We do have many awakenings in our day-to-day existence, and these can be opportunities for accessing the spiritual awakening we seek. For example: each time you awaken from sleep, we have an opportunity to awaken also in a spiritual sense. As I have described in theses Blogs, our nighttime activities entail a great deal of what we might term “spiritual” or “Soul–Directed” activities. Yet on our awakening after sleep, the rigors of physical reality.
The lessons we are learning currently may be categorized according to the three broad topics we will cover in the next three series of Blogs. This is a continuation of our discussion on the blessing “healthy, wealthy and wise” from our last Blog Series.
Now health would obviously entail Lessons Learned regarding the physical body, mind and spirit. We are asserting here the symptoms and illnesses humans generate within their bodies are for educational purposes. Each illness is a physical expression of inherently nonphysical Idea Constructs.
The same may be said of prosperity. The lessons of the Acquisition of wealth and the utilization of that form of energy is spiritual at its base. Money and wealth are simply very potent ideas pertaining to security and value in the physical domain. So here again, the physical is simply the observable component of the invisible, nonphysical spiritual construct.
The wisdom of the Soul, the third element in this blessing, may be accomplished in the learning of these symbolic Lessons in physical reality by allowing these Life Lessons to transform the psyche. Loving Understanding and Courage are some of the results of this transformative phenomenon.
Hypothesis: By focusing on the precept you may catalyze the holographic insert from the entity.
You may with some preparation, feel the ecstasy and empowerment that some with the experiencing of the Holographic Inserts I stream into my Third Subject’s consciousness. For the purpose of elucidation and bringing Light and information to the discussion. I also present these “teachings aids” to you for the same purposes.
There are a few ways you may explain this to oneself that this phenomenon is real – so that you may indeed experience it clearly, without resorting to denial, fear, anxiety. The simplest explanation is that you are my student and as such you and I have a special , spiritual relationship. The connection here is a physical one also, relating to certain portals or chakras as we might call them, located on and around the physical body.
Any one of my precepts may be used as a Holographic Insert. We have mentioned before that the phrase “you create your own reality” is a particularly potent precept and stands as the foundational statement, if you will, of my entire Teaching. I would suggest an experiment to determine the precepts that have the greatest “effects” for you, when you activate them as Holographic Inserts by focusing on them in your mediations.
Relax and enter a light Trance State. First, I would have you read the percepts and attempt to identify those that “speak” to you with the most energy and frequency. The phenomenon known as resonance comes into play here. Your physical construct, your human body, is actually a vibrating system of Consciousness Units, as you know. Ideas and images of all types, either entertained from within your mental environment of considered from written texts and other media, also “hold” their individual vibratory signatures.
Let me again emphasize that it is the Divine Essence cultivated within the student that is the catalyst here. Through working on your self, through reading spiritual literature and engaging in these arcane practices, the researcher cultivates a certain perspective that allows for the experiencing of the Holographic Insert by the Inner senses. Also, on “the other side,” in a sense, the creator of the manuscript – in this case The entity – empowers the text with the essential energies of the Divine – All That Is – so that on the subtle levels where these types of spiritual growth and extra sensory and emotional perception are experienced, the stages is set quite well for the Holographic Inserts to display.
Now focus on your selected precepts one at a time. Have an intention to link up with the etheric component of each precept. There is an openness required in this endeavor. You might think of oneself as an antenna in search of a signal here. Be quiet. Be still. Listen with your Inner Senses for the response from the Entity.
Findings – Document your findings in catalyzing the precepts into Holographic Inserts.
The visionary within our modern culture is a much maligned figure. This may be because we have come so far from our tribal communities, as “progress” takes us away from core experiences of community and shared spirituality. In the U.S.A. in particular, and most of our developed nations, we take great care to marginalize our visionaries, particularly when they begin to speak of radical transformations to come in our world.
Here however, in our growing community, we honor the visionary and we accept the visionary state of consciousness as natural, normal and quite essential to the evolution of the human Soul and the human species.
The visionary has visions, quite simply, and these visions are experienced through the use if the intuitive faculties. The visions of these seers of society are filled with Light. The visionary is enlightened, you see, and senses the foundation of reality as the Light Energy that it is. In my view, I see all of humanity as potential visionaries.
Dear Blog Reader, you now have at our disposal the great perceptive powers of the Inner Senses. In my last series of Blogs I described to you in detail how to access these powers and how to use them to your advantage in physical reality. Here I would like to elaborate on this data with some suggestions on how to sense the Subconscious Manifestation Energy Stream.
