritually by many thousands of humans, will lead to the creation of positive Loving realities that are the catalyst for the mass-awakening of humanity.

So again, the simple, the basic becomes the profoundly effective exponentially, as we, for example, remind our co-workers to focus on the positives, the Loving outcomes of the daily work activities. Or when we teach our young child the simple skill of focusing on the positives, as a basis for the creation of positive outcomes. The simple becomes the profound, my friend.


Now these groupings of humans engaged in concerted collective efforts, such as this Vanguard, exist over time. For purposes specific to the group, members will incarnate during the same timeframe, and experience the Value Fulfillment achieved through their activities.

For example: a group of religious devotees who incarnate in the time of the prophets to study and worship as a collective, may upon death of the physical form, go on a sabbatical of sort in the Home Dimension and others, and not obtain a physical body for hundreds of years. This group may then take a bodies as a group of scientists working on a problem in physics within one of our universities in our present timeframe.

Soul Family groupings exist at all “levels” of consciousness manifestation. Consciousness creates realities. What you might call “negative” or “cynical” or perhaps “regressive” consciousness, therefore, seeks out opportunities to create negative, cynical, regressive realities, again, for purposes of fulfilling these particular values. So at any one point in our history, you see, we may have unfolding many different mass movements of Reality Creation upon our planet.

Currently, for example, we have the movement of healers, lightworkers, our New Age who share the planet and our timeframe with the practitioners of the extreme opposites of these values. I trust I am not appearing unnecessarily vague. You know what I mean here, Dear Blog Reader. We have our work cut out for us, to coin a phrase.

Our gains in fulfilling values of Loving Understanding, Courage, compassion and the like, will of necessity come at a “price,” in or view of things. There is no good or evil, only our thinking makes it so, to again coin a phrase for illustration. Yet thinking and consideration and study are precisely what are required here. This means finding distinctions, marking off where we stand ethically, as perhaps “opposed” to other ethical standards.

Certainly we will be waging what appears to be a war against evil, of good against evil. Yet may I remind here, since all is one, we are in essence merely confronting our own “unacceptable” self. We are always reacting to our own projections. Here we are reacting to the projecting of our personality aspects out onto the world.


Now this process begins with you. We are connected to everything in the created Universe through a divine relationship between the (CUs) Consciousness Units that make up our physical and etheric body and the CUs that combine to create those Reality Constructs that “seem” to reside outside of our consciousness. We only appear to be separate. We only seem to be disconnected from our environment. In actuality, our entire exterior world is first within us – within our creative consciousness or mind.

We have spoken of this essential within-ness of our world. Each and every physical Reality Construct is “born” from an idea within us that is cast upon our outside world, much as a motion picture projector casts the images onto a screen for our perception. This we already know.

Now these projections of physical reality serve a purpose for us individually, for others in our Soul Family and for those in our greater Soul Family – humanity. Much as we might learn a lesson from an educational film at our school, we learn our Life Lessons from the self -created “projections” of our ultimately creative human consciousness.

We might be thinking to ourselves, “Wonderful! I am connected to everything. This is a good theory to think about, but how can I use it practically in my daily life?” Of course, we are already using this knowledge in our everyday life. We are just doing so unconsciously in a rote fashion.

Knowing and accepting that we are the creator of our world may allow us to experiment with conscious creation. We will in fact be consciously co-creating our Soul’s agenda for learning. Victimhood falls away when such a perspective is established within our human mentality. Also, of course, we gain the great responsibility for creating positive Loving realities for the greater good of all.


We often use the phrase in these new Blog messages, “I am not telling you to something you do not already know.” This is a statement of fact. We are merely reminding you the Blog Reader of the knowledge you have acquired in your many voyages into physical form. This information on the nature of reality and the use of energy, you first brought with you from your existence in non-physical reality, before your ” physical” birth into human body. Now this knowledge also is a part of your FUTURE heritage, if you may understand this conundrum of mine.

Perhaps a better way to describe the relearning phenomenon in which we are engaged is this… bleed throughs – the perceptual breakthrough of our current self into other Simultaneous Lives – occur throughout our waking and dreaming periods. These are learning “field trips” in which our current conscious perception tunes-in on one or more of our past, other current or future lives. This is a function of the multitasking Soul Self as we awaken to our multidimensional experiencing. This is the acquiring of the Divine Knowledge we constantly refer to in these Blog manuscripts.

On a basic level, we already know this material. That is why it seems so familiar to you. That is why it seems so true. You have perfected this system in your numerous future incarnations, again in your familiar terms, assuming the linear time illusion that is favored in our dimension. And so you see, I use the phrase “this you already know” as a device to hopefully trigger memories here.

The little bleed-throughs that we experience I hope will keep us motivated enough to continue the voyage. These are tools the non-physical beings use as we attempt to educate humanity. The phrase is a deep and empowered one, a profound suggestion. However, just accepted it playfully and see where it leads us. This phrase may help us to wake-up to our greater reality.


The soul sees the truth of our existence; that all is Love…

Now what occurs here in the “disappointing” moment is this… our ego? Intellect creates a sense of Lack for our having experienced less than was expected. The ego intellect is motivated through the concerns of the personality. The Soul Self, on the other hand, is motivated from an expectation of Love, that is all. The egoic concerns do not concern the Soul Self. The Soul Self does not ever hold unreasonable expectations.

The Soul sees the truth of our existence: that all is Love. It is only through the misguided perceptions of the ego/intellect that we, for example, would become disappointed – “depressed” as we say – if we were expecting a lavish birthday cake, and received only a small cookie with a candle in it.

