Category Archives: Inner Senses


We suggested in our last Blog Series that there are true visionaries among us who are making themselves known. These are the advocates for our Mother Earth, the speakers, the teachers, the magicians, shamans, witches and healers of our timeframe, who are exerting considerable pressure on the current ruling regime – I am speaking in global terms here now – to “soften” and indeed spiritualize their expressions in physical reality, including their political systems. They are now coming forward to lead us in all the domains of human interaction.

Our leaders who have taken advantage of the people are now finding themselves “uncovered” and suddenly vulnerable. In their place there is becoming apparent this new class of “natural born leaders.” We have stated that these visionaries will not necessarily be elected. They lead in a very appropriate manner, for that is their natural gift, as humans in this very important era in our world.

Perhaps now we have witnessed this phenomenon, essentially a calling forth to those of goodwill for our Mother earth, to tend to THE TRUE BUSINESS AT HAND. The denial is lifting, you see, as many of us begin to see the damage done by our leaders with our tacit approval.

Or perhaps we have experienced this phenomenon in a more personal way, as we may have felt oneself called to serve our fellow humans in a more direct way than we have done in the past. Leaders come in many forms. Leading by example, to coin a phrase, is a wholly adequate and necessary service one may provide to initiate the rebuilding of our damaged societies.

You see, there are no authorities among these visionary Leaders. They do not hold power by virtue of authority, such as a power “over” others. They are powerful because they keep their own power. They do not give up their authority to others. In the broad sense, ALL of us are becoming enlightened, empowered with the natural creative energies that are our birthright. We are all becoming leaders in this way.


When you state, for example, that something “resonates” with you, this is a statement of literal fact. Let us say that you are speaking of some particularly evocative material you are reading in a book. You find yourself becoming quite affected by the ideas in the text. You become emotionally invested in the material. It seems as though the author is “reading your mind,” as to what you are thinking and feeling.

This vibratory resonance occurs when the thoughts you are entertaining within your consciousness are vibrating at a similar rate as the ideas you are reading about in the Blog. In this instance, the Consciousness Units that compose the thoughts held in the mental environment are vibrating at the same frequency as the ideas, images and other material elicited by the written words.

Now in this activity of resonance, you might say that the energetic potential of the one, assists in creating the holographic replicant within the other. This is a rather simplified way of expressing the manifestation phenomenon, in that the one “brings the other up” to a station of equally evolving manifestation – streaming, energizing and facilitating the assemblage of the Consciousness Units within the other.

Now the reverse is also true here. It is a mutual sharing of energies in this resonance. There is a form of homeostasis or balance that is achieved once the level of Value Fulfillment is reached that is the “goal,” in a sense, of the Reality Creation project. These discussions may become quite etheric. However, in its simplest form we may say that our reality is co-created from the Consciousness Units that are charged with the life force of All That Is.

The resonance phenomenon exists as a cohesive force in the assemblage of Consciousness Units into Reality Constructs throughout our Third-Dimensional Reality. When we speak in the new material of the researcher “fine tuning” the Inner Senses, we are saying that the researcher may achieve a similarity of vibratory frequency is created – through our various techniques, for example – resonance is achieved. The Consciousness Units within your mental sphere resonate with their holographic counterparts – the “generic atoms” we have spoken of earlier. What is imagined on the “inner” is made manifest on the “outer” in this way.

This cohesive force is the electromagnetic energy we have mentioned that is at the basis of all created realities. The bioelectric energy that is at the basis if all created realities. The bioelectric energy that “Lights and Powers” the human body construct or any living or inanimate object, does so in a resonating, flashing on-and-off fashion.

Here again we are referencing my past discussions on the nature of the atoms or Consciousness Units as they create multidimensional realities, in a sense, flashing or vibrating at specific rates to create the realities that vibrate at the particular frequency.

You may also remember our discussion from our previous Blogs in which we presented the possibility for the researcher to experiment with modulating the frequency of their physical body construct to create healing.


