Category Archives: Energy


Let us discuss an issue that is quite obvious. Perhaps that is why we have neglected it thus far in these new Blog writings. The issue may be framed with a question: “Why assume my Blog Readers of our new Blog material are looking for spiritual understanding? If the path to Loving Understanding and Soul Evolution is so perilous and fraught with physical and psychological pain, why would anyone in their right mind want to pursue it?”

To begin, the Blog Readers, as I have observed them over the many years, are seekers. They are drawn to this work, I assume, because it “speaks to them.” Others of a different personality style and temperament, perhaps, would be drawn to other Teachings. Now it is true that the Older Blog material was quite barren of discussions of spiritual matters. This was an editorial decision. I have continually offered my spiritually-informed content to humanity. However, since it is the human co-creator of the Blog who creates in physical reality, it is the human co-creator who determines what they consider to be appropriate content for the Blog.

These new Blogs are the spiritual – you might say the divine – counterparts to the Old Blog material. If you are a student, to the spiritually – based material contained in these new Blogs. Now I have attempted to include weighty intellectual discussions in my new Blog work, to satisfy those of you who are focused on the physical dimension in which we live. The spiritual is merely the other side of this physical dimension. To become a well-rounded, educated human, you would do well to study both aspects of reality

The path to Soul Realization may be thoughts of as arduous by some. This is true. Certainly it is not for the meek and mild. It is easy to lose confidence and perhaps quit the journey before it has truly begun. As you examine some of your lifetimes within less than ideal circumstances . If you tune-in, for example, to a lifetime in which you are dying slowly from starvation or an illness of some kind, this witnessing may be so distasteful and shocking that you are thrown out of your meditative state. I would suggest that you remember in these cases, under these circumstances of harsh conditions, that you are supported on a wave of ecstasy that is the Soul Self. This ecstasy may help to motivate you to continue your studies.

Now suppose that you are experiencing negative realities within your current life. Should you attempt these explorations of your other Simultaneous Lives? Generally, I would suggest that you first gain some mastery over the exercises and conduct the various experiments I have outlines in my last two blog series.


We often use the phrase in these new Blog messages, “I am not telling you something you do not already know.” This is a statement of fact. We are merely reminding you the Blog Reader of that knowledge you have acquired in your many voyages into physical form. This information on the nature of reality and the use of energy, you first brought with you from your existence in non physical reality, before your “physical” birth into the human body. Now this knowledge also is a part of your FUTURE heritage, if you may understand this conundrum of mine.

Perhaps a better way to describe the relearning phenomenon in which your are engaged is this… bleedthroughs – the perceptual breakthroughs of your current self into other Simultaneous Lives – occur throughout your waking and dreaming periods. These are learning “field trips” in which your current conscious perception tunes-in on one or more of your past, other current or future lives. That is a function of the multitasking Soul Self as you awaken to your multidimensional experiencing. This is the acquiring of the Divine Knowledge we constantly refer to in these Blog writings.

On a basic level, you already know this material. That is why it seems so familiar to you. That is why it seems so true. You have perfected this system in your numerous future incarnations, again in your familiar terms, assuming the linear time illusion that is favored in our dimension. And so you see, I use the phrase “this you already know” as a device to hopefully trigger memories here. The little bleedthroughs that you experience I hope will keep you motivated enough to continue the voyage with us. These are tools the nonphysical beings use as we attempt to educate humanity. The phrase is a deep and empowered one, a profound suggestion. However, just accept it playfully and see where it leads you. This phrase may help you to wake-up to your greater reality.


QUESTION: If there were not the emotional complexes of hatred and anger in the consciousness of the Atlanteans, does this mean that the claims of some researchers that “Black Magicians” from Atlantis were instrumental in the down fall of the civilization and these beings currently exert an influence upon our world cultures are not true?

These effects of negativity are the results of the activities of the Negative Entities. These Entities exist out of time, they reside off of the space time continuum. In this way these influences are felt within any peoples, from whatever past, present, of future timeframe you are describing, when the human individuals recreate within their mental environments the negative states. Our media have named these Entities the Black Magicians of Atlantis, apparently, however, these Entities have also gone by the name Annunaki, as in our previous descriptions, and by, as I said , the multitude of names relating to the negative gods and goddesses, spirits, ghosts and what have you. It is all the same energy, however. The imagination of the individual marks this perceived energy with the particular attributes and characteristics of familial, tribal, country, world personalizations of these energy gestalts.

