Category Archives: HYPNOSIS


In our world, terrorism is the subject of choice for modern humans. We are enthralled with the subject for we are daily inundated with terrorist data from the various negative media to the degree that many of us in the modern world eat, drink and sleep terror.

We “like” it that way, for we have become entranced by our negative leaders and the negative media into believing that these terrorist issues should occupy our every waking hour. Our leaders like it that way, for that is the way they want us to respond. The negative leaders are in business of control, and so in a way they use their proclamations to control us through fear. The fear produces body chemicals that create stress and anxiety as well as addiction to these fear-producing statements. We just can’t take our eyes off it. We just can’t ignore the headlines. And so the negative media like it that way, for they are profiting tremendously by spreading the negative messages of the negative leaders.

Now, I must remind of a lifesaving point here: we create our own reality. At risk of repeating myself, let us visit that concept again. On an individual and collective basis, humans create their individual Reality Fields and the mass-create consensus reality that we perceive in a linear fashion. Let us use an example to see how the negative leaders and their media “help” us form our individual and also our mass consciousness realities. It’s quite simple really… You are an average American who awakens to the sound of the radio news program that describes the latest atrocity perpetrated by the latest enemy of our country. Can you see how this sets the tone for the remainder of your day? Before becoming fully awake, in that “in between state” in which we are so impressionable, out mind is already picking up negative information that we will, no doubt, carry with us throughout the day. And as our mind finds in our mental and physical environments what feels is “corroboration” of this negative information – proof – it will note this proof and add it to the mix of negative data, beliefs, images and so on.

Again, in this way, the negative leaders and the negative media have won the contest for control of the minds of individual listeners and viewers and also have they gained control of the masses of listeners and viewers. Now, since telepathy among humans is imperative continually, we reinforce this negativity on the subtle levels by communicating, with other humans in the collective, on the negative leaders and their media. On these subtle levels ideas are accepted as fact, though there may have been NO CRITICAL THINKING Involved in accessing this data. Do you see how our leaders, our media and our unaware selves conspire to terrorize us? We are terrorizing ourselves. It is true that our leaders are at most fault for our predicament. But we as human individuals are also responsible for our dilemma. We have not taken individual responsibility for our own thoughts and actions. We have given our power to institutions, to leaders, to employers. No wonder then do we find ourselves afraid and powerless.

Obviously, the most direct and simple way to take our power back from the institutions of global negative media would be to not participate in them. As I have suggested at different stages in my Blogs, we can always TURN OFF THE RADIO, TURN OFF THE TV, TURN OFF THE VIOLENT MOVIES. Avoid the negative media when we are out in our physical environment. Vote with our pocketbook by not purchasing negative, violent, controlling media and other life-denying products of our mass-consumption society. We will soon begin to like it – our freedom – and our negative institutions and leaders will begin to not like it. The repression may grow then, because “the powers that be” will know that we are taking responsibility for our own thoughts and beliefs. However, persevere and our numbers will surely grow. The Forces of Light are in our favor. The probabilities for a mass transformation of consciousness into the positive arena are growing. Our contribution is necessary for the greater good of our species and our Mother Earth.


Now, our Spirit Guides are a more personal matter. It would be as though an energy personality essence were “created” to the specifics of our individual personality being the Entity from which the specific characteristics are drawn. Now beyond the Energy Personality, of course, exist continuing manifestations of energy gestalts, more complex in form and substance, until one reaches All That Is, the fundamental energy source from which all realities in all dimensions are created.

Let me go a bit further there… using our wonderful little metaphor of the radio dial. Suppose that you think of All That Is as the totality of all radio waves. Then on your dial you would have listed those “channeled sources” as you have so described , in separate parts of the dial, so that each time you turn that dial, you connect to a different part of the energy “wavelengths” of All That Is.

Now let us say at the far left of the dial is the name David, and when you metaphorically turn the dial to that spot, you receive through your antennae, which we might describe as the Chakra receptors of the human body, the David transmission. And if you turn the dial to the right to the spot marked X you would “pick up” the transmission of that specific Energy Body and so on.

