The Anizasi are noted for their wonderworking. They are the magic ancestors. In this case, the activities of these proto-scientists have been documented and are now part of the “historical” record. Yet I am not exaggerating when I tell you that EVERY group, every civilization from our perceived past, exists simultaneously with its magic ancestors manifesting at the same time. The magic ancestors exist in an adjacent dimension. This dimension is connected to the Third Dimension through portals of communication some of us call chakras. These doorways into other dimensions may be accessed by the interested explorer of non-physical reality through techniques perfected by magicians, shamans, witches and healers over the ages.

There is a reason we are interested in the Anizasi people. We are connected to these people and we are attempting to “find our way back home.” Home for us then would be a star system that is as yet unidentified by our scientists. This planetary system is quite similar to the solar system in which our Earth resides. An assortment of planetary bodies revolves around a nurturing star. Life of many forms exists upon these planets. I have referred to these other systems as simply “dimensions” to assist the reader in finding the necessary wherewithal to “visit” these domains in their meditations. I have defined extraterrestrial as extra-dimensional, for this is a truer assessment. We will not need a spaceship to visit these other systems, only our creative consciousness.

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