Tag Archives: Creavitity

We express very little of our entire personhood

This remark has nothing to do with our accepted concepts of the unconscious portions of the self. Our idea of the unconscious are so linked to our limited ideas of personhood as to be meaningless in this discussion. It is as if we used only one finger of one hand, and then said: “This is the proper expression of my personhood.” It is not just that there are other functions of the mind, unused, but that in those terms we have other minds. We have one brain, it is true, but we allow it to use only one station, or to identify itself only one mind of many.


It seems evident to us that one person has one mind. We identify with the mind we use. If we had another, then it would seem as if we must be someone else. A mind is a psychic pattern through which we interpret and form reality. We have physical limbs that we can see. We have minds that are invisible. Each one can organize reality in a different fashion. Each one deals with its own kind of knowledge.


These minds all work together to keep us alive through the physical structure of the brain. When we use all of these minds, then and only then do we become fully aware of our surroundings. We perceive reality more clearly than we do now, more sharply, brilliantly, and concisely. At the same time, however, we comprehend it directly. We comprehend what it is apart from our physical perception of it. We accept as ourselves those other states of consciousness native to our other minds. We achieve true personhood.


In terms of history, some ancient races achieved such goals, but in our terms, so long ago that we cannot find evidence of their knowledge.

Through the centuries various individuals have come close, yet had no vehicle of expression that would have enabled the members of the species to understand. They possessed ,methods, but the methods presupposed or necessitated a knowledge the others did not possess.


The dream and painting, are aspects of another kind of perception. A nonverbal comprehension that will, on another level, reorganize some of our beliefs. We can accelerate mentally to a certain degree, and find an additional energy source. Activate certain portions of the brain that connect it to another mind, that people do not as yet realize they possess.

The Other Ways Of Receiving Information Than Those We Take For Granted

There are other kinds of knowledge. These deal with organizations with which we are generally not familiar. It is not merely a matter of learning new methods to acquire knowledge, then, but a situation in which old methods must be momentarily set aside– along with the type of knowledge that is associated with them.


It is not a matter, either, of there simply being one other category of knowledge, for there are numerous other such categories, many of them biologically within our reach. Various so-called esoteric traditions provide certain methods that allow an individual to set aside accepted modes of perception, and offer patterns that may be used as containers for these other kinds of knowledge. Even these containers must necessarily shape the information received, however. Some such methods are very advantageous, yet they have also become too rigid and autocratic, allowing little room for deviation. Dogmas are then set up about them so that only a certain body of data is considered acceptable. The systems no longer have the flexibility that first gave them birth.


The kind of knowledge upon which we depend needs verbalization. It is very difficult for us to consider the accumulation of any kind of knowledge without the use of language as we understand it. Even our remembered dreams are often verbalized constructs. We may also use images, but these are familiar images, born of the educated and hence prejudiced perceptions. Those remembered dreams have meaning and are very valuable, but they are already organized for us to some extent, and out into a shape that we can somewhat recognize.


Beneath those levels, however, we comprehend events in an entirely different fashion. These whole comprehensions are then packaged even in the dream state, and translated into unusual sense terms.


Any information or knowledge must have a pattern if we are going to understand it at all. Information has nothing to do with words but an overall comprehension of the nature of, a direct knowing. Use one’s own abilities as a container. This direct kind of knowledge is available through desire, love, intent or belief.


Many kind of knowledge. Think of them as states of knowledge. Perception of any of these takes a consciousness attuned to each. In our “waking” condition. We can operate at many levels of consciousness at once, and deal therefore with different systems of knowledge. In our “dream” condition, or rather conditions, we form links of consciousness that combine these various systems, creatively forming them into new versions. “Waking” again, we become consciously aware of those activities, and use them to add to the dimensions of our usual state, creatively expanding our experience of reality. What we learn is transmitted automatically to others like us, and their knowledge is transmitted to us.


We are each consciously aware of these transmissions. In the terms usually familiar to us, we think of “the conscious mind.” In those terms, there are many conscious minds. We are so prejudiced, however, that we ignore information that we have been taught cannot be conscious. All of our experience, therefore, is organized according to our beliefs.


