Some may wonder what the “The Light” might be. Let us discuss this topic for a moment as background information for those who may be new to this blog material. To begin, humans as born into the Third-Dimensional world with an amnesia. There are exceptions where the child retains the memories, but for the most part, the child is shielded from memories of the time in between lives, the time in the home dimension.

Now in the Home Dimension we are supported on a wave of unconditional love that streams from the energy source for all of creation – All That Is. When it comes time to begin the journey into physical form, the memories of this living state of consciousness are erased.

We incarnate into the physical human body to learn our lessons, and if we remember how perfectly loving and supportive the Home Dimension is, we might choose to cut the Earthly existence before the valuable lessons are learned.

The “Light” then, in our discussion, is partly the divine light of Higher Consciousness: the memories of love and support we experience when not in the physical body. Now light is information – knowledge.

We as a race are becoming more knowledgeable with respect to our spiritual or divine past, present and future. Divine information is being streamed into our Etheric Bodies via glands in our heads. We are waking up to our true state, our divine heritage as gods.

Now, this information may be somewhat “too much” for some of the blog readers of my older material to take seriously. I am reconnecting with you on the subtle levels and helping you to recognize the urgency of our current situation as a Soul.

It is my hope that we will be well-prepared for the coming transformation in human consciousness that has been heralded in these blog writings and many others in our country and around the Earth.

The Energy Personality essence can be many things, including both intellectual AND spiritual. In these writings, I will demonstrate to you for the sake of validity and to help you to relaxed into the material. Just as a teacher in one of our schools will present the material in different formats with a different emphasis according to the effects the teacher wishes to have on the student.

This is, again, divine information you are receiving from a Being of Light. If you have trouble with the words “divine” or “spiritual,” many have similar concerns. I urge the blog reader to explore the TRUE meanings of divine, of spiritual, or love and of confidence.

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