Dear Blog Reader, you now have at our disposal the great perceptive powers of the Inner Senses. In my last series of Blogs I described to you in detail how to access these powers and how to use them to your advantage in physical reality. Here I would like to elaborate on this data with some suggestions on how to sense the Subconscious Manifestation Energy Stream.

This material may also be used in conjunction with Carl Jung material. The Subconscious Manifestation Energy Stream, as I said, support and nourishes our created reality – our Personal Reality Field. In the dream state, and when we are in our Home Dimension between lives, we are well aware of this stream of energy and we sense it as easily as we sense the various constructs within our self-created reality. Now, the Inner Sense of sight, Auric Vision, may be utilized to sense this stream. The following experiment will assist us in the awakening of this valuable Inner Sense.

EXPERIMENT – Sensing Reality Creation

Hypothesis: The Subconscious Energy Manifestation Stream may be observed as it creates the reality construct.
The Reality Construct is our topic for the moment. The Reality Construct is all of created reality, and also describes the many elements of the created reality. Here I wish to digress somewhat and ask you the Blog Reader to imagine for yourself what it is I am attempting to describe to you.

Consciousness creates form, instantaneously, in the moment. We must use these descriptions of Reality Creation for us to make sense of this phenomenon, occurring as it does within a linear time conceptualization. The truth of the matter might be better expressed by describing the spontaneously responsive quality of manifestation in our system. So that here we could speak of consciousness creating form that creates consciousness, and so on, all within the spacious eternal moment. Everything is conscious. everything is creative. Everything creates consciousness. All That Is, another term for everything, IS the infinitely creative consciousness that gives birth to our own infinitely creative consciousnesses. This Idea Construct is an excellent one to entertain when we are attempting to KEEP IN THE MOMENT. I trust I have inspired quite enough to be receptive to these subtle energies.

So I would suggest you relax. If you are sitting in a chair, make yourself comfortable. If you are lying down, prop up your body so that you will not fall asleep as you read this. Now imagine if you will, what I have defined as the Moment Point. Use your current existence, the moment you are now experiencing, as somewhat more extended in duration than you have experienced moments in the past.

In a previous Blog, we provided an experiment for the Blog Reader to practice slowing down time within their Personal Reality Field. This is the same feeling we are creating here and now. You use your intention to imbue your Moment Points with duration. Please make creative use of your Inner Senses to accomplish this, perhaps intuitively visualizing your present sensory images and sounds as slowing down, slowing down with your Intention.

What we are getting at here is a slowing down of time to the extent that we may glimpse the creation of physical objects from ideas. This would be Reality Construction viewed at the edge of creation. Now these are grand terms, and you might say I am making it all sound so easy, but at its heart, it IS the easiest thing it all sound so easy, but at its heart, it IS the easiest thing in the world. You are experts at creating “something from nothing,” and you can easily slow down this creative process to the microsecond level. Here you may see and feel what is involved in your creation of your Personal Reality Field. This includes your body and the senses you use to sense this manifestation activity.

How much must you slow down the act of reality creation to witness this? You will know you are meeting with success when you have a sensation of pulsing visually and as a felt sensation. This is the pulse of manifestation. This is the flow of the Subconscious Manifestation Energy Stream through the Coordinate Points and “into” the Reality Constructs.

A taste of perspective. I am experiencing the pulsation. It feels like the heartbeat, only accelerated many times. Visually there is a dreamy quality. Briefly I experienced a twinge of fear, as if I was receiving forbidden knowledge. Possible religious programming?

The flow of information “through” the Coordinate Point is so rich in imagery and other content that the researcher must intentionally slow down the flow of Conscious Units through this gateway if they are to observe and study the construct.

Now can you imagine these theorized Coordinate Points as permeating “physical” space and matter, yet not taking up any space whatsoever? Let us refer to the Conscious Points as etheric in nature in this experiment. They are the nonphysical “precursors” of the “future” created Reality Constructs. They exist inter-dimensionally and holographic ally. They are each everywhere literally all of the time, past, present and future. They exist as the determinant “values” in the manifestation phenomenon. And again, consciousness in the form of Consciousness Units expresses intentionally, as in the unconscious co-creation of the human or elemental expressions of all the other varied forms of “substance” in your dimension. When you have received adequate information from your experiment, gradually disengage from the Trance State. Return to fully sensory awareness.

