Challenge your own beliefs about your world…
What do You See In Front Of You? You see All That Is in front of you. Everything in created reality is in front of you for you to see. But we have lenses of perception that prevent us from seeing All that is. You must filter All That Is through these lenses – beliefs – so that you are not awestruck, dumbfounded, fascinated to the extreme, every time you look in front of you.

However, if you believe our assertion that great numbers of us are awakening at this time, you may also see what is required for you and your perception of our world. In a sense, you could say that you are being challenged to “look beyond” your limited beliefs of what is out there in front of you. You are being asked to, courageously now, challenge your own beliefs about our world.

So when I suggest that DORIAN, for example, as she observes her bird friends bathing, drinking water, and eating the seeds, is also experimenting with a perception of the larger view – The Macrocosm – I am simply noting what many of us are now experiencing.

Specifically now… as DORIAN observes the birds, she may also fairly easily observe her Personal Reality Field through a “higher” perspective. This perspective is that of the Soul Self, the Energy Personality, the god within. Both perspectives – the mundane and the exalted – coexist without interference one from the other. In fact, each perspective envorses, and in a sense, “comments” upon the other, in a quest for further understanding, a clearer perspective, Enlightenment. Multitasking we call it. You are quite comfortably maintaining your Personal Reality Field through your ego/intellect perspective, while also achieving stability observing and creating through the Soul Self.