I think that our metaphor is a good one. Blog Readers can use this visualization to tune-in to their own guides and it becomes a ritual they can use to make these connections in their own lives. Ritualizing these activities – practicing making these connections – is what is going to help us in our Spiritual Evolution. It is the first step.

Consecutive Positive Assessments-2

EXPERIMENTConsecutive Positive Assessments

HYPOTHESIS: Positive assessing all that you experience creates the positive future.

In addition to enacting your Ritual of Sanctuary before you go out into your world, I suggest you practice positively assessing everything that comes your way in your existence. Practice until it becomes a matter of fact – a positive habit that you practice ongoing throughout each and every day. Perhaps an experiment is in order here. Again, this build upon exercises in previous Blogs.

Let us say that you are about to begin your day. You have awakened from sleep, you have opened your eyes and you are perhaps walking to the bathroom.

This may be habitual for you now. It should only take a few seconds to perform your ritual. Then here is where you immediately intervene between the Moment Points of you waking life. In between the moments of remembering and forgetting… you intervene. “It’s easy to find the good in each sequential perception.” This is your idea for the day.

Remembering to conduct your Ritual of Sanctuary; remembering that you create your reality out of your perceived beliefs, ideas and images about your world; remembering to positively assess each sequential perception. Then do you see how the positive perceptions create the positive future, moment-to-moment? You are rolling out your positive moments before you to create the positive path of your future.

(Thought afterwards – this experiment is a especially useful for when you can’t avoid the negative media. The blog reader hopefully will choose not to watch negative TV, violent movies etc.)

FINDINGS – Remember to write down your findings from worthwhile experiment.

Consecutive Positive Assessments

In our world currently, we as a race are experiencing the disintegration of the fundamental structures that hold our societies together. It is easy for us to see this phenomenon in our Western World, for our media proclaim the disasters and upheavals within our institutions on a daily basis.

I refer to these media as the “negative media,” for obvious reasons. In a very real sense, our media shape and negatively spin the events of our world to depict the basest interpretation, appealing to the lowest aspects of humankind. Because there are very few alternative voices in our media network, the media as a whole tend to reinforce and perpetuate negative experiences in the minds of humanity.

Those of us who wish to go into the Unity of Consciousness Dimension “with our eyes wide open,” would do well to divorce oneself from all forms of negative media.

I have explained in previous blogs how the violent images and stories serve to trigger biochemical responses in our bodies, so that we are conditioned to continue watching, reading or listening. It becomes an addiction in time, so that we become “hooked” on negativity. We become hooked on the adrenaline that is released with our bodies.

Remembering what I have described concerning the activities of the Negative Entities as they seek out fear and anxiety, perhaps the blog reader can see how a daily diet of this – such as violent movies, newscasts and the like – could increasingly attract the Negative Forces, until there is not room with our mental environment for love, compassion or the human virtues.

“But how,” you might say, “can I protect myself from these media if they surround me in the physical environment? They are everywhere and I must confront them every second of my life just to go out and do my job, go to school, go to church etc. etc. etc.” I appreciate your dilemma and I have an answer for you.


By expressing negative thoughts about war or anything, we are colluding with the Negative Forces. Make the effort to deal with these issues in Love. Love is the strongest of all energies in the Universe. Focus on the Love that we can feel for everyone, including the “war people.” The only way to convince the haters is to model Unconditional Love in all our actions.

Be a peacemaker by converting your negativity into Love and by turning hatred into its opposite. This skill is what will convert people to peaceful side, and this skill is what will allow us to stay in the Fourth Dimension. So practice, practice, practice.


With an appreciation for Loving Understanding and the power of this state of consciousness to transform fear and anger, comes the possibility for peace. Dear Blog Reader, if we want peace, we can have peace. Make it with our thoughts. If we want the wars to cease, we can create that with our thoughts.

It all begins with our Loving Intention in the moment. Our thoughts of peace and Loving Understanding coalesce on the subtle levels, to create their counterparts in physical reality. What is the counterpart to peace, love and understanding? A physical world where WAR IS NOT TOLERATED BY THE PEOPLE.

