Tag Archives: Electric Energy Units

The Multidimensional Theater

Pretend that you are a fine actor, playing in a multidimensional theater, so that each role you take attains a vitality far surpassing the creative powers of any ordinary play.

Each of us is embarked upon such an endeavor. We lose ourselves in our parts. We are involved in a kind of creative dilemma, since in a manner of speaking we confuse ourselves as the actor with the character we play so convincing that we are fooled.


We say: “I must maintain my individuality after death, ” as if after the play the actor playing Hamlet stayed in that role, refused to study other parts or go on in his career, and said: “I am Hamlet, forever bound to follow the dilemmas and the challenges of my way. I must upon maintaining my individuality.

In the dream sate the actors become aware to some extent of the parts they play, and sense the true personal identity that is behind the artist’s craft. It is important to remember that we impose a certain kind of “artificial” sense of exaggerated continuity even to the self we know. Our experience changes constantly, and so does the intimate context of our life — but we concentrate upon points of order, in our terms, that actually serve to scale down the context of our experience to make it more comprehensible. There are no such limits naturally set about our consciousness.


We have a mass psychological environment that forms our worldly culture, and corresponds to a worldly stage set in which experience than occurs. Certain psychological conventions act as props. There are, then, more or less formal psychological arrangements that are used as reference points, or settings. We group our experience within those arrangements. They serve to shape mental events as we physically perceive them.

In our lifetimes our experience must be physically felt and interpreted. Despite this, however, events spring from a non-physical source. Our recalled dreams are already interpretations of other non-physical events.


Putting it simply, our actual experience is far too vast for us to physically follow. Our particular kind of consciousness is the result of specialized focus within a particular area. We imagine it to be “absolute,” in that it seems to involve an all-exclusive state that includes our identity as we think of it — only we give it boundaries like a kingdom. It is, instead, a certain kind of organization that is indeed inviolate even while it in itself a portion of other kinds of consciousnesses, with their own points of focus. Our body itself is composed of self-aware organizations of consciousness that escape our notice and deal with perceptual material utterly alien to our own ways.

There are affiliations of a most “sophisticated” fashion that leap even the boundaries of the species. We look upon our cultural world with its art and manufacture, its cities, technology, and the cultivated use of the intellectual mind. We count our religions, sciences, archaeologies, and triumphs over the environment, and it seems to us that no other consciousness has wrought what man’s and woman’s has produced. Those “products” of our consciousness are indeed unique, creative, and form a characteristic mosaic that has its own beauty and elegance.


There are organizations of consciousness, however, that leapfrog the species, that produce no arts or sciences per se — yet these together form the living body of the earth and the physical creatures thereon. Their products are the seas upon which we sail our ships, the skies through which our airplanes fly, the land upon which our cities sprawl, and the very reality that makes our culture, or any culture, possible.

Man and Woman are a part of that trans-species consciousness also, as are the plants and animals. Also, part of man’s and woman’s reality contributes to that trans-species organization, but he or she has not chosen to focus his or her practical daily consciousness in that direction, or to identify his or her individuality with it. As a result he or she does not understand that greater natural mobility he or she possesses, nor can he or she practically perceive the natural psychological gestalts of which he or she is a part, that form all of our natural — meaning physical — world.


In dreams this relationship often is revealed. The truth behind such relationships is inherent in all God-Man, God-Woman, Animal-Man, or Animal-Woman legends and mythology. There are connections, then, between man, woman and the animals and the so-called gods, that hint at psychological and natural realities.

Any section of the land has an identity, so to speak, and I am not talking symbolically. Such identities represent the combined organizations of consciousness of land, man, woman, and animal, within any given realm. Simply enough put, there are as many kinds of consciousness as there particles, and these are combined in infinite fashions. In the dream sate some of that experience, otherwise closed to us, forms the background of the dream drama. Our consciousness is not one thing like a flashlight, that we possess. It is instead a literally endless conglomeration of points of consciousness, swarming together to form our validity — stamped, as it were, with our identity.


Whether dispersed, concentrated in a tight grouping, appearing “alone” or flying through other larger swarms, that particular organization represents our identity.

Using an analogy, its “particles” could be dispersed throughout the universe, with galaxies between, yet the identity would be retained. So unknowingly, now, portions of our consciousness mix and merge with those of other species without jarring our own sense of individuality one whit — yet forming other psychological realities upon which we do not concentrate.


In the dream state, animals, men, women, and plants merge their realities to some extent so that information belonging to one species is transferred to others in an inner communication and perception otherwise unknown in our world.

Psychological structures different from the ones we know.

The structures cannot directly perceive or experience our reality in their “present” form of organization. In a manner of speaking they are in the background, from which the foreground of our experience emerges. They appear in our dreams in various ways. They are like the cloth from which we are cut. They are forces which have no need of names except for our convenience.

