Tag Archives: Healings

The Broken-Hearted, Heartless Medical Industry

Many psychiatrists and psychologists now realize that a disturbed client cannot be helped sufficiently unless the individual is considered along with his or her relationship to the family, and also in relation to the environment. Old-time family doctors understood the patient’s sensitivity to family members and to the environment, of course, and they often felt a lively sympathy and understanding that the practitioners of modern medicine often seem to have forgotten.

I am speaking of a deeper relationship to the environment, however, and of the environment’s symbolic as well as practical aspects in relation to health and illness. Our ideas about our own body, our mind, the universe, and our part in it, and our state of health, to our sense of well-being, or our feelings of dis-ease.

In my next blog, I would like to look more specifically at the importance of symbolism in our minds, our body, and our environment.

Modern medical science largely considers the human body to be a kind of mechanical model, a sort of vehicle like a car that needs to be checked by a garage every so often.

As an automobile is put together at an assembly line, so the body is simply seen as a very efficient machine put together in nature’s “factory.” If all the parts are in their proper places, and functioning smoothly, then the machine should give as excellent service as any well-running automobile — or so it seems.

All of the automobile’s parts, however, are alone responsible for its operation as long as it has a responsible driver. There are, however, hidden relationships that exist between various parts of the body — and the parts themselves are hardly mechanical. They change in every moment.

With the latest developments in medical technology, there are all kinds of heart treatments and operations that can be performed. Healthy hearts will maintain a consistent heartbeat, whereas unhealthy hearts may experience some irregularity in their rhythm. There are supplements like lypo spheric vitamin c that can help lower the risk of heart-related issues like heart disease and lower blood pressure. The risks can also be prevented by consuming different types of plums and other such fruits/vegetables that contain the phytochemicals and nutrients required to reduce inflammation. Still, just like with anything health-related, if these issues continue despite taking necessary measures, it would be beneficial to visit a doctor to get checked professionally. Anything related to the heart can be dangerous, but can sometimes be treated by some medical equipment, such as the Philips Heart start and m5070a battery which can help to shock the heart into a normal rhythm. There is some heart equipment that is small, and there are also more serious treatments that can be used, such as heart transplants. In many cases, even when hearts are repaired through medical technology, the same trouble recurs at a later date, or the patient recovers only to fall prey to a different, nearly fatal or fatal, disease. This is not always the case, by any means, but when such a person does recover fully and maintains good health, it is because beliefs, attitudes, and feelings have changed for the better and because the person “has a heart” again, in other words, because the patient himself or herself has regulated the will to live.

Many people who have heart trouble feel that they have “lost the heart” for life. They may feel broken-hearted for any of many reasons. They may feel heartless or imagine themselves to be so cold-hearted that they punish themselves literally by trying to lose their hearts.

With many people having such difficulties, the addition of love in the environment may work far better than any heart operation. A new pet given to a bereaved individual has saved more people from needing heart operations than any physical. In other words, “a love transplant” in the environment may work far better overall than a heart-transplant operation, or a bypass, or whatever; in such ways, the heart is allowed to heal itself.

In later blogs, we will discuss more thoroughly distorted ideas about the self and the body in particular that stand in the way of natural exuberance and good health.

Without going more deeply into the reasons for such beliefs until later, let me discuss several of the ways in which they impede general well-being. Right now it is socially fashionable to take up some kind of exercise, gym work, or strenuous sport, so it seems obvious that the general populace must have great regard for the physical body. Unfortunately, large segments of the population feel uncomfortable with their bodies and do not trust the body’s spontaneity, strength, or overall dependability. They have been taught that medical science knows more about bodies than any private individual knows about their own bodies and their ways and workings.

People have been taught to trust X-rays for a picture of what is happening within their bodies and cautioned not to trust their own feelings. Some public-service announcements stress the “fact” that the individual can be gravely threatened by high blood pressure, for example, even though he or she feels in excellent physical health.

The populace has embarked upon this strong exercise program because of a mixture of very unfortunate beliefs. Since they feel divorced from their bodies, many people suspect what is going on inside. Some religious beliefs suggest that the body is impure, and the heir to disease and infirmity. Often people exercise over-zealously to punish their bodies, or to force the body to respond at its best since they do not trust it to do otherwise.

In many instances, people exercise and clean their teeth quite simply because they are afraid of what will happen if they do not. Professionals at McCrae Dental Surgery or places similar know that poor oral health can contribute to heart disease and often suggest these actions to reduce the likelihood of this eventuality. They may run or brush to avoid heart disease, for example, while their own fear can help to promote the very eventuality they fear.

The body’s health is the expression of inner well-being. Poor health is an expression also, and it may serve many purposes. It goes without saying that some people become ill rather than change their activities and their environments. They may also become ill, of course, to force themselves to make changes.