War cannot be sustained on a diet of peace and Loving Understanding. War perishes in such circumstances. And as war and violence fade into memory, new, positive life-affirming Reality Constructs are thrust into our world with the energy of the loving thoughts, the peaceful thoughts, the thoughts of understanding and acceptance for our fellow human beings

Collective Manifestation

So in a word, Love is the answer. If we were to live our life as a poet, a romantic poet let us say, one that was immersed in love, and indeed unable to sense or formulate a single thought that was not love, imagine how LOVING our existence would be.

But instead many of us focus on murders, such as we have in our negative media; personal vendettas, such as we are engaged-in at the workplace; and general cynical gossiping, such as makes up the Movement-to-Moment Points of our ongoing lives.

This is not to paint all of us with the same brush, but we must take responsibility for whatever part we play in the creation of negative Reality Constructs in our world. If we contribute If we contribute a negative gesture, we are partly responsible for the collective negative manifestation. It makes senses, does it not, given what I have described about the nature of our reality.

If we become angry at a person of a different color while driving our cars and shout at them and gesture at them in an absence way, we are responsible for our part in the collective negative manifestation of racial prejudice in our current timeframe. Does this not make sense? If we scream in anger at our child, we are responsible for the collective manifestation of child abuse in our time frame. It is quite logical in its consistency.

We may believe that if we commit these violations in private, that they do not count, because no one is observing our behavior. But telepathy, as I said before, is operative at all levels. We ALL know what is “on your minds.” We feel that we have to pretend that we DON”T know, however, to maintain our private lives.

Yet all of this will be out in the open soon, and I would urge us to clean up our thoughts and behaviors so that we will not be caught in the habitual negative thinking and behavior that currently hold us back.


Our individual awakening is an awakening to our other lives. We have suggested before that we are not always a sweet and loving people in our many lives. In some of those lives we are, quite naturally, the opposite of Sweet and Loving.

Thus, when we are mastering this awakening exercise, we become aware of our own “baggage:” the leftover negative ideas, images, and emotions that we carry with us Lifetime-After-Lifetime. It is a distinctive residue of negativity, made up of the essence of every shameful, hurtful, hostile, envious thought or behavior of our Simultaneous Lives.

Now in this example, we are witnessing a religious zealot attempting to convince us of the value of their system. Yet something is not right here. Something is very distasteful indeed. Let us say for the benefit of this discussion, that we are being triggered by this human to re-experience our own negativity as we have expressed it in other lives.

That is why it is so personal, you see. That is why we may overreact with this human, and perhaps respond in an angry fashion. This time it IS personal, for they are our reincarnational mirror, reflecting back to us our shameful angry past. Perhaps we have even lived a life as a religious zealot, so that we are witnessing the negative lifetime in all its glory, in all of its educational power.


With the following experiment we are assuming that you are familiar with my new Blog material. If you are familiar, you are no doubt already proficient in attaining at-will the Trance state. As such, you may be quite expert at taking this state of awareness with you, as in the sanctuary, as you go about your daily activities.

Or perhaps you have perfected this Ritual to the degree that you may initiate it within just a few seconds, at any time or place in your waking world, just by holding a particular thought of feeling. You might describe this feeling-tone as a hunch or an intuition. In this case, it would be an intuition that you and the person being assessed have a history, either a past or future history, if you can imagine such a relationship.


HYPOTHESIS: Your current empowered moment reveals to you all that you need to know


Then create this state as best you can. It is a containment Ritual that keeps your energies within your sphere and protects you from any negative influences from without.

Now simply relax. The one being assessed need not be in your immediate vicinity. You may make your assessments of anyone from wherever you happen to be. When you have perfected this technique, you will be able to carry the state with you in your waking reality, or simply create it instantly in the Field when you have need of this special assessment tool.

In a very general way, you are attempting to determine whether a particular human is a Soul Family member. There will be a basic yes or no answer to these inquiries. If you would like to take it further ask:

*What are their general objectives?

