Yet many if us do not stop at one disappointing experience…

Disappointment, frustration, rejection… all of these states of consciousness are self-generated, in that you create your Personal Reality to reflect your inner mentality, with all of its emotions, images, circular thoughts, and so on. Again, it is momentary, in that you create moment-to-moment these enduring states.”Why, however,” you might ask yourself, “do I create these negative states?” Again I remind you, your Issues guide you in the creation of the negative realities.

Disappointment, for example, is a very common state of consciousness for many of you, and so it follows that it is a very common negative reality created by many of us. You-the-blog reader may possibly identify with this state of consciousness, for you have been “disappointed” before in your experiences in physical reality. What does this entail? Simply that your expectations were not met to your satisfaction.

I might suggest that the ego/intellect is running things here, as it often does, and may have “set you up” for disappointment. There is an old saying that applies: “the only thing that pain teaches you is to stop creating pain.” Yet many of us do not stop at one disappointing experience. We create lifetimes of disappointment.

It would seem obvious, but an objective observer might comment on this tendency to not learn from your mistakes i.e. your unreasonable expectations. Learn from your mistakes. Learn your Lessons, Dear Blog Reader. If you find that you are becoming frustrated in your attempts at creating what you desire, fine-tune your Reality Creation strategies to more realistically reflect what it is you want.

We are not suggesting you lower your expectations, but merely adjust them to reflect what is possible for you considering your current experienced reality. Work the “edge” of manifestation, here, and redefine your frustration as “Learning”: a Soulful activity.