I do not mean to imply that exercise is detrimental to good health. It is true, however, that the reason that we exercise is actually more important than the exercises that we do perform. The reason can promote our good health or actually impede it.

Thus far in my blogs, we have begun to touch upon the multitudinous issues involved in good health or in its absence. Before we are finished we hope to give a far greater framework in which to consider our own well-being and the many options that are open to any individual. We will discuss the species connected with a long, healthy, fairly happy lifetime, and those involved with early death, severe illnesses, and suicide — particular with the suicides of fairly young persons.

Earlier we spoke about the incredible impulse on the part of all of nature toward exuberance and well-being. It is as if nature always tries to exceed itself, and certainly to increase the quality of its existence. The individual person is also involved in an ever-continuing process to increase the quality of life as it exists at all levels of personal experience. Reality is so constructed that each individual seeking fulfillment does so not at the expense of others, but in such a way that the quality of life is increased for all.

Each person impulsively tries to grow into his or her sensed potentials — even when they are not immediately apparent.

In one way or another, each segment of consciousness is aware of each other segment, through an instantaneous communication that exists on many levels. It is important that our ideas circulate freely, and that the ideas of the peoples of the world circulate freely, just as it is important that our individual body has good circulation. Our ideas about our own health are even more important than those steps we take to promote it.

Our ideas about foreign countries, allies, and enemies, also have a vital role to play in how we handle our own bodily defenses. People who are afraid that their nation will be invaded by an enemy will often also consider viruses or diseases to be enemies, ever about to threaten their personal survival. Such attitudes will, of course, be detrimental to feelings of well-being, health, and exuberance. While it is true that medical technology has many serious defects, it is also true that many people believe in the medical profession to such a degree that it would be nearly impossible for them to survive in good health without it.

In later blogs, we will also discuss the ways in which we can use our own beliefs about the medical profession to reinforce our overall sense of health, rather than to undermine it.

Death-Defiers And Health

At first thought, it certainly seems as if people love life and fear death — that they seek pleasure and avoid pain. But some of them die unfairly, if that rings true for you because of a situation you’re in it might be a good idea to talk to someone similar to  P.L.L.C.  Wrongful Death Attorney to work forward legally. work forward legally.

Yet this is not always the case. There are people who must feel themselves to be at the brink of death before that can fully appreciate the quality of life. There are people who cannot appreciate or enjoy the satisfaction of life or of happiness unless faced simultaneously with the threat of death or intense pain.

There are other people who firmly believe that the pursuit of pleasure must lead to pain, and there are also others for whom pain itself is pleasure. There are also individuals whose beliefs cause them to feel very uncomfortable when they are in a state of health — and for these individuals poor health brings a sense of security and safety.

There are innumerable stages of health, from high, sheer, energetic exuberance to lethargy and discomfort. There are, in fact, an almost infinite number of stages connected with the state of health. We could invent a completely different way of regarding human health by numbering and defining each of those stages. Instead, of course, our society has chosen to recognize and define all of those stages that are detrimental to health — stages that are recognizable because of health’s absence to one degree or another.

In my blogs, therefore, we will devote ourselves to ways of promoting health, and we will purposely avoid the specific naming of dis- eases.

It should be noted before we begin that death itself is the delivery — a deliverer — of our species and all others. It is not negative in itself, but instead is the beginning of a different kind of positive existence. It prunes the planet, so to speak, so that there is a room and time for all, energy and food for all. Because of death, life is possible, so these two seemingly opposite qualities are simply different versions of the same  phenomena.

If death disappeared on our planet even an hour all of life would soon be threatened. And if all life possible suddenly emerged at once, then most surely all would be annihilated. We must admit, then, that death is indeed a part of life — and even more, we must say that death is healthy.

There is a cellular communication between or among all of earth’s living cells, as if the earth itself were one large physical body.

Our own knowledge, desire, purpose and intent tune us into some communications, physical and emotional states at the same time.

Individuals who defy death time and time again are actually more frightened of it than most other people are. Trapeze performers, stunt men and women, race-car drivers, and many other groups have a lifestyle that includes death-defying stunts on a very regular basis.

Trapeze performers may have several acts a day, for example. It seems that such individuals perform with great daring, even with a rashness that is unfamiliar to most people. Most such performers, however, are extremely regulated. They work with a carefully calculated eye, under conditions in which each detail, however minute, is of supreme importance. No matter how often certain trapeze acts may be repeated, for example, there is always the threat of instant disaster — of missed footing, a final plunge. Through testing “fate,” death-defiers try each time they perform to prove to themselves that they are indeed safe, that they can overcome life’s most dire conditions. This is different to say, playing tennis or football where the risk of death or serious injury is much lower, even though players can still injure themselves. If you hired say a tennis coach near me Orlando to learn to play tennis professionally, you have to use hand-eye coordination and have good fitness levels to maintain the play, but a wrong move does not lead to instant danger like it would in at  trapeze act.