This material may also be used in conjunction with Carl Jung material. The Subconscious Manifestation Energy Stream, as I said, support and nourishes our created reality – our Personal Reality Field. In the dream state, and when we are in our Home Dimension between lives, we are well aware of this stream of energy and we sense it as easily as we sense the various constructs within our self-created reality. Now, the Inner Sense of sight, Auric Vision, may be utilized to sense this stream. The following experiment will assist us in the awakening of this valuable Inner Sense.
EXPERIMENT – Sensing Reality Creation
Hypothesis: The Subconscious Energy Manifestation Stream may be observed as it creates the reality construct. The Reality Construct is our topic for the moment. The Reality Construct is all of created reality, and also describes the many elements of the created reality. Here I wish to digress somewhat and ask you the Blog Reader to imagine for yourself what it is I am attempting to describe to you.
Consciousness creates form, instantaneously, in the moment. We must use these descriptions of Reality Creation for us to make sense of this phenomenon, occurring as it does within a linear time conceptualization. The truth of the matter might be better expressed by describing the spontaneously responsive quality of manifestation in our system. So that here we could speak of consciousness creating form that creates consciousness, and so on, all within the spacious eternal moment. Everything is conscious. everything is creative. Everything creates consciousness. All That Is, another term for everything, IS the infinitely creative consciousness that gives birth to our own infinitely creative consciousnesses. This Idea Construct is an excellent one to entertain when we are attempting to KEEP IN THE MOMENT. I trust I have inspired quite enough to be receptive to these subtle energies.
So I would suggest you relax. If you are sitting in a chair, make yourself comfortable. If you are lying down, prop up your body so that you will not fall asleep as you read this. Now imagine if you will, what I have defined as the Moment Point. Use your current existence, the moment you are now experiencing, as somewhat more extended in duration than you have experienced moments in the past.
In a previous Blog, we provided an experiment for the Blog Reader to practice slowing down time within their Personal Reality Field. This is the same feeling we are creating here and now. You use your intention to imbue your Moment Points with duration. Please make creative use of your Inner Senses to accomplish this, perhaps intuitively visualizing your present sensory images and sounds as slowing down, slowing down with your Intention.
What we are getting at here is a slowing down of time to the extent that we may glimpse the creation of physical objects from ideas. This would be Reality Construction viewed at the edge of creation. Now these are grand terms, and you might say I am making it all sound so easy, but at its heart, it IS the easiest thing it all sound so easy, but at its heart, it IS the easiest thing in the world. You are experts at creating “something from nothing,” and you can easily slow down this creative process to the microsecond level. Here you may see and feel what is involved in your creation of your Personal Reality Field. This includes your body and the senses you use to sense this manifestation activity.
How much must you slow down the act of reality creation to witness this? You will know you are meeting with success when you have a sensation of pulsing visually and as a felt sensation. This is the pulse of manifestation. This is the flow of the Subconscious Manifestation Energy Stream through the Coordinate Points and “into” the Reality Constructs.
A taste of perspective. I am experiencing the pulsation. It feels like the heartbeat, only accelerated many times. Visually there is a dreamy quality. Briefly I experienced a twinge of fear, as if I was receiving forbidden knowledge. Possible religious programming?
The flow of information “through” the Coordinate Point is so rich in imagery and other content that the researcher must intentionally slow down the flow of Conscious Units through this gateway if they are to observe and study the construct.
Now can you imagine these theorized Coordinate Points as permeating “physical” space and matter, yet not taking up any space whatsoever? Let us refer to the Conscious Points as etheric in nature in this experiment. They are the nonphysical “precursors” of the “future” created Reality Constructs. They exist inter-dimensionally and holographic ally. They are each everywhere literally all of the time, past, present and future. They exist as the determinant “values” in the manifestation phenomenon. And again, consciousness in the form of Consciousness Units expresses intentionally, as in the unconscious co-creation of the human or elemental expressions of all the other varied forms of “substance” in your dimension. When you have received adequate information from your experiment, gradually disengage from the Trance State. Return to fully sensory awareness.
FINDINGS – Document your observations of the Reality Creation phenomenon.
One reason for this estrangement is that this creation of our world is done largely on the unconscious level. It is truly a projection, in this sense, for we are individually projecting our subconscious thoughts, images and other mental constructs out onto the “Screen” of our Personal Reality Field.
Our thoughts give birth to realities. Fearful thoughts gave birth to fearful realities. Thoughts of Courage and Loving Understanding give birth to Courageous and Loving realities. You may witness this for yourselves within your own manifestations. Watch and see how each element in your perceptual field REFLECTS your inner state of emotion and imagination.
