Natural Mental Behavior

The way toward health is simplicity itself.

It is the natural, easiest watson’s emotions to seek the answers to a healthier mind. But actually, the answer is so simple. Live simply.

Since the intellect is apt to enjoy playing with complications and solving problems, therefore, to the intellect it often seems ludicrous to imagine that the answer to a question lies within the question itself.

All of nature demonstrates this almost miraculous seeming simplicity. Plants and animals and all of life’s aspects take it quite for granted that the sun will shine and the rains will fall in the way best conducive to all creatures. Animals certainly do not worry about tomorrow’s weather conditions. It may be true that animals do not need to know tomorrow’s weather, since they do not plant seeds or collect the harvest. It is perfectly fine to make plans for the future, yet each individual should live day by day, without worrying about the outcome of those plans.

The physical body can only react in the present moment. Worrying about future events, or dwelling upon past unfavorable situations, only confuses the body’s mechanisms, and undermines their precise activity in the present moment.

I am not saying that anyone should pretend that unfavorable circumstances do not sometimes exist, or that they may not be encountered in the past, present, or future. It is also true, however, that advantageous events occur with a far greater frequency than do negative ones — otherwise the world that we know simply would not exist. It would have disappeared in the throes of destruction or calamity.

In a basic way, it is against nature’s purposes to contemplate a dire future, for all of nature operates on the premise that the future is assured. Nature is everywhere filled with promise — not only the promise of mere survival, but the promise of beauty and fulfillment Once again, that keen sense of promise is innate within each portion of the body. It triggers the genes and chromosomes into their proper activity, and it promotes feelings of optimism, exuberance, and strength.

Again, sometime in later blogs we will discuss those conditions that can undermine such fine creativity. In the meantime, however, live each day as fully and joyfully as possible. imagine the best possible results of any plans or projects. Above all, do not concentrate upon past unfavorable events, or imagined future ones.

Now: If we examine our feelings about parenthood in general, we will see that they bear an astonishing similarity to our feelings about our work. Only the focus is different. We are indeed parents of our work we do, and the psychic parents of innumerable people of all ages. We have have set aside, however, the conventional idea of a family, as symbolized by our dreams. We are actually exchanging one kind of a family for another, vaster concept, that also involves parenthood, however — but a psychic rather than a physical parenthood.

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