As with all of our creations in physical reality, we could say that we are entranced by our own projections, including the bodily states known as “symptoms and illnesses.” Now I have spoken in other Blogs of the dangers in our medical community of constantly referring to the “inevitability” of certain illnesses forming in the human body. Statistics are bandied about SUGGESTING that such-and-such a percentage of men or women will INEVITABLY “fall victim” to certain diseases. Do you see where I am taking this discussion? The disease process is supported on the SUGGESTIONS of Gestalts of Consciousness. And so we might say that the great majority of our medical doctors are “under the spell” of these Energy Bodies. They are entranced with this Gestalt of Consciousness, the central information center called the medical model. They have been for many years indoctrinate with the data and procedures that support this system.

We play your part in this drama also. Dear Blog reader. It is our role to “pretend” that what the doctors say is true. We obediently create the applicable symptoms within our body. We are supporting our health and practitioner in this way. “Doctor’s orders” DEMAND that you create a particular set of symptoms to correspond to a particular disease state. This collaboration takes place on the subtle levels, of course. The telepathic communication streams are quite active between Gestalts of Consciousness of various types, the doctor and the patient. Everyone must do their part here in order to sustain the “appearance” of illness and the “appearance” of healing or perhaps failure to heal, initiated by the medical profession.

It is all supported on suggestion. These suggestions are essentially Idea Constructs that are the building blocks of disease and the treatment of disease. Thus we have, for example, a Gestalt of Consciousness know as Alzheimer’s Disease. The patient is experiencing this illness as a vehicle for the learning of particular Lessons. In the case of Alzheimer’s, Lessons of infantilism and being cared for without protest, are often the reasons for the creation of the disease state, though it is not wise to generalize in these matters.

Ultimately however, illnesses of all kinds are created as life Lessons. The disease state is a teacher to us in physical reality. Our Soul Self our Guides and all members of our Soul Family are engaged with us in the drama of physical illness. We are learning our Lessons as a collective, much as we would study and learn within a classroom in one of our universities.

Now to elaborate on this comparison here… just as we would learn in a classroom the subject matter in a course on, shall we say, Life Science, everything needed to pass that course, in The Healing Regimen we may discover that truths in the Lessons of physical existence. As we become knowledgeable on the causes of our malady, we may find the means to learn our Lesson in other ways, perhaps in ways that do not entail physical symptoms and disease. This is always our free will choice. We may decide to continue the Lesson of physical illness or we may decide to discover the “causes” and address them.