The Black Magicians of Atlantis, then, were inspired, enlivened, empowered by the same energy that drives the personifications of the devil gods, the goddesses of destruction, and so on, within our religions. It is all the same energy. It is all a part of All That Is – the great consciousness Entity exhibiting itself within physical reality through the activities of human and other beings.

Now with regards to the comments on anger, hatred, and the like.

I refer to our discussion of the best case scenario, the ideal of the individual, the society as a whole, the world culture, that exists within the pre-manifestation domains as a potential for those involved. You Dorian and your colleagues in physical reality exist within your collectives, of whatever type and stripe. You and your friend create your ongoing relationship according to Gestalts of Consciousness within your consciousness representing all of the “good” AND the “bad” that life has to offer.

Here, the good may be described as Loving appreciation for your friend, shall we say, and the bad may be described as thoughts and feelings of anger, denial, fear, and so on. These Gestalts of Consciousness assist the human in the creation of realities on all levels within all collectives. Your relationship, Dear Blog Reader, if it is of a wholesome Loving nature, reflects your reliance on these “good” aspects of consciousness.

Now if your relationship was one of hatred, constant negativity in thought and emotion and behavior, you might be said to be focusing on the negative Gestalts of Consciousness in your reality creations with regards to relationships. In the BIG relationships of society, country, global collectives, then, you also have your collective reliance on different Gestalt of Consciousnesses– negative, positive or somewhere in between, and of course these influences fluctuate throughout time.


Now there are times for us, as a researcher and a learner of Lessons, when you may seem to be engaged in ardently co-creating your reality in a very responsible fashion. We are “doing everything right,” let us say, and diligently attending to the transformation of Negative Emotions into their divine opposites. We are doing so very well in this endeavor that you perhaps feels as though you should be rewarded in some way, feeling that the Powers That Be could “have mercy” on you, so that you might relax and enjoy yourself for a period of time. Yet let us say that you still continue to experience a challenging existence with a series of quite negative events serving to “drive home” this harsh reality.

“Am I being singled out for punishment,” you might ask yourself. Now we must at times such as these, revert back to first principles. You create your own reality. If you are feeling victimized, you are ultimately the tormentor. If you are in the midst of painful, negative personal dramas, you are ultimately the director, the producer and also the cast of these dramas. You are composed of many personality aspects within your Personal Reality ego/intellect. But your greater personality of Higher Consciousness also participates through a lending of energy to the “dramatic flow” of the events in your life. In this way, you are the whole – the cosmos – an you are also the individual living component of the whole. I believe I must elaborate further on this phenomenon for your ULTIMATE understanding.

The reason that you sense a familiarity in the scenes of your everyday life, as is all of the characters in these daily dramas of yours are your “relations,” is that everyone you meet and interact with moment-to-moment is indeed your relation. The relevant aspects of your Higher Self are reflected through these other personalities relative to the learning of your individual, Soul Family and Entity Lessons. Naturally there would be a familiarity in this dance of synchronicity you know as physical reality. You act in concert, then, at any one time and all of the time, with your cohorts, keeping your appointments with “perfect strangers,” to enact your behaviors in the quest for Value Fulfillment. We shall have more to say on this phenomenon in our forthcoming Blogs on the Soul Family.


This is how our Third-Dimensional system was “set up.” It is an arena for the experiencing of Negative Emotions. However, eventually we must face this aspect of our personality. We each are called upon to address the negative thoughts within our mental sphere and the negative events in our existence and the Negative Emotions that “appear” to be caused by the negative events. Briefly, it is a matter of addressing the negative in our momentary experiencing and “owning” it. The awakening human recognizes their responsibility in the creation of negative realities.