It is much more natural to remember our dreams than not to remember them. It is presently in the vogue to say that the conscious mind, as we consider it, deals with survival. It deals with survival only insofar as it promotes survival in our particular kind of society. In those terms, if we remembered our dreams, and if we benefited consciously from the knowledge, even our physical survival would be better assured.


One level of dream life deals particularly with biological condition of the body, giving us not just hints of health difficulties, but the reasons for them and the ways to circumvent them. Information about the probable future is also given to help us make conscious choices. We have taught ourselves that we cannot be conscious in our dreams, whoever, because we interpret the word “conscious” so that it indicates only our own prejudiced concept. As a result, we do not have any culturally acceptable patterns that allow us to use our dreams competently.


Trance states, daydreaming, hypnotism — these give us some hint of the various differences that can occur from the standpoint of waking consciousness. In each, reality appears in another fashion, and for that matter, different rules apply. In the dream state far greater variations occur. They key to the dream state, however, lies in the waking one as far as we are concerned. We must change our ideas about dreaming, alter our concepts about it, before we can begin to explore it. Otherwise our own waking prejudice will close the door.

We Are Born With The Inclination Towards Language

Language is implied in our physical structure. We are born with the inclination to learn and to explore. When we are conceived, there is already a complete pattern for our own physical body — a pattern that is definite enough to give us the recognizable kind of adult form, while variable enough to allow for literally infinite variations.


It would be idiotic of us to say that we were forced to become an adult, however. For one thing, at any given time we could end the process — and many do. In other words, because the pattern for development exists in our terms, this does not mean that each such development is not unique.


In our terms again, then, at any one earth time many such patterns exist. In greater respects however, all time is simultaneous, and so all such physical patterns exist at once.

In the psychic areas all patterns for knowledge, cultures, civilizations, personal and mass accomplishments, sciences, religions, technologies and arts, exist in the same fashion.


The private psyche, the part of us that we do not recognize, is aware of those patterns even as it is aware of private physical biological patterns about which it forms our image. Certain leanings, inclinations, and probabilities are present then in our biological structure, to be triggered or not according to our purposes and intents. We may personally have the ability to be a fine athlete, for example. Yet our inclinations and intents may carry us in a different direction, so that the necessary triggers are not activated. Each individual is gifted in a variety of ways. His or her own desires and beliefs activate certain abilities and ignore others.


The human species has built into it all the knowledge, information, and “data” that it can possibly need under any and all conditions. This heritage must be triggered psychically, however, as a physical mechanism such as a music is triggered through desire or intent.


This does not mean that we learn what in larger terms we already know; as for example, if we learn a skill. Without the triggering desire, the skill would not be developed; but even when we do learn a skill, we use it in our own unique way. Still, the knowledge of mathematics and the arts is a much within us as our genes are within us. We usually believe that all such information must come from outside of our self, however. Certainly mathematics formulas are not imprinted in the brain, yet they are inherent in the structure of the brain, and implied within its existence. Our own focus determines the information that is available to us.


The information, however, is extremely valuable, and knowledge on any kind of subject is available in just such a manner– but it is attained through desire and through intent.

This does not mean that any person, spontaneously, with no instruction, can suddenly become a great artist or writer or scientist. Even becoming a proofreader requires huge amounts of study and dedication. Whether you work for a large corporation, or if you work from home on a freelance basis, you still need plenty of talent and a passion for words. It does mean, however, that the species possesses within itself those inclinations which will flower. It means also that we are limiting the range of our knowledge by not taking advantage of such methods. It does not mean that in our terms all knowledge already exists, either, for knowledge automatically becomes individualized as we receive it, and hence, new.


Our desire automatically attracts the kind of information we require, though we may or may not be aware of it.


If we are gifted, and want to be a musician, for example, then we may literally learn while we are asleep, tuning in to the world views of other musicians, both alive and dead in our terms. When we are awake, we will receive inner hints, nudges or inspirations. We may still need to practice, but our practice will be largely in joy, and will not take as long as it might others. The reception of such information facilitates skill, and operates basically outside of time’s sequences.


It seems almost heresy to suppose that such knowledge is available, for then what use is education? Yet education should serve to introduce a student to as many fields of endeavor as possible, so that he or she might recognize those that serve as natural triggers, opening skills or furthering development. The student will, then pick and choose. There are, or course, probable futures from the standpoint of our past. Future information is theoretically available there, just as the body’s future pattern of development was at our birth– and that certainly was practical.

