Now there will be those who will ask themselves these questions and be astounded to have answers come to them mentally.
Category Archives: Inner universe
The Soul Family
We do have different beings assisting with our Soul. Some have been Guides and friends in other incarnations on Earth. Some of these Energy Bodies have been watching over us and others in our Soul Family since the beginning of time as we understand it.
Broadly speaking, each of us has a constellation of these Energy Bodies, and we are each potentially able to achieve contact with some or all of them, depending on our level of Soul Evolution or spiritual growth. These entities are awaiting our call.
Mankind/Womankind are at the stage of development that it is necessary to make these connections with the Higher Self. This must take place on a grand scale before the Fourth-Dimensional shift can occur.
Now, let me go further with this explanation by discussing the concept of Soul Family. Each of us lives within what we might call our “core” family. This would be the family or families that raised us. These are the people who we call our family members.
Now among this group of humans that we may or may not be related to genetically, are members of our Soul Family these would be the Souls that have incarnated with us into our current timeframe to learn their lessons with us. These members of our Soul Family may well have participated in NUMEROUS permutations of family groupings with us throughout the millennia.
Some of these family groupings may be or have been in other solar systems, on other planets and so on. For the most part, however, our Soul Family has developed in the Earthly realms. Again, members of Soul Families reincarnate together in different roles, of different sexes, of different temperaments and so on, to experience different Lessons for the Entity – the overall collective of Souls in which Soul Family resides – and of course, for the greater experiencing of All That Is.
I must mention, that our Soul Family may include others that we may not acknowledge as “family” members. These participants might include, for example: the cashier at the local market that you may be very attracted to or perhaps find abhorrent, as well as others within your community that you hold strong emotions for.
However, the Soul Family may be thought of as that small group of active participants in our reincarnational activities in our current timeframe. This primary group is the one in which we learn our lessons while other members of the group also learn their Lessons.
Now if we are clever and if we learn to use our Inner Senses, we may find the connections between our current Soul Family, and the Lessons learned and to be learned, as well as perhaps the most “Immediate” or “Recent” past lives. For those of us interested in such things, I suggest we conduct your experiments with this information in mind. The connections will then “come to mind” as we put together your findings
By expressing negative thoughts about war or anything, we are colluding with the Negative Forces. Make the effort to deal with these issues in Love. Love is the strongest of all energies in the Universe. Focus on the Love that we can feel for everyone, including the “war people.” The only way to convince the haters is to model Unconditional Love in all our actions.
Be a peacemaker by converting your negativity into Love and by turning hatred into its opposite. This skill is what will convert people to peaceful side, and this skill is what will allow us to stay in the Fourth Dimension. So practice, practice, practice.
Our Reality Feedback
You see, our Personal Reality Field is literally feedback of our ongoing mental activities. We can always look at our created reality to see how we are doing. This of course assumes that you are aware of your Lessons and are not denying the spiritual, or need I say, “metaphysical” underpinnings of your so-called “physical ” life.
If you feel you haven’t enough information as to what your Lessons are, the next time you are in communication with our Energy Personality, simply ask for guidance as to what your Lessons might be in this incarnation and wait for the reply. You will get a direct reply telepathically if it is appropriate information for you to have at the time, or you may be presented with a “graphic example” by way of a reincarnational drama or comedy in your physical world.
These events present your Lessons in stark relief against the background of your mundane, robotic existence. You will recognize these as “teaching moments” or ” moments of awakening” by their surprising appropriateness and synchronous attributes. Again, as I have stated previously, you will know it when you see it for YOU HAVE CREATED IT, for purposes of Your own learning and Soul Evolution.
For example: You may have noticed a teaching moment in your own life that was not tragic in the least but amusing and profound. Perhaps you have had the experience of being the center of the cosmic joke, when everything around you was turned against you in humorous and symbolic ways. Certainly all of us have had these experiences, yet they are too easy to dismiss as coincidence.
These are your reincarnational comedies – teachings moments of the absurd and ironic. Now within these teaching moments, you also have the opportunity for creating loving understanding out of negative emotions – embarrassment and shame, anger and fear – just as you have the opportunity for transformation within the reincarnational dramas of our life.
Simply note that these episodes of dramatic and comedic teaching moments represent opportunities for IMMEDIATE TRANSFORMATION, IMMEDIATE SOUL GROWTH. I advise you Blog Reader to take advantage of these experiences, therefore, when they arise.
Collective Manifestation
So in a word, Love is the answer. If we were to live our life as a poet, a romantic poet let us say, one that was immersed in love, and indeed unable to sense or formulate a single thought that was not love, imagine how LOVING our existence would be.
But instead many of us focus on murders, such as we have in our negative media; personal vendettas, such as we are engaged-in at the workplace; and general cynical gossiping, such as makes up the Movement-to-Moment Points of our ongoing lives.
This is not to paint all of us with the same brush, but we must take responsibility for whatever part we play in the creation of negative Reality Constructs in our world. If we contribute If we contribute a negative gesture, we are partly responsible for the collective negative manifestation. It makes senses, does it not, given what I have described about the nature of our reality.
If we become angry at a person of a different color while driving our cars and shout at them and gesture at them in an absence way, we are responsible for our part in the collective negative manifestation of racial prejudice in our current timeframe. Does this not make sense? If we scream in anger at our child, we are responsible for the collective manifestation of child abuse in our time frame. It is quite logical in its consistency.
We may believe that if we commit these violations in private, that they do not count, because no one is observing our behavior. But telepathy, as I said before, is operative at all levels. We ALL know what is “on your minds.” We feel that we have to pretend that we DON”T know, however, to maintain our private lives.
Yet all of this will be out in the open soon, and I would urge us to clean up our thoughts and behaviors so that we will not be caught in the habitual negative thinking and behavior that currently hold us back.

