Another example: You are in a department store shopping for clothing of some sort. You are drawn to a particular counter and to the clerk behind this counter. You are attracted by the energy this human displays, the Auric Display or Auric Field. You are using your Inner senses quite spontaneously to select from several counters with several different humans behind them, the clerk with whom you have the best “connection.” You make your choice intuitively.

Then as you strike up a conversation, you realize that you have much in common:a similar sense of humor, similar likes and dislikes, perhaps even the same acquaintances in physical reality. “What a coincidence,” you say to one another, “that we should meet.” It seems like fate or destiny, yet is it? You used your powerful Inner Senses quite subconsciously to zero-in on the human with whom you had the most in common, the best connection. Then you experienced surprise at your excellent choice.

Let’s say you made an appointment to meet with this human after work, for coffee or some such thing. You are setting the groundwork, for relationship here, within the course of a few minutes of conversation in a public place. Where will it end? You may, for example, create a business partnership with this human or perhaps some personal relationship of some sort. The possibilities are endless. It is not destiny, however. You were not fated to meet. You merely used your Intuitive Senses to meet each other.

Let me end this example by suggesting that you could have chosen ANY ONE of the clerks in that store and possibly co-created a Soul Family relationship with them, to some degree. You are connected to everyone in general and to your Soul Family in particular. Everyone is connected to you. Each of us has a “history” with everyone else, in that we have the potential to experience lives within many eras, throughout time, with the same group of humans. This group could be vast – thousands or hundreds of thousands – or relatively small – tens or hundreds. Lifetime after lifetime, however, ALL of us, all of the Soul Family, interact in different bodies in different ways learning different Lessons.

I repeat: you could have chosen any one of the clerks in that store and co-created with them a potential Soul Family member reunion. This is where your free will is involved, you see. You choose from all of humanity, at any given time, those you will associate with, those you will fall in love with, those that will become your enemies. I am attempting to make this a clear point of understanding.

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