We organize our experience in terms of time

Our usual stream of consciousness is also highly associative, however. Certain events in the present will remind us if past ones, for example, and sometimes our memory of the past will color present events.


Association or not, physically we will remember events in time, with present moments nealy following past ones. The psyche deals largely with associative processes, however, as it organizes events through association. Time as such has little meaning in that framework. Associations are tied together, so to speak, by emotional experience. In a large manner, the emotions defy time.

The Stamp of Identity

Any word, simply by being thought, written or spoken, immediately implies a specification. In our daily reality it is very handy to distinguish one thing from another by giving each item a name. When we are dealing with subjective experience, however, definitions can often serve to limit rather than express a given experience. Obviously the psyche is not a thing. It does not have a beginning or ending. It cannot be seen or touched in normal terms. It is useless, therefore, to attempt any description of it through usual vocabulary, for our language, primarily allows us to identify physical rather than nonphysical experience.


I am not saying that words cannot be used to describe the psyche, but they cannot define it. It is futile to question: “What is the difference between my psyche and my soul, my entity and my greater being?” for all of these are terms used in an effort to express the greater portions or our own experience that we sense within ourselves. Our use of language may make us impatient for definitions. The psyche’s reality escapes all definitions, defies all categorizing, and shoves aside with exuberant creativity all attempts to wrap it up in a neat package.


When we begin a physical journey, we feel oneself distinct from the land through which we travel. No matter how far we journey–on a motorcycle, in a car or plane, or on foot, by bicycle or camel, or truck or vessel, still we are the wanderer, and the land or ocean or desert in the environment through which we roam. When we begin our travels into our own psyche, however, everything changes. We are also the vehicle and the environment. We form the roads, our method of travel, the hills or mountains or oceans, as well as the hills, farms, and villages of the self, or of the psyche, as we go along.


When in colonial times men and women traveled westward across the continent of North America, many of then took it on faith that the land did indeed continue beyond–for example–towering mountains. When we travel as pioneers through our own reality, we create each blade of grass, each inch of land, each sunset and sunrise, each oasis, friendly cabin or enemy encounter as we go along.


Now if we are looking for simple definitions to explain the psyche, I will be of no help. If we want to experience the splendid creativity of our own being, however, then we can use methods that will arouse our greatest adventuresomeness, our boldest faith in oneself, and paint pictures of our psyche that will lead us to experience even its broadest reaches, if we so desire. The psyche, then, is not a known land. It is simply an alien land, to which or through which we can travel. It is not a completed or nearly complete subjective universe already there for us to explore. It is, instead, an ever-forming state of being, in which our present sense of existence resides. We create it and it creates us.


It creates in physical terms that we recognize. On the other hand, we create physical time for our psyche, for without us there would be no experience of the seasons, their coming and their passing.


There would be no experience of the privacy of the moment, so if one portion of our being wants to rise above the solitary march of the moments, other parts of our psyche rush, delighted, into that particular time-focus that is our own. As we now desire to understand the timeless, infinite dimensions of our own greater existence, so “even now” multitudinous elements of that unearthly identity just as eagerly explore the dimensions of earth-being and creaturehood.


Imagine the odd effects that might occur if we tried to take our watch or other timepiece into other levels of reality. Now, when we try to interpret our selfhood in other kinds of existence, the same surprises or distortions or alterations can seem to occur. When we attempt to understand our psyche, and define it into terms of time, then it seems that the idea of reincarnation makes sense. We think “Of course. My psyche lives many lives physically, one after the other. If my present experience is dictated by that in my childhood, then surely; my current life is a result of earlier ones.” And so we try to define the psyche in terms of time, and in so doing limit our understanding and even our experience of it.


Let us try another analogy: You are an artist in the throes of inspiration. There is before you a canvas, and you are working in all areas of it at once. In your terms each part of the canvas could be a time period–say, a given century. You are trying to keep some kind of overall balance and purpose in mind, so when you make one brushstroke in any particular portion of this canvas, all the relationships within the entire area can change. No brushstroke is ever really wiped out, however, in this mysterious canvas of our analogy, but remains, further altering all the relationships at its particular level.


