Thus the evolving experience of the awakening student represents these continually updated projections of the Essential Identity into the Third Dimension. This is our life. As a human on this trajectory of Soul Evolution, your awakening consciousness is reflected in the ongoing products of your consciousness: your body, your environment, your life.

Dear Blog Reader, you are always in-tune with your creations, your Personal Reality. You are always getting what you ask for. But you may ask, “I am certainly not getting what I want. I am poor, sickly and quite unhappy. How can you say that?” In my presentations to you in physical reality we rely on a basic assumption that you are the creator of your world. As I said, you create your reality, your Personal Reality Field. You are connected to everyone and everything else in the created Universe through the Consciousness Units. Thus, as a collective of humans, we create our consensus realities. On the basic level, then, you look out in front of you and see your part of this Universe: your home, your friends and family, your job site, and so on. Now on the collective, progressed level of perception, the Visionary State, you might call it, when you look out in front of you, you may be witnessing your multidimensional reality. Visions of other lives may play out before you or upon the inner screen of your creative imagination. So let us here differentiate between these two states of consciousness perception and thus Reality Creation.