Category Archives: Energy


Now I would ask you Dorian, what would be the “result” of your directing an intense stream of emotional energy – of Love let us say – at this Atlantean life? Would you have an effect on the personality living this life? Let us assume for the moment that, yes you would have a subtle effect upon this life. Within the Gestalt of Consciousness that you participate in with all of your Reincarnational Existences, your thoughts may be intercepted by your Atlantean self. Then, also subtly perhaps, you might notice a change in behavior in this other life. Perhaps this other life is now musing upon the concept of Loving Understanding. Let us state here that, prior to the reception of this Loving thought complex, your Atlantean self was experiencing anger, perhaps hatred. Do you see how your etheric message from the future may assist a past existence in achieving a more positive state of consciousness?

Given this explanation, do you see how our current behaviors pave the way for altered realities within all of our Reincarnational Existences? cumulatively, you might say that our current behaviors have such an influence on the “future,” in our terms, manifestation of the Atlantean Civilization, that we could very well assist in redirecting the civilization from its catastrophic trajectory of development.

Now you change the past from the current moment. We do this naturally, subconsciously. We create BOTH past and future from within this spacious moment. Do you see how collectively, if the millions of us experiencing this current time-frame as well as the Atlantean existences, were to change our attitudes “all at once,” that the mythological outcomes of Atlantis might become positive rather than negative historically. If this were to occur, we might see a wholesale alteration in the depiction of this “myth” in our books and other media. As a collective, we would be recreating a more positive manifestation of Atlantean Civilization, just as we perhaps may be influencing our current civilization in positive ways.


Question: Regarding your explanation of Atlantis as being as much in our future as our past. Do you mean that it is largely a state of consciousness rather than , a particular place and time, in linear terms? – Dorian


Yes Marlo. We have discussed Atlantis. Let me explain. From the perspective of your greater multidimensional being. Dorian EVERYTHING is ultimately a state of consciousness. All Reality Constructs that compose our individual and collective realities are composed of Consciousness Units that are essentially thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions etc. “solidified,” in a sense, to create our world. So certainly, all of our created reality is a state of consciousness, a state of shared telepathic reality.

You cooperate with the Consciousness Units that compose not only your physical body but also do you cooperate with the Consciousness Units that compose the “stuff” that composes all that is NOT you. Do you see? The Telepathic Network is the fertile ground upon which we plant our seeds into their respective constructs.

Also let me say, that as a multidimensional being, one who lives many lives simultaneously, including some lives within the Mystery Civilizations, you are now in this moment contributing in very noticeable ways to the lives you are living everywhere. This is a delicate point I think. Let me go further.

Can you forget for just a moment here your infatuation with linear time and our camouflage reality? If you are able to do this, you will see the truth. You are Dorian, for example, a human living a life within the Mystery Civilization you know as Atlantis. You may prove this to yourself by using your Inner Senses to tune-in to this other life. Let us say that you have done so and you are now getting glimpses – bleed throughs – into this Simultaneous Life in Atlantis. You are experiencing the bleedthrough through the spacious moment – your current Moment Point.


In other words: yes we are slaves to consumerism and the agenda of the Negative Entities, but YOU ARE ENSLAVING YOURSELF. The responsibility for our choices resides with us personally. It does not do to blame our society or some distant negative figure: “The devil made me do it.” We are responsible.


The Annunaki may be thoughts of as the Gestalt of Consciousness that had the most influences on the Earth races with regards to the emotion of greed. This group is certainly not, strictly speaking, a Mystery Civilization, however the influence of these negative beings has been quite pronounced on all of Earth’s civilizations.

They are the inspiration for the negative gods within the religions of humanity, for example. There have been gods and goddesses representing the human virtues. These are in large part inspired by Beings of Light, Angels, and what have you. The gods and goddesses of darkness, of revenge, of hate and fear are always created from the idea constructs, images, and emotional content generated by the Annunaki energy gestalt.


Are we enslaved by the Annunaki? There is an author who says we were enslaved from the beginning. Is the Annunaki at it again?

Negative Entities

Certainly these beings exist within their own dimension of experiencing. These are the Negative Entities we speak of in our Blog work. This particular expression within physical reality, the Annunaki, was thought of as extraterrestrial in origin – “from another planet,” as we say – and indeed this was their genesis originally. Yet we well know that ALL OF US, all of the Earth beings, have come from other systems originally.

Our Earth is quite young compared to other planets and other environments that hold upon them the living organisms. These Negative entities, the Annunaki, are quite ancient.

Now this collective was not completely embodied within physical reality as we think of it. Their consciousness did not seek out complete expression within human form. The main expression was one of concerted influence upon the mental functioning of the residents of Earth in order to control “productivity.”

Over the generations, then, we have the influence of this Negative Entity exerting control over humanity through the Negative Emotions. The negative Entities, remember, thrive on the emotional states of fear, anger, anxiety, greed, ruthlessness. These negative Idea constructs – composed of Consciousness Units, again I remind – coalesce on the subtle levels where they act as blueprints for the fabrication of negative Reality Constructs.


Our star system is hidden from view by other systems. I commented on this in my Blog Series on Soul Evolution. Our North American tribes originated from this star system. Inter-dimensional travel is instantaneous, in that one moment, the subject is existing on their home planet and in the next, they are living their life upon Earth, many light years from home, in our terms. To extend this description somewhat: the subject here would not be surprised or traumatized by this event. The subject, as an Etheric Being, would know quite well what was instore for them. They would know that they were to travel to Earth as an envoy of the sacred. All That Is, to assist in the creation of civilization.