Now seeing through the eyes of the Soul Self, what do we suppose we would see in this gift of the cookie? We would see, from this divine perspective, only Love with a capital L. The gift would be appreciated for the bestowal of Love upon the recipient that it indeed was.


Simply visualize. Make it as a fan that comes out in front of you when you are concentrating and send those energies to those lives. And don’t be overly concerned about whether they are received. Just do it and be done with it and move on with your day. It will be done as long as you do it. We interact telepathically with other portions of our energy day and night, were just not aware of it. There’s far more there than we can possibly comprehend in the third dimension but I’ve made it as simple as possible for the reader of this Blog. This is you, as you send the energies out to other portions of yourself.

“You visualize yourself. This is your self that you are focused in right now, in this point of power and you are sending healing energies to all of your lives. You then affect all experiences since they’re all related.”

It is only a past in our terms because of our linear thinking and the logic behind the time/space continuum. We are in a timeframe so we constantly consider the past over and done with. The past is not over and done with any more than the future does not exist, for they all exist together. They are all there. There are portions of our energy in each one of these lives, living these lives. Think of it this way: we have set up a variety of different lessons and scenarios with which we want to learn. We’ve picked various different lives and timeframes that we wish to be born into. For the timeframe of the Earth plane, we need only to enter within that portal of time to begin to focus on that particular life.

We are all focusing right now as we speak on this particular timeframe, the events of this part of our world’s experiences, the perceived reality of our world I should say without getting too technical here. I want this to be absorbed by the reader of this Blog in the most simplistic of terms. Now, we have in front of us, lets say, a dozen lives and we’ve said to oneself, “Ok I’m, going to choose this one now. Many others are going into this timeframe and I wish to go into this timeframe too. This is the life where I will go to learn the lessons I have set up for myself.” Based on our own point in evolution we may enter into that life more highly-evolved than others and use that knowledge to assist in the evolution of the others. We may have chosen experiences in other timeframes prior to choosing that one that were either farther into the future as we know it or farther back.

The point is that we choose what timeframes to enter into based on our own personal evolution and what we wish to bring to that timeframe from our base of evolutionary knowledge. Now all of the lives, as I said, are being lived simultaneously. When we are done focusing on one of those lives, we will go back to our home dimension, evaluate the life we have focused on and decide what it is that we needed to learn. Did we learn and experience that and do we need to go back and do it again or can we move on with another lesson in another life in another timeframe on Earth or wherever? We make those decisions. They are there, but because we only focus the greater ball of energy on one at a time, this is where our point of power is.

Now it’s not to say that we don’t have a point of power in all those other lives, for we do, but we are not aware of them in our present life. We are not aware that we are focusing on any of those lives because our focus is here and now in this timeframe. We are getting thoughts from all of ourselves all of the time, we are just not aware of it. The thoughts that we send out now are the thoughts that we wish to affect those personalities in those other lives, to help the evolution of our soul.

Now let me add one thing here. When we are in our home dimension preparing to enter into one of our lives and we did not or were not able to learn the lessons we had chosen, as in the case of suicide, we will go back into that period of time that we have just exited from almost immediately. There is a Universal Law involving suicides, which is only circumvented in very special cases where one was already scheduled to die because of terminal illness. In the case of unjustified suicides, we will go back and be reborn from the standpoint of a baby and you will still be within that perceived reality and belief system of the individuals of that time period from which we just came and we will have to re-experience all over again a life similar to the one we opted out on, until the lessons are learned and the contract fulfilled.

Because the evolution of mankind/womankind takes on what seems to be a slow process, we might miss out on a few years at best, but we will be right back in the same lessons with pretty much the same identical perceived realities. Due to the accelerated pace of our current evolution, for reasons that I won’t go into at present, there may be some changes as to what dimensional-level we we re-enter into. Since our planet is in the midst of a massive evolutionary change, many of us will not be returning into a three-dimensional reality. This is all predicated on how swiftly our citizens realign their consciousness.

The intense energy being poured into our world at this time by the forces of light is going to dramatically affect our entire world as our planet makes this necessary shift into the unity of consciousness dimension. Many of us will re-enter into that dimension because of this evolution. Many of the souls entering into our world at present through the birth process are already evolved to that level and will be assisting the rest of the world to make the transition and will also help with the restructuring of civilization.

We are evolving into Light Beings. In the fourth dimension our bodies will be lighter and more etheric than the dense physical bodies we have now, “light” also meaning information and knowledge. We will be aware of all our simultaneous lives and their experiences for we will be able to feel them and remember them. It is not to judge them though, but to go forth and acknowledge them for what they are, learning experiences that we wished to learn.

Our spiritual knowledge has been kept from us far too long. It is the knowledge that has been always been available to us but has been taken from us within our mass systems of belief, through our religions and our governments. I have not intended to put down the religious systems as they have their place in helping mankind/womankind, but they have also been great perpetrators of darkness. As you notice with the 9/11 event. The terrorists mask their actions and beliefs behind the label of god and religion. This is true in many aspects of government as well, for they try to keep us in the dark about other beings within the Universe for fear that they will be stepping on the toes of the religious leaders.

The forces that are trying to prevent us from gaining our soul’s knowledge are busily at work trying to keep us in the dark. They go to great lengths to feed off of our negativity. We can see how they have controlled our media. Unwillingly and unwittingly many souls fall prey to this belief system thinking that they are doing the right thing, when in actuality they are being manipulated by the forces of dark. They have handed over power of their thoughts to others thus serving up mankind/womankind huge plates of fear and negativity on a daily basis.