Sending Energy To Simultaneous Lives

Sending energy out to our current life in the past is not a matter of time space continuum for it exists on the physical planes. The present will be no different because we are in the Now at this moment. There is no past or future in this moment there is just Now. What we do Now creates those so called pasts and futures. Every part of our being is going to receive that message: past, present, and future. The very idea that we are focusing on those thoughts in our present point of power will automatically affect, say, the childhood. We cannot erase what we have experienced in the childhood, but the message in that time-frame is received.

So for instance, we’re sending thoughts of love, of spirituality, harmonious thoughts for our psychic abilities, mental stability, all of those things are received. In that point in time, our self is unaware that the thoughts are coming through, however they are being received. Our future selves, in the same reference, are sending messages to us as we speak that we are not aware of, the same with our past. The very idea that we are visualizing our thoughts to all of our simultaneous lives is enough to effect the change and to put the message across to those lives.

They receive the information, like I said whether or not they are aware of it. In doing so, closing one’s eyes and visualizing that fan spread that I drew up and just sending our energies to all of our simultaneous lives, whether or not we understand the complexity of the process. The fact that we are sending the thought is good enough. It is beyond our comprehension in the third-dimensional reality to understand how this works. That’s why it is kept simple as possible to use a simple visualization of a thought landing somewhere in our imagination on those lives.

Many readers of this blog are not aware of those lives, so to them it will be up to their imagination to bring forth information relating to those. Oftentimes our imagination is quite aware of previous lives and will be able to direct for us without us being aware of it.