All posts by zzzesus


Soul Mates are co-created, rather than “found” or “attracted.” You co-create with ALL That Is AND your potential Soul Mate, the context for experiencing one another. When the meeting occurs, it has the underpinnings of the Divine supporting it. The co-creation of your Soul Mate can be described as an awakening experience, then: collaborations with ALL That Is.

Now let me ask the obvious question that arises here:

Can I co-create the Soul Mate relationship from a current relationship, one that may have problems of one kind or another.

The answer is a resounding YES! Indeed, you may have entered into such a relationship – one with problems – for the specific purpose of working out your Issues together, and thus attaining the fulfillment of particular values. You may already be experiencing a Soul Mate relationship yet you are not fully aware of it now.

Let me digress… this idea of asking for what you want in relationship is complicated, again, by your Lessons: the subconscious materialization of your Personal Reality. This is why we suggest you adopt the conscious co-creator perspective. It allows you more leverage in the moment, in that, you may experience a form of objectivity with regards to your unconscious projections onto others.

So yes, please do the exercises with this in mind and see if you are already connected with your Soul Mate. Then should you discover that you are, you may use this material to deepen your relationship.


Now this is an example of what the Blog is all about: changing consciously our behavior, thinking, imagining. We exist within the Moment Point as we assemble our identity from the various expressions of creaturehood within ALL of our countless Reincarnational Existences. At any one time, we will be drawing from some of our lives that ARE of a negative expression, on whole, let us say. This is often a hard fact of life to admit for the budding psychonaut.

We are all experiencing negative existences, abusive relationships, violent acts, somewhere in other timeframes. Now our strategy that we suggest, as we well know, is to immediately divert our attention to the positive when we are experiencing bleed throughs to the negative existences.

The attention is diverted to the Divine, always. As we consistently do this, our many lives improve, for we have a direct influence on these lives in our current experienced moment.


To illustrate: Our mate with whom we now experience our Lessons, may have been previously our child, our parent, our enemy. Yes, because we are learning Lessons of all types, the possibility exists for us to be experiencing a Love relationship with a former enemy.

What better way to experience the full gifts of living than to live the opposites with our Soul Family? That is a rhetorical question, however, let me add that with this rejoiner: we are not condoning abusive relationships.

Here I am illustrating the very common occurrence of the Soul Family member changing their behaviors of the Past Life existence, to their opposites: Loving, Courageous, Compassionate behaviors.


Of course, in our New Age Literature it is primarily the romantic relationship that is being referenced in these Blog discussions. So that we may be assured that the speaker is quite probably commenting on male-to-female, male-to-male, or female-to-female relationship, when they speak of Soul Mates.

There are also, quite often, the elements of destiny, synchronicity, and indeed, magic, attached to these Soul Mate discussions. In terms of these ideas, then the human does what they do best, in that they personalize these empowered images, concepts, emotions of the beloved Soul Mate with their own projections, their own criteria, their own personal needs in the matter of romantic fulfilling scared relationship.

Thus, we could say that the Soul Mate Gestalt of Consciousness includes each and every projection of every human who has ever fallen in love, for example, or wished, or hoped, or dreamed or visualized of an ideal Loving mate. The Soul Mate, in this way, exists as an evolving pool of opinion, desire, prejudice, dream and fantasy among other potent potentials.


Now there is an ideal in these matters. These are the basics regarding this theory of mine, and I shall elaborate for a bit, if I may… Remember, Dear Blog Reader, that anything that can occur within our system does indeed occur. ALL probable manifestations are explored by consciousness in terms of Value Fulfillment. All values are fulfilled in all cases.

With this in mind, the Soul Mate could be considered the ideal for the human relationship. As such it exists latently within the pre-manifestation domains: that ethic realm that contains the blueprints for all conceived reality. This ideal stands as an example of what YOU the human individual may co-create with All That Is with regards to the human Love relationship.


Soul Mate

The concept of the Soul Mate is paramount in the minds of humans in our time frame. The search for the perfect partner occupies millions of moderns, who feel obligated I suppose, to seek out their most perfect match. It is somewhat of a biological imperative that drives so many of us on the quest for our Soul Mate, whatever that may imply for us.

The phenomenon is further complicated – or enriched, however we wish to see it – by the contributions of our popular media. This is not necessarily the Negative Media we speak if often and mystical genres. Through our daily horoscopes that have become popular, much of what was once material is being available to the public at large.

With this revelation of the Ancient Wisdom comes the inevitable degradation of these concepts by authors with an agenda based on the ego/intellect. And so we have a sacred concept transformed into some romanticized idea denoting the “must have” relationship for men and women in our era. We wish to acquire a Soul Mate as we wish to acquire a new car or furniture. Forgive me for making light of our lust for acquisition.


Now what Lessons were learned in our example? Perhaps one of the three response were made:

(1) You denied the person-in-distress entry to your home and refused to call for assistance to help them.