Those psychological structures are also great energy activities, and as such are important initiators of events. They are seldom if ever physically materialized. Yet they are very responsive to the psychic needs of the people, and so they “appear” at various times in history with certain messages, in the same way that certain dreams might recur in a private mind.


In the most cosmic and most minute ways, physical experience springs from inner reality. Events are initiated from within and then appear without.


In our dreams we often visit other such realities, but we have not learned to organize our perception, or direct it. If entities form the background of our own existence, so do entities like ourselves act as the background psychological structures in which other such organizations exist. There is always a give-and-take in all such relationships.

Creativity, dreams, and the actual formation of physical events.

At the same time understand our need for some kind of of precise terminology, even while we know that in certain terms the more “precise” we become for our our individual benefit, the more we may miss of greater issues that escape such boundaries. Also avoid many preconceptions that are connected with certain words.

Nevertheless,, in dreams we are intimately connected with the processes by which physical events are formed. Events, again, gain their characteristics from those significances that we place upon the universe as our own being impresses it with our beliefs, desires, and individual nature.


As a continent does not exist alone, but also in relationship to other physical formations, so in our terms we form events so that they fit into a mass framework. We form our own reality. We do not form it isolated and alone, however. We are aware of other events and take them into consideration, for example, regardless of appearances. We cannot force another person to experience an event he or she rejects. Nor can anyone act in like manner against us. So-called good or bad events each faithfully follows the inner mechanics.

In order to become physical, probable events must meet certain conditions, as it were. They must fall into the proper time and space slots. There must be a psychological fit also, certain intensities reached in terms of desire, beliefs, or intent. By intensity I do not necessarily mean effort, vehement desire, or determined conscious intent. I mean instead the collection of certain intangible qualities, precisely focused toward physical activity.


Physical events imply the collection of basically non-physical forces into an organization that exists initially outside of the time-space context. This is a psychological organization, consisting of a selection of chosen probable events. These wait in the wings, so to speak, for physical actualization. The final trigger for that actualization may come from the waking or dream states, but it will represent the final factor needed — the quickening of inspiration, desire, or purpose — that will suddenly activate the initial psychological organization as a physical occurrence.

The Electromagnetic Energy units are important because they exist in an electromagnetic sphere of activity, and they trigger certain responses in the brain and nervous system. Events themselves involve a steady condition of highly related fields of activity, however, that exist between the electromagnetic energy units, so to speak.


These fields involve psychological reactions, not physically perceivable, and yet as explosive in their way as a nuclear detonation. That is, these psychological activities “explode” into physical events by virtue of a transformation and a charge that allows purely mental acts to “break the time-space barrier” and emerge as realities in a physical world. In a way, the Electromagnetic Energy units occur on the furthest reaches of this activity. If an event where a physical craft such as a spaceship, the Electromagnetic Energy units would allow it to land in our world, but would not be the original propellants. Those propellants are psychic fields of interrelationship.


Let us use an analogy. Pretend that you are a planet, as indeed in certain terms you are. You exist in a highly complicated and sophisticated universe. You know that space is filled with all kinds of inhabitants, and we all compare these space inhabitants to probable events. As a planet you have certain characteristics. Some space inhabitants would not be able to land under those conditions at all. The conditions represent your own psychological individuality. You send out messages to the stars because you are lonely, and events or visitors are one of your main methods of gaining experience and knowledge. To land their own rocket ships, space travelers must enter our atmosphere and use its conditions while maintaining their own integrity. They must also have their own reasons for such a visit.

Any physical events is something like the impact of a rocket ship entering our world from “somewhere else.” Thoughts often seem to swim in and out of our system of consciousness, and we barely notice. Events often appear and disappear in the same manner, yet they have impressed our reality. We have attracted them to one extent or another, and they have been attracted to us. Momentarily a field of relatedness is set up that is highly charged, one that provides an inner path by which probable events can flow into our area of recognized events.


This path exists on psychological levels, and triggers our perceptive mechanisms, which then of course react and dutifully perceive. Our intent or purpose or belief is one of the main attractions. These serve as beams searching the universe, but the conditions of manifestation also exist. There must be a proper fit.

Our own universe is not isolated. It is simply the one that we perceive.


There are in a basic sense other universes within the one that we recognize, and constantly happening in those universes are other events of which we are unaware. The universes exist one within the other, so to speak, and their events also one within the other, so that while any given event seems itself only in the terms that we recognize, it is a part of endless others that exist one within the other, and it is impossible at certain levels to separate the “portions.”