Life, then, has the sweetest buoyancy, the greatest satisfaction, because it is contrasted with the ever-present threat of death. Many such people do not feel at all safe living under life’s usual conditions. They protect themselves by setting up the conditions of such an encounter, and controlling those conditions, again down to the smallest detail.

Only when they pursue some death-defying career do such individuals feel safe enough to relax otherwise and live a fairly normal life outside of their death-defying careers.

I do not mean to pass any moral judgment upon such activities. Often they do permit an extremely keen sense of exuberance and vitality. It is also true, however, that such people may enjoy excellent health for years, not counting perhaps an assortment of broken bones and bruises — only to fall suddenly prone to some illness if they try to give up their activities. No one knows what tomorrow will bring which is why we must live every day as our last. Nonetheless, a life insurance policy might help people safeguard the future of their loved ones. However, you may need to research a bit and select the right one. There are so many different types of life insurance policies available because of which most people are likely to be perplexed as to which one they should select. If you’re not sure which one to go with, sites like Life Cover Quotes (https://www.lifecoverquotes.org.uk) might be able to help.

Self-understanding and self-knowledge may be able to change the individuals’ lives for the better, regardless of their activities or conditions of life. It is true that these individuals do choose for themselves a carefully planned and regulated style of life, in which the threat of death is encountered personally and regularly; each day becomes an odyssey, in which death and life are purposefully weighed.

Children may come down with many childhood diseases, and still be very healthy children indeed. Adults may break a bone skiing, or indulging in some other sport, and still be very healthy. People “come down” with colds, or the flu, or some other social disease that is supposed to be passed from one individual to another — yet overall these may be very healthy individuals. The body has its own self-regulating system. This is often called the immune system.

If people become ill, it is quite fashionable to say that the immunity system has temporarily failed — yet the body itself knows that certain “dis-eases” are healthy reactions. The body does not regard diseases as diseases, in usually understood terms. It regards all activity as experience, as a momentary condition of life, as a balance situation. But it possesses a sense of wholeness and of overall integrity, for it knows that it continues to exist, though under different conditions, and it realizes that this change is as natural and necessary as the change of seasons if each individual is to continue to exist, while the earth itself possesses the nutriments necessary to the survival of physical life.

Natural Mental Behavior

The way toward health is simplicity itself.

It is the natural, easiest watson’s emotions to seek the answers to a healthier mind. But actually, the answer is so simple. Live simply.

Since the intellect is apt to enjoy playing with complications and solving problems, therefore, to the intellect it often seems ludicrous to imagine that the answer to a question lies within the question itself.

All of nature demonstrates this almost miraculous seeming simplicity. Plants and animals and all of life’s aspects take it quite for granted that the sun will shine and the rains will fall in the way best conducive to all creatures. Animals certainly do not worry about tomorrow’s weather conditions. It may be true that animals do not need to know tomorrow’s weather, since they do not plant seeds or collect the harvest. It is perfectly fine to make plans for the future, yet each individual should live day by day, without worrying about the outcome of those plans.

The physical body can only react in the present moment. Worrying about future events, or dwelling upon past unfavorable situations, only confuses the body’s mechanisms, and undermines their precise activity in the present moment.

I am not saying that anyone should pretend that unfavorable circumstances do not sometimes exist, or that they may not be encountered in the past, present, or future. It is also true, however, that advantageous events occur with a far greater frequency than do negative ones — otherwise the world that we know simply would not exist. It would have disappeared in the throes of destruction or calamity.

In a basic way, it is against nature’s purposes to contemplate a dire future, for all of nature operates on the premise that the future is assured. Nature is everywhere filled with promise — not only the promise of mere survival, but the promise of beauty and fulfillment Once again, that keen sense of promise is innate within each portion of the body. It triggers the genes and chromosomes into their proper activity, and it promotes feelings of optimism, exuberance, and strength.

Again, sometime in later blogs we will discuss those conditions that can undermine such fine creativity. In the meantime, however, live each day as fully and joyfully as possible. imagine the best possible results of any plans or projects. Above all, do not concentrate upon past unfavorable events, or imagined future ones.

Now: If we examine our feelings about parenthood in general, we will see that they bear an astonishing similarity to our feelings about our work. Only the focus is different. We are indeed parents of our work we do, and the psychic parents of innumerable people of all ages. We have have set aside, however, the conventional idea of a family, as symbolized by our dreams. We are actually exchanging one kind of a family for another, vaster concept, that also involves parenthood, however — but a psychic rather than a physical parenthood.