(2) You denied the person in distress entry to your home and did indeed call for assistance to help them, insisting that they wait outside for the help to arrive.

(3) You allowed them entrance to your home, allowed them to call for assistance on your phone, and perhaps made some tea for them to enjoy while they waited. Then suppose that in chatting with this unknown person, you felt that you were connected to them in some way, but you did not know how. Then, as you discussed your lives briefly, you discovered that this person was indeed connected to you in some way, such as a long-lost friend from childhood, or a friend-of-a friend, and so on. I’m sure you have had these types of coincidental experiences with people who come to you “out of the blue.”

Obviously, had you decided to respond in the first or second ways rather than the third, you would have never had the opportunity to discover your connection. Your fear would have prevented you from making this connection with another human being.

Now this is after-the-fact here, of course, this is after you have decided the person was of benign intent here and not a person out to do you harm. But I’m sure you get my point.

Trust but verify in all instances, Dear Blog Reader. Trust all but also verify all with your Inner Senses. Then, when The Other passes the test, so to speak, do not be surprised if you find yourself in just such a synchronistic coincidence of meeting as we have just described.

There are no accidents, after all. Everything happens for a reason. The once feared Negative Other turns out to be a potential friend or even Soul Mate. And that leads us to the next Blog.


Now, do you see how this example relates to our discussion of the development of the Negative other and the fear of The Other? The sense of protection and possibly suspicion that we inherited from our ancestors serves to inform this current existence of ours. We are making distinctions as to the dangers this human might present to us currently.

My point here is this: be safe, Dear Blog Reader. Do not leave yourself open to harm of any type in these practices. In fact, if you are attending to the exercises and experiments, you will by now have developed your Intuition to the point where you will be quite adept at “guessing” possible motivations and ethics of those you meet. You will also be able to “guess” at probable outcomes should you decide to carry your contacts further, as in relationships of various types.


In our day-to-day existence it is quite easy for us to lose track of time as we go about our duties on our job, within activities in our home, etc. Our routines are just that, as we keep to habitual patterns of behaving and experiencing. Then suppose that something unique happens in our life to break the Common Trance for us, if only momentarily.

Suppose, for example, while we are within our home attending to our tasks for the day, that the doorbell rings and we answer the call to meet a man or a woman on our doorstep who is in obvious distress. This human has perhaps run out of gas directly in front of our home and needs to use our telephone to get assistance from a family member.

Any unusual intervention would do here, you see. The human in distress has interrupted our routine and brought us back into the moment of experiencing. We are now focused within this moment as we decide what to do with this stranger. We are perhaps assessing them as to whatever dangers they may present to us. Or we may be already assured, by some internal response, that they are harmless, let us say, as we prepare to allow them into our home. Or perhaps we are only prepared to make the call for them as they wait on the other side of the locked door.


Because everyone we meet has something to teach us, and vice versa, we have no doubt found that perceived “strangers” may enter our life for intense interacting. Great emotionality is often experienced within these temporary relationships as the stranger may make themselves known to us on both the physical and the subtle levels.

Some of these relationships act as the catalyst to help propel us onto another path, another trajectory of experiencing. The partnership may last only a short time but the effects within the Personal Reality Field may well be quite powerful and lasting.

There are Lessons being learned here. The stranger who becomes known, if only for a brief time, is learning Lessons. We are learning Lessons also, as we participate in the interaction. An example is in order for the next blog here…


Each and every human we meet in our day-to-day activities has the potential to teach us something about our existence. This student must become aware of this potential in the moment, or risk losing the opportunity for learning. Now this statement implies a teacher/student relationship. What does the classic relationship of teacher-to-student bring to mind for you-the-blog-reader? Allow me to assist you in this analysis… Humility enters into this discussion at precise this point. There is no student without the willingness to be taught.

The student aspect we are describing here is a facet of the personality or psyche that may be cultivated. It is the personality or psyche that may be cultivated. It is marked by an openness to discovery, to the novel. In the case of these studies of the Soul Family, the student would be quite open, intentionally you see, to the learning of the facts of life, you might say, about their true identity, their true personality AS OTHERS SEE IT.

This point is extremely important, and so I will elaborate on it for just a moment… the student is not the teacher to the student in these descriptions of Soul Family analysis. Others are the teachers to the student. The student does know everything. The student enters into the relationship with the teacher to learn something, in this case, to learn something about themselves. The student must be open to learning both the positive AND the negative about themselves.

The ego/intellect will always give us a slanted view of our self-created world. At some point in our development we will be required to rely upon our Inner Senses for at least part of our awareness in our waking reality. When we allow these Inner senses to guide us as we discover our Soul Family, we are turning down the volume, in a sense, of this ego/intellect, and turning up the volume on the Inner Senses. When we begin to receive less-than-flattering information from Others – the teachers we are speaking of – listen with our Inner Senses to these messages. Do not let egoic concerns prevent us from “facing the music” and learning the Lesson,