Our daily life seems to give us little evidence of this. Our dreams, however, often contain this kind of interrelatedness. Because we perceive events in the way that we do, of course, we see the familiar physical universe. Dream events, not as precise in space and time, often serve as a framework through which some evidence of other universes can be glimpsed. No system is closed, so there are interactions, so to speak, between all universes. No psychological system is closed either, even while it retains an inviolate nature that is indestructible.

Dreams, then, operate as vast mass communicative networks, far more effective at certain levels of the psyche than, for example, television is at a physical level.


The dream state can be used then as a psychological or psychic platform to view other realities, and to glimpse the inner mechanics by which non-physical events become actualized in our world.

No such thing as random motion.

There is no such thing as chaos. The universe, by what ever name and in whatever manifestation, attains its reality through ordered sequences of significances.

These are kept separate in various systems of actuality, while still combining in an overall fashion. We understand the cause-and-effect kind of order, but this is built upon the non-causal aspect of significances. In a way the dream that you recall are like numbered paintings, tailored to fit our own intents and purposes, fitting the contours of our mind so perfectly that we forget the larger experiences from which they were drawn.


Physically and psychically the dream itself is the result of the most precise kind of calculation and activity, in which complicated dramas and interactions occur, often highly charged and intense, and yet cut off from the body’s full participation. These significances, then, involve from our end certain biological cues that regulate the intersection of psychological events with physical activity in time and space. Only when all conditions match our own highly specific requirements are the necessary cues activated to give us physical experience. To the extent in dreams we are “on hold,” involved with a range of action too wide to fit the contours of practical earth experience.

These significances set up their own codes, then, so that physical events must be coded in a certain fashion, and dreams in another. There is, then, what can be called a pre-dream state, or a state of experience from which the dream will be formed. Such experience will carry a different kind of code, further divorcing it from that acceptable intersection with bodily activity, space, and time.


Our physical events happen to us as us. In dreams we may experience an event seemingly as someone else, or we may find oneself in the past or future instead of the present. In waking life we have the family that we recognize, or group of friends, or profession, or what have you. In dreams we may find oneself married to someone else, or living an entirely different kind of life. In a way dreams are like variations of the theme of our life, though in reality our life is the theme we have chosen from those possible versions.

To some extent, however, dream events are like physical ones a good deal of the time. Our dream perceptions seem physical — we walk, run, eat, and perform other physical functions. There are actually many other conditions of existence, but for now we will speak of a pre-dream state, which is actually composed of several conditions of actuality. Here the physical aspects of events largely vanish, comparatively speaking, the farther away we go from the dream state into inner reality. It would seem to us that experience becomes broader but less specific, but such is not the case. Experience does become broader, but it changes in quality so that, for example, one moment in our terms of such experience would provide the working material for five years of dreams.


This is simply an analogy because we are steeped in that other reality constantly; but its illuminations and nature are transmitted to the self that we know through the formation of dreams, and in our terms, “it takes time to dream.” This larger experience, from which our dreams are finally formed, involves us in a kind of journey. Using another analogy, it is as if we joyfully leave the normal paraphernalia of usual life behind, and ride aboard or own greater psyche into vaster seas of experience.


We leave behind the physical nature of events and go into those areas in which events are formed. In ways most difficult to describe, we encounter the universe in a more direct fashion, using inner senses that are far more ranging. Using our own indestructible validity as “bait,” we go forth to draw from the universe the raw material of experience. We are ourselves, yet at that level we are also a part of the universe from which that self springs, and its power and vitality are our own, to be uniquely focused. In our terms, we literally look backward and forward in time at our individual self and our civilization, seeing where they merge, and feeling the infinite connections, so that each event we choose as our own will also be chosen as a world event — participated in to whatever extent by others, and adding to the available experience of the species from which others can also draw.

A direct cognition is involved in which each consciousness knows what each other one is doing, its “position,” and the implications of its experience. The entire fabric and framework of time and reality at each point is ascertained, and the probabilities probed and understood.


All of this sounds very complicated. Yet in a different way that same processes occur at other levels, as in its way cellular consciousness perceives all of the probabilities concerned with physical survival in its most far-reaching complications. At this moment the cells within our body know the life conditions of any place on the planet, and compute these, ascertaining the ways in which they require action on the body’s part. Our cells are aware of the motion of the planets and of all circumstances regarding the body’s equilibrium, stability, and survival. The body is then formed constantly as the result of these computations.

In larger terms, in the pre-dream states we are aware of all of the activities of own greater psyche as it participates in — and contributes to — the infinite existence of psychic consciousness as we understand it, and becomes aware of the psychological realities that form the framework of its own stability.


Events do not become physical, then, unless requirements are met, and certain codes activated.

Experiences at pre-dream levels occur at their own intensities. The knowledge is translated into information that is broken down in the dream state into more specific data, highly symbolized, suiting individual requirements and “run through the body” in a kind of ghostly trail fashion.