The Inborn Leanings and Attitudes

These inborn leanings or attitudes can roughly be translated as follows.

  1. I am an excellent creature, a valuable part of the universe in which I exist.
  2.  My existence enriches all other portions of life, even as my own being is enhanced by the rest of creation.
  3. It is good, natural, and safe for me to grow and develop and use my abilities, and by so doing I also enrich all other portions of life.

Next: I am eternally couched and supported by the universe of which I am a part, and I exist whether or not that existence is physically expressed.

Next: By nature I am a good deserving creature, and all of life’s elements and parts are also of good intent.

And next: All of my imperfections, and all of the imperfections of other creatures, are redeemed in the greater scheme of the universe in which I have my being.

Those attitudes are inbred in the smallest microscopic portions of the body — a part of each atom and cell and organ, and they serve to trigger all of the body’s responses that promote growth and fulfillment. Infants are not born with an inbred fear of their environment, or of the other creatures. They are instead immersed in feelings of well-being, vitality, and exuberance. They take it for granted that their needs will be met, and that the universe is well-disposed toward them. They feel a part of their environment.

They do not come into life with feelings of rage, or anger, and basically they do not experience doubts or fears. Birth is experienced in terms of self-discovery, and includes the sensation of selfhood gently rising and unfolding from the secret heart of the universe.

Many people believe that birth, to the contrary, is a time of trauma, or even of rage, as the infant leaves its mother’s womb. Birth is life’s most precious natural process. Even in births that are thought of as not “normal,” there is on the infant’s part a sense of discovery and joy.

We will have more to say about the process of birth in later blogs. For now, I simply want to make the point that in the most basic of terms the human birth is as orderly and spontaneous as the birth of any of nature’s creatures — and a child opens its selfhood even as a flower opens its petals.

The inborn leanings and attitudes that we have been discussing should ideally remain with us for the rest of our lives, leading us to express our abilities, and finding fulfillment as our knowledge expands through experience. The same feelings and beliefs should also ideally help us die with a sense of safety, support and assurance. While these inbred psychological supports never leave us entirely, they are often diminished by beliefs encountered later in life, that serve to undermine the individual’s sense of safety and well-being.

All of this talk about exuberance, health and vitality may seem quite beside the point to many. It may seem instead that the world is filled with unhappiness and disease.


I admit that this certainly seems to be the case. It may also strike you, my blog readers, as quite shocking when I tell you that there is no such thing, basically, as disease. There are instead only processes. What we think of as disease is instead the result of an exaggeration or overextension of perfectly normal body processes. We are not attacked by viruses, for instance, for all kinds of viruses exist normally in the body. There are no killer viruses, then, but viruses that go beyond their usual bounds. We will have more to say about such issues in later blogs — for I hope to show how certain feelings and beliefs do indeed promote health, while others promote an unfortunate extension or exaggeration of perfectly normal bodily processes, or viral activity.

This means, of course, that we do not fall victim to a disease, or catch a virus, but that for one reason or another our own feelings, thoughts, and beliefs lead us to seek bouts of illness.

Certainly, such ideas will sound like medical heresy to many of my blog readers, but the sooner we begin to look at health and “disease” in these new terms, the healthier and happier we will become. We are not one thing and illness another, for our thoughts and emotions are the triggers that lead to bouts of poor health. Once we know this, we can begin to take steps that will serve to promote exuberance and vitality instead of fear, doubts, and “disease.”

We will discover that so-called diseases perform certain services. They fulfill purposes for us that we may believe we can achieve in  no other way. The reasons for such illnesses are not deeply buried in the subconscious, as we may think. They are much closer to the conscious mind, and usually consist of a series of seemingly innocuous decisions that we have made through the years. Other illnesses, of course, may be caused by sudden decisions that are a  response to a particular event in our life.

People have been taught that their bodies are a kind of battleground, and that they must be in a constant state of readiness lest they be attacked or invaded by alien germs or viruses or diseases that can strike without warning.

Soon, in future blogs, we will begin to discuss other negative beliefs that cause poor health. For now, however, we will concentrate upon those inbred, positive attitudes, feelings, and beliefs that constantly improve our sense of well-being, strength, and fulfillment.




Misdirected Good Intent

If any of my blog readers, are in poor health, or generally unhappy, no one is asking you to pretend that those conditions do not exist. I hope to show you that even those unfortunate situations were created out of a misdirected good intent. In these blogs we will keep reminding you, however, that exuberance and high spirits are a natural part of our heritage.

