Gradually you gain some control over these bleed throughs…

You may at this time be sensing bleed-throughs from some of these lives in which you are experiencing negative emotional states. I have discussed this briefly in my Blogs of decades ago. The bleed-throughs begin spontaneously without any foreshadowing. The emotional materials, at first, is difficult to assess. One moment you may be in quite good spirits, and the next moment, though nothing has changed in your current existence, you are in quite low spirits. Your current mental environment has been contaminated by the past-life negative emotions.

It would be advantageous at these times to bring in your Sanctuary and protect your consciousness from further encroachment. Over time, using Sanctuary as a protective mechanism, the spontaneous connections to the negative past lives occur less often. Gradually you gain some control over these bleedthroughs, so that you can experience them on your terms.

For example: this type of information from your other lives may be necessary for your continued growth. Facing the negative aspects of your greater self may be a part of your awakening experience. Exploring these past-life sources of current negative experiencing may help you to achieve control in other areas of your life.

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