Category Archives: Emotions


The ego/intellect is heavily invested in appearances…

How do you distinguish between these two vastly different perspectives, that of the Soul Self on the one hand, and the ego/intellect on the other? The emotional tone generated is quite different; the opposite, in fact, of the other. It is the difference, as we have stated to our Internet audience, between conscious co-creation and unconscious creation. It is the difference, particularly in matters of Lessons, between resisting in the Moment Point, and letting-go in the Moment Point.

It is obvious, is it not, that when you resist, when you attempt to control, when you attempt to intellectualize, rationalize, think-things-through, you are perceiving through a particular lens of Reality Creation? This we call the ego/intellect.

Conversely, when you let go, when you go-with-the-flow of manifestation, when you take your place within nature within the elemental forces, you are creating through the perspective of the timeless Soul Self. The differences are striking; unmistakable really.

For example: If you are angrily reacting to a conversation you are hearing on your radio or television and you are stomping around the room in a huff, what perspective are you embodying? If you are hiding behind the furniture when the bill collector knocks on the door, what perspective are you embodying?

The ego/intellect is heavily invested in appearances. The ego in particular has distinct preferences for how others should perceive it. There is much of perceived value that must be protected. In this process, whole aspects of the personality and Soul are drawn under, disavowed, and denied. These unpleasant facts of the personality assemble in the creation of the disowned self, what we refer to as the Negative Persona, which we shall discuss at the end.


I am responsible for both the negative and the positive in my world...

Now, intellectualization and denial are your friends here as you attempt to avoid your Lessons. We are all powerful. We have the capacity to experience our world as the Logos, the Creator, All That Is. We could have anything we want, potentially, anything we would wish to create.

However, you are a human experiencing a lifetime of Lessons on our world. You have forgotten – the necessary amnesia – your great powers, and now you see difficulties, Lack, all sorts of negative realities before you. So intellectualization helps you to find reasons for the negative realities you are creating. Denial helps you place the blame elsewhere for your negative states and your negative realities.

But look… an inkling of the truth beginning to pierce the veil of illusion that is our perceived reality. You are beginning to see the connections between your negative thoughts and the negative outcomes. Slowly you are formulating within your consciousness a new paradigm of understanding. Perhaps it goes something like this: I am responsible for both the negative and the positive in my world. All the reasons, in truth, point to my culpability in all instances of my existence,


Challenge your own beliefs about your world…

What do You See In Front Of You? You see All That Is in front of you. Everything in created reality is in front of you for you to see. But we have lenses of perception that prevent us from seeing All that is. You must filter All That Is through these lenses – beliefs – so that you are not awestruck, dumbfounded, fascinated to the extreme, every time you look in front of you.

However, if you believe our assertion that great numbers of us are awakening at this time, you may also see what is required for you and your perception of our world. In a sense, you could say that you are being challenged to “look beyond” your limited beliefs of what is out there in front of you. You are being asked to, courageously now, challenge your own beliefs about our world.

So when I suggest that DORIAN, for example, as she observes her bird friends bathing, drinking water, and eating the seeds, is also experimenting with a perception of the larger view – The Macrocosm – I am simply noting what many of us are now experiencing.

Specifically now… as DORIAN observes the birds, she may also fairly easily observe her Personal Reality Field through a “higher” perspective. This perspective is that of the Soul Self, the Energy Personality, the god within. Both perspectives – the mundane and the exalted – coexist without interference one from the other. In fact, each perspective envorses, and in a sense, “comments” upon the other, in a quest for further understanding, a clearer perspective, Enlightenment. Multitasking we call it. You are quite comfortably maintaining your Personal Reality Field through your ego/intellect perspective, while also achieving stability observing and creating through the Soul Self.


There is spontaneity and there is spontaneity…

When you are in your Issues and succumbing to the forces of negativity, you are not consciously co-creating your world: you are being driven by the negative emotions to continue to create negative emotions and the negative realities that ensue when you focus on the negative. It is primarily a subconscious process, as we have said.

In my system, as in some others you might name, the process of change is quite simple; fear is transformed into Courage in the moment, anger into Loving Understanding. This is how we create positive realities.

Now there is spontaneously, “on impulse” as we say, re-create anger in your current moments? Over-and-over you create anger – second-to-second, minute-to-minute, and hour-to-hour – until you have created “spontaneously” a negative state of consciousness for yourself. From my perspective, this is not spontaneity nor is it acting on impulses. This is simply the habitual creation of negative states. It is irresponsible and it is largely counterproductive for the individual.

True spontaneity is not the robotic re-creation of the current emotional state. It is not reaction without direction. In the true spontaneous moment there is a brief pause of reflection that occurs. One responds to the positive, to the positive manifestation, rather than the negative. One responds to the divine emotions, you might say, rather than the baser emotions. The choice is made in this pause of reflection to do the right thing. And you do.