We also hope to allow you to recapture those feelings, if you have lost them, and to give other ways of keeping those emotions fresh and intact. Blog readers will benefit in various fashions, according to their own conditions and intents, but every blog reader will benefit to some degree or another — and each blog reader will become reacquainted with those inner springs of vitality and wellbeing that are so important in human experience.

Concentrate upon the joys that you possess, keep your goals in mind, and trust the infinite intelligence within you to bring about the desired results. This frees your mind and allows improvements to continue without interruptions.

It’s our version of worrying that desired effects may not be brought into the present — that is, will not come into your close vision. When you feel that way, close your eyes, of only for a moment, reassure yourself that you can trust your vision — mental and physical — and that indeed your goals will be brought into clear focus.

The Body Consciousness

The body consciousness, on its own, is filled with exuberance, vitality, and creativity.

Each most microscopic portion of the body is conscious, strives toward its own goals of development, and is in communication with all other parts of the body. The body consciousness is indeed independent. To a large degree its own defense mechanisms protect it from the mind’s negative beliefs — at least to a large extent. As I have mentioned before in past blogs, almost all persons pass from so-called disease state back into healthy states without ever being aware of the alterations. In those cases the body consciousness operates unimpeded by negative expectations or concepts.

When those negative considerations are multiplied, however, when they harden, so to speak, then they do indeed begin to diminish the body’s own natural capacity to heal itself, and to maintain that overall, priceless organization that should maintain it in a condition of excellent strength and vitality.

There are also occasions when the body consciousness itself rises up in spite of a person’s fears and doubts, and throws aside a condition of illness in a kind of sudden victory. Even then, however, the person involved has already begun to question such negative beliefs. The individual may not know how to cast them off, even though he or she desires to do so. It is in those instances that the body consciousness arises and throws off its shackles.

With free will, however, it is not possible for the body consciousness to be given full and clear dominion, for that would deny large areas of choices, and cut off facets of learning. The main direction and portent, however, of the body consciousness on its own is always toward health, expression, and fulfillment.

The molecules, and even the smaller aspects of the body act and react, communicate, cooperate with each other, and share each other’s knowledge, so that on particle of the body knows what is happening in all the other parts. Thus, the amazing organization usually works in a smooth, natural fashion. Many body events that we think of in our society as negative –certain viruses, for example — are instead meant as self-corrective devices, even as fever actually promotes health rather than impedes it.

The main characteristic of bodily consciousness is its spontaneity. This allows it to work at an incredibly swift rate that could not be handled by the topmost conscious portions of the mind. Its operation is due to an almost instantaneous kind of consciousness, in which what is known, with no distance between, say, the knower and the known.

The act of seeing, and all of the body’s senses, are dependent upon this inner spontaneity.

Our “negative” dreams express left-over doubts and fears, and hold the concept that the poorest rather than the best outcome of any event will happen.

Secondary Personalities

People who have epilepsy are afraid of their own energy.

They do not trust it, nor do they trust the spontaneous portions of the self. They are afraid that left alone their energy might strike out against others, and so they short-circuit its use, having attacks that momentarily render themselves helpless.

People with so-called secondary personalities also fear their own energy. They divide it up so that it seems to belong to different personalities, and is therefore effectively, divided. In basic terms, true amnesia does not exist in such cases, though it appears to. The people involved are quite aware of their activity at all times, but they behave in a fashion that is not continuous — that is, the main personality does not seem to behave in a continual manner, but is broken up, or again, seemingly divided. This psychological ploy neatly prevents the so-called main personality from using all of its energy at any one time.

The individuals concerned pretend to themselves that they have no memory of the other personalities’ existences or activities. These personalities, however, store up their energy so that one personality often exhibits explosive behavior, or makes certain decisions that seem to go against the wishes of the main entity. In this way, different kinds of behavior may be exhibited, and while it would seem that many decisions are made by one portion of the self, without another portion of the self knowing anything about it, such usually is not the case. In fact, the main personality is able to express many different kinds of probable action, but the entire personality is prevented from acting with its full energy or power. Instead the energy is diverted into other channels.

All portions of the self are indeed conscious, and they are also basically conscious of each other, though for working purposes they may seem to be separate or isolated.

The idea of the sinful self will not be predominant in my blogs, but I certainly will delve into the many unfavorable concepts that are held by the various religions — concepts that certainly make many people feel that the self is indeed sinful rather than blessed.

The self is indeed blessed, and just the reminder of that fact can often short-circuit negative beliefs, particularly if they are not too deep-seated.

The Will to Live

The will to live can be comprised by doubts,fear, and rationalizations.

