Root Assumptions

Root assumptions represent the basic premises upon which a given existence-system is formed. These are the ground rules, so such a way that reality is perceived through the lens of particular root assumptions, then. Using the physical senses, it is almost impossible for us to perceive reality in any other way.


Physically speaking, we will find nothing to contradict these assumptions, since they are all we can experience or perceive physically. These root assumptions are the framework of the camouflage system. As we explore other realities, we almost automatically interpret such data in terms of the root assumptions of our own system.


This highly falsifies such information. The inner senses are not bound by those assumptions, however. This is why so many psychic or subjective experiences seem to contradict physical laws. We must learn the ‘laws’ that apply to other systems.


The root assumptions that govern physical reality are indeed valid, but within physical reality alone. They do not apply elsewhere. There is a natural tendency to continue judging experience against these assumptions, however. With experience, the habit will lose much of its hold. Inner experience must be colored to some extent by the physical system, while we exist in it. In order for such data to rise to conscious levels, for example, it must be translated into terms that the ego can understand, and the translation is bound to distort the original experience.


The whole physical organism of the body has been trained to react to certain patterns, these based on physical root assumptions. The nervous system reacts definitely to visual block images. Such images are received through the skin, as well as through the eyes. The whole system is highly complicated and organized. This is obviously necessary for physical survival.


The organization however is, biologically speaking, artificial and learned. It is no less rigid for that reason. This organizational structure of perception can be broken up, as LSD and Meth experiments certainly show. This can be dangerous, however. The fact that this does occur shows that the systems of perception are not a part of overall structure biologically, but learned secondary responses. It is disturbing to the whole organism, however, to break up the strong pattern of usual perception. Inner stability of response is suddenly swept away. Changes that are not yet known occur within the nervous system under these circumstances, both electromagnetic and chemical.


The inner senses alone are equipped to process and perceive other reality systems. Even the distortions can be kept at a minimum with training. Indiscriminate use of the psychedelic drugs, like amazon mushrooms or LSD, can severely shake up learned patterns of response that are necessary for effective manipulation within physical reality. This can break subtle connections and we disturb electromagnetic functions. Some ask “can you smoke magic mushrooms and have lesser distortion?” While there is a lesser distortion as the high is milder, that is not an excuse for indiscriminate smoking. Ego failure is a risk that can result without responsibility.


Development of the inner senses is a much more effective method of perceiving other realities, and, followed correctly, the ego is not only stronger but more flexible. Even consciousness of physical reality is increased. Such development becomes an unfolding and natural expansion of the whole personality.


These root assumptions are so a part of our existence that they cloud our dreams. Beneath them, however, portions of the self perceive physical reality in an entirely different fashion, free of the tyranny of objects and physical form. Here we experience concepts directly, without the need for symbols. We have knowledge of our ‘past’ personalities and know that they exist simultaneously with our own.


The practice of psychological time will allow us to reach these portions of the self. The ego is not artificially disorganized by such practice. It is simply bypassed for the moment. The experience gained does become a part of the physical structure, but there is no massive disorganization of perception, since the ego agrees to step aside momentarily.


It is not bombarded, as with the drug experiments, and forced to experience chaotic and frightening perceptions that can terrify it into complete disorder. Survival in our system is dependent upon the highly specialized, focused, limited but specific qualities of the ego. It should not be rigid. Neither should it be purposed weakened.


The root assumption upon which physical reality is formed represent secure ground to the ego. We always operate with the ego’s consent. It interprets the inner knowledge gained in its own way, true, but it is immeasurably enriched by so doing.


The ego can exist only within the context of these assumptions. The primary dream experience is finally woven into a structure composed of these assumptions, and it is these we remember. These serve us as basic information but the information is in symbolic form. Objects, are symbols. Dream objects are often symbols of realities that the ego could not otherwise perceive.


Some out-of-body experiences are extremely difficult to categorize and involve extraordinarily sensuous events that remain vivid long after their occurrence. Some are suggestive of drug-induced episodes, except for the greater sense of alertness and self-control.

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