Yes, spirituality, as you may becoming to an understanding of this phenomenon, is simply the experiencing of Earthly existence by our embodies Soul. There need be No religious connotations. Thought forms that reflect memories, recent and ancient, of genocide perpetrated by religious movements, do not necessarily have a place in this discussion of what we are calling “spirituality.” So you see, there is a practical approach to our studies of Third-Dimension reality. We are undergoing a restoration, if you will, to our original, self-comprehending, godlike awareness.
We are all Avatars. We know this is on a certain level and as we awaken, our knowing shall “firm up” and become a great deal more supportive for us as we transform our beliefs and ideas about what is possible.
Spirituality is a remembrance of what it has been for us in ages past. This is true. Yet is also points the way for us into the future when we shall be called upon to remake our Social and Political and SPIRITUAL institutions. Therefore, I caution you and yours in using your cynicism and is trust to keep your spiritual transformation at bay. Rather, I suggest you embrace it. Go with the flow.
May I remind you that for every moment of your perceived reality, your waking reality, is complementary moment in one or more of your Simultaneous Lives? So each moment of spiritual unfolding bears the mark of all simultaneously-experienced moments in your multiple reincarnational lives. Now there are, of course, differences in the various aspects of your simultaneously-lived lives, for they are all being lived, for the most part , in different eras, by different sexes and nationalities etc, for the greater learning of All That Is.
But please understand, quite literally, when you may be experiencing a moment of ecstatic understanding here in our Current Moment Point in this timeframe, one or perhaps many more of our Simultaneous Lives may be experiencing a timeless moment also, but as I said, most definitely within a different physical body, of a different emotional makeup and station in Soul Evolution than you, Dear Blog Reader. I want you to ponder the enormity of this fact of life, for a moment.
Now when you meet a friend on the street, unexpectedly, perhaps a friend you have not seen for some time, you may be ecstatic, overjoyed, as you embrace and speak of your relationship, how good it is to see that person again after so long etc. Now in that moment of reunion, that spacious moment of reunion, you are also , in another body, in another era, most probably on our Earth, experiencing a complementary type of reunion activity.
Further, if you could take a motion picture or snapshot of the various reunion activities of you various lives during that moment, you would find that there are also Numerous correlations between these experiences. You may find on observing these movies or pictures that the settings – streets, field, within structures – are quite similar, in that the placement of objects, trees rocks, houses or what have you – are similar throughout. Is it not obvious that your experiences we are describing here, the reunion experiences, are all quite similar, because you are the multi-dimensional creator of these events?
As the creator of worlds here, most naturally, your creations would bear the mark of the maker – the creator who is indeed you, in tandem with All That Is. So now as you observe your moment-to moment experiences, remember that this is only the “surface” of a deeper experience of manifestation that is our multi-dimensional being.
HYPOTHESIS: The IGBOL are the “closest” and most accessible of the light bodies. Now , you can be informed of which being or group of beings you are allied with by virtue of your evolution as a Soul. This can be discovered by asking your Energy Personality, using your free will to ask the names and locations of other beings associated with You-the-Soul.
The IGBOL is the “closest” to you in terms of affinity of purpose. They are on a path of Loving Understanding as are you the Blog Reader. This is why we have suggested that you contact this group as a preliminary to further explorations. Let me say that you need not fear approaching this group in your experiments.
As I state often in my blogs, the great majority of us are in all probability, members of the Same Entity and so have a direct connections to these Energy Bodies we are describing. The Entity is vast, again as I have noted previously, and at this time we are having a “reunion” of sorts on these subtle levels. You may assume you are rekindling old relationships in these communications, for indeed you are. The fear and mistrust will fade as you receive memories of these associations, in the form of divine impulses. You will know it when you feel is. This is ongoing assistance the Beings of Light in service to mankind/womankind during this time of awakening.
PERFORM YOUR RITUAL OF SANCTUARY Establish your relaxed state of consciousness. Now with the assurance and confidence that comes with mastering these various levels of consciousness through the experiments done in the preceding Blogs, have the intention and profound expectation that you will encounter these Loving Beings.
The contact come with the attendant feelings of compassion and love. There may be an “alien” component that may cause discomfort. You may go beyond surface appearances by utilizing your skills at turning Fear and Anger into Loving Understanding and confidence. The IGBOL are you, Dear Blog Reader, in your multidimensional future. Knowing this, you may experience this contact as a homecoming. When you sense that the meeting is over, gradually come back to your Third-Dimensional awareness.
EXPERIMENT – Becoming aware of Astral Travel during sleep. HYPOTHESIS: You can use your intention to become aware of astral travel during sleep.
The Ritual Sanctuary is important here in this investigation. Perform it just as you are falling asleep, with suggestions to yourself that you will become aware of your inner environment – your sleeping world – as you are about to engage in Astral Travel as we call it. It may be necessary to conduct this experiment for several days to get results.