Some people, for example, definitely want to live, while they try to hide from life at the same time. Obviously, this leads them into conflicts. Such people will impede their own motions and progress. They become overly concerned about their own safety. If any of my blog readers feel this way, they may even hide these feelings from themselves. They will  concentrate upon all the dangers present in society in their own country, or in other portions of the world, until their own frightened overall concern for safety seems to be a quite natural, rational response to conditions over which they have no control.

What is actually involved is a kind of paranoia, which can become such a powerful response that it can take over a person’s life, and color all projects. If this has happened to any of my blog readers, you might recognize yourself in any number of different scenarios. You might be a “survivalist,” setting up stores and provisions to be used in case of a nuclear disaster. It may seem to you that you are quite justified in protecting yourself and your family from disaster. In many such cases, however, the people so worried about the occurrence of danger from the outside world are instead concerned about the nature of their own energy, and afraid that it might destroy them.

In other words, they do not trust the energy of their own lives. They do not trust the natural functioning of their bodies, or accept this functioning as a gift of life. Instead they question it at every point — even holding their breath at times, waiting for something to go wrong.

Other people may actually impede those portions of the body given to mobility, so that they limp or tighten their muscles, or otherwise tamper with their bodies so that the end result is one that requires a cautious, hesitating approach to motion. Some may even cause themselves to have severe accidents, in which they sacrifice portions of their bodies to retain a sense of false safety.

These rather self-deceptive feelings are not hidden deeply in the subconscious mind, as we might suppose. Instead, in the majority of cases they consist of quite conscious decisions, made at one time or another on quite surface levels.


They are not forgotten, but the people involved simply close their own eyes, so to speak, to those decisions, and pretend that they do not exist, simply to make their lives appear smooth and to save face with themselves, when they know very well that the decisions really rest on very shaky ground indeed.

I do not wish to simplify matters, but such decisions can be uncovered very easily in children. A child might fall and badly scrape a knee — so badly that limping is the result, at least temporarily. Such a child will often be quite conscious of the reason for the affair: he or she may openly admit the fact that the injured part was purposefully chosen so that a dreaded test at school could be missed, and the child might well think that the injury was little enough to pay for the desired effect that it produced.

An adult under the same circumstances might become injured to avoid a dreaded event at the office — but the adult may well feel ashamed of such a reaction, and so hide it from himself or herself in order to save feelings of self-esteem. In such cases, however, the adults will feel that they are victims of events over which they have little or no control.

If the same kind of event occurs with any frequency, their fear of the world and of daily events may grow until it becomes quite unreasonable. Still, in most such instances those inner decisions can be easily reached — but while people are determined to “save face,” they will simply refuse to accept those decisions as their own. People will to live, to act or not to act. To a large extent they will the events of their lives — whether or not they are willing to admit this to themselves, and they will to die.

Begin to understand that energy is the gift of this life — to be expressed, not repressed — and to understand, again that spontaneity knows its own order.

It is no coincidence, in our language, that the word “will” refers to the future, as in a line like “it will happen,” and also refers to the decision-making quality of the mind.


The Magical Precognition Approach

In our terms, whether a minute or 10 minutes, or an hour or two hours were involved, we react ahead of time to a headline that have not as yet physically encountered. We react creatively, using the precognitive story as a basis for a fictional endeavor. We turn it into art’s purposes.

The idea, then, of the my blogs came from past and future events, though I were to catch up with those future events very quickly. My mind intuitively organized all of that material, and put it together in a completely new fashion. Sometimes when such events occur, the precognitive trigger is not recognized when it is encountered physically, because it happens too far ahead of time. We organize mental and physical events in a creative manner. In this case my blogs were involved because the concept, while strongly involving images, carries a time span that would make narrative necessary.

I used the magical approach. I caught myself in the act of acting naturally, of demonstrating abilities that our society to a large degree does not admit. That same kind of lighting-swift organization goes on within the body itself constantly, as it deals with probable scenarios to which we may or may not end up reacting to.

The events themselves discussed in any newspaper article point up the same kind of magical affiliations. We live personally in a world of lush creative ideas. Our intellect is aware of that. It is used to working creatively. The focused intellect can indeed activate the intuitive abilities — and the healing abilities. We get what we concentrate upon.

The intellect is a vital organizer even if it is not aware of the magical levels of activity from which often it’s best ideas emerge.

When we look at world events, however, the present world situation for example ( wars in the Middle East), try to enlarge the scope of our intellectual reach, so that we consider world events as living multidimensional “blogs” being formed in the present in response to both future and past triggers. The impact of the future on the past, in our terms — or rather, the implications of the future on the present — are highly important, and such precognitive reactions are as vital, numerous, and real as we ordinarily think that the reactions to past events are.