Wisdom Lessons, then, refer to this two-step activity. First the researcher, through experimentation and analysis in the laboratory that is the Personal Reality, arrives at Findings specific to their Life Lessons. These Findings may have been “hidden from view” for many years. They represent the hard truth of the developing personality over time. None of us are perfect. The human in physical incarnation may strive for protection, but that state of being is reserved for other dimensional-experiences.

So the truth is made known through experimentation. What we have been denying is revealed to us in all of its harsh and intense glory. Now what does the awakening human do with this information? In our system the method is clear: with the developing skills of creating Loving Understanding and Courage out of anger, denial and fear, the researcher transforms the difficult material into its divine opposite.

Now this Loving Understanding entails acceptance of the negative Findings on all levels of creaturehood. We are responsible, as I have said in earlier Blogs. We are the creator of our world and the events within our world. Accepting our responsibility for our creations is the necessary first step here. The second step entails understanding and gaining of wisdom of Divine Insight. This is accomplished by allowing the Soul Self to perceive our world. The ego/intellect is gently placed to the side and the Higher Consciousness is brought through the portal of creation – the Ajna center directly between the eyes. This may be accomplished by mediatizing or visualizing the Divine as coming through our physical body construct. We will naturally create our own imagery, thought and emotion for this exercise. Throughout the new material I have given many techniques to accomplish this.


In this Blog we shall hopefully provide you with the opportunity to address the most pressing and important Lessons for you in your current existence. Now truly ALL of your Lessons are “wisdom” Lessons, in that we experience Soul Evolution when you are engaged in learning these Lessons.

So that the gaining of prosperity within a life of perceived lack and poverty, may be considered the gaining of wisdom, as well as the facing of perceived extremely difficult, traumatic material from your past may be considered the gaining of wisdom. However, in this material we will attempt to provide you with the motivation you require to do what you must do in facing your most difficult Lessons – the Lessons of Negativity, pain and suffering.

For I trust you would agree that the positive Lessons – of Love, of experiencing prosperity, of developing friendships – need much less motivation for the average human to engage in and “do the homework” required, than do the Lessons of Negativity. The Lessons of Love will take care of themselves over time. Whereas with the Lessons of Negativity, the primary reason we have not yet learned these Lessons is that we are indeed avoiding them.


The Lessons of negativity can be faced now. We have the tools to deal with these Lessons. Now this is the way that it works for us with all types of behaviors: whatever elicits the perception of satisfaction or happiness is pursued relentlessly. Whatever seems to create the Negative Emotions is most usually avoided. There, of course, exceptions to this rule in every life. We have noted previously in this material the tendency for the “depressed” person to create Reality Constructs that perpetuate the state of depression, as though there were a certain muted satisfaction in depression.

Generally, however, the negative states are avoided by lost of us. For example: this is particularly true in the developed nations as we call ourselves. We are certainly “developed” in so far as access to material wealth is concerned. However, it is the rest of the world’s peoples who have the edge in matters of spiritual understanding, spiritual wealth. In the developed countries we are easily diverted from spiritual considerations by the many objects of mass consumption made available to us through our shopping centers, for example, through our mass media, and so on.

You Dear Blog Reader, are easily diverted in the moment by these requests from our creators of ” shiny things.” We are easily distracted for we are “waiting for an excuse” to avoid our Lessons. As we have suggested in these Blogs, like children, many of us would rather not consider our Lessons in physical or psychological pain, we buy something to “make ourselves feel better.”

As we know, it is the adrenaline and other substances released in our body that creates this “feeling better” state of consciousness. Over time we become dependent on this satisfied emotional state and you may find oneself purchasing more than we need or can afford to keep “happy.” The Lessons of Negativity are thus avoided.


Harsh Conditions

Those that are experiencing these harsh conditions – that they have chosen these lives. Also, we are reminding that they may be on the end of their incarnational trajectories, and may be headed for the higher realms. This may be a good motivation for some to begin using our techniques to transform the negativity they are experiencing into Courage and Loving Understanding. This Soul work is necessary before one may progress to the higher-dimensional realms.


HYPOTHESIS: You may use the advice of your guides in games of chance.