*What is the Lesson to be learned?

*What issues are being addressed?


The concept of spontaneity can further our discussion of creating the Personal Reality Field. To be spontaneous, according to one of our Earthly definitions, is to act without forethought, willy-nilly, according to the present moment’s frivolous inclinations. Now I may be casting this term in a negative light somewhat, yet is it not true that spontaneous is thought to be somewhat reckless and unthinking, is it not? The spontaneous are thought to be irresponsible, in many ways, and lacking in maturity and good judgment.

I am a big fan of spontaneity, and the accompanying practice of recognizing and “following” life-affirming impulses. But for now, let us investigate how the practice of spontaneity may have earned such a bad reputation in our culture.

To begin, the founders of our American nation were of a strong puritanical bent. They were hard working, intensely religious humans, who were taught that “idle hands are the devil’s playground.” So the natural spontaneous behavior of humans enjoying the moment, even of children in many cases, during those seminal years of occupation in our country was discouraged.

Now this is speaking of the U.S. only here. Other nations had obviously different beginnings, yet some were similar. So we, as a people, were not generated from hedonistic loins, in other words. Our culture has proceeded from day one until the present on a decidedly anti-pleasures trajectory, admittedly with a few pleasure-seeking counter-culture movements in between.

So given this history it is no surprise that, for the most part, Americans are not a spontaneous lot. This type of behavior is not rewarded in a society that values business interests and profit-taking over positive human development. Currently, as a culture, the U.S. has entered an era of warlike anti-pleasure such as our modern Earth has never seen. Surprisingly, many of our citizens appear to accept this state of belligerence and negativity, if one is to believe the many polls that are taken and the results proclaimed to the world.

For now, let me simply suggest an alternative to the anti-pleasure movement in our country. This would be the search for pleasure within our Personal Reality and the creation of pleasure through the acknowledgment of and acting on pleasurable, life-affirming impulses. These are behaviors that may lead us to experience the feeling of being supported like a beloved child on a wave of ecstasy that is indeed the embodiment of All That Is.

Now let us clear up some of the misconceptions some may have of spontaneity with a description of “true spontaneity.” we need look no further for a graphic example of true spontaneity than the experience of accessing one’s Inner Senses and learning one’s lessons. The first requirement for this communication is a lowering of the ego defenses: that quality of mind that protects and defends one’s beliefs and one’s worldview against “attack” from differing and differing world views.

The ego must release its stranglehold on the physical perceptions before divine information – spontaneous impulses – can be adequately perceived with the Inner senses, and then acted upon if appropriate. So true spontaneity is ultimately profoundly responsible and ethical at its base. True spontaneity is not necessarily the actions of the “free spirit,” however, in our terms.

This aspect relates to the terms “Young Soul” and “Old Soul” that we discussed in previous blogs. Let us go further here. The idea of a free spirit, in our culture and other of the world’s cultures, who acts on every whim that comes to mind, is not the spontaneous spirit I am describing. True spontaneity requires discernment as to which impulses within consciousness to act on to further the learning of lessons for oneself and for the higher good of everyone else. This is critical.

The awakening human learns their lessons consciously and with courage, relishing the life experience whatever the “conditions,” positive, negative or in between, in our terms. Then, as I said, contributing to the consensus manifestation in positive, life-affirming ways, always.

Now further… we are awakening, some of us, within lives that some would call “miserable.” Some of us will use our formidable powers in collaboration with All That Is to heighten our vibrational rate in this lifetime and bring an end to our miseries. Yet some of us will live out our lives in these subjectively named “miserable conditions,” knowing that we are fulfilling our contract with oneself, and learning our lessons for our Soul Self and for All That Is.

Both of the examples I have just described are becoming fully awakened and finding pleasure there, yet only they know this on a Soul Level. Again, to outside observers it would appear that some are trapped in their misery. If one were to look closer though, perhaps one would see the spark of Soul Wisdom in the eyes of those I am speaking about. We are all involved in a complex dramatic presentation for the benefit of oneself and All That Is.