We are now acting out our emotional drama…
Obviously, for many of us, our emotional reactions are automatic. We experience something that “upsets” us, offends us in some way, let us say, and we automatically launch into an overt negative reaction. For example, we become “hot under the collar,” and “storm around the house, “re-creating automatically the negative emotional state. Let us call it anger or righteous indignation in this example. Someone or thing has “pushed our buttons,” and we are now acting-out our emotional drama on the stage of our existence.

At these times of passion it is good to remember that our automatic responses are simply habitual ways of acting. Over our life we have learned – from family and friends – “Typical” demonstrations of emotion. We have practiced re-creating these gestures and emotional states whenever we get an opportunity, and now we have become a master. The process has become habitual, automatic.

Fortunately, habits may be changed over time. We have proposed many interventions for you in my new Blogs. Here let us present a simple antidote to the re-creation of righteous indignation in the moment of our personal consciousness manifestation.
TECHNIQUE: A Message From Your Higher Self
This is a very simple technique here and we have covered it before. I believe you will have limitless opportunities to practice it in your waking reality.

Suppose that you ARE experiencing righteous indignation. You are using the research capabilities of the ego/intellect to re-create anger in your present moments. You are automatically finding reasons to be angry, and perhaps at the same time, denying thoughts and images that come to mind that refute your own negative assessment! Denial and intellectualization are occurring simultaneously, as they often do.

With this technique you divert your attention to the incoming message from your Higher Self. It is always the same message… “Love.” All is well in your world.” “Courageously Love others, “that type of thing. Allow the incoming message to “color” your Reality Creation strategy in the moment. Anticipate a positive outcome and then simply repeat as needed.

As you continually interject the new adaptation in your opportunities to re-create righteous indignation, you will find that, over time, you learn how to create Loving Understanding in these moments.