It is then further processed into individual significances, drives, or intents, which convert it into the required codes that will then determine the nature of actualized waking events. Data must be of particular kinds of intensity before they register as physical matter, or are experience as physical events. Part of this processing occurs in the dream state, and creativity plays a large part into the preliminary process.

All probable events of our life exist at once, That are connected to the dream state.

Since our activities physically must be fitted into space-time framework, only a minimum of those probable events will physically occur.


Those that do are chosen with great discrimination, dreams serving as one of the methods by which we ascertain the desirability of any given probable act. There is basically no difference at these other levels of existence between waking and dream events. Creatively, then, we organize our experience in such a fashion, with the conscious mind as we think of it also carrying its own responsibility. Those events that we do not accept as physical ones, however, also exist and join their own organizations. They do not simply fall away from our experience, but serve as focus points for events that do not concern us directly, while indirectly they form a definite psychological background. To a certain extent they become the invisible medium of experience from which our own specialized activities emerge, so that their nature is implied in our own life — and so that our life is implied in those other frameworks.

To that extent the dream also serves as a drama of interweaving probabilities, a springboard from which events emerge in all directions. Each aspect of a dream, while having personal meaning, is also our version of a symbol that stands for a corresponding kind of event, but in a different level of reality entirely.


If we numbered each aspect of a dream, then each number would be represent itself in a different numbered system entirely. The surface numbers, or the familiar ones, would still serve to explain the dream in the context of our own world. As we live in an obvious physical universe, sharing in its reality, so each or us exists in a far vaster psychological or psychic universe — surrounded by, supported by, and part of psychic universe entities infinite in their variety. Our smallest action affects their reality, as theirs does ours. To some extent in the dream state we can perceive such entities more clearly, as at night the stars become more apparent, physically speaking. Psychological realities cannot be compared in terms of size, or bigger or smaller, for that validity and brilliance of each existence carries a personalized intensity so unique that it overshadows and such considerations.

The life of a star, the life of a flower, are entirely different in our terms of duration, size, and characteristics; yet each exists in a validity of experience that ultimately makes such comparisons meaningless. In the same way, it does not help to compare our own consciousness to one of star-like psychological or psychic properties. The psychological mobility of consciousness, however, allows for an inner kind of communication impossible to verbalize, an interlocking spiritual and biological language by which experience is directly transmuted. Many of our dreams therefore are translations of events occurring in other levels of the greater psyche.


There, events are not dependent upon time. We, on the other hand, must work with the time version of events. Dreams provide an elegant framework that allows us to break down timeless events, placing them properly in the context of our own world. This proper placements is quite dependent upon an inner knowledge of the “future.”


The dreams are often a synthesis of past, present, and future, where one main event is used as a focus point around which “present” events will be collected.

Each person is aware of the intimate nature of dreams

Despite this, certain symbols seem to be fairly universal in our experience., however, while obviously of concern, do not touch upon the greater events behind dream activity, or begin to touch upon the mysterious psychological actions that are behind the perception of any event. Dreams are primarily events, of course. Their importance to us lies precisely in the similarities and differences that characterize them in contrast to waking events.


Behind all of these issues are far deeper considerations. The nature of creativity itself is involved, and the characteristics of energy without which no action is possible.

Basically, the psyche is a manifestation of pure energy in a particular form. It is very difficult to consider its experience outside of the framework familiar to us. We demand a certain preciseness of definition and terminology. That vocabulary automatically structures the information, of course. The psyche is a conglomeration of energy gestalts. To understand that we must realize that pure energy has such transforming pattern-forming propensities that it always appears as its manifestations. It becomes its “camouflages.”


It may form particles, but it would be itself whether or not particles existed. In the most basic of terms, almost incomprehensible in our vocabulary, energy is not divided. There can be no portions or parts of it, because it is not an entity like a pie, to be cut or divided. For purposes of discussion, however, we must say that in our terms each smallest portion — each smallest unit of pure energy — contains within it the propelling force toward the formation of all possible variations of itself.

The smallest unit of pure energy, therefore, weighing nothing in our terms, containing within itself no mass, would hold within its own nature the propensity for the creation of matter in all of its forms, the impetus to create all possible universes. In those terms, energy cannot be considered without bringing to the forefront questions concerning the nature of God or All That Is, for the terms are synonymous.


We can say precisely that pure energy is everywhere within itself conscious, but the very words themselves somewhat distort the meaning, for I am speaking of a consciousness most difficult to describe.