The other members of the Soul Family are learning their Lessons also: some consciously, some by default. Each participant in this drama is learning something according to the requirements of their Soul Self. As I said, each of us enters into life in the Third Dimension with an agenda, with a general plan for development on all levels – body, mind and Soul. As we live our life, our Higher Self definitely keeps tabs on our activities with regards to the learning of Lessons.

Incidentally, some or even all members of a particular Soul Family Group may be expressions of a singular Soul Self. This happens quite frequently within our system. As such, these types of groupings often express a particular intensity of character and emotion around certain values: these values being the Lessons learned in the collective.

We might say that this tendency of some Souls to experience multiple lives within a singular genetic family, shall we say, is a repertory expressions and shows itself throughout time. In these cases, we would find this repertory expressions in the home, in the workplace, in the church, and so on. A similarity of Lessons being learned by all members of the collective would be noted.
There is no “fate” involved here, however. All realities are created at once, and expand, in a sense, “forever” within the eternal moment. Can we grasp this crucial point? We have free will within each moment of our life to select from infinite probabilities, those we wish to manifest.

Yet I do realize that these descriptions may appear as though there is no free will at all. This is how it looks from the outside looking into our reality. I sense, for example, not only me David as I write on this computer on the patio in my backyard, but the Soul Self of David as it presents itself within numerous other human life-forms on our Earth in other eras. All of these manifestations I can see if I wish.

What looks like destiny to us from within our system – the “fateful” meeting of our Soul Mate, for example – appears as infinite choice to my eyes as I observe all of us making our spontaneous free will choices within this moment in time. In other words, the end result of any reincarnational activity is determined by the Free Will choices of the participants.

In addition, we may remember that even the probable realities NOT chosen, continue on their trajectories of manifestation and development. Thus, we have these numerous probable worlds, parallel realities given birth by our varying choices moment-to-moment.
The energy Personality of Spirit Guide may assist me in my exploration into the Soul family. As we may already know, the road to awakening literally begins when we acknowledge that we have non-physical Guides that are watching over us and that may guide us.

It is an age-old story. Ritual contact with the non-physical beings is at the base of all our religious systems. Every spiritual tradition on our great Earth has the devotee first initiate contact with a spiritual being of some sort – god, goddess, God, animal spirits of various kinds, and so on.

Each culture has its variations on this procedure. This system I offer you as a metaphysical teacher of countless years. And so, yes, the first step here is to ask for assistance until you get it. We are thus not entirely on our own in this quest for spiritual understanding.
Our human activities occur in cooperation with the creation of ALL of the Reality Constructs within the existences of all of our Simultaneous Lives. Everything in our system is alive, including what we call “dead” or “inert” matter. Everything is composed of the Consciousness Units that are anything but dead. They are each holographic and telepathic, alive and vibrant entities, with a defined consciousness and an agenda for development.
Now do you see how this brings us back to my God concept – All That Is? everything is a reflection of everything else. All That Is reflects itself through every Consciousness Unit that composes every Reality Construct in All of our self-centered lifetimes throughout time. All of our relationships may be thought of as divine associations, therefore. I trust I am not pushing too hard.
Now Reality
To begin with my Blog friends…. you create your own reality. This has been my primary refrain to humanity in my messages over several decades, and I fervently hope that my blog readers remember. In this moment and in every moment of our life, we form the world that we know, even as everything else within our reality cooperates with us in this creation process.