With regards to availing yourself of the assistance of your Guides in matters of prosperity, monetary increase and the like, I must present to you this fact of existence: although you may certainly ask your guides for “divine guidance” as to what are the winning lottery numbers, or what are the winning machines at the casino, and so on, you still remain within the matrix of probabilities in your Reality Creation activities. This matrix includes the casino itself, if I may use this example, and everything in the casino.

Now let us use an example in a particular form of gambling here, to further this disclaimer. In this example, the subject is accessing their Guides while they are engaged in placing bets on the numbers of a roulette wheel game in a normal casino somewhere, in one of our gambling capitals in the U.S.A., in Europe or elsewhere. Let us say that the Guides are doing their best in assisting the student’s experiment in Prosperity-Creation and they are presenting possible winning numbers into the mental environment of the student telepathically.

As you know, there are innumerable probable permutations of events possible within each successive moment of the existence of this theoretical student. Additionally, the outcome of any roll of the dice or spin of the ball in these matters is not known and identified in “bedrock reality,” as we say, until the very last microsecond of the activity of the dice, the ball or the card in any particular instance. The outcome of any gambling event, then, is a cooperative effort human, every machine, every cubic foot of space, every piece of furniture within that casino.

Also, it is important to remember that each of us in physical reality, in whatever Reality Creation activities are involved, are doing so for the learning of particular Lessons. Our Guides are not allowed to present information to us that would interfere with the learning of these Lessons. Let me say that if you are to attempt these experiments in Prosperity Creation, that you first examine your issues with regards to prosperity – the monetary Lessons that you are to learn while in your current body in your current timeframe.

Now if you are to conduct your Prosperity Creation experiments in the field, you will have previously committed the particulars of this experiment to memory. You will also have done your belief work and your “homework” regarding Lessons for this lifetime concerning abundance. Because you will be out in the world conducting your research, it will be necessary to have perfected conducting the Ritual Sanctuary and the creation of the Trance State while in public.

This experiment is concerned with prophecy. You shall be predicting the momentary actives of the elements in a game of chance. Let us assume you are in a public setting somewhere, engaged in this game.


Enter your relaxed state and enter your Trance State. Now conduct your experiment of calling in your Guides. All of these preparatory activities can be an internal process for you, without any outward signs. As in our experiments, it may be wise to assume the playful attitude of a child in these endeavors. And overly-serious attitude may short-circuit the intuitive processes.

Now call upon your Inner senses, if entirely appropriate, to reveal that information you may require to “win.” To accomplish this, you might project your Auric Vision out onto the gaming table and allow your Inner Senses to create a visual representation of the winning numbers, cards, and so on. If you are oriented to sound, perhaps you could ask your Guides to whisper to you the information required. Whatever sensory input you are comfortable with, arrange for your Prosperity Guides and perhaps your Energy Personality to feed to you this information at the appropriate times.

The researcher may expect varying levels of good fortune – positive Reality Creation – to be made manifest in this experiment. You are challenging the “laws” of chance. Any wins beyond these laws, therefore, are an indication that you are on the right track. When you are successful, remember the state of consciousness you embodied immediately prior to the win and reproduce that state as best you can toward future wins. This game of chance is indeed a game. Have fun with it, just as I have suggested you have fun also in the creation of your life in the other domains.

FINDINGS – Remember for future reference the feeling tones and states of consciousness that signal a winning game.


HYPOTHESIS: You can receive advice from your future and probable selves.

Let us assume that you currently experiencing lack in some area of your life. Now the idea of lack is tied to a veritable field of multidimensional negative experiencing. Not only are you experiencing lack in your current Reincarnational Existence, then you are connected to these other lives so that each of the personalities experiencing these lives will sense their negative states of consciousness within yours

Fortunately, within your Simultaneous Lives, including your probable existences, there are also those who are experiencing the opposite of lack – abundance. You shall attempt to contact these lives in your meditations in order to gather information on how you may also create abundance within your own current life. It is a form of sharing within a family, in a manner of speaking, a family of consciousness. And just as you might in your current existence ask for and receive advice from an uncle or cousin on how to invest your money wisely, you may inquire on the subtle levels what your other lives are doing to create abundance.