This puts present world events in an entirely different perspective. Men and women act, then, in relationship to events happening, say, in the future, in certain terms cast their shadows back into the present, or illuminate the past according to the events’ characteristics. There is always more going on than ordinary sense data show.

In our comparatively simple experience, we can see, however, the implications of such activities. Men and women react to future events by unconsciously translating them into art, or motion pictures. They may react by unconsciously taking certain steps of a political nature that seem at the time either unreasonable, or even incomprehensible — steps whose logic appears only in hindsight.

The same occurs, of course, in all areas of human behavior, as well as in the behavior of animals and even of plants. This future shadowing the presents, or future illuminating the present, represents a vital elements in the formation of events as they are perceived in time. In a fashion triplets are reacting in their past to a future event that now can catch up with them, so that each of their actions in any moment of that past happened as a result of a tension — a creative tension — between the event of their original separation and the event of their future reunion.

I do not mean that the reunion is inevitable or predestined, but the vigor of that probabilities, we might say, magnified the original tension. I want to apply all of this to my own situation, both in terms of creative endeavors and my physical situation, so that I begin to understand that I can start to react in the present to a future change.

I can see how important periods of letting go are. My experience happens where I am nearly asleep, but merely relaxed, not worrying, with my intellect in a kind of free flow. I am not hampering it. It is momentarily free of limiting beliefs, and it naturally used — and chose to use — the magical approach to answer what is very simple, now-forgotten intellectual question: What might be in today’s news?

The usual answer, or the usual method of obtaining an answer, is at times inconvenient: I was not about to get up , go to the TV or computer and get the news, so on it’s own the intellect pressed the magical-approach button, I might say, getting the information the quickest and easiest way possible.

It did not give me the bare headline, however — even though that and the blog story were perceived far too quickly for me to follow. What I was aware of was my own creative reveries in response to that information.

Now left alone, the intellect will often solve problems in just such a fashion, when it is allowed to, when we forget what is supposed to be possible and what is not, when we forget that our mind is supposed to be pedestrian and parochial.

The Body’s Magical Reasoning

The body reasons so quickly, so clearly and concisely, that its deductions, its logic, are far too fast for the intellect to follow. The body reasons directly. The body’s reasoning transforms itself into action, with nothing to stand between its elegant logic and the logic’s brilliant execution. Humans could not possibly follow all of the manipulations necessary so improvements can take place. Again, bodily efforts are as magical, as creative, certainly, as the writing of a blog or a poem — but I have in the past trusted my creative abilities as if they were something I had to guard from my physical self.

My change of attitudes has allowed, and changed physical habits: the encouragement of motion, the expanded feeling of identity, which now includes the physical body rather than trying to exclude it.

The body is not a tool, to do our mental bidding. Our body is a mental expression physically materialized. More improvements are indeed even now occurring, and as long as attitudes continue to improve we can expect such progress — for again, the body is quite capable of healing itself completely, and with far greater ease than we give it credit for. However, at times when the body is not able to heal itself, external aid is required to give the body a push to do its work. Take, for example, digestive disorders. Although our bodies can heal such mundane matters, sometimes dietary supplements like Bio X4 (interested people can have a glance at the Bio X4 reviews online) are needed to help the body recuperate faster.

Nevertheless, it is true that we don’t have to do anything in particular, for example, of a conscious nature, except to state our intentions, and the body’s healing mechanisms immediately quickened. This is because we began to take the pressure off, so to speak, and really began to understand the abilities and limitations of the rational mind in its relationship to the body.

Some people believe it is quite possible to have clairvoyant dreams, out-of-body experiences, creative adventures in the arts — but to some of us doubt in the physical power or energy could be directed effectively in the physical realm, so-called, of bodily health, or situations of the nitty-gritty. Again, the material is indeed dealing with a far more valid explanation for the working ways of reality than the old official beliefs — and again, we are not just dealing with evocative, creative hypotheses.

There is no need, to be surprised if some of our ideas frighten people.

If our ideas were already accepted in the world, there would be no need for my blog. That is, some disapproval is acceptable. To attack medical corruption, or medical errors, or particular clinics, for example, is within bounds, but to attack the belief systems of the entire structure is something else again.

Some people’s objections should simply show us why our blog work is so important. We must not forget, again, that we chose these challenges. We wanted to be involved with the initiation of new thematic material. We want the experience of getting it for ourselves, so to speak — the exhilaration of discovery.

The implications are here in my blogs, but our belief systems must be allowed to mellow and change in the light of new knowledge, rather than to be booted aside with an angry foot.

Nature As Man’s and Woman”s Caretaker

Men and women likes to think of themselves as the caretaker of nature and the world. It is closer to the truth, however, to say — in that regard, at least — that nature is man’s and woman’s caretaker; or that man and woman exists, physically speaking, as the result of the graceful support of nature and all of its other species. Without those other species, man and woman as we know him and her would not exist, not without the continuous cooperation of those species with each other, and their interrelationships with the environment.