Pure energy, or any “portion” of it, contains within itself the creative propensity toward individuation, so that within any given portion all individually conscious life is implied, created, sustained. Pure energy cannot be destroyed, and is “at every point” simultaneously being created. Our physical universe and laws give us little evidence of this kind of activity, for at the level the evidence shows us the appearance of time or decay. Our own psychological activity is the closet evidence we have, though we do not use it as such. Pure energy has no beginning or end. The psyche, our psyche, is being freshly created “at every point” of its existence. For that matter, despite all appearances, the physical universe was not born through some explosion of energy which is being dispersed, but is everywhere being created at all of its point “at each moment.”


The psyche’s basic experience, then, deals with a kind of activity that we cannot directly perceive, yet that existence is responsible for the events that we do perceive, and therefore acts as the medium in which our dreaming and waking events occur.

In that respect we cannot rip apart our events to find the reality behind them, for that reality is not so much a glue that holds events together, but is invisibly entwined within our own psychological being. There are obvious differences between what we think of as waking and dream events. We differentiate definitely between the two, making great efforts to see that they are neatly divided. In our world, conventional and practical sanity and physical manipulation are dependent upon our ability to discriminate, accepting as real only those events with which others more of less agree.


These so-called real events, however, have changed radically through the ages. “Once” the gods walked the earth, and waged battles in the skies and seas. People who believed such things were considered sane — and were sane, for the accepted framework of events was far different from our own. In historic terms the changing nature of accepted events provides far more than, say, a history of civilization, but mirrors the every-creative nature of the psyche.


All of the elements of physical experience at any given time are present in the dream state. Practically speaking, however, the species accepts certain portions of dream reality as its so-called real events at any particular time, and about those specialized events it forms its “current” civilizations. Historically speaking, early men and women dreamed of airplanes and rocket ships. For that matter, their natural television operated better in some ways than our technological version, for their mental images allowed them to perceive events in neighboring areas or in other portions of the world. They could not simply press a button to bring this about, however. The psychic and biological mechanisms were there, permitting the species to know, particularly in time of stress or danger, what normally unperceived events might threaten survival. But in the dream state, then as now, all such issues were contemporary, acting as models from which the species then chose the practical events that formed its physical experience.


To that extent a study of the dream state gives us some important insights as to to the nature of the psyche. In certain terms we are “prepackaged.” We always recognized one package of psychological reality as “us”. In basic terms we are always arriving by kind of, instantaneous mail into that package, however. We are unknowingly immersed in and a part of pure energy, being newly created in each moment, so that the energy of our atoms and molecules and or our physical universal is being replenished at every conceivable moment.


Our psyche is being drawn back into itself, into All That Is, and “out of itself” into our individuation, in psychological pulses or activity that have a correlation with the behavior of electrons in our world. In dream or sleep state, when we do not meet as directly with physical activity, there is the opportunity to learn more about the psyche by a study of dreams — those events that are so like and so dissimilar to our waking experience.

No event has a beginning or ending.

This is true of life. It is true of dream. The information is not practical in our terms, because it denies our direct experience. Upon request, however, and with some practice, we can suggest in the middle of a dream that it expand to its larger proportions. We would then experience one dream wrapped in another, or several occurring at one time — all involving aspects of a particular theme or probability, with each connected to the others, although to us the connections might not be apparent.


Each event of our life is contained within each other event. In the same way, each lifetime is contained in each other lifetime. The feeling of reality is “truer” then in the dream state. We can become consciously aware of our dreaming. We can also allow our “dream self” greater expression in the waking state. This can be done through techniques that are largely connected with creativity.


Creativity connects waking and dreaming selves merge to form constructs that belong equally to each reality. We cannot begin to understand how we form the physical events of our lives unless we understand the connections between creativity, dreams, play, and those events that form our waking hours. In one respect dramas are a kind of structured unconscious play. Our mind dreams in joyful pleasure at using itself, freed from the concerns of practical living. Dreams are the mind’s free play. The spontaneous activity, however, is at the same time training in the art of forming practical events.


Probabilities can be juggled, tried out without physical consequences. The mind follows its natural bents. It has far more energy than we allow it to use, and it releases this in great “fantasies” — fantasies from which we will choose facts that we will experience. At the same time dreaming is an art of the highest nature, in which all are proficient. There are structured dreams as there are structured games in waking life. There are mass dreams “attended by many.” There are themes, both mass and private, that serves as a basis of framework. Yet overall, the mind’s spontaneous activity continues because it enjoys its own activities.


Language operates as a screening device.

Language enables us to communicate certain data while effectively blocking out other kinds.

When we speak a sentence we do not stop to consider all of the rules of grammar. We do not mentally diagram the sentence ahead of time. We simply speak more or less automatically. This involves the utmost precision, both mentally and physically. When we experience an event, we do not usually stop either to examine the rules of perception or to wonder what these are. We simply experience or perceive.


