Category Archives: HYPNOSIS


Now: it is well known by researchers that the Christian principles, imagery, and so on, were borrowed from preceding spiritual practices, including, if course, the GA religion. Obviously, the founding priests heavily elaborated on the original Christian ethics established by the Energy Body known as Christ. Before, I have reminded that the fundamental tenet of The Christ was all-important Love concept. That was it. It was a simple pronouncement; that with Love of self, of our colleagues in the world, a successful life could be experienced.

Now the priests ignored the original statements of The Christ and other founding energies, of the importance of the “multiple lives” concept. They rejected this foundational principle in favor of an “everlasting life” that the devotee was to experience upon their transition after having lived “a life without sin,” or at least a life that included atonement for sins committed.

The creative priests did not have to look far for the patriarchal elements to add to their model christian practice. The warring tribes that were inculcated into the GA culture brought with them several different pantheons based on vengeful patriarchal gods. These warring tribes were on missions from their territories to conquer the people and to obtain land. They were on the offensive, then, while GA, for the most part, merely attempted to defend herself against encroachment by the aggressive warrior tribes.


Question: Regarding your explanation of Atlantis as being as much in our future as our past. Do you mean that it is largely a state of consciousness rather than , a particular place and time, in linear terms? – Dorian


Yes Marlo. We have discussed Atlantis. Let me explain. From the perspective of your greater multidimensional being. Dorian EVERYTHING is ultimately a state of consciousness. All Reality Constructs that compose our individual and collective realities are composed of Consciousness Units that are essentially thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions etc. “solidified,” in a sense, to create our world. So certainly, all of our created reality is a state of consciousness, a state of shared telepathic reality.

You cooperate with the Consciousness Units that compose not only your physical body but also do you cooperate with the Consciousness Units that compose the “stuff” that composes all that is NOT you. Do you see? The Telepathic Network is the fertile ground upon which we plant our seeds into their respective constructs.

Also let me say, that as a multidimensional being, one who lives many lives simultaneously, including some lives within the Mystery Civilizations, you are now in this moment contributing in very noticeable ways to the lives you are living everywhere. This is a delicate point I think. Let me go further.

Can you forget for just a moment here your infatuation with linear time and our camouflage reality? If you are able to do this, you will see the truth. You are Dorian, for example, a human living a life within the Mystery Civilization you know as Atlantis. You may prove this to yourself by using your Inner Senses to tune-in to this other life. Let us say that you have done so and you are now getting glimpses – bleed throughs – into this Simultaneous Life in Atlantis. You are experiencing the bleedthrough through the spacious moment – your current Moment Point.


In other words: yes we are slaves to consumerism and the agenda of the Negative Entities, but YOU ARE ENSLAVING YOURSELF. The responsibility for our choices resides with us personally. It does not do to blame our society or some distant negative figure: “The devil made me do it.” We are responsible.


As I said, this is not technically a Mystery Civilization we are describing. Yet this does demonstrate the reality of evolutionary consciousness – of All That Is. We are reminded that the path of development much more resembles a continuum than a staged series of phenomena with discrete nameable societies existing within separate time-frames.

The Negative Entities have informed humanity forever, in our terms. They exist currently, in this moment, as probable evolutionary paths for the Soul Self. We are a physical being, yet we also inhabit the non-physical world. We are in contact with Entities of all types. These Annunaki influences, then, are quite pronounced in our collective consciousness currently. The manifestation, of collective negative realities REQUIRES the direction and energetic support of this Gestalt of Consciousness. Through our free will choice, as we live our life in the modern world, we ally with different Entities. If you ally with the Negative entities through entertaining negative thoughts, images, and emotions within your psyche, you endorse and strengthen the Negative Entities.

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Specifically here: if you accept the information stream of greed, of ruthlessness, of murderous intent, into your mental sphere, you are assisting the Annunaki in their agenda of fear, anger, domination, and despair.

With regards to the claim that these Negative Entities are enslaving mankind, I must concur. I have stated before that the modern human is a slave to consumerism, to the buying of shiny objects. The activities of the Annunaki are feeding this desire to consume. Yet this group is merely another Gestalt of Consciousness that exists for us in our mental sphere.. We could just as easily CHANGE OUR PATTERN and choose to ally our Reality Creation energies with Beings of Light.


The churches and the religious will become more democratic…

We have systematically over the generations given away our creative powers to those in perceived authority. Of these authorities the religious authority is perhaps the most powerful. It is not uncommon, for example, on our Sunday observance, for millions of humans to engaging in the obedience to religious authority. See what occurs in our communities in the Christian nations during our religious holidays. Whole peoples are seen enacting rituals of the holidays, celebrating the life of The Christ.

Now we’re here does the authority lie? Primarily, as the intermediary between humanity and the Divine, it is with the priest first, and then the members of the church hierarchy. The officials are entrusted with the powers of creation given by the practitioners.

Now we have spoken elsewhere of the necessity in this time of awakening, to think these power exchanges that the individual has with the intermediaries of the Divine. As this occurs, and many of us begin to take back power from religious figures, the churches and the religions will become more democratic. They will become humanized. The rituals will be transformed into more truthful demonstrations of the manifestation process.