Man and woman serves his and her purposes within nature, as all species do, and in the terms of our understanding man and woman “thinks” in his and her own way, but he and she is also the thinking portion of nature. He and she are the portion that thinks, in our understanding, again, of that term.

He and she deals with the effect of thinking upon nature, so to speak. He and she adds to the rest of nature. He and she therefore adds a different kind of mental organization — and organization, then, that nature itself requires, anticipates, and desires. Animals do not read or write books or blogs, but they do “read” nature directly through the context of their own experience, and through intuitive knowing. Man’s and woman’s reasoning mind adds an atmosphere to nature, that is as real, say, as the Van Allen Belts (or radiation fields) that surround the earth.

The thinking mind to a large degree directs the activity of great spontaneous forces, with energy-cellular organization being, say, the captain of the body’s great energy sources. The reasoning mind defines, makes judgments, deals with the physical objects of the world, and also with the cultural interpretations current in its time.

Think of our own government in ideal terms for a moment. Its citizens are all individuals, with their own lives and interests. The government, if it has their loyalty, utilizes their energies in such a fashion that the majority are benefited, as is the government itself. Yet we cannot really put our finger on “the government,” though we might mention the White House as the seat of its power. The government is composed of many people, of course, and really extends all the way down the line, even to its least citizen, but the government can direct the use of energies, of goods, commerce, power, and so forth.

The people count upon the government to realistically define the conditions of the world, to have proper intelligence so that the activities in foreign lands are known, to keep up proper communication with other governments, and so forth. Now in some important respects the reasoning mind is like the government in this analogy. If the people in power are paranoid, then they overestimate the dangers of any given world situation. They overreact, or over mobilize, using a disproportionate amount of energy and time for defense, and taking energies away from other projects. The reasoning mind acts in the same fashion when paranoid beliefs are in power. It therefore tells all of the citizens — or cells of the body — to mobilize for action, to be on the alert, to pare down all but necessary activities, and so forth.

When a government is paranoid, it even begins to cut down on the freedom of its own peoples, or to frown upon behavior that in freer times would be quite acceptable. The same applies to the conscious mind in that situation. Now the people might finally revolt, or they will take certain steps to see that their freedom is restored, and so the body’s cells will do the same.

So what we want, obviously,  is to ensure that the conscious mind, with its reasoning processes, can make proper adjustments about the nature of the world and the individual citizens within it. I will return later to the purposes of man’s and woman’s conscious mind in nature, and part of that discussion will fall in my blogs.

Man’s and woman’s mind is really more of a process. It is not a completed thing, like an arm of leg, but a relationship and a process. That process has its source in what I can only call “natural reasoning.”

We are given far more knowledge than we realize when we are born, for example. I am not speaking of genetic information alone, as we understand it, but of a natural yet intuitive reasoning process that is that result of the relationships that exist among all portions of the body. This is the kind of “reasoning” that is the source from which thinking emerges, and we might think of it as magical reasoning. Some people might not realize the immense power that they themselves hold in the form of consciousness. In this regard, man has endeavored to explore many mystical plants over millenia that nature has bountifully offered, such as the Ayahuasca plant (look at Iowaska Benefits: Healing for Cancer, Depression & More for some deeper insights). The innate desire to know more and explore the boundaries of what we know, has led us to seek through different means.

Each creature is born trusting.

There is no such thing as a killer instinct, with the implications and meaning that man and woman give that term. At levels almost impossible to describe to us in our adulthoods, all infants, for example, know that they are born into the environmental niches that suit them and no others — that are tailored to their requirements. We can usually see in a superficial fashion how animals under “natural conditions” fit into their environments so perfectly, so that their needs and desires and equipment meet and merge with the characteristics of the environment. It is not nearly as easy to see that the same applies to man and woman and his and her mental and physical environment, his and her town or country or culture, but the infant trusts from the very first moment.

We may not consider trust an attribute connected with reasoning, but it is indeed, for it represents the creature’s innate understanding of the support with which it has been gifted. The natural person still feels that trust. There are many books written about occult knowledge, or magical knowledge. Most of them are filled with distortions, but they are all efforts to uncover man’s and woman’s natural magical reasoning. I will also have more to say on that subject in later blogs.

The body’s natural healing processes, that naturally flow and are naturally flowing when he or she allows himself or herself to trust his or her life and the support of his or her own being. It is our understanding that sets it all into motion. They must be allowed to happen, however, and that takes place as our understanding brings us in greater correspondence with the natural energy that is always our own.