Your beliefs have created the precise level of lack that you are experiencing. Your existence is a direct result of your Reality Creation activities according to beliefs that you hold. Any example of poverty or lack within your Personal Reality, therefore, can be traced back to a specific Idea Construct that you perceive as being quite true. In The Healing Regimen we presented an experiment in belief adaptation. In this new regimen we will present a similar experiment with a different focus.


Assume your Trance State through your preferred method. Now you are relaxed. Now you are focused on searching for “causes” within your mental environment for the lack you are experiencing. These causes are your beliefs, however you may wish to visualize this concept. What does a belief represent to you, in so far as symbols, feelings, sensations of various types are concerned? Again, it is often the case that the first thing that comes to mind may hold the most information. Your Inner Self is attempting to tell you something, you see, to reveal something of value to you. The information may be quite complex in construction, as in a profound revelation – an epiphany – or quite simple, as in a fleeting emotion of some kind.

For example: suppose that your first thought within the Trance State was the statement, “This is not going to work,” and what if this statement operates as a powerful loop – a rumination – within your consciousness. If this were the case, do you see how difficult it might be for you to approach these studies and experimentation and be successful to any degree? Now this is an extremely common first discovery for the explorer of nonphysical reality. This simple Idea Construct is quite powerful in its simplicity, when it is looped, you see, when it is repeated incessantly within the mental environment. It has the power to adversely affect the Reality Creation activities on all levels, not merely the financial.

Now what if you were to revise the phrase somewhat: “That may work.” Now there is hope. Now there is the opportunity for change. Here in this experiment, using your Intent, what we are referring to as Divine Will, you alter the negative rumination – the substance of negative belief – to make room for hope and opportunity. “This may work. This Spiritual Prosperity Program may work.” This is a positive rumination that may assist you in the creation of positive realities. As you witness your improving reality, your beliefs about what is possible are changed. You are opening up. You are accepting the possiblity of positive change in you world.

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