Language operates as a screening device.

Language enables us to communicate certain data while effectively blocking out other kinds.

When we speak a sentence we do not stop to consider all of the rules of grammar. We do not mentally diagram the sentence ahead of time. We simply speak more or less automatically. This involves the utmost precision, both mentally and physically. When we experience an event, we do not usually stop either to examine the rules of perception or to wonder what these are. We simply experience or perceive.


Those experienced events, however, are also the result of a screening process. They attain their focus, brilliance, and physical validity because they rise into prominence on the backs of other seemingly unperceived events. In dream state we work intimately with the “inner grammar” of events. In dreams we find the unspoken sentence and the physically unexperienced act. The skeletons of the inner workings of events are there more obvious. Actions are not yet fully fleshed out. The mechanics of our waking psychological behavior are brilliantly delineated. That state can be explored and utilized far more fully than it is, and should be. Yet there will always be a veil between the waking and sleeping consciousness, for while we are physical, the waking mind can only deal with so much information. It would simply forget what it cannot hold.

Our dreams affect our cellular reality, even as that reality is also largely responsible for the fact that we dream, in our terms, at all. Dreams are a natural “product” of cellularly tuned consciousness. As fire gives off light, cellularly tuned consciousness gives off dreams.


Such a consciousness is at a state of being in which its reality generates more energy and power than it can physically express in its brilliant intersection with physical reality. The “sparks” generated by each instant of its existence cause additional experiences, perceptions, that will not fit in the known moment of the present — for by then in our terms that present has already vanished into the past. These events and responses continue to operate, however, particularly in the dream state where they do not interact directly with full physical experience, as waking events do. All of these parallel or alternate experiences are then used to construct the physical events that we recognize. We speak a sentence truly so that the end of it comes smoothly, though when we begin it we may not have known consciously what we were going to say. Some part of us knew the sentence’s beginning and end at once, however.


In dreams we know the beginning and end of events in the same fashion. Any one action in our life is taken in context with all of the other events from our birth to our death. Now it seems to us that because we speak one sentence at any given time, rather than ten other possible versions of it, the sentence as spoken is the “correct” one. Its probable variations in grammar or tense or inflection escape us entirely. Yet unconsciously we may have tried out and discarded all of those, even though we have no memory of such experiences. So even in forming sentences we deal with probabilities, and to some extent that might be involved with each unspoken sentence.

Even as we speak our sentence with such fine conscious nonchalance, inner choices are still being made, as we unconsciously check our communications against events occurring outside us as we speak.


So, while each action of our life is taken in context with all other actions of our life until our death, this does not mean that our death is predestined to occur at any given time. As we might change our sentence in the middle from one version to another without even being consciously aware of it, so as we live our life we also work with probabilities. We are the self who speaks the sentence, and we are the self who lives the life. We are larger than the sentence that we speak, and larger than the life we live.


We cannot remember all of the sentences we spoke today. We may have a general idea of what we said. It certainly seems to us that we said one thing at any given time rather than something else. It also seems that witnesses would back us up. It certainly seems that waking events are more steady and dependable than dream events.

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