These magical brushstrokes, however, are not simple representations of a flat surface, but alive, carrying within themselves all of the artist’s intent, but focused through the characteristics of each individual stroke.


If the artist paints a doorway, all of the sensed perspectives within it open, and add further dimensions of reality. Since this is our analogy, we can stretch it as far as we like–far further than any artist could stretch his canvas. Therefore, there is no need to limit ourselves. The canvas itself can change size and shape as the artist works. The people in the artist’s painting are not simple representations either– to stare back at him with forever-fixed glassy eyes, or ostentatious smiles, dressed in their best Sunday clothes. Instead, they can confront the artist and talk back. They can turn sideways in the painting and look at their companions, observe their environment, and even look out of the dimensions of the painting itself and question the artist


Now the psyche in our analogy is both the painting and the artist, for the artist finds that all of the elements within the painting are portions of himself. More, as he looks about, our artist discovers that he is literally surrounded by other paintings that he is also producing. As he looks closer, he discovers that there is a still-greater masterpiece in which he appears as an artist creating the very same paintings that he begins to recognize.


Our artist then realizes that all of the people he painted are also painting their own pictures, and moving about in their own realities in a way that even he cannot perceive.


In a flash of insight it occurs to him that he has been painted — that there is another artist behind him from whom his own creativity springs, and he also begins to look out of the frame.

The greater dimensions of our being

Step aside from all conventionalized doctrines, and to some extent or another we are impatient to examine and experience the natural flowing nature that is our birthright. That birthright has long been clothed in symbols and mythologies.


Consciousness forms symbols. It is not the other way around. Symbols are great exuberant playthings. We can build with then as we can with children’s blocks. We can learn from them, as once we piled alphabet blocks together in a stack at school. Symbols are as natural to our minds as trees are to the earth. There is a difference, however, between a story told to children about forests, and a real child in a real woods. Both the story and the woods becomes involved in its life cycle, treads upon leaves that fell yesterday, rests beneath trees far older than his or her memory, and looks up at night to see a moon that will soon disappear. Looking at an illustration of the woods may give a child some excellent imaginative experiences, but they will be of a different kind, and the child knows the difference.


If we mistake the symbols for the reality, however, we will program our experience, and we will insist that each forest look like the pictures in our book. In other words, we will expect our own experiences with various portions of our psyche to be more of less the same. We will take our local laws with us, and we will try to tell psychic time with a wristwatch.


We will have to use some of our terms however, particularly in the beginning. Other terms with which we are familiar, we will squeeze out of all recognition. The reality of our own being cannot be defined by anyone but us, and then our own definition must be understood as a reference point at best. The psychologist, the priest, the physicist, the philosopher or the guru, can explain our own psyche to us only insofar as those specialists can forget that they are specialists, and deal directly with the private psyche from which all specializations come.

The Earth is composed of many environments, so is the Psyche

As there are different continents, islands, mountains, seas, and peninsulas, so the psyche takes various shapes. If we live in one country, we often consider natives in other areas of the world as foreigners, while of course they see us in the same light. In those terms, the psyche contains many other levels of reality. From our point of view these might appear alien, and yet they are as much a part of our psyche as our motherland is a portion of the earth.


Different countries follow different kinds of constitutions, and even within any geographical area there may be various local laws followed by the populace. For example, if we are driving a car we may discover to our chagrin that the local speed limit in one small town is miles slower than in another. In the same manner, different portions of the psyche exist with their own local “laws,” their different kinds of “government.” They each possess their own characteristic geography.


If we are traveling around the world, we have to make frequent time adjustments. When we travel through the psyche, we will also discover that our own time is automatically squeezed out of shape. If for a moment we try to imagine that we were able to carry our own time with us on such a journey, all packaged neatly in a wrist-watch, then we would be quite amazed at what would happen.


As we approached the boundaries of certain psychic lands, the wristwatch would run backwards. As we entered other kingdoms of the psyche our watch would go faster or slower. Now, if time suddenly ran backward we would notice it. If it ran faster or slower enough, we would also notice the difference. If time ran backward very slowly, and according to the conditions, we might not be aware of the difference, because it would take so much “time” to get from the present moment to the one “before” it that we might be struck, instead, simply with the feeling that something was familiar, as if it had happened before.