FINDINGS – Document your observations of the Reality Creation phenomenon.

Threads,Strands and Gestalts of consciousness

In previous Blogs, I described the Consciousness Units as being composed of threads. I now further state that these theoretical threads of awarized energy exist in various “arrays” of potentiality, what we are calling Gestalts of Consciousness – the pre-manifestation templates of creation. Infinitesimally small threads of energy under the direction of elemental consciousness, coalesce into strands of incipient matter that are combined in various ways to create our Reality Constructs.

Now a matrix implies a grid or network of interconnecting pathways or energy streams. Can you imagine in your mind’s eyes this network of Love Light? The pathways are the strands of etheric material composed of Consciousness Units. Within this matrix exist the Coordinate Points. The strands also coalesce into more complex structures – The Gestalts of Consciousness – which hold the potential for the creation of anything conceived by consciousness. All of this etheric material is literally “Love in action” the all-encompassing power of Love that is the essence and creative energy All That Is.

Are you beginning to see now? This Love Light energy that power the strands of etheric material, is the creative element for healing of all types. Focused Love Light is utilized by our tribal healers, for example, in very precise ways to assist their “patients” in balancing and “making whole” their unbalanced bodies. So it is literally true that Love is the healing agent in all restorations of the human body and spirit.


Let me add to this cursory explanation with a description of a new metaphor we are presenting: Central Field of Experiencing. Now we exist within an intersection of dimensional planes.

The intersection of several planes. They share a common area, that we shall call our Central Field of Experiencing. Let us say that each of these planes of existence represents one of our Simultaneous Lives. Let us further state that the common area here our Central Field, is our current self experiencing life in this time-frame.

Now all of these planes are connected at the Central Field and so not only does our current self have at its disposal the perceptual ability to experience events within our current life, but also, because we are indeed connected to the other lives – hard-wired, in a sense – we have the POTENTIAL to experience events, feel emotions and have thoughts from within these other simultaneously-lived lives.

The planes surrounding the Central Field represent our various Reincarnational Selves as well as the many PROBABLE existences that we co-create with our consciousness and All That Is. This Central Field, then, is our current Third-Dimensional existence. Look around at your surroundings. This is what we are referring to in this current discussion.

Now as we look around us what do we see? Do we see a futuristic landscape with mythological creatures grazing on the lawn? Do we see a vignette of interaction between two family members from a life in a Mystery Civilization, such as Atlantis? Do we witness the life we are living now, complete in every detail except for one? Perhaps there is a stranger, someone we do not recognize, apparently living their life with us in our home. Does this unique detail “prove” to us that we are viewing a scene that does not exist in our current physical reality?

I would guess that you are perceiving your surroundings as quite similar to those we left behind you as you proceeded to read this Blog. My point here is that the possibility exists for you, in this time of accelerated consciousness, during this Dimensional-Shift we have described, to briefly inhabit the bodies of your Reincarnational Selves. You accomplish this by refocusing your perceptive apparatus – the Inner Senses – on a tangential plane of existence. You will be picking up on the sensory experiencing of these humans who are indeed you, Dear Blog Reader, as you are engaged in living your lives within the many time-frames on Earth and in other systems.


One reason for this estrangement is that this creation of our world is done largely on the unconscious level. It is truly a projection, in this sense, for we are individually projecting our subconscious thoughts, images and other mental constructs out onto the “Screen” of our Personal Reality Field.

Our thoughts give birth to realities. Fearful thoughts gave birth to fearful realities. Thoughts of Courage and Loving Understanding give birth to Courageous and Loving realities. You may witness this for yourselves within your own manifestations. Watch and see how each element in your perceptual field REFLECTS your inner state of emotion and imagination.


