The workings of the inner psyche, And activity behind dreams.

Some experiences exist beyond the framework of verbalization or images, and deals basically with the nature and behavior of psychological and psychic energy.

We are are a personified energy source. We give birth to dream images of our own — hardly aware that we have done so, unconscious of the fact that we have provided impetus for a kind of psychological reality that quite escapes our notice. The dream stories we begin continue on their own. No dream is stillborn.


Our own greater reality hovers about in each instant. If we knew in precise terminology how we grew physically from a fetus to an adult, if we could consciously follow that process, we would not necessarily be better off, but possibly hindered in our growth; for we would begin to question: “Am I doing it right?” The perfection of the process would make us ill at ease.

In the same way, a step-by-step illustration of the nature of the dream state might well make us too self-conscious. We would begin to question: “Am I dreaming right?”


Many people are in awe of their dreams. They are afraid of anything they do not consciously control. Yet if we think of our dreams as extensions of our own experience in another context, then we can indeed learn to gain ease with them. We will recall them more easily, and as we do we will be able to maintain a sense of continuity between the waking and dream states.

As this happens the contours of our own psyche will appear more clearly. Those contours will not show themselves in terms of definite mathematical-like propositions, however, but will emerge through the techniques, symbols, feelings, and desires usually attributed to creativity.


The characteristics of creativity appear most clearly in children. Creativity implies abandon within a framework that is accepted for itself, and itself only.

If in our waking hours we playfully make up a dream for oneself, and then playfully interpret it without worrying about implications, but for itself only, we will unwittingly touch upon the nature of our own nightly dreaming. Our regular dreams and our “manufactured” ones will have much in common, and the process of manufacturing dreams will acquaint us with the alterations of consciousness that to a greater degree happen nightly. This is an excellent exercise. It is particularly beneficial for those who have a too-rigid mental framework.


The playfulness and creativity of dreams are vastly under-rated in most dream studies. Children often frighten themselves on purpose through games, knowing the game’s framework all the time. The bogeyman in the garden vanishes at the sound of the supper bell. The child returns to the safe universe of tea and biscuits. Dreams often serve the same purpose. Fears are encountered, but the dawn breaks. The dreamer awakes for breakfast. The fears, after all, are seen as groundless. This is not an explanation for all unpleasant dreams by any means, yet it is a reminder that not all such events are neurotic or indicative of future physical problems.

Man’s mind exuberantly plays with itself. In dreams it uses all those splendid energetic abilities freely, without the necessity for physical feedback, caution, or questioning. It seeks realities, giving birth to psychological patterns. It uses itself fully in mental activity in the same way that the kitten does in physical play.


When we try to explore the psyche in deadly seriousness, it will always escape us. Our dreams can be interpreted as dramas, perhaps, but never as diagrams.


Do not try to bring “dream interpretation” down to our level, but instead try to playfully enter that reality imaginatively, and allow our own waking consciousness to rise into a freer kind of interpretation of events, in which energy is not bounded by space, time, or limitations.

Events have nothing to do with cause and effect

This is apparent to some degree when we study dream events, for there the kind of continuity we are used to, connecting events, largely vanishes.


Instead events are built up, so to speak, from significances. But let us forget that term for a moment and consider association, with which we are already familiar, since our stream of consciousness operates in that fashion. By its very nature each consciousness is a particular, peculiar, and unique focus of awareness which will experience any possible realities through its own characteristics.

It also “stamps” or “impresses” the universe with its own imprint. No portion of the universe is inactive or passive, regardless of its seeming organization or its seeming lack of organization. Each consciousness, then, impresses the universe in its own fashion. Its very existence sets up a kind of significance, in whose light the rest of the universe will be interpreted. The universe knows itself through such significances. Each consciousness is endowed with creativity of a multidimensional nature, so that it will seek to create as many possible realities for itself as it can, using its own significance as a focus to draw into its experience whatever events are possible for it from the universe itself. It will then attract events from the universe, even as its own existence imprints the universe as an event with the indelible stamp of its own nature.


Put more simply from another viewpoint, each of us as we know ourselves has certain abilities and characteristics of our own. We experience reality through the cast of those abilities and characteristics, but we also stamp the universe with that particular imprint of individuality that is our own, and we attract those events that are suited to our nature and no other.

Significances fall or happen in certain patterns, and when these become very obvious they appear as cause and effect. They are simply heavy-handed significances. Our associative processes and habits are perhaps the closest examples that can give clues of how significances operates. Even then, associations deal with the passage of time, and basically significances do not. We might think of our aunt Rita, for example, and in a few moments the associative process might bring us images of periods in the past when we visited our aunt, of her friends and neighbors, the articles in her house, and episodes connected with our relationship.


At the same time Aunt Rita, unbeknown to us, might pick up a blue vase, one that we had just seen in our mind as belonging on a shelf in her living room. Touching the vase, our aunt Rita might think of the person who gave it to her, now on the other side of the continent. That person, perhaps thinking of buying a present for someone, might settle upon a vase in a flash of inspiration, or suddenly begin humming a song with the name “Rita” in the title, or possibly even think of our aunt. If on the other hand any opposing associations existed anywhere along the line, the “chain” of association could be broken. The last lady might consider a vase, for example, but reject the idea. Because of the time element, it seems to us that the first episode caused the others, and that our first association concerning our aunt brought about the “following” events.

The inner significances, however, the associations, existed all at once, to be tuned in to at any point of time. They had their reality basically apart from time, even though they appeared with it.


Actually the three sets of events could easily occur to the three people at once, and is no normal communication happened no one would be the wiser. The inner tapestry of events deals with just this kind of association. Emotional intensities and significances compose the nature of events. In dreams we work with the kind of intensities involved, exploring multitudinous significances. These are like charged emotional patterns, formed of our own higher personal emotions and intents.


Using such significances as yardsticks, we accept or reject probable events. We imprint the universe with our own significance, and using that as a focus we draw from it, or attract, those events that fit our unique purposes and needs. In doing so, to some extent we multiply the creative possibilities of the universe, forming from it a personal reality that would otherwise be absent, in those terms; and in so doing we also add in an immeasurable fashion to the reality of all other consciousness by increasing the bank of reality from which all consciousness draws.

Awake While Asleep

Suggest that instead as we falling to asleep, we will come into another kind of wakefulness. Try to imagine that you are awake when you sleep. On other occasions when we go to bed, lie down and settle yourself, but as you fall asleep imagine that you are awakening the next morning. I will not tell you what to look for. The doing of this exercise is important– not the results in usual terms.


There are different kinds of knowledge; so will this exercise bring us in contact with knowledge in another way. Done over a period of time, they will open up alternate modes of perception, so that we can view our experience from more than one standpoint. This means that our experience will itself change in quality. Sometimes when you are awake, and it is convenient, imagine that your present experience of the moment is a dream, and is highly symbolic. Then try to interpret it as such.


Who are the people? What do they represent? If that experience were a dream, what would it mean? And into what kind of waking life would you rise in the morning?


The qualities of consciousness cannot be elucidated. This exercise will bring us in contact with other kinds of knowing, and acquaint us with different feelings of consciousness that are not familiar. Our consciousness itself will then have a different feel as the exercise is done. Certain questions that we may have asked may be answered in such a state, but not in ways that we can anticipate, nor can we necessarily translate the answers into known terms. The different modes of consciousness with which I hope to acquaint you are not alien, however. They are quite native, again, in dream states, and are always present as alternatives beneath usual awareness.
