We might say that our New Age Healers refer to as the human Aura, is essentially our “timeless” Light Body. The Aura, is a reflection of our greater Soul Self THROUGH The Consciousness Units that compose our current physical body. Now within this we may detect, by using what we are calling our Auric Vision, the exhibits of electromagnetic emanations of Gestalts of Consciousness of all types. Within this Auric vision we could, as a Scientist of Consciousness, diagnose past, present and future life issues. All of our many Simultaneous Lives exhibit their activities in an essential form within this aura.

Each consciousness Unit “remembers” each and every one of its voyages into form. These Consciousness Units tell their stories, and if we listen carefully, we may discover the proper path to take to heal and balance the human subject – oneself, a friend or family member or possible even a leader who has gone astray and requires an “adjustment” on the Etheric Plane.

Here, with an understanding of the animate Universe we are describing in these Blogs, it becomes quite possible for the Scientist of Consciousness to assume the role of Healer, and in a manner of speaking, “address” the Gestalts of Consciousness that support the malady. Thus the healer if “speaking” to the disease and acting on the responses to effect the healing.

Now when we use our Auric Vision, the information comes to us in unique ways, in a fashion distinct from our normal Third-Dimensional perceptions. Our auric vision may present us with a literal dramatization of the issues and problems inherent in the malady we are observing. This Inner Senses may project onto our inner field of perception, perhaps as we close our eyes, complete scenes peopled with characters of various descriptions. These dramatizations of the malady and the cure may run the gamut from literal representations to those that are so deeply personal and symbolic that only YOU would know the meaning entailed.

For example: we might view a scene in which a human heart is literally “broken.” And let us further state that the destroyer of the heart is a person easily recognized as our relative or friend or lover. Do you see the literal representation here? It is trying to tell us something. Most of us would probably interpret this scene in similar ways.

Or another example suppose that you viewed a scene that contained a surreal display of images accompanied by a changing stream of emotion. In this case, you are called upon to consult your personal symbols, utilizing images, ideas and emotions that one YOU would understand, to interpret the material. Your interpretation and your diagnosis style will be a direct reflection of your personality aspects. You will diagnosis and treat in your preferred fashion, using what works best for you.