In collaboration with your energy personality you may take back your power.
To take back power is very healthy thing to do for a human quite used to “hiding” within the security of groups. This is not a power “over” but a power “with,” you see – a power shared with all other incarnated humans beings. You will be reminded that you are first an individual Soul within a physical body. YOU-Soul are at the center of your physical and non-physical worlds. This cosmic center of our world is all-powerful. Though it appears that you are perhaps simply a tiny voice within a very large chorus, on a Soul level you know that you have only “pretended” to have this small voice. You had no intention of giving up your power permanently.

Let me digress on this point for a moment… in the reincarnational drama of our life, there is much pretending. The ego loves to pretend that life is a certain way and that interesting and dramatic events are occurring. If it were not for the ego’s excellent dramatic skills in diverting your attention from the TRUE reality beneath the façade, we would not believe with all our heart in the camouflage reality in which we live. So it is healthy and necessary, to a degree, to believe in the fantasies and pretendings that make up our moment-to-moment existence. However, if we are to awaken, we may have to dispense with the comforting stories of our physical reality. Now that is not to say that we must surrender ALL of the physical trappings of our Personal Reality. That is not advisable and indeed that is not possible for most of us.

To take back our power requires some personalized, empowered imagery. Perhaps we can remember when we experienced our power being ceded to authorities. Perhaps we can remember feeling diminished. Perhaps we remember feeling that it was necessary to be a part of the group. If so, it should be easy to create our ritual. Simply consider the opposites of these feelings and these images.

So just as I asked you to consider your personal feeling relative to a subtle emotion of peace and security, I now ask you to consider those ideas, images and emotions relative to the idea of “taking back power.” And again, it is a good idea to write down what comes to your mind. Draw pictures of the images you see in your mind. Consolidate these mental constructs into one image or emotion that virtually resonates with personal empowerment. If you feel it would help, you might create a symbolic piece of jewelry to wear or create a statement to repeat to yourself that infers the empowering ideas and images for You-the-Soul.

Now as an example: let us suppose you are experiencing a sense of disempowerment with regards to your family. This may be long-standing condition for you, as it is with many of your contemporaries. Though you are now an adult, your parents or other family members may treat you as though you are still a child. You ceded your power to these family members when you were a child and possibly reinforced this dynamic throughout your life to “Keep peace” within the group, to be a part of the family collective, in effect saying, “I am not powerful enough, I am not worthy enough to participate in the family and have my words valued.

Let these others, the authorities, run the show, and I shall reside in the background.” Then as you grew to adulthood, you used this template of creation to create your roles in other groups: in school, in social groups, at work, and so on. The single template has served to create for you a lifetime of subservience to authority. You have become this “small voice” within every group thereafter.

You are now creating a different template for the creation of personal realities. It may be “the opposite” of the template you have been using since childhood. Now create your relaxed state. It should only take a few moments. You may connect it to snapping your fingers or gesturing with your facial expressions in some way, so that you need only to snap your fingers or gesture and instantly you are relaxed and ready for the experiment. When you are relaxed, consider your chant, imagery, piece of art, manifesto or other focusing object. Remember, it must have the capacity to elicit confidence and a sense of personal power.

As you experiment with this in mind, the ritual will grow stronger and more potent. When it has become habitual, you may bring it with you and perform it mentally in the field whenever you experience disempowerment or abuse in physical reality. You are then recreating reality through a new filter and you will perceive and create empowered physical realities thereafter.

FINDINGS – Document your findings. Does the hypothesis need to be changed to reflect findings over time?