Those experienced events, however, are also the result of a screening process. They attain their focus, brilliance, and physical validity because they rise into prominence on the backs of other seemingly unperceived events. In dream state we work intimately with the “inner grammar” of events. In dreams we find the unspoken sentence and the physically unexperienced act. The skeletons of the inner workings of events are there more obvious. Actions are not yet fully fleshed out. The mechanics of our waking psychological behavior are brilliantly delineated. That state can be explored and utilized far more fully than it is, and should be. Yet there will always be a veil between the waking and sleeping consciousness, for while we are physical, the waking mind can only deal with so much information. It would simply forget what it cannot hold.

Our dreams affect our cellular reality, even as that reality is also largely responsible for the fact that we dream, in our terms, at all. Dreams are a natural “product” of cellularly tuned consciousness. As fire gives off light, cellularly tuned consciousness gives off dreams.


Such a consciousness is at a state of being in which its reality generates more energy and power than it can physically express in its brilliant intersection with physical reality. The “sparks” generated by each instant of its existence cause additional experiences, perceptions, that will not fit in the known moment of the present — for by then in our terms that present has already vanished into the past. These events and responses continue to operate, however, particularly in the dream state where they do not interact directly with full physical experience, as waking events do. All of these parallel or alternate experiences are then used to construct the physical events that we recognize. We speak a sentence truly so that the end of it comes smoothly, though when we begin it we may not have known consciously what we were going to say. Some part of us knew the sentence’s beginning and end at once, however.


In dreams we know the beginning and end of events in the same fashion. Any one action in our life is taken in context with all of the other events from our birth to our death. Now it seems to us that because we speak one sentence at any given time, rather than ten other possible versions of it, the sentence as spoken is the “correct” one. Its probable variations in grammar or tense or inflection escape us entirely. Yet unconsciously we may have tried out and discarded all of those, even though we have no memory of such experiences. So even in forming sentences we deal with probabilities, and to some extent that might be involved with each unspoken sentence.

Even as we speak our sentence with such fine conscious nonchalance, inner choices are still being made, as we unconsciously check our communications against events occurring outside us as we speak.


So, while each action of our life is taken in context with all other actions of our life until our death, this does not mean that our death is predestined to occur at any given time. As we might change our sentence in the middle from one version to another without even being consciously aware of it, so as we live our life we also work with probabilities. We are the self who speaks the sentence, and we are the self who lives the life. We are larger than the sentence that we speak, and larger than the life we live.


We cannot remember all of the sentences we spoke today. We may have a general idea of what we said. It certainly seems to us that we said one thing at any given time rather than something else. It also seems that witnesses would back us up. It certainly seems that waking events are more steady and dependable than dream events.

Information flows, at such a rate and in such quantities that we could not possibly process any but a small portion.

Our physical senses, act almost like a biological alphabet, allowing us to organize and perceive certain kinds of information from which we form the events of our world and the contours of our reality.


Our conscious knowledge rests upon an invisible, unspoken, psychological and physical language that provides the inner support for the communications and recognized happenings of conscious life. These inner languages are built up as cords, and cords are psychic organizational units from which, then, all alphabets are born. Alphabets imply cords, but cannot contain then , any more than English can contain Russian, French, Chinese, Tagalog, or any combination. If we try to speak English we cannot speak Chinese at the same time. One precludes the other, even while one implies the existence of the other, for to the degree all languages have some common roots.


In a way events are like the spoken components of language, yet voiced in a living form — and not for example only sounded. These are based upon the sensual alphabet, which itself emerges from non-sensual cords. A sentence is built up as words, parts of speech, verbs, and adjectives, subjects and predicates, vowels and syllables, and underneath there is the entire structure that allows us to speak or read to begin with. To some extent, events are built up in the same fashion. We form and organize sentences, yet we speak on faith, with out actually knowing the methods involved in our speaking. So we only recognize the surface of that activity.


In the same way we form events, often without being aware that we do so. It seems that events happen as it seems words are spoken. We were taught how to construct sentences in school, and we learned how to speak from our elders. We were involved with event-making before the time of our birth. The psyche forms events in the same way that the ocean forms waves — except that the ocean’s waves are confined to its surface or to its basin, while the psyche’s events are instantly translated, and splash out into mass psychological reality. In waking life we meet the complete event, so to speak. We encounter events in the arena of waking consciousness. In the dream state, and at other levels of consciousness, we deal more directly with the formation of events. We are usually as unaware of this process as we are in normal practice of the ways in which we form our sentences, which seem to flow from us so automatically.

The psyche, as it is turned toward physical reality, is a creator of events, and through them it experiences its own reality as through our own speech we hear our voice.