If you have been with us in these Blogs of ours, trying out some of the exercises and at least attempting some of the experiments, by now you will have gained some glimpses into the unknown reality – the world inhabited by your Multidimensional Counterparts throughout space and time. For you this experiment may reveal information that will quicken your journey, as you look to expand your vistas of perception. If you are just joining us in these esoteric pursuits, this experiment may strike you as rather preposterous, entirely too farfetched to even consider attempting. I urge you to make the effort in spite of your doubt, in spite of your inexperience. You may be pleasantly surprised.


Relax your body and enter a fairly deep Trance State. The object in this experiment is to seek contact with your Simultaneous Lives and probable existences that are experiencing abundance. With this goal as the focus of your intent – your Divine Will – simply reflect on these words as you go deeper and deeper in your meditation. Now you are guided by your Intent here. The consciousness will naturally make those changes necessary to allow contact with the Souls experiencing abundance. It may be best not to force the issue. Trying too hard – attempting to direct the flow of energy – may be counterproductive. Let the mind wander, in other words. Remember, there is an assumption in these investigations that you are being watched over by nonphysical beings. You will be guided to your destination of you will only “go with the flow” of consciousness.

You know what an abundant feeling “feels like.” As you perceive with your Inner Senses the mental environments of your lives as they express these positive emotions, go toward these emotional expressions. Feelings of Courage and Loving Understanding may arise here. Confidence and self-assurance my be readily discernible. If you are sensing these emotional tones, you may be assured that you are on the right track. If you wish to go further with this exploration, ask for names and dates of these other lives. Go as far as you wish in your investigations seeking “proof” that you are making these connections. Return to full sensory awareness when you sense that you are done.

The information you requested in Trance may come to you in the form of impulses, as you go about your waking reality, just as we have suggested in our previous Blog Series. Might I suggest that the emotional tones that “carry” these impulses into your awareness are of the abundant, prosperous variety? That is how you will be able to identify their origin. A always, use your free will to either ignore or act on these impulses.

FINDINGS – Document impulses you have received from your other lives as a result of these enquiries.


HYPOTHESIS: Positive suggestions help to create prosperous realities.

As you may now be well advanced in your achieving of the Trance State, through participating in the exercises in this Blog, we will simply present this experiment as one of self-conditioning or self-hypnosis through reading positive affirmative statements or listening to recorded positive suggestions while in Trance. As we have discussed earlier in this Blog Series, your beliefs and their emotional underpinnings may be more readily accessible than you might think. After all, your beliefs are busy nonstop creating (on a subconscious level) your perceived reality. With the approach that this is not hard to do, it is possible to expect the Idea Constructs supporting your beliefs to be there in your mental environment, observable indeed, without attending years of therapy.


The preliminary work entails an exploration of the consciousness, seeking out those thoughts, images and emotional content that support the beliefs. Enter alight Trance and with pen and paper or through talking into a recorder, you might spontaneously have a discussion with yourself on what are the problematic beliefs. Document what first comes to your mind and go from there. There is an underlying assumption here that your Inner Self is primed to reveal this information to you. Your Soul Self is well aware of this voyage of yours and is undoubtedly waiting to assist you. Simply take down what this aspect of your consciousness is trying to tell you. Document without censoring. You may analyze later.

Come Back To Full Sensory Awareness.

After this initial stage of information gathering is complete, consider the opposites of the problematic beliefs or a positive adaptation of the beliefs and write them down or record these suggestions for playback. Enter your Trance State again and either read the suggestions to yourself or listen to the playback on your recorder.

For example: In your belief work you may have discovered that you have a circular inner comment that is consistently voicing the opinion of someone from your past: “You are stupid. You will never succeed.” Using our technique for revising this unfortunate comment without any true conviction behind it, you see – we might create the following; “You have a strong natural intelligence. A successful life awaits you.” You could then inscribe several different permutations of this message on a paper to read while in a light Trance. Or you could read the various suggestions into your recorder for playback while in a deeper Trance. The object here, which may seem obvious to you now, is to instill the positive suggestions into the mental awareness over time, until the historical comment is supplanted by the improved positive suggestions.

FINDINGS – Document in some form your belief work and your attempts to supplant problematic beliefs with positive suggestions.