We do have many awakenings in our day-to-day existence, and these can be opportunities for accessing the spiritual awakening we seek. For example: each time you awaken from sleep, we have an opportunity to awaken also in a spiritual sense. As I have described in theses Blogs, our nighttime activities entail a great deal of what we might term “spiritual” or “Soul–Directed” activities. Yet on our awakening after sleep, the rigors of physical reality.

The lessons we are learning currently may be categorized according to the three broad topics we will cover in the next three series of Blogs. This is a continuation of our discussion on the blessing “healthy, wealthy and wise” from our last Blog Series.

Now health would obviously entail Lessons Learned regarding the physical body, mind and spirit. We are asserting here the symptoms and illnesses humans generate within their bodies are for educational purposes. Each illness is a physical expression of inherently nonphysical Idea Constructs.

The same may be said of prosperity. The lessons of the Acquisition of wealth and the utilization of that form of energy is spiritual at its base. Money and wealth are simply very potent ideas pertaining to security and value in the physical domain. So here again, the physical is simply the observable component of the invisible, nonphysical spiritual construct.

The wisdom of the Soul, the third element in this blessing, may be accomplished in the learning of these symbolic Lessons in physical reality by allowing these Life Lessons to transform the psyche. Loving Understanding and Courage are some of the results of this transformative phenomenon.