In dreams, then, we are involved in the inner process by which physical events are formed. We deal with the psychological components of actions which we will, awake, form into the consecutive corporal “language” that results in the action of our days.

The events that we recognize as official have a unitary nature in time that precludes those probable versions of them, from which they arose — versions that appeared to one extent or another in the dream state. Again, if we speak the English sentence “I am here,” you cannot speak the Chinese version at the same time. In that regard, in our framework of action we choose to “speak” one event rather than another. Our formulation of events, however, does not simply reside in our unique psychological properties, of course, but is possible because of the corporal alphabet of the flesh.


Now as it is possible for any one human being to speak more than one language, it is also possible for us to put physical data together in other ways than those usually used. The body is capable then of putting together different languages of reality. In usual terms, for example, our body can only be in one place at one time, and our experience of events is determined in large measure by our body’s position. Yet there are biological mechanisms that allow us to send versions or patterns of our body outside of its prime position, and to perceive from those locations. In sleep and dream states we do this often, correlating the newly perceived data with usual sense information, and organizing it all without a qualm. For that matter, the preciseness of our flexibility, which gives us a broad base from which to form our secure focus.

Events emerge like spoken words, then, into our awareness. We speak, yet who speaks, and in our briefest phrase, what happen? The atoms and molecule within our vocal cords, and lungs and lips, do not understand one word of the language they allow us to speak so liquidly. Without their cooperation and awareness, however, not a word would be spoken.


Yet each of those nameless atoms and molecules cooperates in a vast venture, incomprehensible to us, that makes our speech possible, and our reality of events is built up from a “cord” of activity in which each spoken word has a history that stretches further back into the annals of time than the most ancient of fossils could remember. I am speaking in our terms of experience, for in each word spoken in our present, we evoke that past time, or we stimulate it into existence so that its reality and ours are coexistent.

In dreams even the past is in present tense. Events are everywhere forming. We make and remake the past as well as the future. We choose from those experiences certain ones as events in normal waking reality.


While we can only speak one sentence at a time, and in but one language, and while that sentence must be sounded one vowel or syllable at a time, still it is the result of a kind of circular knowledge or experience in which the sentence’s beginning and end is known simultaneously. If the end of it were not known, the beginning could not be started so expertly.


In the  same way the experienced event occurring in time is dependent upon a circular happening, in which beginning and end are entwined, not one occurring before the other, but coexistent.

The body reacts to information about the environment.

Information which we are not consciously concerned. That same information is highly important to the body’s integrity, however, and therefore to our own mental stance.

On cellular levels the body has a picture not only of its own present condition, but of all those aspects of the physical environment that affect its own condition. In its own codified fashion it is not only aware of local weather conditions, for example, but of all those world patterns of weather upon which the local area is dependent. It then prepares itself ahead of time to meet whatever challenges of adjustment will be necessary. It weighs probabilities; it reacts to pressures of various kinds.


We are aware of pressure through touch, but in another version of that sense entirely, the cells react to air pressure. The body knows to the most precise degree the measurements involving radiation of all kinds. At one level, the body itself has a picture of reality of its own, upon which our conscious reality must be based — and yet the body’s terms of recognition or knowledge exist in terms so alien to our conscious ones as to be incomprehensible. Our conscious order, therefore, rides upon this greater circular kind of knowledge.

Generally speaking, the psyche has the same kind of instant overall comprehension of psychological events and environments as our body has of physical ones. It is then aware of our overall psychological climate; locally, as it involves us personally, and in world terms.


Our actions take place with such seeming smoothness that we do not realize the order involved. A volcanic eruption in one corner of the world will ultimately affect the entire earth in varying degrees. An emotional eruption will do the same thing on another level, altering the local area primarily but also sending out its ripples into the mass psychological environment. The psyche’s picture of reality, then, would be equally incomprehensible to the conscious mind because of the intense focus upon singularity that our usual consciousness requires.

Our dreams often give us glimpses, however, of the psyche’s picture of reality in that regard.


We become aware of probabilities, as actions sometimes that seem to have no connection with our own, but which are still related to them in that greater scheme of interaction that ordinarily we do not comprehend.

When we grow from a baby to an adult we do not just grow tall: we grow all about oneself, adding weight and thickness as well. To some extent events “grow” in the same fashion, and from the inside out, as we do. In a dream we are closer to those stages in which events are born. In our terms they emerge from the future and from the past, and are given vitality because of creative tension that exists between what we think of as our birth and our death. We make sentences out of alphabet of our language. We speak these or write them, and use them to communicate. Events can be considered in the same fashion, as psychological sentences put together from the alphabet of the senses — experience sentences that are lived instead of written, formed into perceived history instead of just being penned, for example, into a book about history.