With denial we have another very successful strategy for avoiding our Lessons. Here we are literally creating a reality for oneself unconsciously, and then disavowing any hand in the creation of the reality. “I am innocent,” you are in effect saying. Yet obviously it is your world that you are co-creating here. Your Personal Reality Field certainly bears the marks of your personality. Still, when we are up against something that we do not wish to face-perhaps because it is embarrassing to us, something quite true, yet something that challenges our standards – we disaffirm it, we disempower it, we DENY it.

We deny the thing with vehemence relative to the importance we place upon it. In other words, we deny what we most know to be the utter truth, in the honest appraisal of the subject at hand. Here again, those of us who observe our behavior, and know our motives and indeed our probable developmental paths as human beings, must laugh at such nonsense. The amount of energy wasted in such denials of self – for that is what these instances truly represent – is vast beyond all comprehension. And so we must laugh to ourselves, as we observe in the midst of our “Issues.”

For example: when we experience a twinge of Negative Emotion, perhaps triggered by something in our environment that reminds us of an event, a negative event for our past, we immediately redirect the ego/intellect to something other than the negative memory, the negative event.

Now you may use this skill of distracting the ego/intellect to our advantage within Reality Creation programs described in this Blog. The key to use of this technique is to FIRST listen to what the information stream is attempting to convey to us. Listen and understand. “Face the Music,” to coin a phrase.

In this sense, we have the opportunity for awakening to our denial in each and every one of our self-created moments. This current Moment Point, as you are reading this Blog, may become a moment of awakening if we but merely CONSIDER, that what we most ardently deny – particularly with regards to our so-called “Issues” – may be better embraced as the truth of the matter.

This is a simple test that we may utilize in assessing any perceived fact of life in our current existence. What do we most fear? What do we hate most strongly. Herein lie our weaknesses in our Reality Creation agendas. Inconsistencies, prejudices, cultural delusions, artifacts of consciousness that cause us to grimace or wince inwardly may be indicators of this denial of the Soul Self.


One of the most popular forms of avoidance for us is intellectualization. Through this strategy we assess the Divine information within our mental sphere as something completely explainable. Scientific reasoning – logical deduction – is used to place the information in a neat and tidy and already known and understood category. Here a stream of spiritually – informed communication is interrupted and redirected to other parts of the psyche where it will not cause any disruptions.

To continue this metaphor, the stream of Divine Information attempts to erode or melt away the self-limiting beliefs within the psyche – beliefs that may no longer serve the purposes of the evolving Soul. But the ego is in charge here, and the strategy of intellectualization works quite well for the majority of us. It allows us to ignore, as mere mental anomalies, these messages from our Higher Self. A brief example: when you experience a viewing of a non physical being – a “Spirit” in our terms – we ascribe the sensory information we are receiving to “Tricks” of the eyes, being perhaps mentally exhausted, hallucinations due to any number of “Rational” causes. I am certain that the Blog Reader may contribute their own examples.

Of course in the workplace this strategy allows us to keep focused on the task at hand. In our private lives the misdirection of the ego/intellect allows us to continue on our path of development, however nonproductive and even self-destructive this path might be. Indeed, it seems that the more nonproductive the life lived, the more firmly the ego intellectualizes – “explain away” – the information received from the Divine Sources.


HYPOTHESIS: You may meet with other entity counter-parts within nonlinear time.

Counterparts within the spacious present moment of your shared Simultaneous Lives. I realize that this would seem to fly in the face of everything that has been taught to you in schools. Yet remember what I have been suggesting to you about authorities and institutions. In your awakening, which is currently well underway, you will be given the opportunity many times to reformat and reconstitute your core beliefs about yourself and your world. You may do this reformation with your imagination. In this example, the last experiment of this current blog series, I am asking you to take a very courageous step forward into the unknown reality.

I am asking you to demonstrate to yourself, Dear Blog Reader, that you can achieve contact and communications with others such as yourself – other Entity Counterparts – by simply affirming your intention to do so, here in your current Moment Point – your Point of Power. You may rely on all of the findings pulled from the previous experiments It may help to have an underlying attitude of playfulness here. You are having fun with your imagination, just as you may have done countless times when you were a child.