In other lands of the psyche, however, even stranger events might occur. The watch itself might change shape, or turn heavy as a rock, or as light as a gas, so that we could not read the time at all. Or the hands might never move. Different portions of the psyche are familiar with all of those mentioned occurrences–because the psyche straddles any of the local laws that we recognize as “official,” and has within itself the capacity to deal with an infinite number of reality-experiences.


Obviously our physical body has capacities that few of us use to full advantage. But beyond this the species itself possesses the possibilities for adaptations that allow it to exist and persist in the physical environment under drastically varying circumstances. Hidden within the corporal biological structure there are latent specializations that would allow the species to continue, and that take into consideration any of the planetary changes that might occur for whatever reasons.


The psyche however, while being earth-tuned in our experience, also has many other systems of reality “to contend with.” Each psyche, then, contains within it the potentials, abilities, and powers that are possible, or capable of actualization under any conditions.


The psyche, our psyche, can record and experience time backward, forward, or sideways through systems of alternate presents, of it can maintain its own integrity in a no-time environment. The psyche is the creator of time complexes. Theoretically, the most fleeting moment of our day can be prolonged endlessly. This would not be a static elongation, however, but a vivid delving into that moment, from which all time as we think of it, past and future and all its probabilities, might emerge.

PSYCHE: Conscious and Unconscious

We come into the condition we call life, and pass out of it. In between birth and death, we wonder at the nature of our own being. We search our experience and study official histories of the past, hoping to find their clues as to the nature of our own reality.


Our life seems synonymous with our consciousness. Therefore it appears that our knowledge of oneself grows gradually, as our self-consciousness develops from our birth. It appears, furthermore, that our consciousness will meet a death beyond which our self-consciousness will not survive. We may think longingly and with an almost hopeful nostalgia of the religion of our childhood, and remember a system of belief that ensured us of immortality. Yet most of us, yearn for some private and intimate assurances, and seek for some inner certainty that our own individuality is not curtly dismissed at death. Each person knows intuitively that his or her own experience somehow matter, and that there is a meaning, however obscured, that connects the individual with a greater creative pattern. Each person senses now and then a private purpose, and yet many are filled with frustration because that inner goal is not consciously known or clearly apprehended.


When we were children we knew we were growing toward an adulthood. We were sustained by the belief in projected abilities–that is, we took it for granted that we were in the process of learning and growing. No matter what happened to us, we lived in a kind of rarefied psychic air, in which our being was charged and glowing. We knew we were in a state of becoming. The world, in those terms, is also in a state of becoming.


In private life and on the world stage, action is occurring all the time. It is easy to look at oneself or at the world, to see oneself and become so hypnotized by our present state that all change or growth seems impossible, or to see the world in the same manner.


We do not remember our birth, as a rule. Certainly is seems that we do not remember the birth of the world. We had a history, however, before our birth — even as it seems to us that the world had a history before we were born.


The sciences still keep secrets from each other. The physical sciences pretend that the centuries exist one after the other, while the physicists realize that time is not only relative to the perceiver, but that all events are simultaneous. The archeologists merrily continue to date the remains of “past” civilizations, never asking themselves what the past means — or saying: “This is the past relative to my point or perception.”


Astronomers speak of outer space and of galaxies that would dwarf our own. In the world that we recognize there are also wars and rumors of wars, prophets of destruction. Yet in spite of all, the private man or the private woman, unknown, anonymous to the world at large, stubbornly feels within a rousing, determined affirmation that says: “I am important. I have a purpose, even though I do not understand what it is. “My life that seems so insignificant and inefficient, is nevertheless of prime importance in some way that I do not recognize.”


Though caught up in life of seeming frustration, obsessed with family problems, uneasy in sickness, defeated it seems for all practical purposes, some portion of each individual rouses against all disasters, all discouragements, and now and then at least glimpses a sense of enduring validity that cannot be denied. It is to that knowing portion of each individual I Speak to.