Some of these beings traveled to the Third dimension of earth to serve as members of the Spiritual Hierarchy. This group serves humanity as the intermediaries between the physical and non-physical worlds. They are the beings that have been personalized by humanity to act as various gods, goddesses, and sacred beings.

These sacred beings, then, served as the Gestalts of Consciousness – the energy blueprints – for the creation of the spiritual world of the Native American tribes and indeed for many of the tribes of the South American continent. This simply means that the origin myths of the aboriginal tribes are not “imagined” – they are not the product of the ingestion of herbs and other potent screments, though these have certainly assisted the psychic voyagers within these tribes in identifying and cataloguing the divine spirits – they are as real as any other perceived/created Reality Construct we care to name.


What is money in our system? Let us attempt a general definition for our program. Money is the currency that we trade for the materials needs of living. For the most part, we must earn the money in some way, through employment in an occupation, for example. Naturally I am aware in some way benefited by the work or efforts of others, without the need for employment themselves. There are myriad possibilities here. Money is obtained through countless means. Money acts as a medium of exchange, as we say.


Question: Anything concerning the Anizasi of the American South West and the origins of North American tribes…

Inter-dimensional Beings

This is an excellent question. Let me answer this question in a general way without naming names, as in specific tribes, for the list of civilizations that preceded the North American tribes would fill this Blog volume.

I am speaking of the probable manifestation of large human groups, here. This is how our consensus realities are crafted: through the selection of Reality Constructs from the limitless field of probable constructs by the people of a given area. The reality constructs are given life by individuals. The civilization is enlivened by large groups of individuals.


Now let us talk about origins. The North American tribes are and were the descendants of inter-dimensional beings from beyond the solar system that includes Earth. The way this occurs is this: as in all manifestations of the individual human form upon Earth, the Soul Self of particular Entities of consciousness associated with All That Is, send out a seed to grow within the baby, the human baby. It is not productive to ask which came first, the human baby or the transmission of the spark of All That Is into the consciousness of the baby. Everything exists at once. Linear time is an Illusion. However, let me give you some background information on this process of birthing a civilization.


The Anizasi are noted for their wonderworking. They are the magic ancestors. In this case, the activities of these proto-scientists have been documented and are now part of the “historical” record. Yet I am not exaggerating when I tell you that EVERY group, every civilization from our perceived past, exists simultaneously with its magic ancestors manifesting at the same time. The magic ancestors exist in an adjacent dimension. This dimension is connected to the Third Dimension through portals of communication some of us call chakras. These doorways into other dimensions may be accessed by the interested explorer of non-physical reality through techniques perfected by magicians, shamans, witches and healers over the ages.

There is a reason we are interested in the Anizasi people. We are connected to these people and we are attempting to “find our way back home.” Home for us then would be a star system that is as yet unidentified by our scientists. This planetary system is quite similar to the solar system in which our Earth resides. An assortment of planetary bodies revolves around a nurturing star. Life of many forms exists upon these planets. I have referred to these other systems as simply “dimensions” to assist the reader in finding the necessary wherewithal to “visit” these domains in their meditations. I have defined extraterrestrial as extra-dimensional, for this is a truer assessment. We will not need a spaceship to visit these other systems, only our creative consciousness.


There is much talk in our media about getting in touch with past lives. Dear Blog Reader, we are already in touch with our past lives. They inform each and every moment of our current existence. These past lives include lives lived within what we are calling the Mystery Civilizations, as well as other of our Simultaneous Existences that are ongoing throughout our past, Our present, and our future.

Not only are we asking you to accept this data as true within our Personal Reality, we are also suggesting to you that we may, with just minimal effort on our part, explore OUR contribution to some or all of the Mystery Civilizations. For it is our contention that we have spent several lifetimes within these unknown worlds. It was there that we learned firsthand the secrets of the universe. We learned, for example, that we do indeed create our own reality: that we have the creative energies of the Logos at our disposal, in other words.

Through these other lives, we are again-and-again reacquainted with our own power, in that we are always born with the amnesia that prevents us from remembering our other lives. Then, as we live the life of a seeker of knowledge, let us say, we “remember” these Lessons learned in our Simultaneous Existences. You may be in a familiar place here and now as you read these words. You may be remembering this Ancient Wisdom once again in this timeframe. If this is so for you, I suggest you take it with a grain of slat, as we say. From my perspective, this is merely another opportunity for us to seek out the mysteries of our existence and share our findings with others: humbly, you see, with Courage and Loving Understanding.


As do all of our exercises and experiments in this new Blog material, The Healing Regimen begins with the Ritual of Sanctuary. This act of protection and Sanctuary I suggest you perform in the morning as you rise for the day and at regular intervals throughout your waking day.

In the beginning I would also suggest that you use your Intention and perseverance to cut your affiliations – your metaphysical, psychic connections – to any Gestalts of Consciousness that feed to you negative information, such as symptom- creation strategies, dire predictions, negative prognosis information etc. The “voices” of these Energy Forms are the energetic supports onto which you fasten the body of your created reality. So it is very important for you, on your Healing Quest, to heed the voices of ONLY those Energy Bodies that may assist you in bringing balance to your physical, mental and spiritual being. These benign and beneficial energies are easy to recognize. As you attempt to find these “voices,” you may notice that your emotional state is transformed as you “tune-in” to the Loving energies.