HYPOTHESIS: You may enrich your auric display with positive attributes

Let us try this experiment. Briefly, you track the changes in the Auric Display as you intentionally feed it with positive images, emotions, and so on, relative to the desired Soul Mate.

First, you note the benchmark of Auric expression when you begin the exercise, as you did in the preceding Blog experiment. Then you would watch for beneficial changes as you feed the positive messages into your consciousness. These suggestions are built with affirmative statements that you energize with your self-generated positive emotions.

Thus, you might create a personalized mantra:
I anticipate an encounter with my Loving mate within the next two weeks time. I am filled with Loving Understanding and personal power…

As you turn over this mantra in your mind, open your eyes, if that is appropriate, and look in the mirror. You may notice with your physical eyes that your Auric Display brightens. Your energy expands.

Or if you would prefer to keep your eyes closed… get a sense of your Emotional Body, as we have described in Blogs, and look for changes on the perimeter of this image with your Inner Senses. You may also sense the improvements with your other Inner Senses, as in feeling a sensuous, even erotic intensification. You may hear voices of one kind or another. Aromas may come to you, suggesting romantic encounters, and so on.

Please notice how this Arua of yours brightens, and perhaps changes color with the thoughts of healing. This is the edge of manifestation we speak of in the Blog. When you first notice improvements you duly noted these changes without cynical denial, without self-deprecation. In this way, you firm-up your creation, your effects. Then, in the next few moments of creation you push this altered state of perception into the future by keeping cynicism at bay.

The next step is to emerge from your Trance and into your waking world. You will be taking this improved Essential Identity into your Personal Reality for experimental purposes. Follow-up equals noting Findings on Soul Mate Encounters that happen in the field.

FINDINGS- Document your findings, perhaps noting the personalized triggers we described earlier.