The personal Reality of the visionary of old may shed light on this discussion. Now the demeanor of the visionary was one of complete absorption with the forces of nature. However, this was not a pass-time activity. This immersion in the in the natural elements – to the degree that the participant would experience their existence as an integral part of the world – was their normal waking experience.

We might say that the visionary was attending to spiritual matters on a moment-to-moment basis. They were, quite literally, in constant contact with their Guides, the Energy Personality and others, as well as the many Gestalts of Consciousness that represent the energetic supports of our systems on Earth. There are indeed Nature Spirits, for example, that may be contacted and with whom relationships may be cultivated by human beings. ALL of our Earthly reality is supported by spirit in various stages of complexity.

The visionary, then, was quite often enthralled with the experiencing of visions of various types, transmitted from their “pantheon” of sacred energy bodies into their opened or awakened consciousness.


All values are fulfilled instantaneously in the spacious moment of creation…

We will now add to the Blog material we have covered on projections. In this metaphor we maintain that All That Is – which includes everything in our created reality including you, Dear Blog Reader – projects itself, its essence, if you will, into the Third Dimension. What results in this projection are Reality Constructs of all types. In a way, as we project Personal Reality Field into the 3D Reality of Earth from within, we are responding to All That Is as it seeks Value Fulfillment in the creation of, again, all types of Reality Constructs. It all happens at once. All values are fulfilled instantaneously in the spacious moment of creation.

So from the this perspective it has many advantages for the student. For example: you may see the end results of any proposed Reality Creation agenda you might be considering. In the divine perspective of All That Is, there is no lag-time in the manifestation of realities, as we experience it.

This divine perspective can be yours if you wish. By embodying the Divine you gain a perspective that lies outside of linear time in the eternal moment. You needn’t wait for any proposed agenda to be implemented and experienced over days, weeks, or months, let us say. You would know instantly the outcomes of your proposed “projects” for reality Creation.


I often use the phrase in these New Blogs, “from my perspective.” Let me speak a bit about what that might mean. Now please remember, here in our discussions it is perception that causes Reality Creation. The Percepts, as we have defined it in our Blogs, is that aspect of consciousness that simultaneously and instantaneously creates and perceives the Reality Construct. Therefore, can you see that from my perspective I am witness to our greater multidimensional experiencing? This enlarged perspective of mine includes the goings-on within our probable futures.

The mind reels here in contemplation of this perspective. However, if you are with us on this voyage, and you are attending to the exercises and experimentation we present to you, I would suggest that your mind may now be in the beginning stages of a new stability with regards to witnessing the multidimensional nature of the self that is quite commonplace to Light Beings.

That is what it is all about, this shift to 4th Dimensional Awareness. From my perspective, many of us are becoming quite expert at “holding” this state of awareness for extended periods of time. We are on the same wavelength, in a very literal way. We are focused on this same compelling subject of interest. We are all of us witnessing the divine creation of realities moment-to-moment.


Our ego/intellect is a function of our belief system

We are on our Earth to learn a variety of Lessons: some pleasant, some certainly not pleasant, as you perceive it. This may reference that it is the human condition that we may very well experience humiliation and ecstatic awakening in successive moments of Reality Creation. The possibilities are limitless within each moment of our existence. Thus may assertion that All of created reality is available to us within each moment of co-creating with All That Is.

Everything that can exist, does, within the Conscious Units. We could say that the Conscious Units has this limitless potential to become anything imagined. Yet we ARE experiencing our Lessons. We ARE witnessing the feedback of our mentality that is our Personal Reality, that is, remember, constructed through “instructions,” we might say, from our ego/intellect. Our ego/intellect is a function of our belief system. This aspect of our consciousness believes that it is getting a “TRUE” picture of reality as it unconsciously creates the Reincarnational Dramas and comedies of our life.


The ego/intellect is heavily invested in appearances…

How do you distinguish between these two vastly different perspectives, that of the Soul Self on the one hand, and the ego/intellect on the other? The emotional tone generated is quite different; the opposite, in fact, of the other. It is the difference, as we have stated to our Internet audience, between conscious co-creation and unconscious creation. It is the difference, particularly in matters of Lessons, between resisting in the Moment Point, and letting-go in the Moment Point.

It is obvious, is it not, that when you resist, when you attempt to control, when you attempt to intellectualize, rationalize, think-things-through, you are perceiving through a particular lens of Reality Creation? This we call the ego/intellect.

Conversely, when you let go, when you go-with-the-flow of manifestation, when you take your place within nature within the elemental forces, you are creating through the perspective of the timeless Soul Self. The differences are striking; unmistakable really.

For example: If you are angrily reacting to a conversation you are hearing on your radio or television and you are stomping around the room in a huff, what perspective are you embodying? If you are hiding behind the furniture when the bill collector knocks on the door, what perspective are you embodying?

The ego/intellect is heavily invested in appearances. The ego in particular has distinct preferences for how others should perceive it. There is much of perceived value that must be protected. In this process, whole aspects of the personality and Soul are drawn under, disavowed, and denied. These unpleasant facts of the personality assemble in the creation of the disowned self, what we refer to as the Negative Persona, which we shall discuss at the end.