Flight of Geese and their “New” home

The view of sky sweeping over the hill makes it much easier to see the great flights of geese heading south for the winter. Twice a week in the daytime, and once at night, large flocks have passed over. On each occasion, we can hear them inside the house, then rushed into the yard. The geese seem to be more numerous on cloudy days and clear nights.


One late-afternoon gaggle reached nearly from horizon to horizon, in three long and very noisy V-formations. And always, one bird led each V, with the two sides of the bird ‘lettering’ trailing back quite unevenly–wobbling, flexing, shifting. What free sociable claques, I thought. Amazing, the way their honking carried back to me. I watched the geese fly toward the hills on the far side of the valley; I could still hear them even when they’d become practically invisible.


In its way the nighttime visitation was even more mysterious, for that time I looked up at a starlit but moonless sky that didn’t have a cloud in sight–and heard this multitudinous sound moving across it. The night was chilly. All of the qualities of the birds’ flight were heightened for me by its very invisibility, for while I actually saw no geese at all, that sound was everywhere. And what guided, innate knowledge–or what? And I knew that no objective reasoning processes alone could explain their magnificent flight.


Some how the twice-yearly, north-south migrations of the geese have become symbols for me of the known and unknown qualities of life–sublime and indecipherable at the same time, enduring yet fleeting, and almost outside of the range of human events. For me, those migrations have become portents of the seasons and of the earth itself as it swings around “our” sun in great rhythms. The one consciousness (mine) stands in its body on the ground and looks up at the strange variations of itself represented by the geese. And wonders. In their own ways, do the geese wonder also? What kind of hidden interchange between species take place at such times? If the question could be answered, would all of reality in its unending mystery lie revealed before us?

ESP: Is more developed or consciously available in some individuals than in others.

But so is a “gift” for music, or baseball or whatever. I find it difficult to believe that many millions of people must wait for a handful of their “superior” peers–philosophers, scientists, psychologists, parapsychologists–to tell them it’s all right to believe in at least a few of the inner abilities that each of us possesses, to whatever degree. Obviously, numerous individuals simply refuse to wait for the official light or recognition to shine forth.


That wait could be a very long one. Who is to help initiate meaningful changes in our psychological and social orders? Surely many people feel the necessity to turn aside from the selected dogmas of our time. Our world present definitions of personality are so limited as the conventional meaning implied by the term ESP.


Science is “objective” enough in its own terms of serial time and measurement, as it claims to be, but that eventually it must choose to look inward as thoroughly as it does outward. To me, much of the turmoil in the world results from our steadfast refusal to accept a major portion of our natural heritage. We project our inner knowledge “outward” in distorted fashion; thus on a global scale we thrash about with our problems of war, overpopulation, and dwindling natural resources, to name but a few.


Each of us chose such a course at this time — but now, I think, a time of imperative change is necessary if we are to continue our progress as a species. A new blending of inner and outer consciousness’s — a new, more meaningful coalition of intellectual and intuitive abilities — will be the latest step in the process of “consciousness knowing itself”.


There are bound to be significant clues as to the nature of the human animal: creative clues that can’t help but enlighten us in many — and sometimes unexpected–ways.


Consciousness is more than encompassing enough to embrace all that we are, and everything that each of us can even remotely conceive of doing or being. Try as we might, we’ll not exhaust or annihilate consciousness: Whatever we accomplish as people will still leave room for — indeed, demand — further ramifications and development. And in the interim we can always look at nature with its innocent, spontaneous order to sustain us. We can at least observe, and enjoy, the behavior of other species with whom we share the world.

Reincarnational, counterparts, and probable selves, and families of consciousness, suggest the human personality.

Also hints of the invisible psychological thickness that fills out the physical event of the self in time.


Following an intuitive and inner organization rather than a linear one, would arouse the creative revelatory characteristics of the psyche. The psyche’s deep resources evolve into timeless material. Like being reckless in the pursuit of the ideal.


No one, whether that individual is a psychic, a mystic, a writer, a poet, or even if he/she combines all of those qualities, can encompass all of the incredible differences within the human species. It’s up to the multidimensional, multitudinous, over for billion multinational individuals on this planet to follow their own intuitions and seek answers in their personal ways.


We have much to learn about our inner and outer worlds that once an attempt is made to discuss those large issues, a host of questions arise.