Our language to some extent programs our experience. There is a language of the senses, however, that gives us biological perception, experience, and communication. It forms the nature of the events that we can perceive. It puts experience together so that it is physically felt. All of our written or verbal languages have to be based upon this biological “alphabet.” There is far greater leeway here than there is in any of our spoken or written languages.


I use the word “cord” to express the source out of which such languages spring. There are many correlations of course between our language and our body. Our spoken language is dependent upon our breath, and even written language is dependent upon the rapidity with which messages can leap the nerve endings. Biological cords then must be the source for physical languages, but the cords themselves arise from the psyche’s greater knowledge as it forms the physical mechanism to begin with.


Dreams are a language of the psyche, in which man’s and woman’s nature merges in time and out of it. Man and woman have sense experiences. He/she runs, though he or she lies in bed. He/she shouts though no word is spoken. He/she still has the language of the flesh, and yet that language is only opaquely connected with the body’s mechanisms. He/she deals with events, yet they do not happen in his or her bedroom, or necessarily in any place that he or she can find upon awakening.

We have been taught dreams, are imaginary events.

In larger terms it is futile to question whether or not dreams are true, for they simply are. We do consider a dream true, however, if its events later occur in fact.

In the life of psyche a dream is no more or less “true,” whether or not it is duplicated in waking life. Dream events happen in a different context — one, we might say, of the imagination. Here we experience a valid reality that exists on its own, so to speak; one in which the psyche’s own language is given greater freedom.


Some of us may try to remember our dreams, but none of us have to relate to dream reality as we must to physical life.

To some extent, however, we form physical events while we are dreaming. Then, freed from waking limitations, we process our experience, weigh it according to our own intents and purposes, correlate it with information so vast we could not be consciously aware of it. In most dreams we do not simply think of a situation. We imaginatively become part of it. It is real in every fashion except that of physical fact.


When we meet with any fact, we encounter the tail end of a certain kind of creativity. The psyche, however, is responsible for bringing facts into existence. In that reality a so-called fact is equally true or equally false. The dream that we remember is already a translation of a deeper experience.

It is cast for us so that it bridges self. Dreams serve as dramas, transferring experience from one level of the psyche to another. In certain portions of sleep, our experience reaches into areas of being so vast that the dream is used to translate it for us.


The power to dream springs from that source. Dreaming is not a passive activity. It demands a peculiar and distinctive mixture of various kinds of consciousness, and the transformation of “nonphysical perception” into symbols and codes that will be sensually understood, though not directly experienced as in waking experienced as in waking experience.

We take dreaming for granted, yet it is the result of a characteristic ability that is responsible for the very subjective feeling that we call conscious life. Without it our normal consciousness would not be possible.


A spoken language is, again, dependent upon other languages that could possibly be spoken, and thus its sounds rise into prominence and order because of the silences and pauses between them; so our waking consciousness is dependent upon what we think of as sleeping or dreaming consciousness. It rises into prominence in somewhat the same fashion, riding upon other possible versions of itself; alert only because — in our terms — of hidden pauses within its alertness.

The ability to dream presupposes the existence of experience that is not defined as physical fact. It presupposes a far greater freedom in which objects appear or are dismissed with equal ease, a subjective framework in which the individual freely expresses what he or she will in the most direct of fashions, yet without physical contact in usual terms.


The reality represents our origin, and is the natural environment in which the psyche resides. Our beliefs, cultural background, and to some extent our languages, set up barriers so that this dream dimension seems unreal to us. Even when we catch ourselves in the most vivid of dream adventures, or find ourselves traveling outside of our bodies while dreaming, we still do not give such experiences equal validity with waking ones.

Subjectively speaking, we are everywhere surrounded by our own greater reality, but we do not look in the right places. We have been taught not to trust our feelings, our dreams, or our imagination precisely because these do not often fit the accepted reality of facts.


They are the creators of facts, however. In no way do I mean to demean the intellect. It is here, however, that the tyranny of the fact world holds greatest sway. The intellect has been denied its wings. Its field of activity has been limited because we have given it only facts to go on.

Biologically, we are quite capable of dealing with dreaming and waking reality both, and of forming a far more effective synthesis in that regard. All of our creative impulses arise from that hidden dimension — the very impulses that formed our greatest cities, our technology, and the physical cement that binds our culturally organized world.


The creative impulses are behind our languages, yet often we use the languages to silence rather than free inner communication. There have always been rhythms in consciousness that are not historically obvious. At certain times some behavior has been primarily expressed in the waking state, and sometimes in the dream state. The emphasis is never static, but ever-changing. In some periods, then, the normal behavior was “more dreamlike,” while more specific developments occurred in the dream state, which was then the more clear or specified of the two. Men went to sleep to do their work, in other words, and the realm of dreams was considered more real than waking reality. Now the opposite is true.