This is how you define all stimuli that comes to you through your physical senses…

As you read these Blog words what is taking place within your consciousness? There is only the momentary acceptance or denial of what you are perceiving/creating. second-to-second you create a cohesive reality that reflects your beliefs. But suppose that you read a sentence that is difficult for you to entertain as fact? In the moment there may be a split second of hesitation as you decide whether to incorporate this statement into your Personal Reality Field. If you accept it, the statement will be submitted as proof that All of the statements in this Blog have validity. Otherwise, You would know of the invalid nature of the statement.

You are the authority here, yet you are always attempting to prove to some “higher authority” within your consciousness that you are correct in your assumptions about the trivia within your self-created existence. If the material meets your standards of truth, it is accepted and incorporated into your reality Creation agendas. If it doesn’t meet your criteria for validity according to your beliefs, it is rejected.

Additionally, all corresponding and supporting data connected to the rejected field of information is also rejected. The belief system is kept intact through this process. The ego/intellect is supported and affirmed in its thoughts and behaviors in this way. Accepted or rejected: this is how we define all stimuli that come to us through our physical senses.

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The ego skims the topmost surface of reality and awareness. This is not the result of any inherent egotistical quality. It is true that the ego’s responsibility is with the relationship between the self and the physical environment. It must necessarily focus within the confines of physical reality. Nevertheless, it is fully capable of perceiving far more than Western man/woman allows it to perceive. Fear, ignorance, and superstition limit its potentials and. therefore, limit even its effectiveness within the physical universe.

The ego itself cannot directly experience certain intuitions and psychological experiences, but it can experience them insofar as it can become aware of them on an intellectual basis. When training forces the ego to become too rigid and to limit its perceptions of other realities, then the intuitions will not be accepted by the ego because intuitional experience will not fit into the framework of reality that it accepts as valid.

The ego in that case will therefore fight against what it then considers an unknown threat to survival. Struggles are initiated then that are entirely unnecessary. We want to bring intuitional comprehension to a point where the ego will accept it. In our dream experiments, this is one of the purposes we hope to achieve. The ego is not equipped to delve directly into non physical realities, but if it is trained to be flexible, it will accept such knowledge from other wider horizons of the self.

And the ego must have its feet upon solid earth. It is marked and out of its element outside of the normal environment of physical existence. To some extent, its distrust of the dream experience is necessary for the overall balance of the personality. Physical reality is, after all, a rock to which the ego must cling: from it, the ego achieves its prestige and reason for existence. This provides necessary balance and control, and results in the sturdy anchorage of the personality in the environment in which is must presently survive. You have here one of the main reasons why you must request the subconscious to enable you to recall dreams. The ego would see no reason for such a memory and on general principles attempt to repress them.

Again, however, this excellent balance and these fine controls exist. The ego will accept knowledge derived from the dream state as a man/woman might accept a message from a distant land in which he/she does not care to dwell and whose environment would both mystify and astonish him/her.

In our dream experiments, then, we will allow you to bring such messages to the ego. We will attempt to map this exotic country in such a way that the ego can understand what is there in terms of resources that can be used for its own benefit.


You will also sense a growing humility…

The thoughts we think, the images we imagine, seek out fulfillment through manifestation in our system and other dimensions. As the mask of our camouflage reality is lifted, we will see this truth of our physical existence. We will notice with increasing frequency how our perceptions seem to support the notion that we create our own reality. It will become commonplace for us to marvel, perhaps, at the immediate manifestation of something we had hoped for, prayed for, or visualized. We will be receiving the proofs we require to change or expand our beliefs.

So now you know. You are the creator of your world, quite literally. Perhaps in these moments of awakening to your true nature, you will also sense a growing humility that parallels the growth of your new powers of perception. With the witnessing of your reality creation powers you may also realize your responsibilities – your responsibilities to yourself, your family, and to humanity. Acknowledging your responsibilities to create your world for the highest good, for the good of all, is often accompanied by a growing sense of awe, gratitude, and humility within the personal consciousness.


Hypothesis: You can reclaim and process your cast-off emotional contribution to the storm.


Consider these talking points for talking to storms.

  • You are connected to Mother Nature and the elements directly
  • You have a hand in the literal creation of storm activities.
  • This contribution is largely anonymous, as well as unconscious.
  • You may “remember” your subconscious contribution by considering what “comes up” for you during this storm.
  • Are your Issues triggered by the storm?
  • Are you attempting to keep something down, something buried beneath the facade of your public persona?
  • Would it be appropriate to write down what you are feeling now in this moment?
  • If so, write down what you are experiencing that you feel may be related to the storm

I do realize that it would most likely be inappropriate for you to engage in a cathartic moment of grief-full sobbing. Yet you may certainly make an appointment with yourself to do just that at another time, possibly when you are alone or with a trusted friend.