The suggestion that you will become aware within the dream state is important. You may also suggest that you will awaken after a particular sojourn into the Astral Realms, so that you may document your experiences in your dream journal or other medium. It would then be advantageous to return to sleep with the suggestion that you will awaken briefly to document your further Astral Travels, and so on.
This will give you an ongoing record of your adventures during sleep. And again, the core experience you gain through experimentation in the dream state, the greater mastery gained in perceiving and documenting this state of awareness.
FINDINGS – Document your findings, perhaps with a journal or recorder.
Our sleep times are highly important for our health physically, psychologically and spiritually, and so we will now comment on this state of consciousness. Now the adventures of you and your Soul Family are ongoing. Within your waking reality you experience your waking SoulFamily manifestation. However when dreaming you may be experiencing other manifestations of your Soul Family, within your current incarnation and possibly within past and future timeframes.
If you watch your dreams closely, you may notice the appearance of “familiar yet unknown faces” on this inner stage of awareness. These hard-to-place characters may indeed be members of your Soul Family as they engaged with us in activities on the subtle levels. Let me leave it at that and encourage us to do your own research in this matter.
On a biological level, as you may know, the body rests and repairs itself during sleep. Without going into too much detail, this restoration begins with the onset of sleep and continues until waking. During sleep, the consciousness, for the most part, travels from the physical body to visit locations far and wide in our Third-Dimension as well as other dimensions. Your Soul, therefore, is engaged in many different activities while your physical vehicle rests and recuperates.
These Sojourns from the physical body have been named Astral Travel by some of us, and this is an adequate description. We do indeed visit the Astral Levels during sleep, but there is much more to it than simply “visiting” these non-physical locales. You-The-Soul are refreshed, revitalized and energized via these inter-dimensional travels.
These are the roads we have traveled for countless years while in incarnation and in the time in between lives. We know these pathways in the grid work of the higher dimensions, as well as we know the route to take to the market in the physical world of the Third-Dimension.
Many of us are engaged in projects and collaborations on these subtle levels. Without the physical body, times takes on a fluid aspect. Travel is instantaneous. We progress by simply intending to go to a particular location. For example: we may be providing comfort to a human or group of humans who are in Tragic Circumstances. We may be providing support to these people in their dream state, even as we may be supported by other in ours.
As I describe in other parts of my Blog, during sleep the consciousness also participates in the creation of what will be local, regional and worldwide waking environments. We create the framework for our reality during sleep. When we awaken, you and our fellow humans “fill in the details” by choosing from the limitless field of probable realities open to us, those that will become our Personal Reality Fields
Now because we create our own reality. We also create all of our human relationships in cooperation with everyone and everything involved. We do this on a basic level in the dreamstate and in other altered states of consciousness. We create a strategy for development during these times, then we flesh-out our designs on awakening.
Additionally, we agree with the premise so popular within New Age circles, that everyone we meet enters our life for a reason. Does this then mean that everyone we meet is part of our Soul Family? Let us more clearly define our terms…
Soul Family members are those humans who enter our life to teach us something or for us to teach them something. We feel this connection, you see.
We come together in all of our lives to learn our Lessons together, as a group, we see. This is how it works… in the dreamstate we agree to enact behaviors of educational value for our own benefit and for the benefit of other Soul Family members. When we awaken after sleep, we generally fulfill these agreements in a largely subconscious fashion. Our lives may thus be described as dramatizations of life Lessons in the Third Dimension. The Lessons are learned within Soul Family relationships as the higher Consciousness of each of those involved, “speak to,” and energizes the participants.
Yet we may well ask, “But how can this be so, David? How could I have been kept from this information all of my life?” First let me say that this is something that we already know, for we are in telepathic contact with everything in our Personal Reality. Telepathy works constantly in our world on a subliminal level. On this subtle level of understanding, just below our conscious awareness, we know everything.
However, to get along in your world, you must keep yourself in an amnesia that allows you to forget your multidimensional reality and focus on the mundane world in which you live. This occurs even as you are continually receiving profound amounts of information on your life condition and on the lives of your co-inhabitants subconsciously. Your focus on “current events,” rather than your greater godlike reality, allows your consciousness to guide you through your existence without distractions
HYPOTHESIS: The energy personality can read and interpret your dream symbols
As in previous Dialogue, write down what you remember of a dream upon awakening from sleep.
When you are next in contact with your Energy Personality through meditation or other rituals of contact, ask for an interpretation of the dream with regards to your particular symbols. Within a context of learning your lessons and understanding your own dreams, your Energy Personality can help with interpretation. Typically, your Energy Personality will not resort to revelations that may interfere with the learning of lessons.
FINDINGS – Document your findings in whatever form you best-suited to this endeavor