HYPOTHESIS: Your essential identity is visible in the auric display
Now all of us have the capacity to sense this Auric Display. It is sensed with the Inner Sense of sight, with the eyes open or closed, within a light Trance State.

Here you will be asking the question, “What am I really presenting to potential mates as my Essential Identity? You will be assessing your Essential Identity via the Auric Display and determining the precise quality and expression of your energy through your Emotional Body. This will allow you a benchmark for comparison with future assessments after remedial measures are instituted.

This is how you make progress in these practices. It is where the magic of these techniques is used to greatest advantage. By noting how a particular state of consciousness feels to you, in comparison to another, you get a sense of what is needed to progress further toward your goal.

The success lies in the difference between the two assessments. What is lacking that should be there is put into the mix for future experiments. It could be an image, a feeling, a memory that makes the difference here. These Findings are valuable, in that, they represent your personalized “triggers” that work for you in this project. They trigger the manifestation process for you personally.

If you think in terms of creating supernatural acts, as indeed, that is what you are doing in these experiments, these Findings represent the “magic words, gestures, emotions” that combine to facilitate the creation of the supernatural event.

Now just as we have done in all of our experimentation… Relax. Breath deeply. Focus on your inner world for just a few moments, with the Intention of observing the Auric Display. This is the exact same procedure we have described to you in the past blogs with regards to viewing the Emotional Body. So simply carry your Intention with you into this Trance State for a few minutes please.

There may be resistance here, and this is quite normal. You are “looking for” those aspects of your character that you broadcast through your Auric Display, including those aspects that prevent you from meeting you ideal mate, your Soul Mate. Your ego/intellect may be reluctant to show you this authentic self. Persevere, then, for a few more minutes until you encounter the images and sensations we are describing.

You may witness a reliving of events from your past in which you experienced rejection or possibly triumph in the pursuit of Love relationships. There may come to you brief flashes of these events, giving you a taste, the essence you might say, of the events themselves. You may see lights of various colors that evoke emotional content. This is a common experience. Simply move forward with your investigation with the knowledge that you will remember this material even though it may contain some uncomfortable images and emotions.

When you feel you have received as much information as you need in this experiment, return to surface awareness, bringing with you this information on your Essential Identity.
FINDINGS – Document your Findings as best you can.