Now relax yourself using your most effective methods. When you are experiencing a relaxed state of consciousness, with the metaphor of the radio dial in mind, tune the dial to that state of consciousness of Simultaneous Time in which you may sense your physical counterparts. Have the intention that you will make contact, just as you have and the intention to accomplish other research goals in the previous experiments.

Of course, you may ask for assistance from your Energy Personality. Now you may be presented with data for interpretation by your Inner Senses. It may come to you in various sensory forms. You may see images that are quite familiar, as if you have seen these faces many times, perhaps in dreams, other locales on your Earth.

If you feel that you may take notes into a recorder or onto the pages of your journal without disrupting what you are experiencing, do so. Again, you may have the overall sense that you are making it all up. Of course, you are indeed doing so, but no less and no more than you are making up your Personal Reality Field. When you feel as though you have learned enough from the experiment, gradually come to full sensory awareness in physical reality.

FINDINGS – Document your findings. Now the “after effects” of this final experiment may include “coincidental” meetings with your Entity Counterparts as you go about your daily activities. You will know them when you see them. I am quite confident that you will achieve great success in these sojourns into the non-physical.


We have to experience events sequentially to understand them. It would be confusing for us, would it not, to see a cake being cooked in one of our ovens, rise and complete its cooking in seconds, rather than minutes? So we manifest according to rules “built into our reality. Fortunately we all “obey” the same rules – telepathy is operative on all levels – otherwise we would all be confused at the unpredictability of our world.

Now, our work represents some tinkering with these built-in rules and regulations, these core beliefs. In my blogs of long ago, I spoke of the difficulty in changing these core assumptions. Now is a different era, my friend, and our fellow Earthly associates are being prepared to change the core beliefs that we hold. This preparation is taking place during our dream state. Most of us do not realize this is happening. We simply awaken with more clarity and a feeling that anything is possible for us: this despite the wars and the famine and other negative phenomena so evident around us.


HYPOTHESIS: The dearly departed await our contact…

Now, this is an experiment in contacting our friends or family members in their Home Dimension. Obviously, if you are still too upset to attempt this contact, please do not consider trying this experiment. For some of you it may be best experienced after you have gained some emotional distance from the event of The transition.

Find a comfortable chair to sit in or perhaps a comfortable chair to sit in or perhaps a comfortable sofa or bed. The idea is to relax the body enough so that you can receive these impulses from the other side, yet not so relaxed that you fall asleep. In between worlds is where you want to be for this experiment and so I ask you to make those preparations you need to in order to enter that state.

Now the crux of this experiment is to distinguish, from the chorus of telepathic messages you are receiving in our relaxed state, those messages that are being transmitted by your loved ones. Beings of Light, friends and loved ones and other Entities from your past, present and future, are all constantly vying for your attention in this mental environment.

Since you are attempting to focus your Inner Senses, you might simply visualize the appearance of the loved-one. Mentally picture your family member of friend as though they were in the physical body. Fill the perception with color and enliven it with your thoughts. This will have the effect of you “tuning-in” to their communication band, allowing you to “home-in” on them, in a manner of speaking. Now it is important to proceed with this experiment as a loving Scientist of Consciousness. Love and kindness are your watchwords in these endeavors. Ego perceptions have no place here.

As you create the image of the person in your mental environment, imagine their voice becoming gradually stronger and stronger until it becomes the most prominent voice in your inner chorus. Use your intention and simply turn up the volume or use the metaphor of the radio dial to do so. This is very easy to do and I am certain you will find success with this in a short period of time.

After establishing contact – you will know you have contact if you feel the intense loving vibrations that emanate from the Home Dimension – simply have your conversation, just as you did when your loved-one was in physical reality. After the conversation, naturally say good-by and perhaps make an appointment to speak again in the future.

Then use your metaphor of the radio dial or whichever technique you used to make contact, to release contact with your loved-one. Gradually come back to your waking consciousness. In time, if you give yourself the suggestions and if you have the ongoing intention to do so for loving purposes, you will be able to make these contacts with the departed while you are at work, walking in the park, etc. etc. etc. As you use Inner Senses, they strengthen over time.

FINDINGS – Immediately document your personalized Findings.