Our world is made from Consciousness Units: awarized elements of energy that seek out the fulfillment of infinite values in the manifestation of Reality Constructs of infinite variety. This etheric substance – the stream of manifestation – literally travels outward from our body to create the world that we experience. It is fantastic. It is unbelievable. It IS the way we create our reality. Dear Blog Reader. For in this endeavor of Reality Creation, everything that can happen does happen, all in the spacious moment of creation – the eternal moment of NOW.

Included in this construction project of the Soul is the creation of our own physical body within a context of multi-dimensional existence. We do indeed live countless lives; some are lived in our future. We have referred to these as the Simultaneous Lives and also the Reincarnational Existences. These lives are our lives throughout time.
The concept of spontaneity can further our discussion of creating the Personal Reality Field. To be spontaneous, according to one of our Earthly definitions, is to act without forethought, willy-nilly, according to the present moment’s frivolous inclinations. Now I may be casting this term in a negative light somewhat, yet is it not true that spontaneous is thought to be somewhat reckless and unthinking, is it not? The spontaneous are thought to be irresponsible, in many ways, and lacking in maturity and good judgment.
I am a big fan of spontaneity, and the accompanying practice of recognizing and “following” life-affirming impulses. But for now, let us investigate how the practice of spontaneity may have earned such a bad reputation in our culture.
To begin, the founders of our American nation were of a strong puritanical bent. They were hard working, intensely religious humans, who were taught that “idle hands are the devil’s playground.” So the natural spontaneous behavior of humans enjoying the moment, even of children in many cases, during those seminal years of occupation in our country was discouraged.
Now this is speaking of the U.S. only here. Other nations had obviously different beginnings, yet some were similar. So we, as a people, were not generated from hedonistic loins, in other words. Our culture has proceeded from day one until the present on a decidedly anti-pleasures trajectory, admittedly with a few pleasure-seeking counter-culture movements in between.
So given this history it is no surprise that, for the most part, Americans are not a spontaneous lot. This type of behavior is not rewarded in a society that values business interests and profit-taking over positive human development. Currently, as a culture, the U.S. has entered an era of warlike anti-pleasure such as our modern Earth has never seen. Surprisingly, many of our citizens appear to accept this state of belligerence and negativity, if one is to believe the many polls that are taken and the results proclaimed to the world.
For now, let me simply suggest an alternative to the anti-pleasure movement in our country. This would be the search for pleasure within our Personal Reality and the creation of pleasure through the acknowledgment of and acting on pleasurable, life-affirming impulses. These are behaviors that may lead us to experience the feeling of being supported like a beloved child on a wave of ecstasy that is indeed the embodiment of All That Is.
Now let us clear up some of the misconceptions some may have of spontaneity with a description of “true spontaneity.” we need look no further for a graphic example of true spontaneity than the experience of accessing one’s Inner Senses and learning one’s lessons. The first requirement for this communication is a lowering of the ego defenses: that quality of mind that protects and defends one’s beliefs and one’s worldview against “attack” from differing and differing world views.
The ego must release its stranglehold on the physical perceptions before divine information – spontaneous impulses – can be adequately perceived with the Inner senses, and then acted upon if appropriate. So true spontaneity is ultimately profoundly responsible and ethical at its base. True spontaneity is not necessarily the actions of the “free spirit,” however, in our terms.
This aspect relates to the terms “Young Soul” and “Old Soul” that we discussed in previous blogs. Let us go further here. The idea of a free spirit, in our culture and other of the world’s cultures, who acts on every whim that comes to mind, is not the spontaneous spirit I am describing. True spontaneity requires discernment as to which impulses within consciousness to act on to further the learning of lessons for oneself and for the higher good of everyone else. This is critical.
The awakening human learns their lessons consciously and with courage, relishing the life experience whatever the “conditions,” positive, negative or in between, in our terms. Then, as I said, contributing to the consensus manifestation in positive, life-affirming ways, always.
Now further… we are awakening, some of us, within lives that some would call “miserable.” Some of us will use our formidable powers in collaboration with All That Is to heighten our vibrational rate in this lifetime and bring an end to our miseries. Yet some of us will live out our lives in these subjectively named “miserable conditions,” knowing that we are fulfilling our contract with oneself, and learning our lessons for our Soul Self and for All That Is.
Both of the examples I have just described are becoming fully awakened and finding pleasure there, yet only they know this on a Soul Level. Again, to outside observers it would appear that some are trapped in their misery. If one were to look closer though, perhaps one would see the spark of Soul Wisdom in the eyes of those I am speaking about. We are all involved in a complex dramatic presentation for the benefit of oneself and All That Is.