Do not be surprised when your cathartic acceptance of the repressed negative material gives way to celebratory emotions of joy, forgiveness, compassion, ecstasy. As the negative aspects of repressed emotion are realized, there is often great flood of emotion that is released. This creative energy may be used to advantage, particularly in your attempts to experience the communication stream of All That Is or in any other creative pursuits.

FINDINGS: Please document your Findings


Participating in the storm by lending your subconscious emotional energies…

In the following experiment let us assume the opposite perspective. We are are not frightened, we are courageously engaging the storm. Now, just as you, Dear Blog reader, as an emoting human being, on occasion are subject to tears of distress and joy, so too is the emoting being your Mother Earth subject to the powerful displays of emotional energy called rainstorms. The correlations are available “to the nth degree,” as we say.

Consider the convulsive grieving and sobbing of the human after the loss of a loved one. Compare this momentous emotion-charge activity with a rainstorm. It is the same process in principle. The rainstorm is the collective manifestation of the thought and emotion-charged energies of thousands and hundreds of thousands of humans.

Now, you know that you create the weather with your thoughts and emotions. It may be an acceptable belief to you at this point. Can you then enlarge and deepen this belief You-the-Blog-ReaderThe Scientist of Consciousness – and the storm? Yes, you are already participating in the storm by lending your subconscious emotional energies to the manifestation. Your repressed memories of grief, losses of various types, and frustration, enter into the creation of the storm.

There are several ways to make this participation conscious if you wish to gain the full healing potential of the dramatic storm event. If it is appropriate for you at this time, as you sit at your desk at work or otherwise out in the public arena, consider YOUR PART in the dramatic presentation of Mother Nature that we call “rainstorm.”

Using your Intent, you will gently probe the psychic climate initiated by the storm, and see your contribution. You will observe this in your personalized fashion, as you do in all of our experimentation that we do together. But let me suggest that you proceed in this way.


Make the preparations for physical and emotional Sanctuary

We may co-create the visionary experience anywhere we happen to be at the moment. It does not necessarily require us to be in nature, but it does seem to be one of the only times that the modern human may take some time out to relax and go within.

Let us say, for the sake of experimenting, that you are in your workplace relaxing by yourself, or you are in a public place being observed by others around you, yet you are eager to make contact with the Divine and achieve some sort of visionary perception. You may do so with these cautions in mind: You will be vulnerable in the visionary state. Make the preparations for physical and emotional Sanctuary, therefore, before you begin.

You may also create the suggestion within your consciousness that you will be available for spontaneous disengagement from the visionary state if you NEED to be, as in an emergency situation that may arise. Also, if you find that your protected state is lessening due to circumstance mental or physical, and you are allowing yourself to become anxious, fearful etc., take your cue from the suggestion that you will be able to easily exit the Visionary State of Consciousness and attain fully alert and conscious use of your faculties.

Now suppose it is raining and storming outside, and you may see the effects through the window. You may hear the thunder and see the rain and the lightning. You may see the effects of the wind as it blows the leaves down the street. What are you observing, in fact? It is our understanding that you are witnessing the cathartic effects of the collective emotional energies of the consensus reality in which you live.

This is a very powerful and necessary demonstration of consciousness creation of the Collective, here. Yet many are frightened by the display of nature, some to the degree that they will stay indoors with the shades closed, trembling in fear of the potentially destructive power wielded by Mother Nature. But let us take advantage of these energies with a simple experiment.


Perhaps you are somewhat cynical of these ideas, yet you are looking for “something to believe in…”

How does this intellectualization and denial fit in with our discussion of All That Is? In all of our existence, Dear Blog Reader, in each of our experienced moments in physical reality, there is the potential for awakening to the spiritual realm, the Divine, All That Is. We state this as fact even though we know that we may not consider oneself on a spiritual path. Perhaps you are reading this blog out of curiosity only. Perhaps you are somewhat cynical of these ideas, yet you are looking for “something to believe in.” Here is where our concept of denial enters the picture.

Let us assume that you are somewhat “cynical scientist.” You are perhaps of an atheistic bent or agnostic, and you are looking for “something,” something in the spiritual realm. You have led a life of spirituality, either by choice or chance, and you have reached a stage in your life, perhaps after a brush with death yourself, or after the death of a loved-one, when you are contemplating the validity of the spiritual life.

In the nomenclature of our system, we would say that “the denial is lifting for you.” You are no longer denying the spiritual within your existence. As you release your perceptions from the task of denying the obvious spiritual basis of reality, you immediately begin to find evidence for Spirit. Indeed, you may begin to see the spiritual in each moment of your life.

If this is the case, you may identify yourself as one of the Awakening ones of our timeframe. Millions of us are seeking out the spiritual within our lives. We are coming out of our denial and finding All That Is within our personal realities.