Perhaps the computer analogy will help in this presentation. We have used this before… Imagine that this process of Soul Family member negotiation, acceptance, and denial occurs as though within the processors of the world’s fastest computer. Our subconscious mind, which is related to the Collective Consciousness of all humanity, is like this great computer, in that, without expending great amounts of energy, it instantaneously assesses each individual we meet in our existence and notes Soul Family connections throughout time.

We are unaware of this activity as we observe the person in front of you. We may be thinking to ourselves, “I am drawn to this person,” or, “I would like to feel this person out, to see if there is something to be discovered here.”

Now obviously, this great computer of consciousness may not reveal to us ALL of data it is processing about human individuals we meet. Our mental environment would become quite disoriented and flooded with information if this were the case.

And so we place amnesia upon the majority of this information and allow in only what is necessary to allow us to make our decisions and learn our Lessons.